Campbell CR510 User Guide

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The CR510 is a fully programmable datalogger/controller with non-volatile memory and a battery backed clock in a small, rugged module. The combination of reliability, versatility, and telecommunications support make it a favorite choice for networks and single logger applications.
Campbell Scientific Inc. provides four aids to operating the CR510:
1. This Overview
2. The CR510 Operator's Manual
3. The CR510 Prompt Sheet
4. Short Cut
This Overview introduces the concepts required to take advantage of the CR510's capabilities. Hands­on programming examples start in Section OV5. Working with a CR510 will help the learning process, so don't just read the examples, do them. If you want to start this minute, go ahead and try the examples, then come back and read the rest of the Overview.
The sections of the Operator's Manual which should be read to complete a basic understanding of the CR510 operation are the Programming Sections 1-3, the portions of the data retrieval Sections 4 and 5 appropriate to the method(s) you are using (see OV6), and Section 14 which covers installation and maintenance.
Section 6 covers details of serial communications. Sections 7 and 8 contain programming examples. Sections 9-12 have detailed descriptions of each programming instruction, and Section 13 goes into detail on the CR510 measurement procedures.
The Prompt Sheet is an abbreviated description of the programming instructions. Once familiar with the CR510, it is possible to program it using only the Prompt Sheet as a reference, consulting the manual if further detail is needed.
Short Cut is an easy-to-use DOS-based software program. It features point-and-click menus to guide you through the process of creating simple CR510 programs. In addition to the downloadable program file, Short Cut creates a table to simplify wiring sensors to the CR510.
Read the Selected Operating Details and Cautionary Notes at the front of the Manual before using the CR510.


The CR510 was designed to provide a rugged datalogger with a low per unit cost. Some of its distinguishing physical features are:
The CR510 does not have an integral keyboard/display. The user accesses the CR510 with the portable CR10KD Keyboard Display or with a computer or terminal (Section OV2).
The power supply is external to the CR510. This gives the user a wide range of options (Section 14) for powering the CR510.


The terminals labeled 1H to 4L are analog inputs. These numbers refer to the high and low inputs to the differential channels 1 and 2. In a differential measurement, the voltage on the H input is measured with respect to the voltage on the L input. When making single­ended measurements, either the H or L input may be used as an independent channel to measure voltage with respect to the CR510 analog ground (AG). The single-ended channels are numbered sequentially starting with 1H; e.g., the H and L sides of differential channel 1 are single-ended channels 1 and 2; the H and L sides of differential channel 2 are single-ended channels 3 and 4, etc.


The terminals labeled E1, and E2 are precision, switched excitation outputs used to supply programmable excitation voltages for resistive bridge measurements. DC or AC excitation voltages between -2500 mV and +2500 mV are user programmable (Section 9).


The terminals labeled P1, P2, and P3 are the pulse counter inputs for the CR510. P1 and P2 are programmable for high frequency pulse, low level AC, or switch closure (Section 9, Instruction 3). C2/P3 can be configured to count switch closures up to 40 Hz.


Terminal C1 is a digital Input/Output port. On power-up it is configured as an input port, commonly used for reading the status of an external signal. High and low conditions are: 3V < high < 5.5V; -0.5V < low < 0.8V.
Configured as output the port allows on/off control of external devices. A port can be set high (5V ± 0.1V), set low (<0.1V), toggled or pulsed (Sections 3, 8.3, and 12).
Port C2/P3 can be configured as pulse counters for switch closures (Section 9, Instruction 3) or used to trigger subroutine execution (Section
1.1.2), or serial SDI-12 communication.



The 5V (±0.2%) output is commonly used to power peripherals such as the QD1 Incremental Encoder Interface and AVW1 Vibrating Wire Interface.
The 5V output is common with pin 1 on the 9 pin serial connector; 200 mA is the maximum combined current output.


The 9 pin serial I/O port contains lines for serial communication between the CR510 and external devices such as computers, printers, Storage Modules, etc. This port does NOT have the
same configuration as the 9 pin serial ports currently used on many personal computers.
It has a 5VDC power line which is used to power peripherals such as the Storage Modules. The same 5VDC supply is used for the 5V output on the terminal strip. It also has a continuous 12 V power supply on pin 8 for external communication devices such as the COM200 and COM300. Section 6 contains technical details on serial communication.


The CR510 can be powered by any 12VDC source. The green power connector is a plug in connector that allows the power supply to be easily disconnected without unscrewing the terminals. The Terminal Strip power connection is reverse polarity protected. See Section 14 for details on power supply connections.
The AG terminals are analog grounds, used as the reference for single-ended measurements and excitation return.
The 12V and power ground (G) terminals are used to supply 12V DC power to the datalogger. The extra 12V and G terminals can be used to connect other devices requiring 12V power.
The G terminals are also used to tie cable shields to ground, and to provide a ground reference for pulse counters and binary inputs. The G terminals are directly connected to the Earth terminal. For protection against transient voltage spikes, Earth Ground should be connected to a good earth ground (Section
CAUTION: The metal surfaces of the
CR510 Terminal Strip, and CR10KD Keyboard Display are at the same potential as power ground. To avoid shorting 12 volts to ground, connect the 12 volt lead first, then connect the ground lead.
When primary power falls below 9.6 VDC, the CR510 stops executing its programs. The Low Voltage Counter (B window 9) is incremented by one each time the primary power falls below
9.6 VDC and E10 is displayed on the CR10KD. A double dash (--) in the 9th window of the ∗B mode indicates that the CR510 is currently in a low primary power mode. (Section 1.6)
The datalogger program and stored data remain in memory, and the clock continues to keep
time when power is disconnected. The clock and Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) are powered by an internal lithium battery.


The standard CR510 has 128 K of Flash Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) and 128 K Static Random Access Memory (SRAM). The Flash EEPROM stores the operating system and user programs. RAM is used for data and running the program. Data Storage can be expanded with an optional Flash EEPROM (Figure OV2.1-1). The use of the Input, Intermediate, and Final Storage in the measurement and data processing sequence is shown in Figure OV2.1-2. The five areas of SRAM are:
1. System Memory - used for overhead tasks such as compiling programs, transferring data, etc. The user cannot access this memory.
2. Program Memory - available for user entered programs.
3. Input Storage - Input Storage holds the results of measurements or calculations. The 6 Mode is used to view Input Storage locations for checking current sensor
readings or calculated values. Input Storage defaults to 28 locations. Additional locations can be assigned using the ∗A Mode.
4. Intermediate Storage - Certain Processing Instructions and most of the Output Processing Instructions maintain intermediate results in Intermediate Storage. Intermediate storage is automatically accessed by the instructions and cannot be accessed by the user. The default allocation is 64 locations. The number of locations can be changed using the A Mode.
5. Final Storage - Final processed values are stored here for transfer to printer, solid state Storage Module or for retrieval via telecommunication links. Values are stored in Final Storage only by the Output Processing Instructions and only when the Output Flag is set in the user’s program. Approximately 62,000 locations are allocated to Final Storage on power up. This number is reduced if Input or Intermediate Storage is increased.
While the total size of these areas remains constant, memory may be reallocated between the areas to accommodate different measurement and processing needs (A Mode, Section 1.5).
Flash Memory
Total 128 Kbytes
Operating System
(96 Kbytes)
Active Program
(16 Kbytes)
Stored Programs
(16 Kbytes)
How it works:
The Operating System is loaded into Flash Memory at the factory. System Memory is used while the CR510 is running calculations, buffering data and for general operating tasks.
Any time a user loads a program into the CR510, the program is compiled in SRAM and stored in the Active Program areas. If the CR510 is powered off and then on, the Active Program is loaded from Flash and run.
The Active Program is run in SRAM to maximize speed. The program accesses Input Storage and Intermediate Storage and stores data into Final Storage for later retrieval by the user.
The Active Program can be copied into the Stored Programs area. While 98 program "names" are available, the number of programs stored is limited by the available memory. Stored programs can be retrieved to become the active program. While programs are stored one at a time, all stored programs must be erased at once. That is because the flash memory can only be written to once before it must be erased and can only be erased in 16 Kbytes blocks.
Total 128 Kbytes
System Memory
(4096 Bytes)
Active Program
(default 2048 Bytes)
Input Storage
(default 28 locations, 112 bytes)
Intermediate Storage
(default 64 locations, 256 bytes)
Final Storage Area 1
(default 62,280 locations, 124,560 bytes)
Final Storage Area 2
(default 0 locations, 0 bytes)
With the Optional Flash Memory, up to 2 Mbytes of additional memory can be added to increase Final Storage by another 524,288 data values per Mbyte. The user can allocate this extra memory to any combination of Area 1 or Area 2.
(Memory Areas separated by dashed lines: can be re-sized by the user.)
FIGURE OV2.1-1. CR510 Memory
Final Storage Area 1
Final Storage Area 2
(Additional 524,288 locations per Mbyte)
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