Campbell Scientific Open Path Eddy Covariance User Manual

Open-Path Eddy-Covariance
System Operator’s Manual
IRGASON, KH20, and FW05
Revision: 4/13
Copyright © 2004-2013
Campbell Scientific, Inc.



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your country.
To obtain a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA), contact CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC., phone (435) 227-9000. After an applications engineer determines the nature of the problem, an RMA number will be issued. Please write this number clearly on the outside of the shipping container. Campbell Scientific’s shipping address is:
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. RMA#_____ 815 West 1800 North Logan, Utah 84321-1784
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Table of Contents

PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. System Description ....................................................1
1.1 OPEC (CSAT3 Only)...........................................................................1
1.2 Basic OPEC..........................................................................................1
1.3 Extended OPEC ...................................................................................2
1.4 Additional Fast Response Sensors .......................................................2
2. Installation and Mounting ..........................................2
2.1 Fetch and Sensor Height ......................................................................4
2.2 Mounting..............................................................................................4
2.2.1 Measure Sonic Azimuth................................................................4
2.3 Wiring ..................................................................................................4
2.4 Power ...................................................................................................4
3. System Datalogger Program......................................5
3.1 Program Configuration.........................................................................6
3.1.1 Sonic Azimuth ..............................................................................6
3.1.2 Sensor Configuration ....................................................................8
3.2 Loading a Program to the Datalogger ..................................................9
3.2.1 Direct Connection via LoggerNet .................................................9
3.2.2 Remote via PC/CF Card................................................................9
3.3 System Operation...............................................................................10
3.3.1 Monitoring Data..........................................................................10
3.3.2 Status Table.................................................................................10
4. Data ............................................................................ 11
4.1 Data Retrieval ....................................................................................12
4.1.1 Direct Connection Data Retrieval via LoggerNet .......................13
4.1.2 File Management with Baler.......................................................15
4.1.3 Remote Data Retrieval via a PC/CF Card...................................17
4.1.4 File Management with CardConvert...........................................18 Collecting Data with One Card ........................................21 Collecting Data with Two Cards ......................................22
4.2 Data Processing..................................................................................24
4.2.1 Online Processing .......................................................................24
4.2.2 Off-line Processing with EdiRe ..................................................24 Creating Raw File Format and Processing Lists ..............25 Example EdiRe Raw File Format and Processing Lists ...27
5. Basic Eddy-Covariance Theory...............................31
Table of Contents
CSAT3 Orientation ..................................................A-1
A.1 Determining True North and Sensor Orientation ............................ A-1
A.2 Online Magnetic Declination Calculator ......................................... A-3
B. References...............................................................B-1
C. OPEC200 Open Path Eddy Covariance System
Quickstart Guide................................................... C-1
2-1. Open-Path Eddy-Covariance (IRGASON) System ............................. 3
3-1. IRGASON right hand coordinate system, horizontal wind vector
angle is 0 degrees............................................................................. 7
3-2. Compass coordinate system, compass wind direction is 140
degrees ............................................................................................. 8
4-1. LoggerNet station setup for the “flux” table...................................... 13
4-2. LoggerNet station setup for the “ts_data” table................................. 14
4-3. LoggerNet station data collection schedule....................................... 14
4-4. LoggerNet station status monitor ...................................................... 15
4-5. Baler station setup for the “flux” table .............................................. 16
4-6. Baler station setup for the “ts_data” table ......................................... 16
4-7. File format flow................................................................................. 18
4-8. Destination File Option screen .......................................................... 19
4-9. Fully configured CardConvert start up screen................................... 20
4-10. List of files created by CardConvert.................................................. 21
4-11. List of files created by CardConvert with duplicates ........................ 22
4-12. List of files where the duplicate files are renamed to *.bak .............. 22
4-13. List of files collected the first time using two cards .......................... 23
4-14. List of files collected the second time using two cards ..................... 23
4-15. Interpreter settings to read a Campbell Scientific TOB1 data file..... 26
4-16. Folder that contains the raw TOB1 time series data files .................. 26
4-17. Completed Interpreter screen............................................................. 27
4-18. Estimated sample frequency and correct sample frequency .............. 27
4-19. Default EdiRe processing list created by the Interpreter ................... 28
4-20. Output file location as part of the processing list .............................. 29
4-21. Output file location as part of the processing list .............................. 29
4-22. Processing Uz and CO2 with 1 Chn Statistics instruction .................. 30
4-23. Computing CO2 flux with 2 Chn Statistics and graphing Uz
statistic with Plot Value instruction ............................................... 30
5-1. Ideal vertical profiles of virtual potential temperature and specific
humidity depicting all the layers of the atmospheric boundary
layer ............................................................................................... 31
A-1. Magnetic declination for the conterminous United States (2004) ... A-1 A-2. A declination angle East of True North (positive) is subtracted
from 360 (0) degrees to find True North...................................... A-2
A-3. A declination angle West of True North (negative) is subtracted
from 0 (360) degrees to find True North...................................... A-2
A-4. Online magnetic declination calculator with inputs and output
for Longmont, CO........................................................................ A-3
Table of Contents
2-1. Nominal Sensor Power Requirements..................................................5
2-2. Nominal Datalogger Power Requirements with the Display Off
and No RS-232 Communications .....................................................5
2-3. Nominal Datalogger Power Requirements with the Display and
Backlight On, and No RS-232 Communications..............................5
Table of Contents
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System
This document will serve as a guide to properly install and operate a Campbell Scientific Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System (OPEC). The OPEC is composed of various products, e.g., dataloggers, fast response turbulence sensors, slow response meteorological sensors, and software. These products are manufactured by Campbell Scientific and other vendors. Manuals for each of these sensors shipped with the system. It is time well spent reviewing these documents.
Before deploying the equipment in the field, Campbell Scientific Inc. recommends that it be installed in the lab or outside near the office. Doing so will give the station operator an opportunity practice installing the equipment, confirming that all the required parts are available, and practice retrieving data from the system. It is much more convent and less expensive to trouble shoot the station near the office.
The literature contains information that spans 50 years on Eddy-Covariance theory and measurements. Section 5 briefly touches Eddy-Covariance theory. For more details on Eddy-Covariance measurements and data analysis, see the literature.

1. System Description

The Campbell Scientific Open-Path Eddy-Covariance (OPEC) system measures sonic sensible heat flux, momentum flux, and the flux of other scalars between the atmosphere and earth’s surface. The system consists of a datalogger, fast response three-dimensional sonic anemometer, and fast response scalar sensors. Horizontal wind speed and direction are computed by the datalogger from the three-dimensional measurements of wind made by the sonic anemometer.

1.1 OPEC (CSAT3 Only)

The minimum components required to make eddy-covariance measurements are a datalogger, a CSAT3 three-dimensional sonic anemometer, and a temperature and humidity probe. This system configuration measures sonic sensible heat flux, momentum flux, temperature, humidity, horizontal wind speed, and wind direction. This system configuration is used to compute eddy diffusivity required to compute fluxes of trace gases measured with a gradient system (Warland, et al., 2001).

1.2 Basic OPEC

A more typical eddy-covariance system consists of a datalogger, an IRGASON (integrated gas analyzer and sonic anemometer). With this configuration, the system can measure carbon dioxide flux, latent heat flux, sonic sensible heat flux, momentum flux, a sensible heat flux (using sonic temperature corrected for humidity), temperature, humidity, horizontal wind speed, and wind direction.
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System

1.3 Extended OPEC

Energy balance sensors can be added to a basic OPEC system to also measure the net radiation, soil heat flux, soil temperature, and soil water content. The sensors required for these additional measurements are a NR-LITE, CNR2, NR01 or CNR4 net radiometer; two or four HFP01 or HFP01-SC soil heat flux plates, one or two TCAV averaging soil temperature probes, and one or two CS616 or CS650 soil moisture reflectometers. The number of soil sensors will vary with the site. A heterogeneous site will require more sensors to get adequate spatial representation of the site. The datalogger can accommodate the additional measurements with a multiplexer. Energy balance sensors no longer carried by Campbell Scientific are also supported by the extended OPEC datalogger program, including the Q7.1 and CNR1 net radiometers, and HFT3 soil heat flux plates.

1.4 Additional Fast Response Sensors

If the application requires a direct measurement of sensible heat flux, a FW05 can be added to the system. In the absence of a FW05 or if the FW05 breaks, the sensible heat flux can be found using the sonic temperature corrected for humidity.
A KH20 Krypton hygrometer, instead of the IRGASON gas analyzer, can be used to measure the latent heat flux. The KH20 can not be used to measure an absolute concentration of water vapor, because of scaling on the source tube windows caused by disassociation of atmospheric continuants by the ultra violet photons (Campbell and Tanner, 1985 and Buck, 1976). A slow response humidity sensor is used to measure the absolute humidity required to compute the air density. Air density is needed to scale the covariances into sensible heat flux and momentum flux. The rate of scaling on the KH20 windows is a function of the atmospheric humidity. In high humidity environments, scaling can occur within a few hours. That scaling attenuates the signal and can cause shifts in the calibration. However, the scaling over a typical flux averaging period is small. Thus, water vapor fluctuation measurements can still be made with the hygrometer. The effects of the scaling can be easily reversed by wiping the windows with a moist swab.

2. Installation and Mounting

When making eddy-covariance measurements near the surface (less than 3 meters), mount the datalogger enclosure between the legs of the CM106 tripod, on a separate tripod, or user-supplied drive stake. Also, mount any sensor electronics boxes as far from the fast response sensors as possible and always use the tripod guy kit. This will minimize potential flow distortions and tower sway caused by wind blowing against the fiberglass enclosure. See the tripod manuals for detailed installation instructions.
FIGURE 2-1 depicts a typical Open-Path Eddy-Covariance station. Point the Eddy-Covariance sensors into the prevailing wind to minimize the flow distortion from the tower, mounting hardware, and other sensors.
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System
Keep a log book for each station. Record the date and personnel name for all site visits, as well as all maintenance and work that is performed during the site visit. Document the condition of the sensors and site with a digital camera.
FIGURE 2-1. Open-Path Eddy-Covariance (IRGASON) System
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System
2.1 Fetch and

2.2 Mounting

2.2.1 Measure So
Sensor Height
The eddy-covariance sensors must be mounted at some height to ensure that the measurements are made within the layer grows at a rate of approximately 1 vertical meter per 100 horizontal meters. Thus, a height to fetch (horizontal distance travelled) ratio of 1:100 may be used as an absolute bare minimum rough rule of thumb for determini the measurement height.
The fetch should be homogenous and flat, and no abrupt changes in vegeta height should exist (Tanner, 1988). Consider two adjacent fields, the first planted with 1 m tall cor Covariance sensors mounted at 2 m above the corn field should have a minimum of 200 m of fetch in all the directions that the data is of interest, particularly between the eddy-covariance sensors and the interface between the corn and soybean field.
The IRGASON is mounted to a tripod or tower using a horizontal mounting arm (CM20x) and IRGASON manua EC100 electronics.
n and the second with 0.5 m soybean. Eddy-
a leveling mounting kit (CM250). Section 3 of the
l contains detailed information on mounting the sensors and
nic Azimuth
local surface layer. The local surface

2.3 Wiring

2.4 Power

To compute the correct compass wind direction, th the negative x-axis azimuth of the sonic into the program variable “sonic_azimuth”. If the sonic is installed such that it points into the wind, the negative x-axis is pointing into the prevailing wind. Take azimuth of the negative x-ax
Don’t forget to account for the magnetic declination at the site; see Appendix A for details.
A Campbell Scie configurations and utilize several different dataloggers. It is impractical to document the different wiring schemes in this manual. However, each custom datalogger program (p/n 18442 or 18443) ships with a complete and detailed wiring diagram.
The system requires about 1.5 to 6 W continuous power, depending on the
atalogger and sensor configuration. The approximate power requirements of
d various key components, for a system running at 10 Hz, are listed in TABLE 2-1, TABL
ntific Open-Path Eddy-Covariance system can take on several
E 2-2, and TABLE 2-3.
is (prevailing wind).
e station operator must enter
a compass
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System
TABLE 2-1. Nominal Sensor Power Requirements
Sensor Power (mW)
IRGASON 400 mA @ 12.5 Vdc
IRGASON (gas head powered 240 mA @ 12.5 Vdc
down) KH20 10 - 20 mA @ 12.5 Vdc
HMP45C <3.8 mA @ 12.5 Vdc
TABLE 2-2. Nominal Data r Requirements wit
the Display Off a ommunications
Datalogger Power (mW) CR1000 w/ CFM100 & CF card 8 mA @ 12.5 Vdc CR3000 w/ CFM100 & CF card 39 mA @ 12.5 Vdc
CR5000 w/ PC/CF card 63 mA @ 12.5 Vdc
TABLE 2-3. Nominal Data r Requirements wit
t t On, and No R ns
he Display and Backligh S-232 Communicatio
Datalogger Power (mW) CR1000 w/ CFM100 & CF card 109 mA @ 12.5 Vdc CR3000 w/ CFM100 & CF card 75 mA @ 12.5 Vdc
CR5000 w/ PC/CF card 170 mA @ 12.5 Vdc
The OPEC system is powered by an external power supply system. The power supply can be a Campbell Scientific PS84, a third party solar power supply system, or a user supplied power system.
With a Campbell Scientific PS84 solar power system, connect the OPEC sensor power cables to the positive and negative terminals of the power su For a third party power system, see the specific power supply system manual for installation and connection instructions.
logger Powe h
nd No RS-232 C
logger Powe h
3. System Data
Power connections are listed in the text files shipped with the datalogger programs (p/n 18442 or 18443). Be sure the datalogger has a good earth ground to provide maximum protection against voltage surges due to prim and secondary lightning strikes. Cam dataloggers in the field be earth grounded. All components of the system (datalogger, sensors, external power s referenced to one common earth gro has frequent lightning strikes, spark gaps may be required to protect the datalogger from transient voltages.
pbell Scientific recommends that all
upplies, mounts, housing, etc.) must be
und. When long cables are used or a site
logger Program
The open-path eddy-covariance datalogger program integrates all of the in an open-path eddy-covariance station into a single system. Part number 18442 is a program for a basic system and p/n 18443 is a program for an extended system (with energy balance sensors). Each program is custom written for the order. If your order did not include either p/n 18442 or 18443
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System
as a line item on the order, contact Campbell Scientific to purchase the appropriate datalogger program for your open-path eddy-covariance system.
The program covers a variety of sensors and is continuously growing. If your system uses sensors that are not currently supported by the program, add the appropriate measurement and processing instructions to the program or contact Campbell Scientific for assistance. Campbell Scientific charges for custom datalogger programming with a one hour minimum and one hour resolution; call for current Application Engineering time rates.
The datalogger program aligns the measurements in time from the CSAT3, IRGASON, KH20, and FW05 before computing online fluxes. The IRGASO delay is a function of the user programmed bandwidth setting. The delay as a function of bandwidth is are removed before the data is used to compute the online fluxes. These fixed delays are computed automatically by the datalogger program, based in the IRGASON bandwidth setting. The default IRGASON bandwidth is 20 Hz. The sensor delays are not removed from the high frequency time series data saved to Final Storage.
Depending on the system configuration, the datalogger programs compute carbon dioxide flux, latent heat flux, sonic sensible heat flux, s flux, momentum flux, and friction velocity, along with all the second moment covariances, standard d sensible heat flux usin vapor. This sensible heat flux can also be found from the sonic sensible heat flux and latent heat flux in post processing (see Appendix B).
given in the IRGASON manual. The sensor delays
ensible heat
eviations, and means. The program will also compute a
g the sonic temperature corrected for the effects of water
3.1 Program C
3.1.1 Sonic Azimu
The site attendant must enter unique calibrati information into the datalogger program. This information includes, but is not limit
ed to, the calibration coefficients for the net radiometer and soil heat flux
s, or site pressure. To find the section of the program where these changes are made, search for the text “Unique”. These values are added to the program before it is downloaded into the datalogger.
The example programs report the wind direction in both the sonic coordin system (a right-handed coordinate system) and in the compass coordinate system (a left-handed coordinate system). The sonic coordinate system is relative to the sonic itself and does not depend on the sonic’s orientation (azimuth of the negative x-axis). The compass coordinate s the earth. In order for the program to compute the correct compass wind direction, the azimuth of the sonic negative x-axis must be entered into the program. The program default value for the variable “sonic_azimuth” is 0. This assumes that the prevailing wind is from the North, e.g., the sonic is mounted such that the negative x-axis points to the North.
The variable “sonic_azimuth” can be changed on the fly using the CR3000 keyboard display or via LoggerNet. Once a “sonic_azimuth” is entered, the value is saved in the CPU. The program default “sonic_azimuth” is used on if a site specific value has not been entered using the keyboard or through LoggerNet.
on coefficients or site-specific
ystem is fixed to
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System
To enter the “sonic_azimuth” using the datalogger keyboard, press the <Esc> key until the Campbell Scientific Inc. logo is visible in the upper left hand corner of the display. Press the <Enter> key. Select the menu “Sonic_Azmth” and press the <Enter> key. Enter the azimuth of the negative x-axis and press the <Enter> key. Press the <Esc> several times so that the Campb logo if visible.
To enter the “sonic_azimuth” using LoggerNet, connect to the datalogger with LoggerNet and display the Public data table. Locate the variable “sonic_azimuth” and click on it. Double click on the number field, negative x-axis azimuth and
press the <enter> key.
ell Scientific
enter the
Don’t forget to account for the magnetic declination at the site; see Appendix A for details.
FIGURE 3-1 and FIGURE 3-2 show the orientation of an IRGASON azimuth bearing of 140 degrees, e.g., the negative x-axis i s pointing into 140 degrees. If the wind is blowing into the sonic, from the negative x-axis to the positive x­axis (from the transducers to the block), the horizontal wind vector angle (wind_dir_csat3) is 0 degrees (wind vector) and the compass wind direction (wnd_dir_compass) is 140 degrees (wind vane).
Wind Vane Wind Vector
FIGURE 3-1. IRGASON right hand coordinate system, horizontal wind
vector angle is 0 degrees
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System
FIGURE 3-2. Compass coordinate system, compass wind direction is
140 degrees
Wind Vane
Wind Vector

3.1.2 Sensor Configuration

The IRGASON communicates with Campbell Scientific dataloggers using a digital communication protocol called Synchronous Device for Measurement (SDM). Each sensor connected to the SDM bus has a unique address. A maximum of 15 addresses are allowed by the protocol and each sensor must have a unique SDM address.
Do not use SDM address F (15) because it is reserved for use with the Group Trigger instruction.
The IRGASON is shipped from the factory is set with a default SDM address of 1. This address is set in software and can be changed using the software DevConfig or ECMon and a USB cable. DevConfig is sensor/peripheral support software shipped with LoggerNet. ECMon is PC support software shipped with the IRGASON and is also available in the downloads section online at
The program sets the IRGASON bandwidth to 20 Hz. The instrument delay is a function the bandwidth setting and is automatically computed by the datalogger program. To use a bandwidth other than 20 Hz, change the program constant “BANDWIDTH” to the appropriate value. For more information on IRGASON bandwidth and delay see the IRGASON manual.
The settings are sent to the IRGASON each time it is powered on and only if connected to the datalogger via SDM. The settings are not saved onto the IRGASON’s non-volatile memory.
OPEC Open-Path Eddy-Covariance System
If you loan an IRGASON to a colleague, verify that the address is 1 before deploying the system into the field.

3.2 Loading a Program to the Datalogger

Before the datalogger can begin to make measurements, a program must be transferred into its CPU. The program can be transferred using a PC and LoggerNet or using PC/CF cards.

3.2.1 Direct Connection via LoggerNet

The datalogger program can be transferred to a datalogger using a PC, LoggerNet, and some sort of interface. In the eddy-covariance application, the most common interface is the RS-232 cable.
To avoid potential problems (mixed data and connectivity issues), configure LoggerNet with one station file per datalogger, even if the data is retrieved using cards and the computer is connected to multiple dataloggers for monitoring purposes only. See the LoggerNet manual Section 4.2.
Set up a station in the LoggerNet network map; see Section 4.1 in the LoggerNet manual for details. To transfer a program to the datalogger, start LoggerNet. Click on the “Connect” button in the Toolbar. Select the station and click on the “Connect” button. Check the datalogger time, it is located in the upper right hand side of the Connect Screen. If the datalogger and PC time differ by more than a few seconds, set the datalogger time by clicking on the “Set Station’s Clock” button. To download a program, click on the “Send” button. Navigate to the folder where the program is saved, select it, and click on “OK”.

3.2.2 Remote via PC/CF Card

The datalogger program can be transferred to a datalogger using a PC/CF card. The CRBasic dataloggers reserve 10% or 80 Kbytes of space, whichever is smaller, on cards to store programs. Copy the program onto the card using Windows Explorer.
Use only PC/CF Cards sold by Campbell Scientific Inc. Although consumer versions of PC/CF cards will fit into the card slot and operate, only the PC/CF cards carried by Campbell Scientific have passed our temperature and electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing.
The following instructions assume a basic familiarity in the operation of a CRBasic datalogger keyboard; see the datalogger manual for details on using the keyboard.
Insert the card into the datalogger card slot. Press the <Enter> key. If necessary, select the “System Menu” menu and press the <Enter> key. Select the “File” menu and press the <Enter> key. Select the “Copy” menu and press the <Enter> key. The cursor should be at the “From” line. Press the <Enter>
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