Cameo Communications WLG2008 Users Manual

54Mbps Wireless LAN
Pocket Access Point
1. Overview ....................................................................................................1
1.2 System Requirements ......................................................................1
1.3 How to switch within 3 modes........................................................... 1
2. Getting Start with Access Point ...............................................................2
2.1 Know the 54Mbps Wireless Network Access Point...........................2
2.2 Connect to the 54Mbps Wireless Network Access Point ..................2
2.3 Quick Setup with Wizard...................................................................3
2.3.1 Access the Setting Menu .......................................................3
2.3.2 Setup with Wizard ................................................................... 4
3. Configuration Access Point through WEB Browser ..............................8
3.1 Status................................................................................................8
3.2 Basic Setting................................................................................... 10
3.3 IP Setting ........................................................................................ 12
3.4 Advanced Setting............................................................................13
3.5 Security ........................................................................................... 15
3.6 Tools ...............................................................................................16
4. Getting Start with Wireless Ethernet Adapter .......................................18
4.1 Know the Wireless Ethernet Adapter .............................................. 18
4.2 Connect to the Wireless Ethernet Adapter......................................18
4.2.1 Access the Setting Menu ........................................................19
4.2.2 Setup with Wizard ................................................................. 21
5. Configuration Wireless Ethernet Adapter through WEB Browser ...... 24
5.1 Status ..............................................................................................24
5.2 Basic Setting ...................................................................................25
5.3 IP Setting ........................................................................................ 28
5.4 Advanced Setting............................................................................29
5.5 Security ........................................................................................... 30
5.6 Tools ...............................................................................................31
6. Getting Start with Wireless Router ........................................................32
6.1 Know the 802.11g Wireless Router.................................................32
6.2 Connect to the 802.11g Wireless Router ........................................32
6.2.1 Access the Setting Menu .....................................................32
6.2.2 Quick Setup with Wizard......................................................34
7. Configuration Wireless Router through WEB Browser........................41
7.1 LAN Setting ....................................................................................41
7.1.1 LAN & DHCP Server............................................................41
7.1.2 WAN.....................................................................................42
7.1.3 Password ............................................................................. 43
7.1.4 Time .....................................................................................44
7.2 Wireless.........................................................................................45
7.2.1 Basic ....................................................................................45
7.2.2 WEP..................................................................................... 46
7.2.3 Advanced.............................................................................48
7.3 Status.............................................................................................49
7.3.1 Device Information ...............................................................49
7.3.2 Log.......................................................................................50
7.3.3 Log Setting...........................................................................51
7.3.4 Statistic.................................................................................52
7.3.5 Wireless ...............................................................................53
7.4 Routing ...........................................................................................54
7.4.1 Static ....................................................................................54
7.4.2 Dynamic ............................................................................... 55
7.4.3 Routing Table.......................................................................56
7.5 Access ............................................................................................57
7.5.1 MAC Filters .......................................................................... 57
7.5.2 Protocol Filter.......................................................................58
7.5.3 IP Filter.................................................................................59
7.5.4 Virtual Server ....................................................................... 60
7.5.5 Special AP............................................................................61
7.5.6 DMZ .....................................................................................63
7.5.7 Firewall Rule ........................................................................64
7.6 Management................................................................................... 66
7.6.1 Remote Management ..........................................................66
7.7 Tools ...............................................................................................68
7.7.1 Restart .................................................................................68
7.7.2 Settings................................................................................69
7.7.3 Firmware..............................................................................70
7.7.4 Ping Test ..............................................................................71
1. Overview
1.1 Product Feature
3-in-1 function build-in with easily accessible hot-key switch, including
Access Point, Access Point Client and Wireless Router. It’s also the
smallest networking device in the market.
Low power consumption <less than 460 mA>, and support USB power adapter which provides the best mobility.
Compliance with IEEE 802.11g and 802.11b standards
Compliance with WiFi standard
Achieving data rate up to 54Mbps for 802.11g and 11Mps for 802.11b with
wide range coverage
Strong network security with WEP encryption, and PWA-PSK function.
Quick and easy setup with Web-based management utility.
1.2 System Requirements
Windows 98SE, Millennium Edition (ME), 2000 and XP operating systems
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
At least one RJ-45 Ethernet network adapter installed.
1.3 How to switch within 3 modes
3 modes are AP, Client and wireless RT.
Switch to the mode user wants with the hot key, then re-plug the power.
Few seconds later, the device will reboot automatically to the mode user
For AP, please use as the default IP to configure the settings.
For Client, please use as the default IP to configure the
For wireless RT, please use as the default IP to configure the
settings, note that the settings must through the wireless connection,
instead of RJ45 cable.
2. Getting Start with Access Point
2.1 Know the 54Mbps Wireless Network Access Point
Power Receptor
Reset Button
RJ-45 Ethernet Port
Cross-over cable is required to connect to computer directly
Power LED: ON when the unit is powered up
LAN LED: ON indicates LAN connection; BLINK indicates LAN activity
WLAN LED: ON indicates WLAN is working; BLINK indicates wireless
2.2 Connect to the 54Mbps Wireless Network Access Point
Build the Infrastructure Mode
In order to setup an Infrastructure of a wireless network such as the example
shown above, user will need the following:
1. A broadband Internet connection.
2. ADSL or Cable modem provided by ISP as part of the broadband connection
3. A Router that connects to the ADSL/Cable modem for Internet connection
4. An Access Point to connect with the Router to form a wireless infrastructure
5. Wireless clients equipped with wireless networking devices such as wireless
PC Card for wireless connection.
2.3 Quick Setup with Wizard
2.3.1 Access the Setting Menu
User could start to access the configuration menu anytime by opening a web
browser window and typing the IP address of this access point. The default IP
The below window will popup. Please enter the user name and password.
Both of the default is “admin”.
Now, the main menu screen is popup.
2.3.2 Setup with Wizard
Setup wizard is provided as the part of the web configuration utility. User can
simply follow the step-by-step process to get Access Point configuration ready to
run in 4 easy steps by clicking on the “Wizard” button on the function menu. The
following screen will appear. Please click “Next” to continue.
Step 1: Set Password
User can change the password and then click “Next” to continue.
Step2: Set WLAN Connection
Please type the name of SSID and select the channel. Then, click “Next” to
Step 3: Set Wireless LAN Connection
If user doesn’t want to use “default” as the SSID, user can change SSID here.
User can also choose different channel to avoid noise coming from other
wireless networking devices. Please click “Next” to continue.
Step 4: Set WEP Encryption
If user wants to enable WEP, please click “Enabled”. Then, select the key size
of WEP encryption and enter the key value in the key text box. Please click
Next” to continue.
Step 5: Restart
The Setup wizard is now completed. The new settings will be effective after the
Access Point restarted. Please click “Restart” to reboot the Access Point. If
user does not want to make any changes, please click “exit” to quit without any
changes. User also can go back to modify the setting by clicking “Back”.
3. Configuration Access Point through
WEB Browser
3.1 Status
This page as below shows the following information.
Firmware Version: Shows the current firmware version.
LAN: Shows the Mac address, IP address (default:, Subnet Mask,
Gateway Address. The current LAN traffic calculated in terms of number of
packets sent and received by AP through wired connection is also displayed.
Wireless: Shows the Mac address, current ESSID, the status of Encryption
Function (Enable or Disable), the current using channel. The current wireless
traffic calculated in terms of number of packets sent and received by AP through
wireless communication is also displayed.
View Log: Once clicked, the page will change to login page. The login page
records every event and the time that it happens.
User may clear the entries recorded in the log by clicking the “Clear Log” button,
and refresh the screen to show the latest log entries by clicking the “Refresh”
3.2 Basic Setting
This is the page allow user to change the access point settings.
AP Name: The name of the AP, which can be used to identify the Access Point
among the all the Access Points in the wireless network.
SSID: Service Set Identifier, which is a unique name shared among all clients
and nodes in a wireless network. The SSID must be identical for each clients
and nodes in the wireless network.
Channel: The channel that AP will operate in. User can select the channel
range from 1 to 11 for North America (FCC) domain, 1 to 13 for European (ETSI)
domain and 1 to 14 for Japanese domain.
Authentication Type: The authentication type default is set to open system.
There are four options: open system; shared key; WPA and WPA-PKS. User
may want to set to Shared Key when the clients and AP in the same wireless
network enable the WEP encryption. All the nodes and hosts on the network
must use the same authentication type.
WEP Key: To disable WEP security, click on the “Disable” option. To enable
WEP security, there are 2 types to select – 64bits and 128 bits. When it is
selected, the key value must be entered in ASCII or HEX format.
Note: When WEP security is enabled, all the wireless clients that wish to
connect to the Access Point must also have WEP enabled with the identical
WEP Key value entered.
Apply: For the changes made to any of the items above to be effective, click
Apply”. The new settings are now been saved to Access Point and will be
effective once the Access Point restarts.
If WPA-PSK is enabled, user needs to set the key in the passphrase field as the
below screen. The key length should be 8 characters at least.
Note: Once WPA-PSK function enables, it will take some time to make the
setting active.
3.3 IP Setting
This page allows user to configure the IP and DHCP settings of the Access
The default IP address of this access point is with the subnet mask
of User can type in other values for IP Address, Subnet Mask
and Gateway and click “Apply” button for the changes to be effective.
User can also set the Access Point to obtain the IP from a DHCP server, but it is
not recommended. Select the option “Obtain IP Automatically” and click “Apply”
button for the changes to be effective.
DHCP Server: It is not recommended to enable the DHCP Server if user has a
DHCP server running in LAN network because it probably will cause possible
the conflict of IP assignment. Enable the DHCP server function by selecting
the option “On”, and enter the IP range. IP range : When user set the IP range
that Client can get the IP in the range.
Click “Apply” for the changes to be effective.
DNS server: If User’s local Ethernet support DNS function, user can fix the DNS
address in the space.
3.4 Advanced Setting
This page contains configurations for advanced users, which the change reflects
the wireless performance and operating modes.
AP – The normal Access Point operating mode which forms a wireless ESS
network with its wireless clients.
Beacon Interval: To set the period of time in milliseconds that AP sends out a
beacon. Default is 100 milliseconds.
RTS Threshold: To set the size of RTS/CTS packet size. Default is 2432 bytes.
Fragmentation Threshold: To set the number of bytes used for the
fragmentation boundary for directed messages. Default is 2436 bytes.
DTIM Interval: This value indicates the interval of the Delivery Traffic Indication
Message (DTIM). A DTIM field is a countdown field informing clients of the
next window for listening to broadcast and multicast messages. When the
access point has buffered broadcast or multicast messages for associated
clients, it sends the next DTIM with a DTIM interval value. Access point clients
hear the beacons and awaken to receive the broadcast and multicast messages.
SSID Broadcast: While SSID Broadcast is enabled, all wireless clients will be
able to communicate with the access point. For secure purpose, user may
want to disable SSID broadcast to allow only those wireless clients with the AP
SSID to communicate with the access point.
Mode setting : 1) G mode- Only support 11g client to connect!
2) Mix mode- Support 11b&11g client to connect!
TX Rates: User also can fix the transmission at specific data rate, if choose
“Auto” data rate, the Wireless Ethernet Adapter will change the data rate to have
the best receive or transmit quality
3.5 Security
This page is where user configures the security features supported by this
Access Point.
Password: Allow user to change the new login password. Here are the
necessary steps:
1. Enter the new password in the “AP Password New:” field.
2. Enter the new password again in the “Confirm” field.
3. Click “Apply”
MAC Filter: MAC Filter function controls the MAC of the network devices that
are listed in this table for access authorization or denial. When MAC Filter is
enabled, by selecting the “Enabled” radio box, select one of two choices:
Only deny PCs with MAC listed below to access device
Only allow PCs with MAC listed below to access device
The maximum number of MAC addresses that can be stored is 50. User can
browse through the MAC address saved by selecting the drop-down box.
For any changes made in the security page, click “Apply” for the changes to be
3.6 Tools
Four functions are provided in this page, Backup, Restore Settings, Restore
default settings and Firmware Upgrade.
Backup Settings: Click on “Backup” button, which will open a FileSave Dialog
box, where user gets to save all the current settings and configurations to a file.
Restore Settings: Click on the “Browse” button to open a FileOpen Dialog box,
where user gets to select the file, which saves previous settings and
configurations. Upon selecting the saved file, click “Restore” and complete the
restore process when the access point re-operates after it restarts.
Restore to default settings: Click on “Default” button to restore the access
point back to its manufacture default settings.
Firmware Upgrade: Click on the “Browse” button to open a FileOpen Dialog
box, where gets to select the firmware file, which download from the web for the
latest version. Upon selecting the firmware file, click “Upgrade” and complete
the firmware upgrade process when the Access Point re-operates after it
4. Getting Start with Wireless Ethernet
4.1 Know the Wireless Ethernet Adapter
Power Receptor
Reset Button
RJ-45 Ethernet Port
Cross-over cable is required to connect to computer directly
Power LED: ON when the unit is powered up
LAN LED: ON indicates LAN connection; BLINK indicates LAN activity
WLAN LED: ON indicates WLAN is working; BLINK indicates wireless
4.2 Connect to the Wireless Ethernet Adapter
This wireless Ethernet adapter transforms the Ethernet-enabled devices to
have the wireless function. The wireless Ethernet adapter enables wireless
communication over network. There are two examples shown as the below.
Infrastructure Mode:
Ad-Hoc Mode:
4.2.1 Access the Setting Menu
User could start to access the configuration menu anytime by opening a web
browser window by typing the IP address of this access point. The default IP is
The below window will popup. Please enter the user name and password.
Both of the default is “admin”.
Now, the main menu screen is popup.
4.2.2 Setup with Wizard
Setup wizard is provided as the part of the web configuration utility. User can
simply follow the step-by-step process to get Access Point configuration ready to
run in 4 easy steps by clicking on the “Wizard” button on the function menu. The
following screen will appear. Please click “Next” to continue.
Step 1: Set Password
User can change the password and then click “Next” to continue.
Step2: Set WLAN Connection
Please type the name of SSID and select the channel. Click “Next” to continue.
Step 3: Set Wireless LAN Connection
IF user doesn’t want to use “default” as the SSID, user can change SSID here.
Also user can choose different channel to avoid noise coming from other
wireless networking devices. Please click “Next” to continue.
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