Campbell Scientific CS475, CS476, CS477 User Manual

CS475, CS476 and CS477
Radar Water Level Sensor
Revision: 7/13
Copyright © 2009-2013
Campbell Scientific, Inc.


“PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. are warranted by Campbell Scientific, Inc. (“Campbell”) to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipment unless otherwise specified in the corresponding Campbell pricelist or product manual. Products not manufactured, but that are re-sold by Campbell, are warranted only to the limits extended by the original manufacturer. Batteries, fine-wire thermocouples, desiccant, and other consumables have no warranty. Campbell’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at Campbell’s option) defective products, which shall be the sole and exclusive remedy under this warranty. The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping defective products to Campbell. Campbell will return such products by surface carrier prepaid within the continental United States of America. To all other locations, Campbell will return such products best way CIP (Port of Entry) INCOTERM® 2010, prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any products which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, improper service, accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. The warranty for installation services performed by Campbell such as programming to customer specifications, electrical connections to products manufactured by Campbell, and product specific training, is part of Campbell’s product warranty. CAMPBELL EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Campbell is not liable for any special, indirect, incidental, and/or consequential damages.”


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your country.
To obtain a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA), contact CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC., phone (435) 227-9000. After an applications engineer determines the nature of the problem, an RMA number will be issued. Please write this number clearly on the outside of the shipping container. Campbell Scientific’s shipping address is:
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. RMA#_____ 815 West 1800 North Logan, Utah 84321-1784
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Table of Contents

PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. Introduction.................................................................1
2. Cautionary Statements...............................................1
3. Initial Inspection .........................................................2
4. Quickstart .................................................................... 2
4.1 Step 1 — Mount and Align the Sensor.................................................2
4.2 Step 2 — Do a False Echo Learn Command........................................4
4.3 Step 3 — Do a Set Water Stage Command..........................................5
4.4 Step 4 — Use SCWin Short Cut to Program Datalogger and
Generate Wiring Diagram.................................................................6
5. Overview......................................................................8
5.1 Components and Hardware................................................................10
6. Specifications ...........................................................11
6.1 Radar Unit..........................................................................................12
6.2 Environmental....................................................................................12
6.3 Physical ..............................................................................................13
7. Installation.................................................................15
7.1 Site Selection......................................................................................15
7.2 Sensor Alignment...............................................................................16
7.2.1 Vertical........................................................................................16
7.2.2 Azimuth ......................................................................................16
7.3 Instrument Housing Adjustment ........................................................16
7.4 Wiring ................................................................................................16
7.4.1 Datalogger Connection ...............................................................16
7.4.2 Multiple Sensors Connection ......................................................17
7.4.3 Built-in Self Test (BIST).............................................................17
7.5 Programming......................................................................................17
7.5.1 CRBasic ......................................................................................18 Example Program.............................................................19
7.5.2 Edlog...........................................................................................19 Example Program.............................................................20
8. Diagnostics, Repair, and Maintenance ...................21
8.1 Testing Procedure...............................................................................21
8.1.1 Start Measurement Command.....................................................21
Table of Contents
Check Unit Response ................................................................. 22
8.1.3 Check for Valid Data.................................................................. 22
8.1.4 Cyclic Redundancy Check ......................................................... 23 Check CRC for Valid Data.............................................. 23
8.1.5 Get Units .................................................................................... 24
8.1.6 Get Water Conditions................................................................. 24
8.1.7 Get Power Operation Mode........................................................ 24
8.2 Diagnostics and Repair...................................................................... 25
8.2.1 No Measured Value Available — Error E013............................ 25
8.2.2 No Measured Value Available — Error E041, E042, E043....... 25 Exchange Electronics Module ......................................... 25
8.3 Maintenance ...................................................................................... 27
Replacing the Cable................................................A-1
B. SDI-12 Commands/ Changing Settings................. B-1
B.1 SDI-12 Command Descriptions....................................................... B-3
B.1.1 Start False Echo Learn ............................................................. B-3
B.1.2 Set Water Stage ........................................................................ B-3
B.1.3 Query/Set the Address.............................................................. B-3
B.1.4 Set Units ................................................................................... B-4
B.1.5 Set Water Conditions ............................................................... B-4
B.1.6 Set Power Operation Mode ...................................................... B-5
B.2 Using Terminal Emulator and a Datalogger to Send Commands.... B-6
B.2.1 SDI-12 Transparent Mode........................................................ B-6
B.2.2 CR200(X) Series Datalogger Example .................................... B-7
B.2.3 CR1000 Datalogger Example................................................... B-8
B.2.4 CR10X Datalogger Example.................................................... B-9
B.2.5 CR10X-PB Table-Based Datalogger Example....................... B-10
C. FCC/IC Equipment Authorization (USA/Canada
only) .......................................................................C-1
4-1. Polarization markings (see TABLE 4-4 for label descriptions)........... 4
5-1. CS475, CS476, and CS477.................................................................. 9
5-2. Components and hardware (see TABLE 5-1 for description of
labels)............................................................................................. 10
6-1. Reference line for measurement range .............................................. 11
6-2. CS475 dimensions............................................................................. 13
6-3. CS476/CS477 dimensions................................................................. 14
8-1. Changing the electronics (see TABLE 8-5 for label descriptions) .... 27
A-1. Connecting the instrument housing (see TABLE A-1 for
description of labels).................................................................... A-2
B-2. SDI-12 transparent mode on CR200(X)-series datalogger using
control port C1/SDI12 and changing SDI-12 address from
0 to 1 ............................................................................................ B-7
B-3. SDI-12 transparent mode on CR1000 datalogger using control
port 1 and changing SD1-12 address from 3 to 1......................... B-8
Table of Contents
B-4. SDI-12 transparent mode on CR10X datalogger using control
port 1 and changing SDI-12 address from 0 to 1 ........................B-10
B-5. SDI-12 transparent mode on CR10X-PB table-based datalogger
using control port 1 and changing SDI-12 address from 0 to 1 ..B-11
4-1. Default Settings....................................................................................2
4-2. Radiation Beam Spread for CS475 (10° Beam Angle) ........................3
4-3. Radiation Beam Spread for CS476/CS477 (8° Beam Angle) ..............3
4-4. Description of Polarization Markings Labels.......................................4
4-5. Example of a Start False Echo Learn Command..................................5
4-6. Example for Setting Water Stage.........................................................5
5-1. Description of Components and Hardware Labels.............................10
7-1. Wiring Diagram .................................................................................17
7-2. SDI-12 Command Codes ...................................................................18
8-1. Example of Start Measurement Command.........................................22
8-2. Acknowledge Active Command ........................................................22
8-3. Send Identification Command............................................................23
8-4. Checking CRC Example ....................................................................24
8-5. Description of Changing the Electronics Labels................................27
A-1. Description of Instrument Housing Labels...................................... A-2
B-1. SDI-12 Commands...........................................................................B-2
B-2. SDI-12 Command for Querying the Address...................................B-3
B-3. Example of Setting Address.............................................................B-4
B-4. Example of Setting Units .................................................................B-4
B-5. Example for Setting Water Conditions ............................................B-5
B-6. Example for Setting Power Operation Mode ...................................B-6
Table of Contents
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor

1. Introduction

The CS475, CS476, and CS477 are radar-ranging sensors that monitor the water level of rivers, lakes, tidal seas, and reservoirs. They output a digital SDI-12 signal to indicate distance and stage. Many of our dataloggers can read the SDI-12 signal.
Before using these radar sensors, please study
Section 2, Cautionary Statements
Section 3, Initial Inspection
Section 4, Quickstart

2. Cautionary Statements

Follow country-specific installation standards, prevailing safety
regulations, accident prevention rules, and this manual’s safety instructions.
Depending on the model, the emitting frequencies of these radar sensors
are either in the C or K band range. Their low transmitting power is well below the internationally permitted limits. When used correctly, the radar sensors present no danger to people.
Do not attempt to install the sensor unless you are qualified to perform the
Care should be taken when opening the shipping package to not damage or
cut the cable jacket. If damage to the cable is suspected, consult with a Campbell Scientific applications engineer.
Handle the sensor carefully, since it is a precision instrument.
Since the sensor is commonly installed over water from tall structures, use
appropriate safety equipment such as a safety harness or a life preserver when installing or performing maintenance on the sensor.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the sensors are maintained
and functioning properly.
The sensor is designed for safe operations in accordance with the current
technical, safety, and ANSI standards.
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor

3. Initial Inspection

When unpacking the equipment, do the following:
Unpack the unit in a clean, dry area.
Inspect the equipment for any damage that occurred during shipping or
If the equipment is damaged, file a claim against the carrier and report the
damage in detail.

4. Quickstart

This Quickstart uses the default settings (see TABLE 4-1), which are used in most circumstances.
Setting Default
TABLE 4-1. Default Settings
SDI-12 Address 0 (change only if two sensors are connected to the same
port; valid addresses are 0 through 9, A through Z, and a through z; see Appendix B.1.3, Query/Set the Address)
Units of Measure 1 = feet (see Appendix B.1.4, Set Units)
Water Conditions 1 = smooth (typical peak to trough of wave 4 inches;
see Appendix B.1.5, Set Water Conditions)
Power Operation Mode
Detailed information about all of the settings and information on changing the settings are provided in Appendix B.
1 = on (sensor is always on until new power operation mode command received; see Appendix B.1.6, Set Power Operation Mode)

4.1 Step 1 — Mount and Align the Sensor

1. Choose an appropriate site away from obstructions and over the smoothest
part of the water (see Section 7.1, Site Selection).
2. Center the sensor beam a minimum of 2.5 m from any obstruction in the
measurement range. Obstructions to be aware of include excessive waves, splashing, pipes, wires, and logs. Note that the radiation beam spreads as it leaves the sensor (see TABLE 4-2 and TABLE 4-3).
Usually the beam path is 10° for the CS475, and 8° for the CS476/CS477.
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor
TABLE 4-2. Radiation Beam Spread for CS475
(10° Beam Angle)
Distance in Meters Diameter of Footprint in Meters
1 0.18
5 0.87
10 1.76
15 2.64
20 3.53
TABLE 4-3. Radiation Beam Spread for CS476/CS477
(8° Beam Angle)
Distance in Meters Diameter of Footprint in Meters
1 0.14
5 0.70
10 1.41
15 2.11
20 2.81
30 4.216
70 (CS477 only) 9.84
3. Securely mount the sensor.
4. Use a user-supplied bubble level or the 25619 bubble level to make certain
the antenna horn is aligned within 1° of vertical. The cap needs to be removed when using the 25619. If the antenna is not vertical, a trigonometric measurement error can occur with respect to the water. The maximum range is reduced because of the off-axis return signal.
5. Orient the sensor such that one of its polarization markings is aligned
towards the wall or pier (see FIGURE 4-1 and TABLE 4-4).
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor
CS475 CS476/CS477
FIGURE 4-1. Polarization markings (see TABLE 4-4 for label
TABLE 4-4. Description of Polarization Markings Labels
Sensor Description
1 CS475 Polarization marks are designated by the mounting loop
2 CS476/CS477 Polarization mark is machine-tooled.

4.2 Step 2 — Do a False Echo Learn Command

The 25616, Adjustment/Display Module, or the terminal emulator in LoggerNet or PC400 can be used to enter SDI-12 commands. Appendix B.2, Using Terminal Emulator and a Datalogger to Send Commands, describes entering commands using the terminal emulator.
Do a Start False Echo Learn command followed by a Send Data command (see TABLE 4-4). To start false echo learn, do the aXSFEL+nnn.nnn! command (where nnn.nnn = the actual distance to the water) followed by the aD0! (Send Data) command. TABLE 4-5 shows an example of the command and response.
Any echo occurring 0.5 m (1.6 ft) short of the distance you entered will be considered noise.
Appendix B describes this command in further detail.
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor
TABLE 4-5. Example of a Start False Echo Learn Command
Initial Command Response
Where (from left to right),
0—sensor’s address;
2.500—the water surface distance.
Subsequent Command Response
Where the first zero is the sensor address.
This is the send data command.
Where (from left to right),
0—sensor’s address;
200—the amount of time (in seconds) that you must wait before sending the send data command;
1—the number of values that will be placed in the buffer.
Where (from left to right),
0—sensor’s address;
2.500—the water surface distance.

4.3 Step 3 — Do a Set Water Stage Command

The 25616, Adjustment/Display Module, or the terminal emulator in LoggerNet or PC400 can be used to enter SDI-12 commands. Appendix B.2, Using Terminal Emulator and a Datalogger to Send Commands, describes entering commands using the terminal emulator.
Do a Set Water Stage command followed by a Send Data command (see TABLE 4-6). To set the water stage, do an aXSS+nnn.nnn! command (where nnn.nnn = the initial water depth) followed by the aD0! (Send Data) command. TABLE 4-6 shows an example of the command and response for entering this setting.
Appendix B describes this command in further detail.
TABLE 4-6. Example for Setting Water Stage
Initial Command Response
Where (from left to right),
0—sensor’s address;
7.010—the initial water depth value used to calculate subsequent stage measurements.
Where (from left to right),
0—sensor’s address;
001—the amount of time (in seconds) that you must wait before sending the send data command;
1—the number of values that will be placed in the buffer.
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor
Subsequent Command Command Response
Where the first zero is the sensor address.
This is the send data command.

4.4 Step 4 — Use SCWin Short Cut to Program Datalogger and Generate Wiring Diagram

1. Open Short Cut and click on New Program.
Where (from left to right),
0—sensor’s address;
7.010—the initial water depth value used to calculate subsequent stage measurements.
2. Select a datalogger and scan interval.
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor
3. Under Generic Measurements, select SDI-12 Sensor then click the right
arrow to add it to the list of sensors to be measured.
4. A properties window will appear. In this window, enter Stage and Feet for
the First Result; Distance and Feet for the Second Result, and ErrorCode for the Third Result.
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor
5. Choose the outputs and then select Finish.

5. Overview

6. Wire according to the wiring diagram generated by Short Cut.
The CS475, CS476, and CS477 emit short microwave pulses and measure the elapsed time between the emission and return of the pulses. The elapsed time measurement is used to calculate the distance between the sensor face and the target (for example, water, grain, slurry). The distance value can be used to determine depth.
CS475, CS476, and CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor
These radar sensors output a digital SDI-12 signal to indicate distance and stage. This output is acceptable for recording devices with SDI-12 capability including Campbell Scientific dataloggers.
Three sensor models are available that differ in their measurement range and accuracy. The CS475 can measure distances up to 65 feet with an accuracy of ±0.2 inches; the CS476 can measure up to 98 feet with an accuracy of ±0.1 inches; and the CS477 can measure up to 230 feet with an accuracy of ±0.6 inches.
The –L after the model name indicates that the cable length is user specified.
The cable can terminate in:
Pigtails that connect directly to a Campbell Scientific datalogger
(option –PT).
Connector that attaches to a prewired enclosure (option –PW). Refer
to for more information.
FIGURE 5-1. CS475, CS476, and CS477
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