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Table of Contents
PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the
PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
7-1. Standard calibration coefficients for linear and quadratic forms. ......... 27
7-2. Calibration coefficients for sandy clay loam with bulk density 1.6 g
7-3. Calibration coefficients for sandy clay loam with bulk density 1.6 g
and electrical conductivity at saturation 0.4 dS m-1 for both
linear and quadratic forms. ............................................................ 28
and electrical conductivity at saturation 0.75 dS m-1 for
both linear and quadratic forms. .................................................... 28
CS616 and CS625 Water Content
1. Introduction
The CS616 Water Content Reflectometer is an improved version of the CS615
Water Content Reflectometer. The CS625 is a modified CS616 for use with
the Campbell Scientific CR200(X) series dataloggers. The difference between
the CS616 and the CS625 is the output voltage level.
Both water content reflectometers are designed to measure volumetric water
content of soils or other porous media. The water content information is
derived from the probe sensitivity to the dielectric constant of the medium
surrounding the probe rods.
Before installing the CS616 or CS625, please study
• Section 2, Cautionary Statements
• Section 3, Initial Inspection
2. Cautionary Statements
•Although the CS616/CS625 is rugged, it should be handled as precision
scientific instrument.
•External RF sources can affect CS616/CS625 measurements.
Consequently, the CS616/CS625 circuitry should be located away from
significant sources of RF such as ac power lines and motors.
•CS616/CS625 probes enabled simultaneously and within approximately 9
inches of each other can cause erratic measurements. If probes must be
close to each other, configure the enable lines to the datalogger control
ports so that the probes are not enabled simultaneously.
3. Initial Inspection
•Upon receipt of the CS616/CS625, inspect the packaging and contents for
damage. File damage claims with the shipping company.
•The model number and cable length are printed on a label at the
connection end of the cable. Check this information against the shipping
documents to ensure the expected product and cable length are received.
4. Overview
The CS616 output is a square wave output and can be connected to our CR800,
CR850, CR1000, CR3000, CR5000, CR510, CR10X, and CR23X dataloggers.
A special CS616 datalogger instruction is used to measure the probe output
period which is converted to volumetric water content using calibration
equations. Datalogger instructions for period averaging can also be used.
CS616 and CS625 Water Content Reflectometers
The CS625 output is a square wave output and can be connected to Campbell
Scientific CR200(X) series dataloggers. A CRBasic program using Period
Averaging is used to measure the probe output period and convert to
volumetric water content using calibration equations.
The water content reflectometer consists of two stainless steel rods connected
to a printed circuit board. A shielded four-conductor cable is connected to the
circuit board to supply power, enable the probe, and monitor the pulse output.
The circuit board is encapsulated in epoxy.
High-speed electronic components on the circuit board are configured as a
bistable multivibrator. The output of the multivibrator is connected to the
probe rods which act as a wave guide. The travel time of the signal on the
probe rods depends on the dielectric permittivity of the material surrounding
the rods and the dielectric permittivity depends on the water content.
Therefore, the oscillation frequency of the multivibrator is dependent on the
water content of the media being measured. Digital circuitry scales the
multivibrator output to an appropriate frequency for measurement with a
datalogger. The water content reflectometer output is essentially a square
wave. The probe output period ranges from about 14 microseconds with rods
in air to about 42 microseconds with the rods completely immersed in typical
tap water. A calibration equation converts period to volumetric water content.
The CS616/CS625's cable can terminate in:
5. Specifications
CS616 Compatibility
Dataloggers: CR800 series
•Pigtails that connect directly to a Campbell Scientific datalogger
(option –PT).
•Connector that attaches to a prewired enclosure (option –PW). Refer
to www.campbellsci.com/prewired-enclosures for more information.
• High accuracy and high precision
• Fast response time
• Designed for long-term unattended water content monitoring
• Probe rods can be inserted from the surface or buried at any
orientation to the surface
CS625 Compatibility
Dataloggers: CR200X series
CR200 series
Probe-to-Probe Variability: ±0.5% VWC in dry soil, ±1.5% VWC in
Resolution: better than 0.1% volumetric water content
Water Content Accuracy: ±2.5% VWC using standard calibration with
Precision: better than 0.1% volumetric water content
5.1 Dimensions
Rods: 300 mm (11.8 in) long, 3.2 mm (0.13 in)
Probe Head: 85 x 63 x 18 mm (3.3 x 2.5 x 0.7 in)
CS616 and CS625 Water Content Reflectometers
typical saturated soil
bulk electrical conductivity ≤0.5 deciSiemen
(dS m-1) and bulk density ≤1.55 g cm
in measurement range 0% VWC to 50% VWC
diameter, 32 mm (1.3 in) spacing
5.2 Weight
Probe (without cable): 280 g (9.9 oz)
Cable: 35 g m
5.3 Electrical Specifications
CS616: ±0.7 volt square wave with frequency
CS625: 0 to 3.3 volt square wave with frequency
Power: 65 mA @ 12 Vdc when enabled, 45 µA
Power Supply Requirements: 5 Vdc minimum, 18 Vdc maximum
Enable Voltage: 4 Vdc minimum, 18 Vdc maximum
Maximum Cable Length: 305 m (1000 ft)
Compatibility: The CS616/CS625 is Œ compliant with
(0.38 oz per ft)
dependent on water content
dependent on water content
performance criteria available upon request.
RF emissions are below EN55022 limits if the
CS616/CS625 is enabled less than 0.6 ms and
measurements are made at a 1 Hz (1 per
second) or slower frequency. The
CS616/CS625 meets EN61326 requirements
for protection against electrostatic discharge
and surge.
CS616 and CS625 Water Content Reflectometers
5.4 Operational Details
The accuracy specification for the volumetric water content measurement
using the CS616/CS625 probes is based on laboratory measurements in a
variety of soils and over the water content range air dry to saturated. The soils
were typically sandy loam and coarser. Silt and clay were present in some of
the soils used to characterize accuracy.
Resolution is the minimum change in the dielectric permittivity that can reliably
be detected by the water content reflectometer. The CS616 or CS625 is typically
used to measure soil volumetric water content.
Precision describes the repeatability of a measurement. It is determined for the
CS616 and CS625 by taking repeated measurements in the same material. The
precision of the CS616/CS625 is better than 0.1 % volumetric water content.
Soil Properties
The water content reflectometer operation can be affected when the signal
applied to the probe rods is attenuated. The probe will provide a well-behaved
response to changing water content, even in attenuating soils or other media,
but the response may be different than described by the standard calibration.
Consequently, a unique calibration is required. Change in probe response can
occur when soil bulk electrical conductivity is greater than 0.5 dS m
major contributor to soil electrical conductivity is the presence of free ions in
solution from dissolution of soil salts. Soil organic matter and some clays can
also attenuate the signal.
. The
6. Installation
6.1 Orientation
6.2 Potential Problems with Improper Insertion
The probe rods can be inserted vertically into the soil surface or buried at any
orientation to the surface. A probe inserted vertically into a soil surface will
give an indication of the water content in the upper 30 cm of soil. The probe
can be installed horizontal to the surface to detect the passing of wetting fronts
or other vertical water fluxes. A probe installed at an angle of 30 degrees with
the surface will give an indication of the water content of the upper 15 cm of
The method used for probe installation can affect the accuracy of the
measurement. The probe rods should be kept as close to parallel as possible
when installed to maintain the design wave guide geometry. The sensitivity of
this measurement is greater in the regions closest to the rod surface than at
distances away from the surface. Probes inserted in a manner which generates
air voids around the rods will reduce the measurement accuracy. In most soils,
the soil structure will recover from the disturbance during probe insertion.
In some applications, installation can be improved by using the CS650G
insertion guide tool. The CS650G is inserted into the soil and then removed.
This makes proper installation of the water content reflectometer easier in
dense or rocky soils.
6.3 Wiring
TABLE 6-1. CS616/625 wiring code.
power Red
power Red
CS616 and CS625 Water Content Reflectometers
color function datalogger connection
red +12 V +12 V
green output SE analog channel
orange enable control port
black signal ground G
clear shield (power ground) G
Both the black ground wire and the clear shield wire must be
connected to datalogger ground.
output gnd Black
output Green
enable Orange
drain/power gnd Clear
FIGURE 6-1. CS616 Water Content Reflectometer
gnd Black
output Green
enable Orange
drain/gnd Clear
FIGURE 6-2. CS625 Water Content Reflectometer
CS616 and CS625 Water Content Reflectometers
6.4 Datalogger Instructions and Programming
This section is for users who write their own programs. A
datalogger program can be generated using Short Cut software.
You do not need to read this section if using Short Cut.
The output of the CS616 is a square wave with amplitude of ±0.7 Vdc and a
frequency that is dependent on the dielectric constant of the material
surrounding the probe rods. The CRBasic instruction CS616() is used by the
CR800, CR850, CR1000, CR3000, and CR5000 dataloggers to measure the
CS616 output period. Edlog Instruction 138 is specifically designed for the
CR510, CR10X, and CR23X to measure the output period of the CS616. The
period value is used in the calibration for water content. The period in air is
approximately 14.7 microseconds, and the period in saturated soil with porosity
0.4 is approximately 31 microseconds. Edlog Instruction 27, Period Average,
can also be used to measure CS616 output period.
The output of the CS625 is a square wave with amplitude of 0 to 3.3 Vdc and a
frequency that is dependent on the dielectric constant of the material
surrounding the probe rods. The CRBasic instruction PeriodAvg() is used by
the CR200(X) series dataloggers to measure the CS625 output period. The
period value is used in the calibration for water content. The period in air is
approximately 14.7 microseconds, and the period in saturated soil with porosity
0.4 is approximately 31 microseconds.
6.4.1 Measuring the CS616 Using CRBasic
The CRBasic instruction CS616() is used by the CR800, CR850, CR1000
CR3000, and CR5000 dataloggers to measure the CS616 output period (in
microseconds). The CS616() instruction is used to enable and measure a
CS616 Water Content Reflectometer.
Dest: The Dest parameter is the variable or variable array in which to store the
results of the measurement. Dest must be dimensioned to at least the number of
Reps: The Reps parameter is the number of measurements that should be made
using this instruction. If Reps is greater than 1, Dest must be an array
dimensioned to the size of Reps.
SEChan: The SEChan parameter is the number of the single-ended channel on
which to make the first measurement. If the Reps parameter is greater than 1,
the additional measurements will be made on sequential channels.
Port: The Port parameter is the control port that will be used to enable the
CS616 sensor.
Code Description
Program Example 1
#1,2,3,4_Blk & Clear
1 Control Port 1
2 Control Port 2
3 Control Port 3
4 Control Port 4
5 Control Port 5
6 Control Port 6
7 Control Port 7
8 Control Port 8
MeasPerPort: The MeasPerPort parameter is the number of control ports to be
used to control the CS616 sensor(s). If Reps is set to 4, MeasPerPort = 4 will
result in the same port being used for all measurements. MeasPerPort = 1 will
result in four sequential ports being used for the measurements. MeasPerPort =
2 will result in one port being used for the first two measurements, and the next
port being used for the next two measurements.
Mult, Offset: The Mult and Offset parameters are each a constant, variable,
array, or expression by which to scale the results of the measurement. CS616 Sample CRBasic Program 1
The following CR1000 program uses the CS616() instruction to measure eight
CS616 probes connected to the CR1000 datalogger. Although this example is
for the CR1000, other CRBasic dataloggers are programmed similarly.
CS616 and CS625 Water Content Reflectometers
Wiring for CRBasic
CS616 CR1000
CS616#1_Green 5H
CS616#2_Green 5L
CS616#3_Green 6H
CS616#4_Green 6L
#1,2,3,4_Red 12 V
CS616#5_Green 7H
CS616#6_Green 7L
CS616#7_Green 8H
CS616#8_Green 8L
#5,6,7,8_Orange C8
#5,6,7,8_Blk & Clear GND
#5,6,7,8_Red 12 V
Note: All CS616 “12V_Red”
wires connected to CR1000 12 V
terminal (user supplied common
tie post may be required).
CS616 and CS625 Water Content Reflectometers
CR1000 Program Example 1
'Declare Public and Dim Variables
Public batt_volt
Public Panel_temp
Public Period (8)
Public VWC (8)
Public Flag (1)
Dim I
'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Dat30min,1,-1)
DataInterval (0,30,Min,10)
Minimum (1,batt_volt,IEEE4,0,False)
Average (1,Panel_temp,IEEE4,0)
Sample (8,Period(),FP2)
Sample (8,VWC(),FP2)
'Main Program
Scan (5,Sec,0,0) 'scan instructions every 5 sec
Battery (Batt_volt)
PanelTemp (Panel_temp,250)
'Set flag 1 High every 30 min (Note: User can manually set flag 1 high/low)
If IfTime (0,30,min) Then flag (1) = high '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
If Flag (1) = high Then
'measure 8ea CS616 probes on CR1000
CS616 (Period(1),4,9,7,4,1.0,0) 'measure 4ea CS616 probes, enable w/ C7
CS616 (Period(5),4,13,8,4,1.0,0) 'measure 4ea CS616 probes, enable w/ C8
For I=1 to 8 'convert CS616 period to Volumetric Water Content
VWC(I)=a0 + al*Period(I) + a2*Period(I)^2
flag(1)= low 'set Flag 1 = Low
EndIf '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
CallTable Dat30min 'Call Output Tables
8 CS616 Sample CRBasic Program 2
The following CR1000 program uses the AM16/32-series multiplexer to
measure 48 CS616 probes connected in the 4x16 configuration. The program
also measures datalogger battery voltage and temperature.
Wiring for CRBasic Program Example 2
CR1000 AM16/32-series (4x16) CS616*
CS616 and CS625 Water Content Reflectometers
'Declare Public and Dim Variables
Public batt_volt
Public Panel_temp
Public Period (48)
Public VWC (48)
Public Flag (1)
Dim I