Campbell 034B User Guide

Met One 034B Windset
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Copyright © 1980-2011
Campbell Scientific, Inc.

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. A
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Met One 034B Table of Contents
PDF viewers note: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the Adobe Acrobat® bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. General .........................................................................1
2. Specifications ..............................................................1
3. Installation....................................................................2
3.1 Siting.........................................................................................................2
3.2 Assembly and Mounting...........................................................................2
4. Wiring............................................................................4
5. Programming ...............................................................5
5.1 Wind Speed ..............................................................................................5
5.2 Wind Direction .........................................................................................6
5.3 Wind Vector Processing Instruction.........................................................6
5.4 Example Programs....................................................................................7
5.4.1 CR1000 Example Program .............................................................7
5.4.2 CR10X Example Program ..............................................................8
5.5 Long Lead Lengths...................................................................................9
5.5.1 Sample CR10(X) Program when Long Leads are Required.........10
6. Sensor Maintenance..................................................11
7. Troubleshooting ........................................................11
7.1 Wind Direction .......................................................................................11
7.2 Wind Speed ............................................................................................12
8. References .................................................................12
A. Wind Direction Sensor Orientation........................ A-1
A.1 Determining True North and Sensor Orientation................................ A-1
B. Wind Direction Measurement Theory.................... B-1
C. Met One Instruments’ 034B Operation Manual..... C-1
Met One 034B Table of Contents
3-1. 034B Mounted on a Crossarm Using a 17953 NU-RAIL Crossover
Fitting .................................................................................................. 3
3-2. CM200 Series Crossarm with CM220 Right Angle Mounting Bracket..... 4
A-1. Magnetic Declination for the Contiguous United States ................... A-2
A-2. Declination Angles East of True North are Subtracted From 0
to Get True North ............................................................................ A-2
A-3. Declination Angles West of True North are Added to 0
to Get True North ............................................................................ A-3
B-1. 034B Potentiometer in a Half Bridge Circuit..................................... B-1
1-1. Recommended Cable Lengths ................................................................ 1
4-1. Connections to Campbell Scientific Dataloggers ................................... 4
5-1. Wind Speed Multiplier ........................................................................... 6
5-2. Parameters for Wind Direction............................................................... 6
5-3. Wiring for Example Programs................................................................ 7
5-4. Multiplier and Offset for Wind Direction when using Lead Lengths
Greater than 100 Feet .......................................................................... 9

Met One 034B Windset

1. General

The 034B Windset is used to measure horizontal wind speed and direction.
Wind speed is measured with a three cup anemometer. Rotation of the cup wheel opens and closes a reed switch at a rate proportional to wind speed.
Vane position is transmitted by a 10K ohm potentiometer. With a precision excitation voltage applied, the output voltage is proportional to wind direction.
The accompanying Met One manual contains additional information on the operating principals, installation, and maintenance of the sensor.
Cable length for the 034B is specified when the sensor is ordered. Table 1-1 gives the recommended cable length for mounting the sensor at the top of the tripod/tower with a CM202 crossarm.
TABLE 1-1. Recommended Cable Lengths
CM6 CM10 CM110 CM115 CM120 UT10 UT20 UT30
11’ 14’ 14’ 19’ 24’ 14’ 24’ 37’
The 034B Windset ships with:
(1) 1/16” Allen wrench (1) Bushing from Met One (1) Calibration Sheet (3) Direction hub stickers (1) Resource CD (1) Wind Vane (1) Sensor cable of user-specified length

2. Specifications

Wind Speed
Operating Range: 0 to 75 m s
Threshold: 0.4 m s
Output Signal: contact closure (reed switch)
Resolution: (1.789 mph) / (scan rate in seconds) or (0.7998 m s
(0 to 167 mph)
(0.9 mph)
±0.12 m s ±1.1% of reading for wind speeds > 10.1 m s
(±0.25 mph) for wind speed < 10.1 m s-1 (22.7 mph)
) / (scan rate in seconds)
(22.7 mph)
Met One 034B Windset
Wind Direction
Measurement Range: 0 to 360°
Threshold: 0.4 m s
Accuracy: ±4°
Resolution: 0.5°
Potentiometer Resistance: 0 to 10 kΩ open at crossover
General Specifications
Operating Temperature Range: -30° to +70°C
Weight: 907 g (2.0 lb.)
(0.9 mph)

3. Installation

3.1 Siting

3.2 Assembly and Mounting

The black outer jacket of the cable is Santoprene compound was chosen for its resistance to temperature extremes, moisture, and UV degradation. However, this jacket will support combustion in air. It is rated as slow burning when tested according to U.L. 94 H.B. and will pass FMVSS302. Local fire codes may preclude its use inside buildings.
Locate wind sensors away from obstructions (e.g. trees and building). As a general rule of thumb there should be a horizontal distance of at least ten times the height of the obstruction between the windset and the obstruction. If it is necessary to mount the sensors on the roof of a building, the height of the sensors, above the roof, should be at least 1.5 times the height of the building. See Section 8 for a list of references that discuss siting wind speed and direction sensors.
Tools Required:
rubber. This
1/2” open end wrench (for CM220)
5/64” and 1/16” Allen wrenches
compass and declination angle for the site (see Appendix A)
small screw driver provided with datalogger
UV resistant cable ties
small pair of diagonal-cutting pliers
6 - 10” torpedo level
The wind vane tail must be attached to the hub. Install the tail assembly with the tail vertical. After tightening the set screw in the side of the hub that fastens the tail, cover the set screw hole with one of the small round labels included with the 034B. One of these labels is already installed on the hub covering the set screw that attaches the hub to the sensor. Extra labels are included with the 034B to recover the holes if the sensor has to be disassembled for maintenance.
Met One 034B Windset
Set screw holes must be covered with labels
The set screw holes must be covered with the labels to prevent corrosion and assure the warranty.
Mount the CM200-series crossarm to the tripod or tower. Orient the crossarm North-South, with the 1” NU-RAIL or CM220 on the North end.
Remove the alignment screw at the base of the 034B (Figure 3-1). Insert the 034B into the aluminum bushing provided with the sensor. Align the hole in the bushing with that in the 034B base and replace the screw. Insert the 034B/bushing into the NU-RAIL fitting or the CM220’s u-bolt (Figure 3-2). Align the sensor so that the counter weight points to true south and tighten the set screws on the NU-RAIL or U-bolts on the CM220. Remove the shoulder screw to allow the vane to rotate.
Appendix A contains detailed information on determining true north using a compass and the magnetic declination for the site.
Shoulder Screw
Alignment Screw
FIGURE 3-1. 034B Mounted on a Crossarm Using a 17953 NU-RAIL Crossover Fitting
Met One 034B Windset
CM200 Series Crossarm

4. Wiring

FIGURE 3-2. CM200 Series Crossarm with
CM220 Right Angle Mounting Bracket
Attach the sensor cable to the six pin male connector on the 034B. Make sure the connector is properly keyed. Finger tighten the knurled ring. Route the sensor cable along the underside of the crossarm to the tripod/tower, and to the instrument enclosure. Secure the cable to the crossarm and tripod/tower using cable ties.
Connections to Campbell Scientific dataloggers are given in Table 4-1. When Short Cut for Windows software is used to create the datalogger program, the sensor should be wired to the channels shown on the wiring diagram created by Short Cut.
TABLE 4-1. Connections to Campbell Scientific Dataloggers
Wire Label
CR800 CR5000 CR3000 CR1000
CR510 CR500 CR10(X)
21X CR7 CR23X
Red WS Signal Pulse Pulse Pulse P_LL
Black WS Signal Ref
Green WD Signal SE Analog SE Analog SE Analog SE Analog
Blue WD Volt Excite Excitation
White WD Signal Ref
Clear Shield
Excitation Excitation Excitation
Met One 034B Windset
The CR10X, CR23X, and dataloggers programmed with CRBasic can also measure wind speed on a control port. With this option the black wire is connected to the 5 V terminal.

5. Programming

5.1 Wind Speed

034B-L Windsets purchased directly from Met One Instruments have a different configuration on the 6 pin connector. In addition, they do not have the 10 kΩ resistance on the excitation line. The wiring diagram and the multiplier and offset, for wind direction, are different than the examples in this document.
This section is for users who write their own programs. A datalogger program to measure this sensor can be created using Campbell Scientifics’ Short Cut Program Builder software. You do not need to read this section to use Short Cut.
Wind speed is measured with the Pulse Count instruction, using the Switch Closure configuration and set to output frequency in Hertz (see Section 5.4 for examples).
The expression for wind speed (U) is:
U = MX + B
M = multiplier X = number of pulses per second (Hertz) B = offset
Table 5-1 lists the multipliers (M) and offsets (Off) to obtain meters/second or miles/hour when the Pulse Count instruction is configured to output the result in Hz.
Met One 034B Windset

5.2 Wind Direction

TABLE 5-1. Wind Speed Multiplier*
Model Meters/Second Miles/Hour
*When configured to output counts, the multiplier above is divided by the execution interval in seconds.
The CR200(X) dataloggers use the ExDelSE instruction to measure wind direction. All other CRBasic dataloggers (e.g., CR800, CR1000, CR3000, CR5000) use the BRHalf instruction (see Section 5.4.1 for example).
Edlog dataloggers (CR510, CR10(X), CR23X) typically use Instruction 5 – AC Half Bridge (P5) to measure wind speed (see Section 5.4.2 for example). When the sensor cable length is greater than 100 ft, Edlog Instruction 4 – Excite-Delay (P4) is recommended instead (see Section 5.5).
M = 0.7989 Off = 0.28
M = 1.787 Off = 0.63
Excitation voltages, range codes, and multipliers for our dataloggers are listed in Table 5-2. The multiplier value converts the sensor’s millivolt output to degrees. Appendix B has additional information on the measurement instructions.
TABLE 5-2. Parameters for Wind Direction
CR10(X) CR510
Measurement Range, Integration
Excitation Voltage 2500 mV 5000 mV 2500 mV 5000 mV 2500 mV
Multiplier 720* 720* 720 720 0.288
Offset 0 0 0 0 0
*The multiplier for the Edlog dataloggers assumes Edlog Instruction 5 – AC Half Bridge is used. Refer to Section
5.5 if using Edlog Instruction 4 – Excite-Delay.
2500 mV, slow 5000 mV,
CR7 21X CR23X
slow/60 Hz
CR800 CR1000
2500 mV, 60 Hz, reverse excitation
CR5000 CR3000
5000 mV, 60 Hz, reverse excitation

5.3 Wind Vector Processing Instruction

The Wind Vector output instruction is used to process and store mean wind speed, unit vector mean wind direction, and Standard Deviation of the wind direction (optional) from the measured wind speed and direction values.

5.4 Example Programs

The following programs measure the 034B every 5 seconds, and store mean wind speed, unit vector mean direction, and standard deviation of the direction every 60 minutes. Wiring for the examples is given in Table 5-3.
TABLE 5-3. Wiring for Example Programs
Color Description CR1000 CR10X
Red Wind Spd. Signal P1 P1
Black Wind Spd. Reference
Green Wind Dir. Signal SE 1 SE 1
Blue Wind Dir. Excitation EX 1 E1
White Wind Dir. Reference
Clear Wind Dir. Shield
5.4.1 CR1000 Example Program
Met One 034B Windset
'CR1000 'Declare Variables and Units
Public Batt_Volt Public WS_ms Public WindDir Units Batt_Volt=Volts Units WS_ms=meters/second Units WindDir=degrees
'Define Data Tables
DataTable(Table1,True,-1) DataInterval(0,60,Min,10) WindVector (1,WS_ms,WindDir,FP2,False,0,0,0) FieldNames("WS_ms_Avg,WindDir_Avg,WindDir_StDev") EndTable
'Main Program
BeginProg Scan(5,Sec,1,0)
'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement Batt_Volt:
'034A/034B Wind Speed & Direction Sensor measurements WS_ms and WindDir:
PulseCount(WS_ms,1,1,2,1,0.799,0.2811) If WS_ms=0.2811 Then WS_ms=0
BrHalf(WindDir,1,mV2500,1,1,1,2500,True,0,_60Hz,720.0,0) 'Use 5000 mV If WindDir>=360 OR WindDir < 0 Then WindDir=0 'excitation for 'Call Data Tables and Store Data 'the CR3000 and CallTable(Table1) 'CR5000 dataloggers NextScan EndProg
Met One 034B Windset
5.4.2 CR10X Example Program
*Table 1 Program 01: 5.0000 Execution Interval (seconds)
1: Pulse (P3) 1: 1 Reps 2: 1 Pulse Channel 1 3: 22 Switch Closure, Output Hz 4: 3 Loc [ WS_ms ] 5: 0.799 Multiplier 6: 0.2811 Offset
2: If (X<=>F) (P89) 1: 3 X Loc [ WS_ms ] 2: 1 = 3: 0.2811 F 4: 30 Then Do
3: Z=F x 10^n (P30) 1: 0 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 3 Z Loc [ WS_ms ]
4: End (P95)
5: AC Half Bridge (P5) 1: 1 Reps 2: 25 2500 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range ; 5000 mV(slow/60 hz) for CR23X, 21X 3: 1 SE Channel 4: 1 Excite all reps w/Exchan 1 5: 2500 mV Excitation ; 5000 mV for CR23X, 21X, CR7 6: 4 Loc [ WindDir ] 7: 720 Multiplier 8: 0.0 Offset
6: If (X<=>F) (P89) 1: 4 X Loc [ WindDir ] 2: 3 >= 3: 360 F 4: 30 Then Do
7: Z=F x 10^n (P30) 1: 0 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 4 Z Loc [ WindDir ]
8: End (P95)
9: If time is (P92) 1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a 2: 60 Interval (same units as above) 3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
10: Set Active Storage Area (P80) 1: 1 Final Storage Area 1 2: 101 Array ID
11: Real Time (P77) 1: 1220 Year,Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400)
12: Wind Vector (P69) 1: 1 Reps 2: 0 Samples per Sub-Interval 3: 0 S, theta(1), sigma(theta(1)) with polar sensor 4: 3 Wind Speed/East Loc [ WS_ms ] 5: 4 Wind Direction/North Loc [ WindDir ]

5.5 Long Lead Lengths

When sensor lead length exceeds 100 feet, the settling time allowed for the measurement of the vane should be increased to 20 milliseconds.
For dataloggers programmed with CRBasic, increase the “Settling Time” parameter of the CRBasic instruction to 20 milliseconds (20,000 microseconds).
Met One 034B Windset
Dataloggers programmed with Edlog should use Instruction 4 – Excite-Delay (P4), rather than Instruction 5 – AC Half Bridge (P5). Enter a 2 in the Delay parameter for a 20 millisecond delay.
With a CR510 or CR10(X), use a 2500 mV excitation and the 2500 mV measurement range. With a 21X, CR7, or CR23X, use a 5000 mV excitation and the 5000 mV measurement range.
The 60 Hz rejection option can not be used with the DC Half Bridge instruction, when the delay is not zero. Do not use long lead lengths in electrically noisy environments.
TABLE 5-4. Multiplier and Offset for Wind Direction when
using Lead Lengths Greater than 100 Feet
degrees CR10(X)
degrees CR23X
CR7, 21X
Number Multiplier Offset
4 0.288 0
4 0.144 0
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