Campbell Scientific OBS-5+ User Manual

OBS-5+ System
Revision: 11/13
Copyright © 2008-2013
Campbell Scientific, Inc.


“PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. are warranted by Campbell Scientific, Inc. (“Campbell”) to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipment unless otherwise specified in the corresponding Campbell pricelist or product manual. Products not manufactured, but that are re-sold by Campbell, are warranted only to the limits extended by the original manufacturer. Batteries, fine-wire thermocouples, desiccant, and other consumables have no warranty. Campbell’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at Campbell’s option) defective products, which shall be the sole and exclusive remedy under this warranty. The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping defective products to Campbell. Campbell will return such products by surface carrier prepaid within the continental United States of America. To all other locations, Campbell will return such products best way CIP (Port of Entry) INCOTERM® 2010, prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any products which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, improper service, accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. The warranty for installation services performed by Campbell such as programming to customer specifications, electrical connections to products manufactured by Campbell, and product specific training, is part of Campbell’s product warranty. CAMPBELL EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Campbell is not liable for any special, indirect, incidental, and/or consequential damages.”


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To obtain a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA), contact CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC., phone (435) 227-9000. After an application engineer determines the nature of the problem, an RMA number will be issued. Please write this number clearly on the outside of the shipping container. Campbell Scientific’s shipping address is:
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. RMA#_____ 815 West 1800 North Logan, Utah 84321-1784
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Table of Contents

PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. Introduction.................................................................1
2. Cautionary Statements............................................... 1
3. Initial Inspection .........................................................1
3.1 Ships With............................................................................................1
4. Overview......................................................................2
4.1 Optics ...................................................................................................2
4.2 SSC-Measurement Principle ................................................................3
5. Specifications .............................................................5
5.1 Measurement Range.............................................................................5
5.2 Accuracy ..............................................................................................6
5.3 OBS-5+ Sensor ....................................................................................6
5.4 Other Data............................................................................................6
5.5 Dimensions...........................................................................................6
6. Operation.....................................................................7
6.1 Instrument Setup ..................................................................................7
6.1.1 Mounting Suggestions...................................................................7
6.1.2 Surveys..........................................................................................7
6.1.3 Logging Data ................................................................................8
6.1.4 Battery Installation........................................................................8
6.2 OBS-5+Utility Software.......................................................................9
6.2.1 Software Installation .....................................................................9
6.2.2 Running the OBS-5+ Utility .......................................................10
6.2.3 Pull-Down Menus .......................................................................11
6.2.4 Communication Settings .............................................................11
6.2.5 Testing Sensors ...........................................................................12
6.2.6 Monitoring Turbidity (NTU).......................................................13
6.2.7 Water Density and Barometric Corrections ................................13
6.2.8 Sample Statistics .........................................................................13
6.2.9 Sampling Modes and Terms........................................................14
6.2.10 Surveying ....................................................................................15
6.2.11 Cyclic Sampling ..........................................................................17
6.2.12 Data Retrieval .............................................................................18
6.2.13 Shutdown ....................................................................................18
6.2.14 Graphing and Printing.................................................................18
6.2.15 Excel Spreadsheets......................................................................19
Table of Contents
7. Calibration .................................................................20
7.1 Sediment and NTU Calibration......................................................... 20
7.1.1 General Guidance....................................................................... 21
7.1.2 Equipment and Materials............................................................ 24
7.1.3 Procedure for Sediment.............................................................. 24
7.2 Turbidity (NTU) Calibration ............................................................. 28
7.2.1 Equipment and Materials............................................................ 28
7.2.2 Procedure for Turbidity .............................................................. 28
8. Troubleshooting........................................................29
9. Maintenance ..............................................................32
9.1 OBS-5+ Sensor.................................................................................. 32
9.2 Pressure Sensor.................................................................................. 32
9.3 Batteries............................................................................................. 33
9.4 Pressure Housing............................................................................... 33
9.5 User-Serviceable Parts....................................................................... 33
10. Interfering Factors ....................................................34
10.1 Particle Size ....................................................................................... 34
10.2 NIR Reflectivity ................................................................................ 35
10.3 Particle Shape, Flocculation, and Disaggregation ............................. 36
11. References.................................................................38
Turbidity Standards ................................................A-1
4-1. Dimensions (top), sensor endcap with copper antifoulant (Cu a.f.)
collars (left) and connector endcap (right)....................................... 2
4-2. Schematic of optical system................................................................ 3
4-3. Sample calibration curves (fine and bold lines), lookup tables I, II,
and III (bold curves), and sediment concentrations pf ND (open
arrow) and FD (solid arrow) peaks. ................................................. 4
4-4. Calibration curves for four different sediments and SSC values for
near-detector peaks (colored arrowheads). ...................................... 5
6-1. Electrical connections.......................................................................... 8
6-2. Battery installation: A) endcap removal, B) wiping, C) cable
disconnect, and D) battery contact................................................... 9
6-3. New data log prompt......................................................................... 10
6-4. Designating your own file name and destination............................... 10
7-1. Manual (left) and automatic (right) sediment suspenders.................. 21
7-2. Lookup tables and table limits (a, b, and c)....................................... 22
7-3. OBS-5+ in big black tub of clean water ............................................ 25
7-4. OBS-5+ in suspender tub................................................................... 26
7-5. OBS-5+ in 100 mm cup..................................................................... 29
Table of Contents
8-1. Internal components...........................................................................31
10-1. Effects of sediment size .....................................................................35
10-2. Near-infrared reflectivity of minerals.................................................36
10-3. Effects of disaggregation methods.....................................................37
6-1. Working and Maximum Depths...........................................................7
7-1. Schedule of Concentrations for Sediment Calibrations......................23
7-2. SSC-Calculation Spreadsheet.............................................................23
9-1. Battery Life in Hours with 100% Power............................................33
10-1. Relative magnitude of the effects of sediment characteristics on
OBS-5+ sensitivity .........................................................................34
Table of Contents
OBS-5+ System

1. Introduction

The manual describes the features of the OBS-5+®, as well as its use for surveys and battery-powered, internal-storage operations. Using backscatter from a 780 nm laser diode and a patented dual-detection system (U.S. Patent Number 5,796,481), a calibrated OBS-5+ measures suspended sediment concentrations, suspended solids concentration (SSC), as large as 200 g L which is about 10 times higher than standard OBS technology.
Before installing the OBS-5+, please study:
Section 2, Cautionary Statements
Section 3, Initial Inspection

2. Cautionary Statements

Although the OBS-5+ is rugged, it should be handled as a precision
scientific instrument.
Maximum depth for the OBS-5+ is limited by the installed pressure
sensor. If the maximum depths are exceeded, the pressure sensor will rupture and the housing will flood. See Section 6.1, Instrument Setup, for more information.
Always orient the unit so that the OBS-5+ sensor “looks” into water clear
of reflective surfaces.
Pad the end caps that contact metal with electrical tape, neoprene, or
expanded polyethylene tubes.
Never mount the instrument by its end caps or attach anything to them.
This could a cause a leak.
Always put the OBS-5+ in sleep mode when it will not be used for a while
to conserve battery capacity (see Section 6.2.13, Shutdown).

3. Initial Inspection

Upon receipt of the OBS-5+, inspect the packaging and contents for
damage. File damage claims with the shipping company.
Check this information against the shipping documents to ensure the
correct product is received (see Section 3.1, Ships With).

3.1 Ships With

21304 Accessory Kit 20919 Software Support CD ResourceDVD
OBS-5+ System

4. Overview

FIGURE 4-1 shows the dimensions of the OBS-5+, the sensors in the sensor endcap, and underwater connection. Detailed specifications are provided in Section 5, Specifications. The OBS-5+ can be operated in Survey or Cyclic Modes. In Survey Mode, the unit sends data via RS-232 or RS-485 to a PC at two hertz, and in Cyclic Mode, it logs as many as 200,000 scans of time, date, depth, and g L sampling continuously, the unit will run about 125 hours on three C-size alkaline batteries in 20ºC water (about two weeks of eight-hour survey days). When using the instrument for surveys, the data are captured by a PC running the OBS-5+ software. Pressure is measured with a silicon strain-gauge pressure sensor and the depth of the instrument is calculated from water density and barometric pressure entered by the operator.
in flash memory (one sample per hour for 23 years). When
FIGURE 4-1. Dimensions (top), sensor endcap with copper antifoulant
(Cu a.f.) collars (left) and connector endcap (right)

4.1 Optics

The heart of the OBS-5+ is an optical system comprised of a near infrared (NIR) laser diode and a photodetector positioned 10 mm from the laser, called the near detector (ND), and one mounted 25 mm from the laser, called the far detector (FD), see FIGURE 4-2. The detector acceptance-cone angle is 55º, which means that photons must enter the detector sapphire windows at angles less than 27.5º to be detected. The laser light is collimated to a 3 mm by 1 mm elliptical beam with convergence < 2.5 mrad. The angle between the NIR beam and detector acceptance-cone axes is 45º. The OBS-5+ can detect light scattered by particles illuminated by the NIR beam at angles between 105º to 165º. With its automatic-power-control circuit, the laser diode provides stable optical power over time and the 0 to 30ºC operating temperature range.
FIGURE 4-2. Schematic of optical system
OBS-5+ System

4.2 SSC-Measurement Principle

In FIGURE 4-2, suspended particles scatter light from the NIR beam onto the near and far detectors, and suspended solids concentration (SSC) is estimated with signals counts from these detectors by a microcontroller, using a set of logic rules and lookup tables derived from calibration data. Counts are the digital equivalents of the ND and FD signals and are proportional to backscatter intensity. Sample calibration curves relating ND and FD counts to sediment concentration in g L concentration increases from 0, the ND and FD signals rise to maxima at peak concentrations, shown by the red (open) and blue (solid) arrowheads above the x axis. Beyond the peak sediment concentrations, light attenuation is the dominant factor controlling the light level at the detectors, and so the ND and FD counts decline. The scattered NIR must travel farther to be detected by the FD than by the ND, and therefore the peak of the FD curve occurs at a lower sediment concentration than the peak of the ND curve. The instrument exploits these peak offsets to estimate sediment concentration. Using either the ND or FD counts, whichever is indicated by the logic rules, the microcontroller does a spline interpolation between calibration values to derive an SSC value. It then combines this value with time and pressure data, and sends the results to a PC.
are shown on FIGURE 4-3. As particle
OBS-5+ System
FIGURE 4-3. Sample calibration curves (fine and bold lines), lookup
tables I, II, and III (bold curves), and sediment concentrations pf ND (open arrow) and FD (solid arrow) peaks.
The concentrations associated with the ND and FD peaks depend on sediment characteristics as shown by the variety of response curves and the colored arrowheads on FIGURE 4-4. Other sediment characteristics being equal, such as shape and NIR reflectivity (see Section 10, Interfering Factors), larger particles produce higher peak concentrations and greater OBS-5+ measurement ranges than smaller particles.
OBS-5+ System
FIGURE 4-4. Calibration curves for four different sediments and SSC

5. Specifications


5.1 Measurement Range

Mud (D50=20μm): 0 to 50,000 mg/l
values for near-detector peaks (colored arrowheads).
Connects directly to a PC—no datalogger needed
Operates up to six months on three C-cell batteries
Monitors high sediment concentrations (up to 200g/L)
Logs depth, wave height, wave period, temperature, and salinity
Records 200,000 scans of data in the OBS-5+ flash memory
Sand (D
Turbidity: 0.4 to 1,000 NTU
=250μm): 0 to 200,000 mg/l
: 0 to 10, 20, 50, 100, or 200 m
OBS-5+ System

5.2 Accuracy

5.3 OBS-5+ Sensor

5.4 Other Data

Mud: 2.0% of reading
Sand: 4.0% of reading
Pressure: 0.5% of full scale
Turbidity: 1.5% of full scale
Laser wavelength: 780 nm
Scattering angles (clean water): 105º to 165º
Drift over time: <30 ppm per month
Drift over temperature: <200 ppm per ºC
Maximum sampling rate: 25 Hz
Maximum data rate: 2 Hz
Data capacity: 8 MB/200,000 lines
Battery capacity: 8 A h
Maximum battery life
External supply voltage: 6 to 18 Vdc
External supply current: 55 mA
Serial-data protocols: RS-232 & RS-485
Maximum housing depth: 300 m (984 ft)
Operating temperature range:to 40ºC
Storage temperature range: –20º to 70ºC

5.5 Dimensions

Length / diameter: 380 mm (15 in) / 60 mm (2.4 in)
: 3,000 hrs
Weight: 2.04 kg (4.5 lb)
Weight (submerged): 1.02 kg (2.3 lb)
Range depends on pressure sensor option chosen.
Sampling interval is two hours and duration is two minutes.

6. Operation

6.1 Instrument Setup

6.1.1 Mounting Suggestions

OBS-5+ System
Maximum depth for the OBS-5+ is limited by the installed pressure sensor. If the maximum depths are exceeded, the pressure sensor will rupture and the housing will flood.
The depth limits are listed in TABLE 6-1.
TABLE 6-1. Working and Maximum Depths
Pressure Sensor Working Depth Maximum Depth
5 Bar 0 to 50 meters 75 meters
10 Bar 0 to 100 meters 150 meters
20 Bar 0 to 200 meters 300 meters
(1 Bar = 10 dBar 10 meters of fresh water)
The following precautions should be followed to ensure the unit can function properly and is not lost or damaged.
Always orient the unit so that the OBS-5+ sensor “looks” into water clear
of reflective surfaces.
Pad the endcaps that contact metal with electrical tape, neoprene, or
expanded polyethylene tubes.

6.1.2 Surveys

Never mount the instrument by its endcaps or attach anything to them.
This could a cause a leak.
The OBS-5+ will usually be towed with a cable harness for surveys. The serial cable can tow the OBS-5+ without a depressor weight or vane as long as the connector is strain relieved. Strain relief can be provided by attaching the cable to the stainless steel housing (FIGURE 4-1) with a cable grip and a length of 3 mm (1/8 in) wire rope. Install a cable clamp with a 0.5 m wire rope to the serial cable, and clamp the wire rope to the pressure housing with two stainless steel hose clamps, providing a small loop of slack cable to absorb towing forces. The unit can be powered with an external battery, as shown on FIGURE 6-1, and the serial output can be transmitted by either RS-232 or RS-485 protocols. The latter protocol is recommended for cable lengths greater than 25 m. An RS-485/232 serial converter is provided with each unit. An RS-232 to USB converter is an available option.
OBS-5+ System
FIGURE 6-1. Electrical connections

6.1.3 Logging Data

In applications where a survey cable is impractical or when the OBS-5+ must be attached to an instrument frame, it can be powered by the internal batteries and the data can be logged by the data flash memory Cyclic Mode sampling in Section 6.2.11, Cyclic Sampling.

6.1.4 Battery Installation

Remove the set screws from the endcap with the handle and connector. If the unit was submerged during the previous day, turn the sensor end up, so water around the O-rings can drain out when the endcap is removed, FIGURE 6-2 (A). Pull endcap out and disconnect the inline connector (B). Wipe water from the inside wall of the housing tube with a paper towel (C). Turn the connector end up and push the ridge on the battery sliding contact until the spent batteries pop out (D). Insert new batteries with the positive terminal (+) toward the sliding contact. Push the batteries down and slide the contact over the top of them and against the housing wall. Inspect the O-ring in the cap, clean and grease or replace it if necessary, and replace the cap and set screws.
8 6
7 5 4
3 2 6
6 – 18 V d.c. (Red) Power GND (Black)
3 8
4, 1, 5, 6, 9
2 3 5
(A) (B)
(RD) (TD)
. See instructions for
+ 36 hidden pages