Campbell Scientific CS11-L User Manual

CS11-L Current Transformer
Copyright © 2001-2013
Campbell Scientific, Inc.


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Table of Contents

PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. General Description....................................................1
2. Specifications .............................................................1
3. Installation...................................................................2
4. Wiring........................................................................... 3
5. ACPower Instruction ..................................................3
5.1 Using the ACPower Instruction with the CS11-L ................................3
5.2 ACPower (from CRBasic Help)...........................................................4
6. Programming ............................................................10
6.1 CR800, CR850, CR1000, or CR3000 Programming .........................11
6.1.1 Example CR1000 Program .........................................................12
6.2 CR200X-series Dataloggers ...............................................................12
6.2.1 CR200(X) Program for 60 Hz.....................................................13
6.2.2 CR200(X) Program for 50 Hz.....................................................14
6.3 CR510, CR10X, CR23X Dataloggers................................................14
6.3.1 Example CR10X Program ..........................................................15
6.4 21X, CR7 Dataloggers .......................................................................16
6.4.1 Example CR21X Program ..........................................................17
6.5 CR1000 with Multiplexer Sample Program .......................................18
6.5.1 Example CR1000 program reading 32 CS11-L Current
6.6 CR10X with Multiplexer Sample Program ........................................18
6.6.1 Example CR10X program reading 32 CS11-L Current
Transformers ...........................................................................19
Theory of Operation................................................ A-1
A.1 Typical Electrical Circuit ................................................................ A-1
A.2 Current Transformer Description.................................................... A-2
A.3 Converting a Milliamp Signal to a Millivolt Signal ........................ A-3
A.4 Multiplier ........................................................................................ A-4
A.5 CS11-L Details................................................................................ A-4
A.6 Multiple Passes Through the Sensor ............................................... A-5
Table of Contents
1-1. CS11-L Current Transformer .............................................................. 1
3-1. AC load wire installed in CS11-L (color of ac load wire can vary) .... 2
4-1. CS11-L schematic ............................................................................... 3
5-1. ACPower Configuration 1................................................................... 5
5-2. ACPower Configuration 2................................................................... 6
5-3. ACPower Configuration 3................................................................... 7
6-1. Graph of a CS11-L waveform ........................................................... 13
6-2. Graph of CS11-L waveform using burst mode.................................. 15
6-3. Graph of a CS11-L waveform using 90 samples of amperage .......... 16
A-1. Generator schematic........................................................................ A-1
A-2. Schematic of generator with current transformer ............................ A-1
A-3. Schematic of current transformer with the wire ..............................A-2
A-4. CS11-L with the wire ...................................................................... A-2
A-5. Magnetic flux schematic.................................................................. A-2
A-6. Windings schematic......................................................................... A-3
A-7. CS11-L schematic ........................................................................... A-4
A-8. Adding 1250 mV creates positive output ........................................ A-5
A-9. CS11-L measurement range ............................................................ A-5
A-10. CS11-L with a wire making two passes through the sensor............ A-6
6-1. Max Amps on Each of the Range Codes in the Datalogger (one
pass only). ...................................................................................... 11
CS11-L Current Transformer

1. General Description

Campbell Scientific’s CS11-L (FIGURE 1-1) detects and measures the AC current along an electrical wire using the magnetic field that is generated by that current. The CS11-L does not have direct electrical connection to the system. The sensor outputs a millivolt signal allowing it to be directly connected to our dataloggers.
The CS11-L is compatible with our CR200X, CR800, CR850, CR1000, CR3000, CR500, CR510, CR10(X),CR21X, and CR23X dataloggers. It uses CR Magnetic’s CR8459 Current Transducer to measure the approximate current over a range of 0 to 200 A.
The CS11-L has been developed in such a way that it can be used on most of the datalogger models past and present, including the CR200(X). However, the CR200(X) datalogger requires slightly different wiring than the other dataloggers and requires derating of the maximum amperage to 125 amps.
FIGURE 1-1. CS11-L Current Transformer

2. Specifications

Example Applications:
Motor or generator load conditions
Efficiency studies
Intermittent fault detection
CS11-L Current Transformer
Measurement Ranges: 0.15 to 200 A (0.15 to 125 A for CR200X)
Frequency: 50 and 60 Hz
Insulation Resistance: 100 M ohm @ 500 Vdc
High Potential: 2000 volts
Rated Current: 200 A, 125 A (CR200X)
Storage Temperature: –25º to 70ºC
Operating Temperature: –25º to 55ºC
Case Material: Polypropylene Resin
Construction: Epoxy Encapsulated
Accuracy with 10 ohm Burden Max. (resistive): Typically ±1 percent of actual value with
provided multiplier

3. Installation

Dimensions Outer Diameter: 4.8 cm (1.89 in) Inner Diameter: 1.9 cm (0.75 in) Height: 1.7 cm (0.67 in)
Multiplier: i
Place one AC wire through the hole of the CS11-L (see FIGURE 3-1). The sensor may be placed on either the hot or neutral AC wire.
=200 A/1000mV=0.2
FIGURE 3-1. AC load wire installed in CS11-L (color of ac load wire
can vary)

4. Wiring

CS11-L Current Transformer
The CS11-L uses a single-ended analog channel as follows:
Wire Color Terminal
or AG (VX on CR200X)
or AG
or AG
FIGURE 4-1. CS11-L schematic
If multiple wire passes are needed, see the end of the first paragraph in Appendix A.6, Multiple Passes Through the Sensor.

5. ACPower Instruction

5.1 Using the ACPower Instruction with the CS11-L

The CS11-L can be measured by programming the datalogger using the ACPower Instruction (found in the CR8X0, CR1000, CR3000 dataloggers). The ACPower instruction is designed to measure the voltage, frequency and amperage of an AC load, then calculate the phase angle, harmonic distortion of both the voltage and the current, as well as the real power of the load. In order to obtain all of these measurements and values, another sensor, a potential transformer, is required in addition to the CS11-L sensor. The datalogger will measure voltage signal and frequency of the potential transformer. It will also measure the current of the CS11-L.
1250 mV offset
Wire Color
All Other
CS11-L Current Transformer
'CR1000 Series Datalogger ' CS11-L_with_ACPower_AmpsOnly.CR1 'date: June 24, 2013 ' ' Wiring: ' SE2 White CS11-L ' AG Black CS11-L ' AG Clear CS11-L ' AG Red CS11-L
PipeLineMode ' must be pipeline mode Public Batt_volt Public Amp_Mult Public Amperage Dim Array1(10)
PreserveVariables ' to store values between power cycles
DataTable (AmpTable,True,-1) DataInterval (0,1,Min,10) Average (1,Amperage,FP2,False) Maximum (1,Amperage,FP2,False,False) EndTable
BeginProg Amp_Mult = 200/1000 ' 0.2 multiplier for the CS11-L (200Amps/1000mV=0.2) Scan (500,mSec,0,0) Battery (Batt_volt) ACPower (Array1(),1,60,1,0.345345,120,2,.2,200,1) Amperage=Array1(4) ' If Amperage <= 0.15 Then Amperage = 0 CallTable (AmpTable) NextScan EndProg
If no potential transformer will be used, the CS11-L and the ACPower instruction will give you amperage, but not the other values, so you should ignore all of the other values returned from the ACPower instruction. Most of these other values will show up as NAN (not a number) when no potential transformer is used.

5.2 ACPower (from CRBasic Help)

The ACPower instruction measures real AC power and a number of power quality parameters for single-phase, split-phase, and three-phase ‘Y’ configurations.
ACPower ( DestAC, ConfigAC, LineFrq, ChanV, VMult, MaxVrms, ChanI, IMult, MaxIrms, RepsI )
The ACPower instruction is suitable for net-metering applications, as well as variable-frequency (wild AC) applications. Potential and current transformers must be used to measure the voltage and current using the datalogger.
CS11-L Current Transformer
Working with live electrical equipment is dangerous! The user is responsible for ensuring all wiring conforms to local safety regulations and that the enclosure is labeled accordingly.
DestAC The DestAC parameter is a variable or variable array in
which to store the measurement results. The number of values returned depends upon the option chosen for the configuration parameter. If DestAC is not dimensioned large enough to hold all values, only those values that will fit into the array will be stored.
ConfigAC The ConfigAC parameter is used to determine the type of
measurement that will be made.
Option Description
1 Single-phase with one voltage measurement and the number
of current measurements specified by the RepsI parameter. This configuration monitors a single load with one voltage and one current measurement, or multiple loads in sub-panel applications with one voltage and multiple current measurements. See FIGURE 5-1.
FIGURE 5-1. ACPower Configuration 1
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