Campbell Scientific CMP3 User Manual

CMP3-L Pyranometer
Revision: 2/09
Copyright © 2006-2009
Campbell Scientific, Inc.

Warranty and Assistance

The CMP3-L PYRANOMETER is warranted by CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipment unless specified otherwise. Batteries have no warranty. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s option) defective products. The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping defective products to CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. will return such products by surface carrier prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. products which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. is not liable for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.
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CMP3-L Pyranometer Table of Contents
PDF viewers note: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the Adobe Acrobat® bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. General Description.....................................................1
2. Specifications ..............................................................1
3. Installation....................................................................2
4. Wiring............................................................................4
5. Example Programs......................................................5
5.1 Input Range...............................................................................................5
5.2 Multiplier..................................................................................................6
5.3 Offset........................................................................................................6
5.4 Example Programs....................................................................................7
5.4.1 CR1000 Example Program.............................................................7
5.4.2 CR10X Example Program ..............................................................8
5.5 Output Format Considerations..................................................................9
6. Maintenance...............................................................10
7. Troubleshooting ........................................................10
3-1. CMP3-L Pyranometer Attached to CM225 Solar Sensor Mounti ng Stand3
4-1. CMP3-L Schematic.................................................................................4
4-1. Differential Connections to Campbell Scientific Dataloggers ................4
4-2. Single-Ended Connections to Campbell Scientific Dataloggers.............5
5-1. Multipliers Required for Average Flux Density and Total Fluxes.......... 6
5-2. Wiring for Example Programs ................................................................7

CMP3-L Pyranometer

1. General Description

This manual provides information for interfacing the CMP3-L Pyranometer to various models of Campbell Scientific dataloggers. The CMP3-L is manufactured by Kipp & Zonen and then cabled by Campbell Scientific. Cable length is user specified.
The CMP3-L is shipped with an instruction manual provided by Kipp & Zonen that contains information concerning the CMP3-L’s construction, spectral sensitivity, cosine response, and a simple sensor check out procedure. Included with the sensor and manual is a calibration certificate with the sensor calibration constant and serial number. Cross check this serial number against the serial number on your CMP3-L to ensure that the given calibration constant corresponds to your sensor.
The CMP3-L pyranometer is designed for continuous outdoor use. Due to its flat spectral sensitivity from 300 to 3000 nm, it can be used in natural sunlight, under plant canopies, in green houses or buildings, and inverted to measure reflected solar radiation. Two CMP3-Ls can be used in combination to measure albedo. The CMP3-L can also be used to measure most types of artificial light (Xenon lamps, Halogen lamps, etc.).
The CMP3-L pyranometer consists of a thermopile sensor, housing, dome, and cable. The thermopile is coated with a black absorbent coating. The paint absorbs the radiation and converts it to heat. The resultant temperature difference is converted to a voltage by the copper-constantan thermopile. The thermopile is encapsulated in the housing in such a way that it has a field of view of 180 degrees and the angular characteristics needed to fulfill the cosine response requirements.

2. Specifications

The CMP3-L is an ISO Second Class pyranometer. While the worst case accuracy for daily sums given by Kipp & Zonen is + is +
ISO SPECIFICATIONS: Response Time 95%: 18 seconds
Zero offset due to 200 W/m radiation:
Zero offset due to temperature change of 5ºK / hr:
Non stability (% change/year): < + Non linearity (0 to 1000 W/m
Directional error (at 80º with 1000 W/m
10%, the typical accuracy
< 15 W m
< +
< +
< + 20 W m-2
4 W m-2 1%
CMP3-L Pyranometer
Temperature Dependence of sensitivity:
Tilt response (+
Expected accuracy for daily sums: + Spectral range (50% points, nm): 310 to 2800 nm Sensitivity:
Typical signal output for atmospheric applications:
Impedance: Operating Temperature: -40º to +80ºC Max. irradiance: Detector: Copper-constantan multi junction
Level accuracy: 1 degree DIMENSIONS / SHIPPING DIMENSIONS CMP3-L: 3 in dia x 4 in / 8x12x4 in
80º) (at 1000 W/m2):
5% (-10º to + 40ºC)
< +
5 to 20 μV W
0 to 15 mV 30 to 100 Ω
2000 Wm
-1 m2

3. Installation

CMP3-L: 1.2 lbs / 1.8 lbs
The CMP3-L is usually installed horizontally, but can also be installed at any angle including an inverted position. In all cases it will measure the flu x that is incident on the surface that is parallel to the sensor surface.
Site the CMP3-L to allow easy access for maintenance while ideally avoiding any obstructions above the plane of the sensing element. It is important to mount the CMP3-L such that a shadow will not be cast on it at any time.
If this is not possible, try to choose a site where any obstruction over the azimuth range between earliest sunrise and latest sunset has an elevation not exceeding 5°. Diffuse solar radiation is less influenced by obstructions near the horizon. For instance, an obstruction with an elevation of 5° over the whole azimuth range of 360° decreases the downward diffuse solar radiation by only 0.8%.
The sensor should be mounted with the cable pointing towards the nearest magnetic pole, e.g., in the Northern Hemisphere point the cable toward the North Pole.
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