Campbell Scientific CNR2 User Manual

CNR2 Net Radiometer
Revision: 5/10
Copyright © 2000-2010
Campbell Scientific, Inc.

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The CNR2 NET RADIOMETER is warranted by CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipment unless specified otherwise. Batteries have no warranty. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s option) defective products. The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping defective products to CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. will return such products by surface carrier prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. products which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. is not liable for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.
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CNR2 Table of Contents
PDF viewers note: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the Adobe Acrobat® bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. General Description.....................................................1
2. Sensor Specifications.................................................1
2.1 CNR2 Specifications ................................................................................1
2.2 Pyranometer Specifications......................................................................2
2.3 Pyrgeometer Specifications......................................................................2
3. Installation....................................................................2
4. Using the CNR2 in the Two Separate Components
Mode (2SCM).............................................................5
4.1 Measuring Solar Radiation with the Pyranometers ..................................5
4.2 Measuring Far Infrared Radiation with the Pyrgeometers........................5
4.3 Calculation of the Net Solar Radiation.....................................................6
5. Wiring............................................................................6
6. Datalogger Programming............................................7
6.1 Calibration Factor.....................................................................................8
6.2 Example Programs....................................................................................8
6.2.1 Example Program for CR1000 Datalogger.....................................8
6.2.2 Example Program for CR10X Datalogger......................................9
7. Calibration..................................................................11
8. Maintenance...............................................................12
9. Typical Values............................................................13
2-1. The Dimensions of the CNR2.................................................................2
3-1. Mounting According to Hemisphere.......................................................3
3-2. The CNR2 mounted to a pole (top) and crossarm (bottom) via
the 26120 Mounting Bracket Kit..........................................................4
5-1. Pin Layout on Campbell Scientific Black Cable.....................................6
5-2. Pin Layout on Kipp & Zonen Original Cable .........................................7
CNR2 Table of Contents
8-1. Dirt, Rain, or Snow on CNR2 Sensor will Reduce the Readings......... 12
8-2. CNR2 Net Radiometer Bubble-Level................................................... 13
8-3. Replacing Drying Cartridge.................................................................. 13
5-1. CRBasic Datalogger Connections for Differential Measurement........... 6
5-2. Edlog Datalogger Connections for Differential Measurement............... 7
5-3. Campbell Scientific Cable vs. Kipp & Zonen Cable.............................. 7
9-1. Typical Values from CNR2 Net Radiometer........................................ 13

CNR2 Net Radiometer

1. General Description

The CNR2 Net Radiometer is intended for the analysis of the radiation balance of short-wave and long-wave infrared radiation. The most common application is the measurement of total net radiation at the earth's surface.
The CNR2 design is such that both the upward facing and the downward­facing instruments measure the energy that is received from the hemisphere. The short-wave sensor, or pyranometer, has a field of view of 180 degrees on the upper and 150 degrees on the lower detector. The long wave sensor, or pyrgeometer, has a field of view of 150 degrees on the upper and the lower detector. The output is expressed in Watts per square meter. The total spectral range that is measured is roughly from 0.3 to 40 micrometers. This spectral range covers both the solar radiation, 0.3 to 2.8 micrometers, and the far infrared radiation, 4.5 to 42 micrometers.
The design of the CNR2 is such that short-wave radiation and long-wave radiation are measured separately. Short-wave radiation is measured by two pyranometers, one for measuring incoming short-wave radiation from the sky, and the other, which faces downward, for measuring the reflected short-wave radiation. The final result from these two pyranometers is net short-wave radiation.
Long-waveradiation is measured by two pyrgeometers, one for measuring the long-wave radiation from the sky, the other from the soil surface. Net long­wave radiation is a final result of measurements from those two detectors.
Additional information on the CNR2 sensor can be found in the Kipp & Zonen CNR2 Manual. The primary intent of this manual is to provide information on interfacing the CNR2 to Campbell Scientific dataloggers.

2. Sensor Specifications

2.1 CNR2 Specifications

Response time: <10s Temperature dependence of
sensitivity (-10°C to +40°C): <5% Sensor asymmetry: <5% Sensitivities: 10 to 20 μV/W/m Sensitivity change per year: <1% Tilt error: <1% Uncertainty in daily total: <10% Cable length:
Customer’s choice from 3 to 100 ft. (Recommended are 50, 75, and 100 ft)
250 g (add about 300g for each 30ft of cable)
CNR2 Net Radiometer

2.2 Pyranometer Specifications

FIGURE 2-1. The Dimensions of the CNR2

2.3 Pyrgeometer Specifications

3. Installation

Spectral range: Zero offset: Type A; 200 W/m
FIR Field of view for upper detector: Field of view for lower detector: Directional error: Non-linearity (0-1000 W m
) net
Spectral range: Field of view of upper detector: Field of view of lower detector: Non-linearity (-250 to +250 W m
net irradiance:
310 to 2800 nm <15 W/m 180° 150° <20 W m
4.5 to 42 µm 150° 150°
For measurement of the net radiation, it is important that the instrument is located in a place that is representative of the entire study region.
Install the CNR2 such that no shadow is cast on the net radiometer at any time during the day. In the Northern Hemisphere, mount the CNR2 south of the mast. In the Southern Hemisphere, mount the CNR2 north of the mast (see Figure 3-1).
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