For more information and to see other
Camdapter products, visit our website
@ www.camdapter.com
If you are installing a ProStrap
to either an adapter or directly
onto your camera, proceed to
step 2.
If your ProStrap has come preinstalled to an adapter, proceed
to step 3.2 for installation and
adjustment instructions.
You will need a drinking straw
(or similar item) and about an
inch of Scotch tape.
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Figure 1.
If you recently purchased your
Camdapter ProStrap, the straw
will already have been installed
for you. Otherwise, insert
the straw through the hand
strap; be sure to go under the
webbing where the sliplock is
located (see Figure 2-A).
NOTE - It is easier to insert
the straw from the top end of
the hand strap (nearest to the
sliplock). When pushing the
straw, do not pinch it, rather
push it with the tip of your
finger on the very end.
Lace the webbing through
the strap lug on the bottom of
your camera (see Figure 3.1-A)
(or your Camdapter camera
adapter) and back to the end
of the straw (see Figure 3.1-B)
taking care not to twist the
Figure 2.
Ease. Comfort. Convenience.
Pinch the webbing together and
slip it into the end of the straw.
Now, flatten the end and tape
the webbing to the straw (see
Figure 3.1C)
Lay the webbing flat and gently
pull the straw with the attached
webbing back through the hand
strap until the webbing is all the
way through the strap. Discard
the straw and tape.
Figure 3.1
Copyright - 2005-2011 - Garavuso Designs LLC
For more information and to see other
Camdapter products, visit our website
@ www.camdapter.com
If you purchased an adapter and
a ProStrap together they will
come pre-assembled, otherwise
attach your adapter to the
camera and refer to step 3.1.
Using the supplied allen wrench
attach the adapter/ProStrap to
your camera in the orientation
shown in figure 3.2-A. Adjust
the placement of the adapter
to be more or less centered
on the camera bottom. Verify
that you can still access your
Lace the webbing through your
camera’s top strap lug (see
Figure 4-A) and back through the
sliplock (see Figure 4-B).
Page 2
camera battery compartment, if not most Camdapter camera adapters are
reversible to allow more clearance if needed.
Figure 3.2
Figure 4.
The strap can now be adjusted
to fit your hand. This can be
accomplished by adjusting
bottom length (see Figure 5-A)
and/or the webbing through the
sliplock (see Figure 5-B).
Once you are comfortable
with the fit of your Pro-Strap
adjustment, be sure to lace the
webbing back through the top of
the sliplock as shown (see Figure
5-B), pull tight to lock it in place.
NOTE: Adjust the hand strap so it
is loose enough to allow sufficient
hand movement to reach all of
the necessary camera controls.
Excess webbing can be trimmed
off with sharp scissors or a
knife. Try to leave about an inch
of webbing beyond the sliplock.
To prevent the fibers from
unraveling, fuse them together
by briefly heating them with a
lighter or match flame
If you are installing your hand strap with a Camdapter™ camera adapter on
a camera with a battery grip, be sure to test the fit with and without the grip
before trimming the web.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
Ease. Comfort. Convenience.
Camdapter™ leather hand straps are finished with a light coating of mink oil. Occasionally you may
notice some light hazing or dullness on the leather. A light polishing with a soft cloth will remove this
haze and restore the shine of your hand strap. (Does not apply to suede hand straps.)
Copyright - 2005-2011 - Garavuso Designs LLC