warranted by Campbell Scientific, Inc. (“Campbell”) to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12)
months from date of shipment unless otherwise specified in the corresponding
Campbell pricelist or product manual. Products not manufactured, but that are
re-sold by Campbell, are warranted only to the limits extended by the original
manufacturer. Batteries, fine-wire thermocouples, desiccant, and other
consumables have no warranty. Campbell’s obligation under this warranty is
limited to repairing or replacing (at Campbell’s option) defective products,
which shall be the sole and exclusive remedy under this warranty. The
customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping
defective products to Campbell. Campbell will return such products by surface
carrier prepaid within the continental United States of America. To all other
locations, Campbell will return such products best way CIP (Port of Entry)
INCOTERM® 2010, prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any products
which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, improper service,
accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other
warranties, expressed or implied. The warranty for installation services
performed by Campbell such as programming to customer specifications,
electrical connections to products manufactured by Campbell, and product
specific training, is part of Campbell’s product warranty. CAMPBELL
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Campbell is not liable for any special, indirect,
incidental, and/or consequential damages.”
Products may not be returned without prior authorization. The following
contact information is for US and international customers residing in countries
served by Campbell Scientific, Inc. directly. Affiliate companies handle
repairs for customers within their territories. Please visit
www.campbellsci.com to determine which Campbell Scientific company serves
your country.
To obtain a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA), contact CAMPBELL
SCIENTIFIC, INC., phone (435) 227-9000. After an application engineer
determines the nature of the problem, an RMA number will be issued. Please
write this number clearly on the outside of the shipping container. Campbell
Scientific’s shipping address is:
815 West 1800 North
Logan, Utah 84321-1784
For all returns, the customer must fill out a “Statement of Product Cleanliness
and Decontamination” form and comply with the requirements specified in it.
The form is available from our web site at www.campbellsci.com/repair. A
completed form must be either emailed to repair@campbellsci.com or faxed to
(435) 227-9106. Campbell Scientific is unable to process any returns until we
receive this form. If the form is not received within three days of product
receipt or is incomplete, the product will be returned to the customer at the
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products that were exposed to contaminants that may cause health or safety
concerns for our employees.
Table of Contents
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The AVW200 series consist of a base model (AVW200) and three wireless models
(AVW206, AVW211, AVW216). The wireless models combine the AVW200 with a spread
spectrum radio. The different model numbers of the wireless versions are for different
spread spectrum frequency ranges.
Compatible Radios
• AVW206—910 to 918 MHz (US/Canada) RF401
• AVW211—920 to 928 MHz (Australia/Israel) RF411
• AVW216—2.450 to 2.482 GHz (worldwide) RF416
No product using the 24XStream radio, including the AVW216, will be
available for sale in Europe after 1/1/2015 due to changes in EU legislation.
Consequently, purchase of the AVW216 is not recommended for use in
Europe in new networks that may require future expansion.
Throughout this manual AVW200 will refer to all models unless specified otherwise.
Likewise, AVW206 typically refers to all wireless models, and RF401 refers to the
corresponding spread spectrum radio.
1. Overview
The AVW200 module allows the measurement of vibrating-wire strain gauges,
pressure transducers, piezometers, tiltmeters, crackmeters, and load cells.
These sensors are used in a wide variety of structural, hydrological, and
geotechnical applications because of their stability, accuracy, and durability.
Up to two vibrating wire or vibrating strip transducers can be connected to the
AVW200. More sensors can be measured by using multiplexers (see Section
1.4, Use with Multiplexers).
1.1 Design Features
Historically, vibrating-wire sensors suffered from one major problem—
external noise. The AVW200 significantly reduces and, in most cases,
eliminates the problem of incorrect readings due to noise sources. The noise
problems were overcome by advancement in technology and mathematical
from previous time-domain based measurements.
Read more! Vibrating Wire Measurements are discussed in detail in
Section 2.
, resulting in frequency based measurements—a complete departure
To simplify programming of the AVW200, engineers implemented firmware to
eliminate several parameters that were necessary in programming the older
Campbell Scientific interfaces (i.e., AVW1, AVW4, AVW100).
These parameters are now part of the AVW200 internal operating system and
require no user input. The user only needs to input the lower frequency range,
upper frequency range, and excitation voltage of the sensor.
Read more! Detailed programming information is provided in Section 6
The AVW200 returns five or six values per measurement. The first value is
the vibrating wire frequency in Hz. The sixth value is the optional thermistor
measurement on Ohms. Values two through five are diagnostic information
giving an indication or validation of the measurement.
(1) = Frequency in Hertz
(2) = SignalStrength in mV_RMS
(3) = Signal/Noise Ratio (unitless)
(4) = Noise Frequency Hz
(5) = DecayRatio (unitless)
(6) = Thermistor output in Ohms of resistance (see Section 2.2, Temperature)
The on-board diagnostics should be monitored to determine faulty wiring,
incorrect frequency range, sensor degradation over time, or to determine faulty
Read more! Information on how to use the on-board diagnostics is
provided in Appendix F.
The AVW200 module is designed to work with and complement Campbell
Scientific dataloggers, as well as data acquisition products from other
When using the PakBus protocol, the AVW200() instruction in CRBasic
supports an AVW200 connected to a datalogger via a cable attached to the
AVW200’s RS-232 port. You can run the datalogger AVW200() instruction in
either the pipeline or sequential mode. This instruction is contained in the
following datalogger operating systems:
• CR800std.06 or greater
• CR1000std.15 or greater
• CR3000std.08 or greater
Multiplexers can be controlled by either the AVW200 or the datalogger.
Read more! You can find Quick Start Guides in Section 3
instruction description in Section 6.1, and programming examples in
Section 7. PakBus Protocol/Wireless Connection
An AVW206, AVW211, or AVW216 interface can transmit data to a
corresponding spread spectrum radio that is attached to the datalogger. The
AVW200() instruction in CRBasic supports these wireless interfaces. You can
run the AVW200() instruction in either the pipeline or sequential mode. This
instruction is contained in the following datalogger operating systems:
• CR800std.06 or greater
• CR1000std.15 or greater
• CR3000std.08 or greater
Multiplexers can be controlled by the wireless AVW200.
Read more! You can find Quick Start Guides in Section 3
instruction description in Section 6.1, and a programming example in
Section 7.1.2. PakBus Protocol/MD485 Communication
For situations where wireless communication is impractical, MD485 multidrop
modems may extend the distance between the AVW200 interfaces.
Multiplexers must be controlled by the AVW200.
, AVW200()
, AVW200()
Read more! Appendix I SDI-12 Communication Mode
SDI-12 is the only option available for our CR5000, CR10X, and CR23X
dataloggers and non-Campbell Scientific dataloggers. Our CRBasic
dataloggers use the SDI12Recorder instruction and Edlog dataloggers (i.e.,
CR10X, CR23X) use Instruction 105. The SDI12Recorder instruction should
only be run in the sequential mode. When using SDI-12, multiplexers must be
controlled by the datalogger.
Read more! You can find a Quick Start Guide in Section 3.3.1,
SDI12Recorder instruction description in Section 6.2, and a programming
example in Section 7.5.
The Device Configuration (DevConfig) Utility supports AVW200
configuration, operating system download, and vibrating wire spectrum
analysis troubleshooting. To use DevConfig, the AVW200 must be connected
to a PC and a power source. DevConfig is bundled in Campbell Scientific’s
datalogger support software and can also be acquired, at no cost, from
Campbell Scientific’s website. DevConfig 1.10 or greater is required.
Read more! DevConfig is described in detail in Section 5 LoggerNet
LoggerNet supports datalogger programming, accesses the status and public
tables, and displays network routing. Please ensure that the AVW200 CRBasic
instruction is included. If using LoggerNet 3.4.1 or lower, the user needs to
download the most recent OS for the datalogger. This installation installs the
required CRBasic files on the user’s computer so that the AVW200 instruction
shows up in the editor.
Read more! Programming information is provided in Section 6
refer to the LoggerNet manual and help. Terminal Commands
You can monitor the AVW200 by entering terminal commands in the terminal
emulator of DevConfig or LoggerNet. HyperTerminal or ProComm can also
be used. The AVW200 needs to be connected to a computer with a standard
RS-232 cable (CSI model 10873).
Read more! Terminal Mode Commands are discussed in Section 5.6
1.4 Use with Multiplexers
For the AVW200 interfaces, the AM16/32B multiplexer is recommended over
its predecessors (i.e., AM16/32, AM16/32A). The AM16/32B has a clocking
mode that can use relay addressing to go directly to a specific channel—
reducing power consumption and wear on the relay switches.
. Also,
Up to 32 vibrating wire sensors without thermistors or 16 vibrating wire
sensors with thermistors can be connected to one multiplexer. Two
multiplexers can be connected to one AVW200. Using a direct RS-232
connection, up to four AVW200 interfaces can be connected to one CR1000 or
CR3000; up to two AVW200 interfaces can be connected to one CR800 or
CR850. This allows up to 256 vibrating wire sensors (128 with temperature) to
be measured by one CR1000 or CR3000 (see FIGURE 1-1) or 128 vibrating
wire sensors (64 with temperature) to be measured with one CR800 or CR850.
FIGURE 1-2 and FIGURE 1-3 indicate the number of interfaces that can be
connected to one datalogger when using wireless interfaces or the SDI-12
Read more! You can find Quick Start Guides in Sections 3.2 and 3.3
wiring information in 4.5, programming information in Section 6, and
programming examples in Section 7.
The spectral approach implemented by the AVW200 offers significantly
improved noise immunity when compared to older period-averaging techniques
implemented by other vibrating-wire interfaces (AVW1, AVW4, and
AVW100). Testing revealed more than two to three orders of magnitude better
noise immunity with the AVW200. In addition, the spectral analysis gives
improved frequency resolution (0.001 Hz rms) during quiet conditions.
The AVW200 measures the resonant frequency of the taut wire in a vibrating
wire sensor (see FIGURE 2-1) with the following procedure. First, the
AVW200 excites the wire with a swept-frequency excitation signal. Next, the
AVW200 records the response from the vibrating wire. Finally, the AVW200
Fourier transforms the recorded response and analyzes the resulting spectrum
to determine the wire’s resonant frequency. This analysis also provides
diagnostic information indicating the quality of the resonant-frequency
There are three user-determined inputs to the AVW200 measurement process
and five outputs from the measurement process. The input parameters control
the excitation frequency range (BeginFreq and EndFreq) and the excitation
amplitude (ExVolt); see TABLE 2-1. The frequency range supported spans
from 100 Hz to 6500 Hz.
Input Units Description
BeginFreq Hz Minimum excitation and analysis frequency
EndFreq Hz Maximum excitation and analysis frequency
ExVolt Unitless Excitation voltage
1: 5 Volts peak to peak
2: 12 Volts peak to peak
(see Section 2.2)
Unitless Thermistor measurement parameter
0: No thermistor
_60Hz Use 60 Hz noise rejection
_50Hz: Use 50 Hz noise rejection
The measurement outputs are resonant frequency, response amplitude, signalto-noise ratio, noise frequency, and decay ratio; see TABLE 2-2. The raw
frequency measurement output of the AVW200 is in Hertz unlike our previous
interfaces, which output kHz
or 1/T2 (where T is the period in milliseconds).
The Hertz output is converted to the appropriate units of measurement (e.g.,
pressure, strain, displacement) by using information provided on the sensor’s
calibration report.
Read more! You can find an example of converting Hertz to displacement
in Appendix A and an example program that converts Hertz to
displacement in Section 7.1.2.
Resonant Frequency Hz Frequency of the peak response
Response Amplitude mV rms Amplitude of the peak response1
Signal-to-Noise Ratio unitless Response amplitude divided by
amplitude of largest noise candidate
Noise Frequency Hz Frequency of largest noise candidate1
Decay Ratio unitless Ending time-series amplitude divided
Thermistor Resistance
by the beginning time-series
Ohms On-gage thermistor resistance2
(see Section 2.2)
1. Use for measurement diagnostics.
2. Optional output, not measured if Therm50_60Hz is set to 0.
When using firmware version Std.04 (or higher) and the Response Amplitude
diagnostic is measured as less than 0.01 mV rms (10 microvolts), the Resonant
Frequency reading will be modified to warn the user about the occurrence of
low signal strength amplitudes. If SDI-12 is used to communicate with the
AVW200-series device, the frequency will be given as -9,999,999 under those
conditions. For all other communication methods, the frequency will be given
as NAN (not-a-number) when experiencing this low signal strength condition.
If the user desires the frequency to be returned as NAN for a higher (i.e., more
pessimistic) threshold than 0.01 mV, this can be done by using an optional
parameter in the AVW200 CRBasic Instruction. See Section 6.1, AVW200 Instruction, for details about how this can be done.
The Resonant Frequency reading is also used to warn the user when there is an
invalid voltage supply in the hardware of the device (firmware Std.04 and
higher). If an internal calibration factor is outside of the expected range, then
the value of -555,555 is returned for the frequency measurement. This
indicates to the user that there is a hardware issue on the device which requires
a factory examination and/or repair. Contact Campbell Scientific for
instructions when this value is given as the Resonant Frequency reading.
FIGURE 2-2 (a representative output from the Device Configurator’s
Troubleshooter) illustrates the AVW200 measurements. The bottom graph
shows the raw time series data recorded from a vibrating sensor after the sensor
has been excited with the frequency-swept voltage signal, and the top graph
shows the spectrum after the AVW200 has applied the fast Fourier transform
(FFT). In addition to the wire’s resonant frequency, the spectrum shows the
response amplitude, noise amplitude, and noise frequency. The AVW200
computes the signal-to-noise ratio diagnostic by dividing the response
amplitude by the noise amplitude. The AVW200 computes the decay ratio
diagnostic from the time series ending amplitude divided by the beginning
amplitude shown on the bottom graph in FIGURE 2-2.
FIGURE 2-2. DevConfig plots showing the AVW200 measurement
Please note that the use of the special FFT algorithm to achieve better noise
immunity does require time for computation, which limits the maximum
vibrating wire measurement rate to 2 seconds per sensor. Running a program
at rates faster than this will result in compile/download errors.
Read more! You can find Troubleshoot tool information in Section 5.5
Appendix F; and detailed programming information in Section 6.
2.2 Temperature
The AVW200 contains a completion resistor for measuring the internal
thermistor contained in many vibrating wire sensors. The thermistor’s
resistance changes with the internal temperature of the sensor. This
temperature can be used to correct errors in the vibrating wire measurement
due to thermal expansion/contraction of the sensor body. The temperature
correction is often used when the temperature of the medium that the sensor is
measuring is changing (e.g. water temperature in a river or shallow lake).
Temperature is calculated by applying the resistance to a known equation such
as the Steinhart-Hart equation. The Steinhart-Hart coefficients for your sensor
are found in the sensor’s user manual.
Read more! You can find an example program that converts resistance to
temperature in Section 7.1.2, and detailed information about the
thermistors in Appendix B.
3. Quick Start Guides
The AVW200 can be used in many types of systems—from simple to complex.
The following quick start guides provide steps used to set up a system for some
example configurations.
3.1 One or Two Sensors (no multiplexers)
3.1.1 Direct RS-232 Connection
For this simple configuration, the AVW200 can be used straight from the box
(i.e., settings do not need to be changed in DevConfig). The sensor(s) are
attached directly to the AVW200. The AVW200 is connected directly with the
datalogger via the 17855 cable or 18663 cable. The 17855 cable terminates in
pigtails for connection to datalogger control port pairs (C1/C2…C7/C8). The
18663 Null Modem Cable has a DB9 connector for attachment to the
datalogger’s RS-232 port.
The following steps are used to measure the sensor(s):
1. Attach the vibrating wire sensor(s) to the AVW200 as shown in
2. Use the 17855 cable to attach the AVW200 to a control port pair on the
datalogger (i.e., C1/C2, C3/C4, C5/C6, C7/C8), or use the 18663 Null
Modem cable to attach the AVW200 to the RS-232 port on the datalogger.
3. Connect one end of the 19246 power cable to the 12V and G terminals on
the AVW200 and the other end to the 12V and G terminals on the
datalogger or external power supply.
Read more! You can find power connection information in Section 4.2
and datalogger connection information in Section 4.3.
4. Create a CRBasic program that includes an AVW200() instruction for each
AVW200 connects to datalogger control ports 1 & 2 via 17855 cable
(option Com1)
Begin Frequency = 1000
End frequency = 3500
Excitation voltage = 12 V peak to peak (option 2)
Read more! A thorough description of the AVW200() instruction and its
parameters is provided in Section 6.1. A complete example program that
measures two vibrating wire sensors (no multiplexer) is included in
Section 7.1.1.
3.1.2 Wireless Connection
For this example configuration, the sensor(s) are attached directly to the
AVW206. The AVW206 interface transmits the data to an RF401 spread
spectrum radio that is connected to the datalogger.
At the AVW206 site, do the following steps:
1. Configure the AVW206 for RF communications as described in Section
5.1, Connecting to DevConfig, and Section 5.2.1, Communications.
2. Attach the vibrating wire sensor(s) to the AVW206 as shown in FIGURE
RF401 = configured for SDC7
Begin Frequency = 1000
End frequency = 3500
Excitation voltage = 12 V peak to peak (option 2)
Read more! A thorough description of the AVW200() instruction and its
parameters is provided in Section 6.1. A complete example program that
measures one vibrating wire sensor (no multiplexer) is included in Section
For this example configuration, vibrating wire sensors are attached to
multiplexers, which are controlled by the AVW200. The AVW200 is
connected directly with the datalogger.
The following steps are used:
1. If you are not using the default multiplexer, go to the
Deployment/Measurement tab in DevConfig and select the multiplexer
you are using (Section 5.1, Connecting to DevConfig, and Section 5.2.1, Communications). The default multiplexer for the AVW200 is the
2. Attach the multiplexers to the AVW200 as shown in FIGURE 4-4.
3. Connect the sensors to the multiplexers.
Read more! Information about connecting the vibrating wire sensors to
the multiplexer is provided in the AM16/32B manual.
4. Use the 17855 cable to attach the AVW200 to control port pairs on the
datalogger, or use the 18663 Null Modem cable to attach the AVW200 to
the RS-232 port on the datalogger.
5. Connect one end of the 19246 power cable to the 12V and G terminals on
the AVW200 and the other end to the 12V and G terminals on the
datalogger or external power supply.
Read more! You can find power and ground connection information in
Section 4.2 and datalogger connection information in Section 4.3.
6. Create a CRBasic program that includes the AVW200() instruction for
each of the multiplexers that the AVW200 will control.
AVW200 connects to datalogger control ports 1 & 2 via 17855 cable
(option Com1)
Each multiplexer has 16 sensors connected to it.
Begin Frequency = 450
End frequency = 3000
Excitation voltage = 12 V peak to peak (option 2)
Read more! A thorough description of the AVW200() instruction and its
parameters is provided in Section 6.1. Complete example programs that
control two multiplexers are included in Sections 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4.1.
3.2.2 Wireless Connection
For this example configuration, vibrating wire sensors are attached to
multiplexers, which are controlled by an AVW206. The AVW206 interface
transmits the data to an RF401 spread spectrum radio that is connected to the
1. Use DevConfig to configure the AVW206 for RF communications
(Section 5.1, Connecting to DevConfig, and Section 5.2.1,
2. If you are not using the default multiplexer, go to the
Deployment/Measurement tab in DevConfig and select the multiplexer
you are using (Section 5.1, Connecting to DevConfig, and Section 5.2.1, Communications). The default multiplexer for the AVW206 is the
3. Attach the multiplexers to the AVW206 as shown in FIGURE 4-4.
4. Connect the sensors to the multiplexers.
Read more! Information about connecting the vibrating wire sensors to
the multiplexer is provided in the AM16/32B manual.
5. Connect an antenna (or antenna cable with Yagi or omnidirectional
antenna attached) to the Antenna Connector on the side of the AVW206.
Read more! Description of our antenna options is provided in Appendix C
6. Use the power cable to connect the 12V and G terminals on the AVW206
to the 12V and G terminals on the PS100 or another power supply.
At the datalogger/RF401 site, do the following steps:
1. Configure the RF401 radio so that its parameters match the AVW206.
The protocol setting for the RF401 must be PB Aware or PB Node.
2. Attach an antenna (or antenna cable with Yagi or omnidirectional antenna
attached) to the Antenna Connector on the RF401.
3. Use the SC12 serial cable to attach the datalogger’s CS I/O port to the
RF401’s CS I/O port. The datalogger’s CS I/O port applies power to the
Read more! More information about using spread spectrum radios is
provided in the RF401/RF411/RF416 Spread Spectrum Data
Radio/Modem manual.
4. Create a CRBasic program that includes the AVW200() instruction for
each of the multiplexers that the AVW200 will control.
Check the manufacturer’s specification for the sensors frequency
and excitation range before picking the begin/end frequencies and
excitation voltage.
RF401 = configured for SDC7
Each multiplexer has 16 sensors connected to it.
Begin Frequency = 450
End frequency = 3000
Excitation voltage = 12 V peak to peak (option 2)
Read more! A thorough description of the AVW200() instruction and its
parameters is provided in Section 6.1. A complete example program that
controls two multiplexers is included in Appendix H.1.2.
3.3 Multiplexers Controlled by Datalogger
3.3.1 SDI-12 Communication
For this example configuration, SDI-12 is used to measure the vibrating wire
sensors. The vibrating wire sensors are attached to multiplexers, which are
controlled by the datalogger.
(1) When using SDI-12, multiplexers have to be controlled by the
(2) SDI-12 is the only option available for our CR10X, CR23X,
and CR5000 dataloggers.
(3) SDI-12 is the only option available for non-Campbell
Scientific dataloggers.
1. Access DevConfig to configure the AVW200 for SDI-12 communications.
Go to the Deployment/Measurement tab in DevConfig and enter the
SDI-12 Address, multiplexer type, begin frequency, end frequency, and
excitation (see Section 5.1, Connecting to DevConfig, and Section 5.2.2,
2. Use a CABLE4CBL-L cable to connect the AVW200 to the multiplexers
(see FIGURE 4-5).
SDI-12 uses the CLK and RESET on the multiplexer instead of
the CLK and RESET address on the AVW200.
3. Connect the sensors to the multiplexers.
Read more! Information about connecting the vibrating wire sensors to
the multiplexer is provided in the AM16/32B manual.
4. Use a CABLE4CBL-L cable to connect the multiplexers to the datalogger
(see FIGURE 4-6).
5. Use a CABLE3CBL-L cable to connect the C1 terminal on the AVW200
6. Connect one end of the 19246 power cable to the 12V and G terminals on
Read more! You can find power and ground connection information in
Section 4.2, and datalogger connection information in Section 4.3.
7. Program the datalogger. Our CRBasic dataloggers use the SDI12Recorder
Read more! The SDI12Recorder instruction is discussed in Section 6.2
An example CRBasic program is provided in Section 7.5, and an example
Edlog program is provided in Appendix G.
4. Connections
4.1 Sensor Wiring (no multiplexers)
Up to two vibrating wire sensors can be directly connected to the AVW200
(see FIGURE 4-1). Sensor cabling is sold as a part of the sensor (refer to the
sensor manual for wire colors). Cable options for connecting the AVW200 to
the datalogger are listed in TABLE 4-1.
to a control port and ground on the datalogger.
the AVW200 and the other end to the 12V and G terminals on the
datalogger or external power supply.
instruction and Edlog dataloggers (i.e., CR10X, CR23X) use Instruction
105. The SDI12Recorder instruction should only be run in the sequential
Each AVW200 has a ground lug for connection to earth ground and a green
connector for attachment to a power source (see FIGURE 4-2).
Only connect the AVW200 ground lug to earth ground when the
AVW200 is not directly connected to the datalogger. When a
datalogger is in the same enclosure, only connect the datalogger’s
ground lug to earth ground.
The AVW200’s ground lug is connected to earth ground via an 8 AWG wire.
This connection should be as short as possible.
The 19246 power cable is shipped with each AVW200 for connection to a
power source. The cable terminates in pigtails that attach to the 12V and G
terminals on the AVW200 and the power source. Often the AVW200 is
powered by the datalogger, but another 12 Vdc power source may be used.
TABLE 4-3. Datalogger to Spread Spectrum Radio Connections
Wireless communication requires the appropriate spread spectrum radio to be
connected to the datalogger (see TABLE 4-3). DevConfig is used to configure
the AVW206, AVW211, or AVW216 for RF communications (Section 5.1,
Connecting to DevConfig, and Section 5.2.1, Communications).
Vibrating Wire
Interface Model
AVW206 RF401 SC12 CS I/O CS I/O
AVW211 RF411 SC12 CS I/O CS I/O
AVW216 RF416 SC12 CS I/O CS I/O
Required Spread
Spectrum Radio
(1) The AVW206, AVW211, and AVW216 are not compatible
with the RF450, RF400, RF410, and RF415 spread spectrum
(2) For communication between the vibrating wire interface and
spread spectrum radio to be successful, the radio’s Protocol must
be set to PakBus Aware or PakBus Node.
Read more! Description of our antenna options is provided in Appendix
C. More information about using spread spectrum radios is provided in
the RF401/RF411/RF416 Spread Spectrum Data Radio/Modem manual.
Cable used for
datalogger to
radio connection
Radio Port for
Cable Attachment
Datalogger Port
for Cable
4.5 Multiplexer Wiring
Wire the sensors to the multiplexer according to the multiplexer manual. Other
multiplexer wiring depends on whether the AVW200 will control the
multiplexer or the datalogger will control the multiplexer.
4.5.1 AVW200 Controlling the Multiplexer
For most applications, it is desirable to have the AVW200 control the
multiplexer. A CABLE4CBL or MUXSIGNAL cable connects to the
multiplexer’s COM terminals, and another CABLE4CBL cable or the
MUXPOWER cable connects to the multiplexer’s CLK and RESET terminals
(see FIGURE 4-4).
When two multiplexers are connected to the AVW200, they share
the CLK and RESET lines. Because of this, while one multiplexer
is making measurements, the other multiplexer will advance its
channels but without making any measurements.
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