Campbell BMP5 User Guide

BMP5 Transparent Commands
Revision: 9/08
Copyright © 2005-2008
Campbell Scientific, Inc.
BMP5 Transparent Commands Table of Contents
1. Introduction...............................................................1-1
1.1 Communication Layers......................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Packet Structure.................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.1 PakBus Packet Framing and Quote Bytes................................... 1-2
1.3 PakBus Packet Headers ........................................................................1-3
1.4 Encoding and Decoding Packets .......................................................... 1-4
1.4.1 Quoting the Message Body and Signature Nullifier................... 1-4
1.4.2 Unquoting the Message Body and Signature Nullifier............... 1-4
1.4.3 Signature Nullifier ...................................................................... 1-4
1.4.4 Packet Processing Checklist........................................................ 1-4
2. Protocols and Packet Types....................................2-1
2.1 SerPkt Link-State Sub-Protocol............................................................ 2-1
2.2 PakBus Control Packets (PakCtrl)........................................................2-2
2.2.1 Delivery Failure Message (MsgType 0x81) ...............................2-2
2.2.2 Hello Transaction (MsgType 0x09 & 0x89)............................... 2-3
2.2.3 Hello Request Message (MsgType 0x0e)................................... 2-4
2.2.4 Bye Message (MsgType 0x0d)................................................... 2-5
2.2.5 Get/Set String Settings Transactions (MsgType 0x07, 0x87,
0x08, 0x88) .................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.6 DevConfig Transactions .............................................................2-6 DevConfig Get Settings Message (MsgType 0x0f &
0x8f)........................................................................................ 2-7 DevConfig Set Settings Message (MsgType 0x10 &
0x90) .......................................................................................2-8 DevConfig Get Setting Fragment Transaction Message
(MsgType 0x11 & 0x91)......................................................... 2-9 DevConfig Set Setting Fragment Transaction Message
(MsgType 0x12 & 0x92)......................................................... 2-9 DevConfig Control Transaction Message (MsgType
0x13 & 0x93)........................................................................ 2-10
2.3 BMP5 Application Packets.................................................................2-11
2.3.1 Please Wait Message (MsgType 0xa1)..................................... 2-12
2.3.2 Clock Transaction (0x17 & 0x97) ............................................2-12
2.3.3 File Transfer and Control Transactions .................................... 2-13 File Download Transaction (MsgType 0x1c & 0x9c)..... 2-13 File Upload Transaction (MsgType 0x1d & 0x9d)......... 2-14 File Directory Format......................................................2-15 File Control Transaction (MsgType 0x1e & 0x9e)......... 2-15 Get Programming Statistics Transaction (MsgType
0x18 & 0x98)........................................................................ 2-17
BMP5 Transparent Commands Table of Contents
2.3.4 Data Collection and Table Control Transactions ......................2-17 Table Definitions.............................................................2-17 Getting Table Definitions and Table Signatures..............2-18 Collect Data Transaction (MsgType 0x09 & 0x89)........2-19 One-Way Data Transaction (MsgType 0x20 & 0x14).... 2-20 Table Control Transaction (MsgType 0x19 & 0x99)......2-22
2.3.5 Get/Set Values Transaction (MsgType 0x1a, 0x9a, 0x1b,
& 0x9b).........................................................................................2-23
3. The CR200 Datalogger............................................. 3-1
3.1 Dealing with Unexpected, Asynchronous Commands from the CR2003-1
3.2 Getting the Attention of the Datalogger................................................3-1
3.3 Getting the PakBus Address of the CR200...........................................3-2
3.4 Getting and Setting CR200 Settings .....................................................3-2
3.5 Getting and Setting the CR200 Clock................................................... 3-3
3.6 Datalogger Program Structure ..............................................................3-3
3.7 Creating CR200 Programs and the CR200 Compiler...........................3-4
3.7.1 Discovering the CR200 OS Version ...........................................3-4
3.7.2 Sending a Program to the CR200................................................3-5
3.7.3 Interpreting the Response............................................................ 3-7
3.7.4 Handling Rejection......................................................................3-7
3.8 Understanding Table Definitions and Table Signatures .......................3-8
3.9 Getting Table Definitions from the CR200...........................................3-8
3.9.1 How to Get and Use Table Signatures ........................................3-8
3.10 Retrieving Data from the CR200........................................................3-9
3.10.1 Interpreting Data Types.............................................................3-9
3.10.2 Data Collection Sequence .........................................................3-9
3.10.3 Collecting Tables and Specific Records..................................3-10
3.10.4 Getting Values from Specific Records....................................3-11
3.11 Controlling Packet Size.....................................................................3-11
4. The CR1000 Type Datalogger ................................. 4-1
4.1 Dealing with Unexpected Commands...................................................4-1
4.2 Getting the Attention of the Datalogger and Establishing a Baud Rate 4-1
4.3 Getting the PakBus Address .................................................................4-2
4.4 Getting and Setting Datalogger Settings...............................................4-2
4.5 Getting and Setting the Clock...............................................................4-3
4.6 The Program Structure..........................................................................4-3
4.7 Sending a Program to the Datalogger................................................... 4-4
4.7.1 Interpreting the Response............................................................ 4-6
4.7.2 Handling Rejection......................................................................4-6
4.7.3 Erasing Files on the CFM100......................................................4-6
4.7.4 Deleting Program Files................................................................4-7
4.8 Understanding Table Definitions and Table Signatures .......................4-7
4.9 Getting Table Definitions......................................................................4-8
4.9.1 How to Get and Use Table Signatures......................................... 4-8
4.10 Retrieving Data...................................................................................4-8
4.10.1 Interpreting Data Types.............................................................4-9
4.10.2 Data Collection Sequence .........................................................4-9
4.10.3 Collecting Tables and Specific Records....................................4-9
4.10.4 Getting Values from Specific Records....................................4-10
BMP5 Transparent Commands Table of Contents
4.11 Collecting Files from the Datalogger................................................ 4-11
4.12 Controlling Packet Size ....................................................................4-11
A. Data Types Summary .............................................A-1
B. Calculating Packet Signatures and the
Signature Nullifier................................................. B-1
C. Device Description Files.........................................C-1
D. JAVA Example Code...............................................D-1
BMP5 Transparent Commands Table of Contents

Section 1. Introduction

This document outlines the structure for a fundamental subset of protocols and packet types used to communicate directly with a single P packet types discussed in this document are collectively referred to as BMP5 and are used to communicate with Campbell Scientific’s native PakBus dataloggers (CR200 Series, CR1000, CR3000, etc.). This documentation assumes the communication link to the datalogger has already been established. Therefore, packets are created, sent, and received over a transparent link directly to and from a single datalogger.
While this document only discusses essential packet types that facilitate communication with a single datalogger, the creation of these packets requires an understanding of packet­switched protocols. With this understanding and through the use of this reference, a developer should be able to send basic packets to and receive packets from a Campbell Scientific CR200 or CR1000 type datalogger.

1.1 Communication Layers

Like other types of packet switched communication protocols such as TCP/IP, transparent BMP5 communication relies on a low-level network protocol and higher application level protocols. These different protocol layers exist to facilitate communication between applications and nodes across a given medium. The benefit of using protocol layers is that each layer becomes responsible for a specific function that assists communication. Since these functions are presented in manageable blocks, end-to-end communication is easier because each layer focuses on a single responsibility.
AKBUS® datalogger. The protocols and
The way a single layer handles a specific task internally can change as long as communication to the protocol layer above and the protocol layer below continues to function in the same manner. For example, the command to check a datalogger clock may exist in the application layer while a separate layer handles the connection. As long as these separate layers communicate with each other, the information can be organized and sent across the network as a complete packet.
The protocol types discussed in this document are the SerPkt Protocol used to monitor the state of the communication link, the PakBus Control Protocol (PakCtrl) used to facilitate PakBus network-level services, and the BMP5 Protocol used to send application messages. An understanding of these message types and the packet structure for these protocols will be necessary to send basic packets to and receive basic packets from a native PakBus datalogger.
Section 1. Introduction

1.2 Packet Structure

1 byte
Header (8 bytes)
Message (0...998 bytes)
Source node ID 12 bits MSB first
Hop coun t 4 bits
Destination node ID 12 bi ts MSB first
Hi proto code 4 bits
Source physical address 12 bits MSB firs
Priority 2 bits
1 byte2 bytes
Signature Nullifier
Message Body
Transaction ID 1 byte
Message type 1 byte
The first an d last bytes are 0xbd t o mark the beginning and end of a packet

1.2.1 PakBus Packet Framing and Quote Bytes

Expect more code 2 bits
Destination physical a d dress 12 bits MSB firs
Link State 4 bits
PakBus data packets always end with a reserved or special byte code called a SerSyncByte (0xbd
) used to identify and isolate each complete packet. Also, one or more SerSyncBytes are transmitted before a data packet. Sending extra SerSyncBytes through an RS-232 interface will clear residual characters from the receiving node’s input buffer or wake the node up in preparation for communication.
The character string (0xbd) designates that the characters “bd” are actually hexadecimal representations of the values within the transmission. The character sequence “0x” is a common hexadecimal prefix notation and is used throughout this document when referring to hexadecimal values. Please note that when viewing included log files, the characters “bd” will appear without the “0x” prefix. For reference, the hexadecimal value “b” correlates to the decimal value “11” or the binary value of “1011” while the hexadecimal value “d” correlates to the decimal value “13” or the binary value of “1101”.
To ensure that a SerSyncByte doesn’t appear inadvertently within the message data, it must be recognized and quoted within the body of the packet before the packet is transmitted. The quoting process is accomplished by replacing reserved bytes with a special code called the QuoteByte. Both SerSyncBytes and QuoteBytes must be found in the packet body and replaced with the following sequence:
SerSyncByte (0xbd) becomes (0xbc 0xdd) Quote Byte (0xbc) becomes (0xbc 0xdc)
Remember that when receiving a packet, the quoted two-byte codes must be recognized and replaced within the message body by its corresponding value in order to interpret the data correctly.

1.3 PakBus Packet Headers

Along with a SerSyncByte, each packet must contain a PakBus header with the appropriate information to complete the transaction. The header will contain the following:
PakBus Header Information:
Name Type Description
LinkState bits 7..4 The state of the link described binaurally:
1000: off-line 1001: ring 1010: ready 1011: finished
1100: pause DstPhyAddr 12 bits Address where this packet is going (MSB first) ExpMoreCode bits 7..6 Describes whether the client should expect
another packet from this transaction.
0x00: This is the last message to this
destination from this source
0x01: Expect more messages to this destination
from the same source
0x02: Neutral message that has no impact on
whether to expect more
0x03: Expect more messages in the reverse
direction Priority bits 5..4 The message priority on the network. Ranges
from the lowest priority, 00, to the highest
priority, 03. Priority 01 will be sufficient for
normal communication. SrcPhyAddr 12 bits Address of the node that sent the packet (MSB
first) HiProtoCode bits 7..4 Designates the type of higher level protocol
that will be contained in this packet:
0x00: PakCtrl Message
0x01: BMP5 Message DstNodeId 12 bits Node ID of the message destination (MSB
first) HopCnt bits 7..4 Always zero when connected directly SrcNodeId 12 bits Node Id of the message source (MSB first)
Section 1. Introduction
Section 1. Introduction

1.4 Encoding and Decoding Packets

Reserved characters must be acknowledged and quoted by the application before sending a packet and also recognized and decoded before the application processes a packet. These reserved characters are the SerSyncByte, 0xbd, and the QuoteByte, 0xbc. When these special characters are found within the message body or signature nullifier, they must be handled appropriately.

1.4.1 Quoting the Message Body and Signature Nullifier

Use a QuoteByte, 0xbc, to mark places in the message body or signature nullifier where the SerSyncByte, 0xbd, or the QuoteByte, 0xbc, appear before transmitting the packet. The value of the byte following the QuoteByte is the sum of the quoted character and 0x20. All packets sent by the application must encode the message body and signature nullifier in this manner. An example of packet encoding can be found in the JAVA code in Appendix D.

1.4.2 Unquoting the Message Body and Signature Nullifier

When a packet is received, the application must parse through the message and signature nullifier to find and replace any reserved characters that have been quoted before processing the message. An example of decoding a packet can be found in the JAVA code in Appendix D.

1.4.3 Signature Nullifier

In addition to the PakBus header and packet framing implementation, packets are checked for errors through the use of a two-byte signature nullifier at the end of the data frame. The signature nullifier is a two-byte code that when calculated with the rest of the data frame results in a signature value o f zero. Of course, the packet must be unquoted prior to the signature calculation process.
Checking the packet integrity with a signature nullifier enables the application to calculate a running signature as bytes are received and then simply check to see if the signature is zero when the trailing SerSyncByte is received. If the signature is zero, the framed data must be correct and can be confidently processed. Otherwise, the data has become corrupt and must be discarded.
Please note that the signature nullifier field must always be checked to ensure that reserved characters are quoted before transmitting the message and decoded before processing a received message. Additional descriptions of the signature and signature nullifier algorithms and example C code can be found in Appendix B. An additional example of the signature and signature nu llifier algorithm can be found in the JAVA code in Appendix D.

1.4.4 Packet Processing Checklist

Data packets received by an application must be examined and processed. The necessary steps to accomplish this process first require that all reserved characters be unquoted in the message body and signature nullifier. After all special characters are unquoted in the packet and signature nullifier but before
Section 1. Introduction
processing the packet information, the application should make the following checks:
1. Check the length of the packet. If the entire packet length is less than 4
bytes or greater than 1010 bytes, it should be considered invalid and discarded.
2. The DstPhyAddr and DstNodeId fields within the packet header should
both equal the address of the application or the broadcast address.
3. The SrcPhyAddr and SrcNodeId in the header should be equal to the
address of the datalogger with which the application is commun icating.
4. The signature of the entire packet, excluding the SerSyncBytes, should be
zero. A non-zero signature indicates a corrupt data packet.
Section 1. Introduction
This is a blank page.

Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types

Packet types from three distinct protocols are described in this document. The SerPkt Protcol used to monitor the state of the communication link, the PakBus Control Protocol (PakCtrl) used to facilitate PakBus network-level services, and the BMP5 Protocol used to send application messages.

2.1 SerPkt Link-State Sub Protocol

SerPkt protocol allows the application and the datalogger to track and control the state of their communication link on the network. The application can request the datalogger’s state before attempting to send messages with a “ring” packet. If the datalogger responds with a “ready” packet, the application should be able to proceed with communication.
Some possible link-states sent by the application and a possible response from the datalogger, depending on the state of the device, include but are not limited to the following few examples:
Ring –> Ready Ready with a message –> Ready with data Finished with a message –> Ready with data Finished –> Off-line Pause –> Finished with or without data
The SerPkt protocol discussed in this section is the Link-state Sub Protocol. If the developer can communicate between the application and the datalogger with this protocol layer, all other protocols discussed in this document should be implemented easily as additional layers working with this SerPkt protocol.
With Link-state Sub Protocol communication, a node initiates a link check and the receiving node responds with a corresponding Link-st ate Sub Protocol packet declaring the current state. Packets with four bytes of data will only contain the state of the communications link while packets with more than four bytes of data will contain additional link information and possibly even message data. The format for this packet is outlined in the following table.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Link-State Sub-protocol Packet Format:
Name Type Description
LinkState bits7..4 The packet type and the link state:
DstPhyAddr 12 bits Address where this packet is going ExpMoreCode bits 7..6 Expect more communication with this same
Priority bits 5..4 Priority – Ranges from 0 as the lowest priority
SrcPhyAddr 12 bits Address of the node sending this packet { HiProtoCode bits 7..4 Designates the higher level protocol DstPBAddr 12 bits Address where this packet is going HopCnt bits 7..4 Hop count – measured from the source node SrcPBAddr 12 bits Address of the node sending this packet { MsgData }} Byte [ ] Message data
1000: Off-line 1001: Ring 1010: Ready 1011: Finished 1100: Pause
destination-source pair soon described binaurally: 00: Last 01: Expect more 10: Neutral 11: Reverse
to 3 as the highest priority

2.2 PakBus Control Packets (PakCtrl)

The PakBus Control Protocol (PakCtrl) facilitates communication and network management on the PakBus network by exchanging information between network nodes. Along with the standard PakBus header and SerSyncByte framing characters, all PakCtrl protocol message bodies also include a two­byte header consisting of a message type code used to uniquely identify the format of the rest of the message and a transaction number used to detect orphaned transactions. While the message type code must be specific to the message that follows, the application assigns and monitors the transaction number for each packet.
The PakCtrl message types that an application must be aware of and understand include the following:

2.2.1 Delivery Failure Message (MsgType 0x81)

The delivery failure or fault message is generated at any node on th e network when a message cannot be delivered. To avoid an endless loop, fault messages are not generated when an existing fault m essage cannot be delivered.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Delivery Failure Message Format (MsgType 0x81):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x81) TranNbr Byte Transaction number (always zero) ErrCode Byte Failure code:
0x01: Unreachable 0x02: Unreachable higher level protocol 0x03: Queue overflow (timed out or out of resources) 0x04: Unimplemented command or MsgType 0x05: Malformed message 0x06: Link failed
HiProtoCode bits 7..4 High level protocol code from the original
DstPBAddr 12 bits Destination node address from the original
message HopCnt bits 7..4 Hop count from the original message SrcPBAddr 12 bits Source node address from the original message MsgData Byte [0..16] Up to 16 bytes of MsgData from the original

2.2.2 Hello Transaction (MsgType 0x09 & 0x89)

The Hello transaction is used to verify that two-way communication can occur with a specific node. An application does not have to send a Hello command to the datalogger but the datalogger may send a Hello command to which the application should respond.
It is important that the application copy the exact transaction number from the received Hello command meassage into the Hello response sent to the datalogger. Since the application is connected directly to the datalogger, the hop metric received in the command message packet from the datalogger can be copied by the application and inserted in the response message packet. In addition, the application should not identify itself as a router in the IsRouter parameter of the response message packet.
Hello Command Message Format (MsgType 0x09):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x09) TranNbr Byte Transaction number IsRouter Byte Indicates whether the source node is a router:
0x00: False
0x01: True
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Name Type Description
HopMetric Byte A code used to indicate the worst case interval
VerifyIntv Uint2 Link verification interval in seconds
Hello Response Message Format (MsgType 0x89):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x89) TranNbr Byte Transaction number IsRouter Byte Indicates whether the source node is a router.
HopMetric Byte A code used to indicate the worst case interval
VerifyIntv Uint2 This value is the link verification interval from
for the speed of the link required to complete a transaction (default value of 0x02): 0x00: 200 msec or less 0x01: 1 sec or less 0x02: 5 sec or less (default for RS232 or TCP/IP) 0x03: 10 sec or less 0x04: 20 sec or less 0x05: 1 min or less 0x06: 5 min or less 0x07: 30 min or less
The application should specify 0x00 (False) indicating it is not a router in the response message. 0x00: False 0x01: True
for the speed of the link required to complete a transaction (default value of 0x02). The application should copy the value from the command message : 0x00: 200 msec or less 0x01: 1 sec or less 0x02: 5 sec or less (default for RS232 or TCP/IP) 0x03: 10 sec or less 0x04: 20 sec or less 0x05: 1 min or less 0x06: 5 min or less 0x07: 30 min or less
the Hello Command message divided by 2.5.

2.2.3 Hello Request Message (MsgType 0x0e)

A one-way message used to trigger a Hello transaction from the recipient. Use this message to initiate communication with a node when the address of the node is not known. If the application receives a Hello Request message from a datalogger, the best course of action is to return a Hello Message to the datalogger.
Hello Request Message Format (MsgType 0x0e):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x0e) TranNbr Byte Transaction number (always zero)

2.2.4 Bye Message (MsgType 0x0d)

The Bye Message is a one-way message that lets a node on the network know that the link is shutting down and that the nodes will no longer be able to talk to each other. Before shutting down a link, like a phone modem connection, it is good practice to always send a Bye Message.
Bye Message Format (MsgType 0x0d):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x0d) TranNbr Byte Transaction number (always zero)
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
2.2.5 Get/Set String Settings Transactions (MsgType 0x07, 0x87, 0x08, 0x88)
Both the Get Settings and Set Settings transactions are used exclusively when reading or writing settings in a CR200 series datalogger but only has limited usage for settings within a CR1000 type datalogger. These datalogger settings exist as a list of ASCII text variables within the datalogger and are used by the datalogger like environment variables are used by a personal computer.
Get Settings Command Message (MsgType 0x07):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x07) TranNbr Byte Transaction number NameList ASCIIZ List of names for which you want values. The
names will be separated with an ASCII semi­colon character. If this is an empty string, the datalogger will respond with all settings.
Get Settings Response Message (MsgType 0x87):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x87) TranNbr Byte Transaction number Settings ASCIIZ A string containing a list of name-value pairs
with each name separated by the value with the “=” sign. Each value-pair is separated with a semi-colon. For example: Model=CR200;PakBusAddress=1;
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Set Settings Command Message (MsgType 0x08):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x08) TranNbr Byte Transaction number Settings ASCIIZ A string containing a list of name-value pairs
Set Settings Response Message (MsgType 0x88):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x88) TranNbr Byte Transaction number RespCode Byte Response code:
{ FailOffset } UInt2 Offset from the start of the settings string to the
with each name separated by the value with the “=” sign. Each value-pair is separated with a semi-colon. For example: Model=CR200;PakBusAddress=1;
0x00: Complete 0x01: Read-only 0x02: Out of space 0x03: Syntax error 0x04: Access denied
name of the variable that caused the command to be rejected.
If a list of variables is specified while using the Set Settings transaction, the datalogger will process the settings one at a time until it finishes or until a setting fails to process. When a failure occurs, the response message will report the offset into the settings string where the offending setting starts. All settings up to the offending one are acceptable but the settings after the offending setting have not been evaluated by the datalogger.
Some examples of possible settings include:
Model: The datalogger model name or number
Version: The version of the datalogger
SerialNbr: The serial number of the datalogger
PakBusAddress: The PakBus address of the datalogger

2.2.6 DevConfig Transactions

Applications should use the DevConfig transactions to get settings from and set settings in a CR1000 type datalogger. The DevConfig transactions are a subset of the PakCtrl protocol.
Settings are variables within the operating system of a datalogger that control operation and can be changed by the user. An applicati on usi ng DevC o n fi g transactions can obtain the values for these settings and change these settings if necessary.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
As datalogger operating systems are revised, these settings may change or be removed. However, the datalogger will always report the major version number within the setting response message so that an application can be aware of the current operating system in the datalogger. By knowing the data type and version number, an application can verify the most current settings for a datalogger with the CR1000 Device Description File located in the Appendix of this document. Specific setting IDs can be gleaned from the Device Description file and used during the creation of an application that communicates with a CR1000 type datalogger. DevConfig Get Settings Message (MsgType 0x0f & 0x8f)
The Get Settings transaction allows an application to receive all or part of the datalogger settings. The application sends a command and waits for the response from the datalogger. If the datalogger has more settings to send than can fit in a single response message, the MoreSettings parameter is set in the response. The application must issue another Get Settings message and specify the BeginSettingId to get the remaining datalogger settings.
DevConfig Get Settings Command (MsgType 0x0f):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x0f) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 The security code of the datalogger { BeginSettingId UInt2 Allows the application to specify the first
setting for the datalogger to include in the response message.
{ EndSettingId }} UInt2 Allows the application to specify the last
setting the datalogger should include in the response message.
DevConfig Get Settings Response (MsgType 0x8f):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x8f) TranNbr Byte Transaction number Outcome Byte Specifies the outcome of the transaction:
0x01: The transaction succeeded and values will follow 0x02: The security code is invalid
{ DeviceType UInt2 Specifies a code that identifies the type of
device that is sending the response: 0x0c: CR1000 type datalogger
MajorVersion Byte Identifies the version number for the device.
The application can use a combination of the DeviceType and MajorVerion to identify the settings that should be supported by the device through the Device Description XML file.
MinorVersion Byte Identifies the version number to determine how
settings for a device are to be interpreted. For example, a device might support a different baud rate in one version than in another version.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Name Type Description
MoreSettings Boolean Set to true by the datalogger when it has more
{ SettingId UInt2 Identifies the specific setting being described LargeValue bit 15 Set to 1 if the setting value is larger than will
ReadOnly bit 14 Set to 1 if this setting is read only SettingLen bit 13..0 Specifies the length in bytes of the setting that
SettingValue }} Byte [1..988] The value of the setting. The Binary format of
settings to send than are in this response message
fit into the 988 byte packet size limit for a DevConfig protocol packet
will follow. If LargeValue is set to true, the value that follows will be the first fragment of the message and subsequent fragments must be retrieved using the DevConfig Get Setting Fragment transaction.
this field depends on the setting type declared in the Setting Id parameter. DevConfig Set Settings Message (MsgType 0x10 & 0x90)
The Set Settings transaction allows an application to change the value of one or more settings in the datalogger. The application sends the command message and waits for the datalogger’s response message. The datalogger will not activate the new setting until the client sends a Control message to commit the setting. The datalogger will timeout after forty seconds and resume normal operations based on previous settings if it has not received an additional Set Settings command or a commit message.
DevConfig Set Settings Command (MsgType 0x10):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x10) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 The security code of the datalogger { SettingId UInt2 The identity of the setting that follows SettingLen UInt2 The length in bytes of the SettingValue SettingValue } Byte [ ] The value for the setting
DevConfig Set Settings Response (MsgType 0x90):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x90) TranNbr Byte Transaction number Outcome Byte The outco me of the transaction:
0x01: The transaction succeeded 0x02: The security code is invalid or does not provide sufficient access to set settings 0x03: Another client has already made changes that have not been committed
{ SettingId UInt2 The setting identifier from the Set Settings
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Name Type Description
SettingsOutcome } Byte Specifies the outcome of the set attempt:
0x01: Setting value tagged to be changed 0x02: Setting identifier was not recognized 0x03: Setting value malformed or out of range 0x04: Setting is read-only 0x05: Not enough memory to store the setting DevConfig Get Setting Fragment Transaction Message (MsgType 0x11 & 0x91)
The Get Setting Fragment transaction allows an application to ask for part of a setting value. This transaction is used if the setting value is too large for a single packet. Typically, an application will use the Get Settings transaction to retrieve a setting. However, if the LargeValue flag is set, the application can get the rest of the setting value using this transaction.
DevConfig Get Setting Fragment Command (MsgType 0x11):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x11) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 The security code of the datalogger SettingId UInt2 The identifier of the setting value that should
be returned
Offset Uint4 The offset from the start of the setting value
where the requested fragment should start
DevConfig Get Setting Fragment Response (MsgType 0x91):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x91) TranNbr Byte Transaction number Outcome Byte The outco me of the transaction:
0x01: The transaction succeeded and the values will follow 0x02: The security code is invalid or does not provide sufficient access to read the setting 0x03: The transaction is not supported by this device
{ MoreFragments bit 15 If set to true, there are more fragments that can
be sent for this setting FragmentSize bits 14..0 The size of this fragment in bytes FragmentData } Byte [ ] The fragment of the setting DevConfig Set Setting Fragment Transaction Message (MsgType 0x12 & 0x92)
The Set Setting Fragment Transaction is used to send settings to the datalogger that are too large to fit in a single packet.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
DevConfig Set Setting Fragment Command (MsgType 0x12):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x12) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 The security code of the datalogger SettingId UInt2 The identifier of the setting value that should
FragmentOffset UInt4 Th e starting offset for this fragment MoreFragments bit 15 If set to true, the application has more
FragmentLen bits 14..0 The length in bytes of the setting value to
FragmentData Byte [ ] The setting fragment data
DevConfig Set Setting Fragment Response (MsgType 0x92):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x92) TranNbr Byte Transaction number Outcome Byte The outco me of the transaction:
be returned
fragments to send for this setting
0x01: The setting value was tagged for change or the fragment was accepted 0x02: The security code is invalid or does not provide sufficient access to set settings 0x03: The setting identifier was not recognized 0x04: The setting value was malformed or out of range 0x05: The setting is considered read-only 0x06: Not enough memory to store the setting 0x07: This device does not support this transaction
2-10 DevConfig Control Transaction Message (MsgType 0x13 & 0x93)
The Devconfig Control transaction cont rol s what t he dat al o gger does with the settings it has in memory. The application uses this transaction to tell the datalogger to commit changes to permanent storage, cancel any changes, revert all settings to the device defaults, or refresh the session timer.
The datalogger has a forty-second session timer that gets set or reset each time a valid message is received from the client. When this timer expires, the datalogger will rollback any changes that have not been committed.
DevConfig Control Command (MsgType 0x13):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x13) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 The security code of the datalogger
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Name Type Description
Action Byte The action that should be taken by the
datalogger 0x01: Commit the changes and exit 0x02: Cancel any changes and exit back to a mode where a new session can be started 0x03: Revert all settings to factory defaults. Note that these settings will not take effect until they are committed with another instance of this transaction 0x04: Don’t do anything with the setting at present but refresh the session timer 0x05: Cancel any changes and reboot the datalogger
DevConfig Control Response (MsgType 0x93):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x93) TranNbr Byte Transaction number Outcome Byte The outco me of the transaction:
0x01: The settings will be committed and the device rebooted 0x02: The security code is invalid or does not provide sufficient access to set settings 0x 03: There are no changes to commit and the session is ending 0x04: The changed settings will be discarded and the device will be rebooted 0x05: The settings have reverted to device defaults but must be committed to take effect 0x06: The session timer has been reset 0x07: The specified action cannot be carried out because another client has already made changes to the settings for this device

2.3 BMP5 Application Packets

BMP5 application packets are framed with a PakBus SerSyncByte, 0xbd, and use the standard eight-byte PakBus header that was used in the PakCtrl messages. The only difference in the header is the value of the HiProtoCode parameter. PakCtrl messages have a HiProtoCode parameter of zero while the header for a BMP5 message has a HiProtoCode parameter of one.
The following are the BMP5 packet types that are necessary for communication. Keep in mind the general structure of a complete PakBus packet since the following BMP5 packet type descriptions will only contain information regarding the message type, transaction number and body of the packet.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types

2.3.1 Please Wait Message (MsgType 0xa1)

If the datalogger anticipates it will take more than the default one second to produce a response after receiving a command, a Please Wait message will be sent to the client indicating the amount of time the client should wait for a response to that command. The transaction number of the Please Wait message will be the same as the command packet on which it is waiting.
After the Please Wait message has been sent, the datalogger will send the normal transaction response as soon as it is ready. If the datalogger determines that the response will still take longer than the wait time it just sent, the datalogger will send another Please Wait message to the application before the current wait time expires.
Please Wait Message Body (MsgType 0xa1):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0xa1) TranNbr Byte Transaction number CmdMsgType Byte MsgType of the command on which we are
WaitSec UInt2 Number of seconds to wait for a response (30
second limit).

2.3.2 Clock Transaction (0x17 & 0x97)

The clock transaction can be used to check the current time or to adjust the datalogger clock. Note the inherent danger of retrying a clock set command. If the client were to simply retry a failed clock set attempt without knowing whether the first try reached the station, there is a danger the clock will be changed more than wanted. If a clock set attempt fails, the client should read the clock again to determine whether additional adjustments are needed.
Clock Command Body (MsgType 0x17):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x17) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 Security code for the datalogger Adjustment Nsec Quantity of time to add to the clock. If the
datalogger clock is ahead of the current time, the Adjustment field should be negative.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Clock Response Body (MsgType 0x97):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x97) TranNbr Byte Transaction number RespCode Byte Response code:
0x00: Complete 0x01: Permission denied
{ OldTime } Nsec Difference between the datalogger clock and
January 1, 1990. This field is not returned unless RespCode is zero.

2.3.3 File Transfer and Control Transactions

File transfer and control transactions are used to list datalogger directories, download datalogger programs, upload datalogger programs, obtain table definitions, and administer data files. These functions are accomplished by downloading files to or uploading files from the datalogger and by executing file control operations on those files. The specific message types are: File Download Transaction (MsgType 0x1c & 0x9c)
This transaction moves a file from the client application to the datalogger. If the file is larger than the allowed message size, the client application should separate the file into fragments, which is called a multiple exchange transaction. The transaction number must be the same for all file message fragments since the datalogger uses this number to keep track of entire file during the transaction. The CloseFlag field listed in the description below is used to mark the end of the multiple exchange transaction.
The CR200 datalogger has limited memory resources and can not receive a standard 1000 byte PakBus message. The CR200 dataloggers advertise the maximum packet size in a device setting called “MaxPktSize” that can be obtained with the PakCtrl Get Settings transaction. This setting must be used to adjust the size of the File Download Command message. If a device does not specify the MaxPktSize setting, the standard 1000-byte PakBus message size is the limit.
File Download Command Body (MsgType 0xlc):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x1c) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 Security code of the datalogger FileName ASCIIZ [0..64] The file name and the device where the file
will be stored. This field may be null after the first exchange of a multiple fragment transaction.
Attribute Byte A reserved byte that the application must
currently designate as 0x00.
CloseFlag Byte 0x00: Keep the file open for more exchanges
0x01: This is the final or only exchange of this transaction.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Name Type Description
FileOffset UInt4 Describes the byte offset into the file of this
{ FileData } Byte [ ] The data being sent in this packet
File Download Response Body (MsgType 0x9c):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x9c) TranNbr Byte Transaction number RespCode Byte Response Code:
FileOffset UInt4 The FileOffset number from the command
fragment. This field will be zero if this is a single exchange transaction.
0x00: Complete 0x01: Permission denied 0x02: Insufficient resources or memory full 0x09: Invalid fragment number 0x0d: Invalid file name 0x0e: File is not currently accessible
packet to which this is responding File Upload Transaction (MsgType 0x1d & 0x9d)
This transaction moves a file from the datalogger to the client application. The CloseFlag field, listed in the description below, closes the file and indicates the End of File. If an attempt to read past the End of File occurs, the datalogger provides a final response indicating FileData empty and automatically closes the file without requiring any additional exchanges.
File Upload Command Body (MsgType 0x1d):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x1d) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 Security code for the datalogger FileName ASCIIZ [0..64] The name of the file to be retrieved CloseFlag Byte 0x00: Keep the file open for more exchanges
on this transaction 0x01: This transaction is the final exchange of
the transaction FileOffset UInt4 Byte offset into the file of the fragment Swath UInt2 The number of bytes to read
File Upload Response Body (MsgType 0x9d):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x9d) TranNbr Byte Transaction number
Name Type Description
RespCode Byte Response Code:
FileOffset UInt4 Byte offset into the file of this fragment { FileData } Byte [ ] The file data beginning at FileOffset. If an File Directory Format
Old programs and other files can be stored in the memory of the CR1000 type datalogger. To obtain a list of the files maintained in a CR1000 type datalogger, use the File Upload transaction and specify a file named “.DIR”. A directory listing of the files being stored on the datalogger will be returned. The file received in the response message has the following format:
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
0x00 – Complete 0x01 – Permission denied 0x0d – Invalid file name 0x0e – File is not currently accessible
attempt was made to read past the end of the file, then this field will be empty or smaller than size requested in the Swath parameter of the command message.
Directory File Format:
Name Type Description
DirVersion Byte File format version { FileName ASCIIZ [1..64] File name FileSize UInt4 File size in bytes LastUpdate ASCIIZ Date of the last file update { Attribute } Byte [0..12] File attribute code. This field may repeat up to
12 times to specify a list of file attributes. 0x01: Running now 0x02: Run on power-up 0x03: Read only 0x04: Hidden 0x05: Program execution paused
0x00 } Byte File attribute list terminator File Control Transaction (MsgType 0x1e & 0x9e)
The File Control transaction controls compilation and execution of the datalogger program and manages the files on the datalogger
File Control Command Body (MsgType 0x1e):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x1e) TranNbr Byte Transaction number SecurityCode UInt2 Security code of the datalogger FileName ASCIIZ [1..64] File name and device where the file exists. For
example, “CPU:CR1000Program.CR1”.
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Name Type Description
FileCmd Byte Code that specifies the command to perform
with the file:
0x01: Compile and run the program and also
make it the “run on power-up” file
0x02: Set the “run on power-up” attribute.
When used with an empty file name argument,
the “run on power-up” attribute will be cleared.
0x03: Make this file hidden
0x04: Delete this file
0x05: Format the device
0x06: Compile and run the file without
deleting the data tables
0x07: Stop the running program
0x08: Stop the running program and delete the
associated files
0x09: Make this file the new datalogger OS
0x0a: Compile and run the program without
changing the “run on power-up” attribute
0x0b: Pause running program execution
0x0c: Resume running program execution
0x0d: Stop the currently running program,
delete associated data files, run the specified
file, and set it to “run on power-up”.
0x0e: Stop the currently running program,
delete associated files, run the specified file,
but don’t change the “run on power-up” setting
File Control Response Body (MsgType 0x9e):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x9e) TranNbr Byte Transaction number RespCode Byte 0x00 Complete
0x01 – Permission denied
0x0d – Invalid file name
0x13 – Unsupported FileCm d code HoldOff UInt2 Number of seconds the client should wait
before attempting the next transaction.
The steps of a complete File Control transaction are shown in this explanation of a CR200 series datalogger program download:
1. Use a File Control command to stop the running program and delete
associated files to make room for the new program
2. Use File Download to send the new program to the datalogger
3. Use a File Control command to compile and run the new program
4. Use Get Programming Statistics to obtain the compile results
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types Get Programming Statistics Transaction (MsgType 0x18 & 0x98)
The Get Programming Statistics transaction retrieves available status information from the datalogger.
Get Programming Statistics Command Body (MsgType 0x18):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x18) TranNbr Byte Transaction number Security Code UInt2 Security code of the datalogger
Get Programming Statistics Response Body (MsgType 0x98):
Name Type Description
MsgType Byte Message type code (0x98) TranNbr Byte Transaction number RespCode Byte Response Code:
0x00: Complete
0x01: Permission denied { OSVer ASCIIZ Datalogger operating system version OSSig UInt2 Datalogger operating system signature SerialNbr ASCIIZ Datalogger serial number PowUpProg ASCIIZ Name of the “run on power-up” program CompState Byte Compile and execution status:
0x00: No datalogger program
0x01: Datalogger program running
0x02: Program cannot compile
0x03: Program is paused ProgName ASCIIZ [1..64] Datalogger program name ProgSig UInt2 Datalogger program signature CompTime NSec Time when program was compiled relative to
January 1, 1990. CompResult } ASCIIZ [0..250] Compilation result text that exist as one or
more carriage return and line feed separated
lines of ASCII characters with null termination
after the last line

2.3.4 Data Collection and Table Control Transactions Table Definitions
Since dataloggers store data in tables, the datalogger and the application must understand and agree on the structure of each table in order to collect data. Table definitions contain the parameters that describe each table, record, and field in the datalogger and are contained in a file on the datalogger with a “.TDF” file extension.
Table definitions are used by the application to know what ta bl es and fiel d s exist and what data to expect from each table when collecting values from the datalogger. The table definitions specifically describe the data tables, records, and fields that have been established by the program in the datalogger. These table definitions are necessary to calculate the table signature for the Collect
Section 2. Protocols and Packet Types
Data transaction and to describe what data should be returned when collecting data from a datalogger. Getting Table Definitions and Table Signatures
Table definitions are obtained using a File Upload transaction and are contained in a file with a “.TDF” file extension. The application only needs to specify the name “.TDF” and the datalogger will recognize this file extension in the command message and return the appropriate response containing the table definitions. The format of the “.TDF” file is shown in the following table:
Table Definitions File Format:
Name Type Description
FslVersion Byte File format version. (Use 0x01) { TableName ASCIIZ Table Name Table Size UInt4 Number of records allocated in the datalogger
TimeType Byte Data type code of the “Time Tag” field TblTimeInto NSec “Time Into” part of the “Time Into Interval”
TblInterval NSec “Interval” part of the table interval (zero means
{ ReadOnly bit 7 0: Read/Write
FieldType bits 6..0 Data type of the field FieldName ASCIIZ Name of the field in the table { AliasName } ASCIIZ Alias or “FieldName” assigned to the elements
(0) Byte Alias names list terminator Processing ASCIIZ Generated by the datalogger, this string
Units ASCIIZ Field units Description ASCIIZ [0..80] Description of the field BegIdx UInt4 Beginning index. The array index number for
Dimension UInt4 Array dimension of the whole array (set to 1 if
{ SubDim } UInt4 Sub-dimension of a multidimensional array (0) } UInt4 Sub-dimension list terminator (0) } Byte Field list terminator
for this table
for the table interval
an event driven table)
1: Read-only
within this field. Currently not used.
designates the type of processing and processing parameters used to generate this field (i.e. “Max”, “Min”, “Avg”, “Tot”, etc.).
the first element of the array (1 by default or if not an array).
not an array)
There are three implied parameters that are part of the table definitions: Table Numbers, Field Numbers, and the Table Definition Signature. Table Number one is the first table. Field Number one is the first field that follows the Time Tag. Table and Field Numbers are important because they are often used to specify the location of data in the datalogger in other commands.
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