Campbell Scientific Bowen Ratio Instrumentation User Manual

Bowen Ratio Instrumentation
Revision: 9/05
Copyright (c) 1987-2005
Campbell Scientific, Inc.

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The BOWEN RATIO INSTRUMENTATION is warranted by CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipment unless specified otherwise. Batteries have no warranty. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s option) defective products. The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping defective products to CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. will return such products by surface carrier prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. products which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. is not liable for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.
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Bowen Ratio Table of Contents
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1. System Overview......................................................1-1
1.1 Review of Theory................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 System Description............................................................................... 1-3
1.2.1 Water Vapor Measurement......................................................... 1-3
1.2.2 Air Temperature Measurement................................................... 1-4
1.2.3 Net Radiation and Soil Heat Flux............................................... 1-5
1.2.4 Power Supply.............................................................................. 1-5
2. Station Installation....................................................2-1
2.1 Sensor Height and Separation............................................................... 2-1
2.2 Soil Thermocouples and Heat Flux Plates............................................ 2-2
2.3 Wiring................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4 Battery Connections.............................................................................. 2-7
2.5 System Startup...................................................................................... 2-7
2.6 Routine Maintenance............................................................................ 2-7
2.7 Cleaning the DEW 10........................................................................... 2-8
3. Sample CR23X Program...........................................3-1
4. Calculating Fluxes Using SPLIT..............................4-1
4.1 Data Handling ........................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Calculating Fluxes................................................................................ 4-1
A. References...............................................................A-1
B. 023 Bowen Ratio (Pre July 1993)........................... B-1
1.2-1. Component Power Requirements..................................................... 1-5
2.3-1. CR23X/Sensor Connections for Example Program......................... 2-4
3-1. Sample CR23X Bowen Ratio Program Flow Chart............................ 3-2
3-2. Output From Example Bowen Ratio Program .................................... 3-5
4.2-1. Input Values for Flux Calculations .................................................. 4-3
Bowen Ratio Table of Contents
1.2-1. Vapor Measurement System............................................................. 1-3
1.2-2. Thermocouple Configuration............................................................1-4
2-1. CSI Bowen Ratio System ....................................................................2-2
2.2-1. Placement of Thermocouples and Heat Flux Plates .........................2-3
2.2-2. TCAV Spatial Averaging Thermocouple Probe..............................2-4
2.3. A block diagram for the connections between the datalogger,
the BR relay driver and components, and the external battery................2-6
2.4-1. Terminal Strip Adapters for Connections to Battery........................2-7
2.7-1. DEW 10 Circuit Board.....................................................................2-9
B-1. 023 Bowen Ratio Vapor Measurement System with Three
Flowmeters............................................................................................. B-1

Section 1. System Overview

1.1 Review of Theory

By analogy with molecular diffusion, the flux-gradient approach to vertical transport of an entity from or to a surface assumes steady diffusion of the entity along its mean vertical concentration gradient.
When working within a few meters of the surface, the water vapor and heat flux densities, E and H, may be expressed as:
Here ρv is vapor density, ρ is air density, Cp is the specific heat of air, T is temperature, z is vertical height, and k vapor and heat, respectively. Air density and the specific heat of air should account for the presence of water vapor, however, use of standard dry air values usually causes negligible error. The eddy diffusivities are functions of height. The vapor and temperature gradients reflect temporal and spatial averages.
Applying the Universal Gas Law to Eq. (1), and using the latent heat of vaporization, λ, the latent heat flux density, λ, can be written in terms of vapor pressure (e).
Here P is atmospheric pressure and ε is the ratio of the molecular weight of water to the molecular weight of dry air.
In practice, finite gradients are measured and an effective eddy diffusivity assumed over the vertical gradient:
and kH are the eddy diffusivities for
In general, k equal. The ratio of H to L surface into sensible and latent heat flux. This technique was first proposed by Bowen (1926). The Bowen ratio, β, is obtained from Eq. (4) and Eq. (5).
and kH are not known but under specific conditions are assumed
is then used to partition the available energy at the
12 12
. (5)
Section 1. System Overview
ε is the psychrometric constant.
12 12
The surface energy budget is given by,
where R
is net radiation for the surface and G is the total soil heat flux. The
sign convention used is R
positive into the surface and G, H, and Le positive
away from the surface. Substituting βL
0, (7)
for H in Eq. (7) and solving for Le
Measurements of R
, G, and T and e at two heights are then required to
. (8)
+1 β
estimate sensible and latent heat flux.
Atmospheric pressure is also necessary, but seldom varies by more than a few percent. It may be calculated for the site elevation, assuming a standard atmosphere, or obtained from a nearby station and corrected for any elevation difference (Wallace and Hobbes, 1977).
Eq. (6) shows that the sensitivity of β is directly related to the measured gradients; a 1% error in a measurement results in a 1% error in β.
When the Bowen ratio approaches -1, the calculated fluxes approach infinity. Fortunately, this situation usually occurs only at night when there is little available energy, R
0.75), L
and H are assumed to be negligible and are not calculated. Ohmuna
- G. In practice, when β is close to -1 (e.g., -1.25 < β < -
(1982) describes an objective method for rejecting erroneous Bowen ratio data.
Section 1. System Overview
FIGURE 1.2-1. Vapor Measurement System

1.2 System Description

1.2.1 Water Vapor Measurement

It is common practice in Bowen ratio measurements to measure wet bulb depression to develop the water vapor gradient. The position of the two psychrometers is periodically reversed to cancel systematic sensor errors (Suomi, 1957; Fuchs and Tanner, 1970).
In the Campbell Scientific system, vapor concentration is measured with a single cooled mirror dew point hygrometer multiple level gradient studies (Lemon, 1960). Air samples from two heights are routed to the cooled mirror after passing through mixing volumes (Figure
1.2-1). The problems associated with wick wetting and water supply in psychrometers are avoided and systematic sensor errors are eliminated.
Air is drawn from both heights continuously through inverted 25 mm filter holders fitted with Teflon filters with a 1 µm pore size. The filter prevents dust contamination in the lines and on the cooled mirror. It also prevents liquid water from entering the system.
, using a technique developed for
A single low power DC pump aspirates the system. Manually adjustable rotometers are used to adjust and match the flow rates. A flow rate of 0.4 liters/minute with 2 liter mixing chambers gives a 5 minute time constant.
Model Dew-10, General Eastern Corp. Watertown, MA
Section 1. System Overview
A datalogger is used to measure all sensors and control the valve that switches the air stream through the cooled mirror.
The resolution of the dewpoint temperature measurement is ±0.003°C over a ±35°C range. The limitation is the stability of the Dew-10, approx imately
0.05°C, yielding better than ±0.01 kPa vapor pressure resolution over most of
the environmental range.
Every 2 minutes the air drawn through the cooled mirror is switched from one height to the other with the valve. Forty seconds is allowed for the mirror to stabilize on the new dewpoint temperature and 1 minute and 20 seconds worth of measurements for an individual level are obtained for each 2 minutes cycle.
The dewpoint temperature is measured every second and the vapor pressure is calculated by the datalogger using the equation described by Lowe (1976). The average vapor pressure at each height is calculated every 20 minutes.
FIGURE 1.2-2. Thermocouple Configuration

1.2.2 Air Temperature Measurement

Air temperature is measured at two heights with chromel–constantan thermocouples wired as in Figure 1.2-2. The differential voltage is due to the difference in temperature between T error. The datalogger resolution is 0.006°C with 0.1 µV rms noise.
The thermocouples are not aspirated. Attempts to aspirate the TCs with the air from the vapor measurement system were not successful. Testing under 1000
W m
solar radiation, with several radiation shield designs and aspiration rates of up to 80 cm s to radiation from the shield/ducting.
Calculations indicate that a 25 µm (0.001 in) diameter TC experiences less than 0.2°C and 0.1°C heating at 0.1 m s under 1000 W m
(1 l min-1), showed a significant increase in temperature due
solar radiation (Tanner, 1979). More importantly, error in
and T2 and has no inherent sensor offset
and 1 m s-1 wind speeds, respectively,
the gradient measurement is due only to the difference in the radiative heating of the two TC junctions and their physical symmetry minimizes this. Conversely, contamination of only one junction can cause larger errors.
Applying temperature gradients to the TC connectors was found to cause offsets. The connector mounts were designed with radiation shields and thermal conductors to minimize gradients.
The prototype systems used two sets of TCs on each system, one 25 µm and one 76 µm diameter. It was hypothesized that the 25 µm diameter would suffer less from radiation loading and the 76 µm would be less prone to breakage. The current design uses a single set of TCs (76 µm standard) with two parallel junctions at each height as a back up against breakage.

1.2.3 Net Radiation and Soil Heat Flux

Net radiation and soil heat flux are averaged over the same time period as the vapor pressure and temperature differences.
To measure soil heat flux, heat flux plates are buried in the soil at a fixed depth of between 5 to 10 cm to reduce errors due to vapor transport of heat. Typically the plates are buried at a depth of 8 cm. The average temperature of the soil layer above the plate is measured using 4 parallel thermocouples. The heat flux at the surface is then calculated by adding the heat flux measured by the plate to the energy stored in the soil layer. The storage term is calculated by multiplying the change in soil temperature over the averaging perio d by the soil heat capacity.
Section 1. System Overview

1.2.4 Power Supply

The current requirements of the components of the Bowen ratio system are given in Table 1.2-1.
Component Current at 12 VDC
Cooled Mirror 150 - 500 mA Pump 60 mA CR23X 5 mA
A 20 watt solar panel (SP20R) and a 70 amp-hour battery are capable of providing a continuous current of 300 - 350 mA. The solar panel is necessary if the system is to be used for periods longer than 2-3 days. The datalogger can control power to the cooled mirror and pump, and can shut down the system if the battery voltage is low or if measurements are not needed at night.
TABLE 1.2-1. Component Power
Section 1. System Overview
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Section 2. Station Installation

Figure 2-1 shows the typical Bowen ratio installation on the CM10 tripod. The 023A enclosure, mounting arms, and SP20R solar panel all mount to the tripod mast (1 1/4 in. pipe, inside diameter) with U-bolts. The size of the tripod allows the heights of the arms to be adjusted from 0.5 to 3 meters. The mounting arms should be oriented due south to avoid partial shading of the thermocouples.
The net radiometer is mounted on a separate stake (not provided by Campbell Scientific) so that the tripod is not a significant portion of its field of view. It should be positioned so that it is never shaded by the tripod or mounting arms and should be mounted so that it points south.

2.1 Sensor Height and Separation

There are several factors which must be balanced against each other when determining the height at which to mount the support arms for the temperature and air intakes. The differences in temperature and moisture increase with height, so the resolution on the measurements of the temperature and vapor gradient will improve the farther apart the arms are.
The upper mounting arm must be low enough that it is not sampling air that is coming from a different environment upwind. The air that the sensors see must be representative of the soil/vegetation that is being measured. As a rule of thumb, the surface being measured should extend a distance upwind that is at least 100 times the height of the sensors. The following references discuss fetch requirements in detail: Brutsaert (1982); Dyer and Pruitt (1962); Gash (1986); Schuepp et al. (1990); and Shuttleworth (1992).
The lower mounting arm needs to be higher than the surrounding vegetation so that the air it is sampling is representative of the bulk crop surface, and not a smaller scale effect that might be seen in a row crop if the sensors were down between rows.
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