Campbell can trace its beginnings back to 1834, when one of the many companies that eventually became what is today the
and chain fittings, drop-forged chain hardware, high quality tackle blocks, shackles, hooks, and much more.
Today, Campbell is the best-selling brand of welded and weldless chain in the United States. Users can select from a wide range of
working load capacities, including proof coil, high test, transport, and alloy. Many finishes, styles, and materials are also available.
Campbell chains and assemblies, including slings for overhead lifting, tie-downs, and binder chains, have earned the brand an
outstanding reputation for quality.
Innovation is also a key element of the Campbell philosophy. Grade 100 chain was pioneered
and developed by Campbell, resulting in products that featured 25% higher working load
limits, manufactured proof tests, and design strengths than Grade 80 chain products.
This kind of innovation, combined with unparalleled technical support, expertise, and
training, provides Campbell customers with a level of satisfaction unrivaled in the industry.
brand began manufacturing harnesses for horses. Over the years, countless products were added, including wire rope
Meets Federal Specification
RR-C-271D, Type IV
ISO 9001 compliant
Bows, pins, and bolts
galvanized to ASTM A-153
Date Code, “WLL” (Working Load Limit),
“Campbell” or “CC”, “USA” and size
are permanently forged on shackle bow
Statistically tested
for hardness, tensile
strength, impact
resistance, ductility
and fatigue
Drop-forged for superior
strength and performance
6 to 1 design factor
Pins and bolts made of alloy
steel; through hardened by a
quench and tempering process
Usable with Quik-Alloy® coupling
links for double leg slings
"USA", Date Code, and Link
Number stamped on every link
Accommodates heavy wire rope
thimbles in multiple-leg slings
Wider than standard
chain master links
Grade 100
Chain Strength
100% proof tested
in accordance with
5:1 Design Factor;
meets or exceeds all
ASME B30.26
No deformation at proof test loads

Camtrol System
Campbell’s CAMTROL SYSTEM makes chain products easier to identify and understand. That’s because all are based on engineering formulas computed according to
ISO (International Organization for Standardization), NACM (National Association of
Chain Manufacturers) and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). Use
the CAMTROL SYSTEM to make wise chain purchasing decisions. Use it to compare
the various categories of chain, to choose the right chain for the job according to the
price per thousand pounds of working load instead of buying on a price per foot.
Consult your Campbell Chain distributor for current prices. Then refer to the chart
below and divide the price per foot by the working load limit (in thousands of
pounds) shown in the table.
By using this comparison system you will discover that you can buy a smaller, easier
to handle chain, and at less cost based on its working load limit.
30 3 1/8 4.0 0 .15 6 4.0 0.89 22.61 0.29 7.33 22 10 400 180
30 3 3/16 5.5 0.205 5.5 0.95 24.13 0.34 8.63 35 16 800 365
30 3 1/4 7. 0 0.260 7. 0 1.20 30.50 0.45 11.4 0 56 25 1,30 0 580
30 3 5/16 8.0 0 .3 12 8.0 1. 27 32.27 0.47 11. 9 3 83 38 1,90 0 860
30 3 3/8 10.0 0.369 10.0 1.36 34.46 0.57 14.47 12 5 57 2,650 1,200
30 3 1/2 13.0 0.480 13 .0 1.70 43.18 0.75 19.00 237 108 4,500 2,030
30 3 5/8 16.0 0.656 16.7 2.10 53.34 0.87 22.09 390 177 6,900 3,130
30 3 3/4 20.0 0.781 19.8 2.70 68.58 1.0 2 26.00 535 243 10,60 0 4,810
30 3 7/8 22.0 0.906 23.0 2.34 59.44 1.37 34.80 770 349 12,800 5,810
43 4 1/4 7. 0 0.276 7.0 1.20 30.50 0.45 11. 4 0 63 28 2,600 1,180
43 4 5/16 8.0 0.330 8.4 1.27 32.27 0.47 11.94 10 2 46 3,900 1,7 70
43 4 3/8 10.0 0.380 10.0 1. 36 34.54 0.58 14.73 13 0 59 5,400 2,450
43 4 7/16 11. 9 0.468 11.9 1.29 32.77 0.67 17. 0 2 216 98 7,200 3,270
43 4 1/2 13 .0 0.531 13.0 1.70 4 3.18 0.75 19. 00 260 118 9,200 4 ,17 0
43 4 5/8 16.0 0.656 16.7 1. 94 49.27 0.93 23.62 356 161 13,000 5,910
43 4 3/4 20.0 0.781 23.0 2.21 5 6.13 1.10 2 7.9 4 535 243 20,200 9 ,18 0
70 7 1/4 7. 0 0.312 7. 9 0.94 23.88 0.46 11. 68 91 41 3 ,15 0 1,43 0
70 7 5/16 8.7 0.343 8.7 1.15 29.21 0.48 11.6 8 111 50 4,70 0 2,130
70 7 3/8 10.0 0.406 10.0 1.3 6 34.46 0.57 14.47 150 68 6,600 2,990
70 7 7/16 11.9 0.468 11. 9 1. 29 32.77 0.67 17. 02 212 96 8,750 3,970
70 7 1/2 13.0 0.531 13. 0 1.7 0 4 3.18 0.75 19.00 260 118 11,30 0 5,13 0
70 7 5/8 16.0 0.630 16.0 1. 93 49.02 0.87 22.10 375 170 15,800 7,17 0
80 8 7/3 2 5.5 0.218 5.5 0.69 17.5 3 0.30 7. 6 2 43 20 2,10 0 970
80 8 5/16 8.0 0.315 8.0 0.94 23.88 0.46 11.6 8 92 42 4,500 2,000
80 8 1 26.0 1.000 25.4 2.80 7 1.12 1.4 0 35.56 965 438 47,7 00 2 1,6 00
80 8 1-1/4 32.0 1.2 50 31.8 3.50 88.90 1.75 44.45 1525 692 72,300 32,800
100 10 9/32 7.0 0.285 7. 2 0.86 21. 80 0.41 11.4 0 74 34 4,300 1, 950
100 10 3/8 10.0 0.402 10.2 1.22 31.00 0.55 14 .0 0 148 67 8,800 3,990
100 10 1/2 13.0 0.522 13. 2 1.5 4 39.90 0.45 19 .10 250 113 15,000 6,800
100 10 5/8 16.0 0.643 16.3 1.9 3 49.00 0.87 2 2 .10 379 172 22,600 10,250
100 10 3/4 20.0 0.802 20.4 2.42 61.50 1.0 9 2 7.70 598 271 35,300 16,000
100 10 7/ 8 22.0 0.882 22.4 2.70 68.52 1.2 8 32.48 775 351 42,700 19,400
Camtrol System
10 5
Trade Size Diameter Inside Length Inside Width Weight Per 100 Feet Working Load Limit
in mm in mm in mm in mm lb kg lb kg
/16 8.0 0.330 8.4 1.01 25.70 0.50 13 .0 0 10 4 47 5,700 2,600
The mechanical properties shown on the Camtrol Chart apply only to the various
chains in their standard finish and heat treated condition. Finishes such as galvanizing or electroplating may reduce strengths. The manufacturer’s revised recommendations should be solicited when such treatments are desirable for specific
All System 4, 7, 8, and 10 chains and all System 3 chains 5/16” (8 mm) and larger
are marked with the grade identifier approximately every 12” or less. Please refer to
the chain type of interest in this catalog for the specific hallmarks.
To prevent the possibility of serious bodily injury: • DO NOT EXCEED the working load limits for chain or components.
• DO NOT USE for overhead lifting or hoisting. • DO NOT USE if the chain or components are visibly distorted or WORN.