The MetSENS-series compact weather sensors monitor different combinations of common
meteorological parameters to international standards—all in a single, integrated instrument. A
variety of output options ensure plug and play operability in a wide variety of applications.
2. Precautions
l READ AND UNDERSTAND the Safety section at the back of this manual.
l Care should be taken when opening the shipping package to not damage or cut the cable
jacket. If damage to the cable is suspected, consult with a Campbell Scientific support and
implementation engineer.
l Opening the unit or breaking the security seal will void the warranty and the calibration.
l The sensor is a precision instrument. Please handle it with care.
l When installing the unit, handle with lint free gloves and degrease the unit to reduce the
build-up of deposits.
3. Initial inspection
Upon receipt of the MetSENS-series sensor, inspect the packaging and contents for damage. File
damage claims with the shipping company.
Each MetSENS-series sensor is shipped pre-configured, with a test report and cable.
Configuration and cable type depends on the communication mode chosen: SDI-12, Modbus RS485, or RS-232. The cable length can be 5m (17ft), 15m (50ft), 46m (150ft), or user specified.
Replacement cables are as follows:
l METSENSCBL1 SDI-12 Replacement Cable
l METSENSCBL2 RS-485 Replacement Cable
l METSENSCBL3 RS-232 Replacement Cable
MetSENS-Series Compact Weather Sensors1
4. QuickStart
A video that describes data logger programming using Short Cut is available at: logger-getting-started-program-part-3. Short Cut
is an easy way to program your data logger to measure the sensor and assign data logger wiring
terminals. Short Cut is available as a download on It is included in
installations of LoggerNet, RTDAQ, PC400, and PC200W.
The following procedure also shows using Short Cut to program the sensor.
1. Open Short Cut and click Create New Program.
2. Double-click the data logger model.
3. In the Available Sensors and Devices box, type MetSENS or locate the sensor in the Sensors
> Meteorological > Basic Weather > MetSENS folder. Double-click the appropriate sensor
model and output. Type the correct SDI-12 Address (default is zero) or Modbus Address
(default is 41). If measuring barometric pressure, type the elevation of the site in the same
units as the Site elevation units. Default units are meters, which can be changed by clicking
on the Site elevation units box and selecting Feet.
MetSENS-Series Compact Weather Sensors2
4. Click the Wiring tab to see how the sensor is to be wired to the data logger. Click OK after
wiring the sensor.
5. Repeat steps three and four for other sensors.
6. In Output Setup, type the scan rate, meaningful table names, and Data Output Storage
MetSENS-Series Compact Weather Sensors3
7. Select the measurement and its associated output option.
8. Click Finish and save the program. Send the program to the data logger if the data logger
is connected to the computer.
9. If the sensor is connected to the data logger, check the output of the sensor in the data
display in LoggerNet, RTDAQ, PC400, or PC200W to make sure it is making reasonable
5. Specifications
Sampling rate:
Digital communication modes:
Default configuration
IP rating:
1 Hz
Serial RS-232, RS-485, SDI-12, NMEA, Modbus, ASCII
19200 baud rate, 8 data bits, even parity, one stop bit;
default Modbus address is 41
Default SDI-12 address is 0
9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, even parity, one stop bit