1.1 Key Functions:
ZERO Brings the scale to a zero balance reading.
If the Zero key is pressed and held for 5 seconds the
Calibration zero value will be displayed.
GRS/NET Toggles the display between Gross weight and Net weight.
This key is also used to enter setup mode. Begin by pressing
and holding this key until the Parameter (Pxxx) Event counter
is displayed, then release. Immediately after COdE is displayed
enter in sequence (within 5 sec) Tare, lb/kg, GRS/NET, and
Print/Enter the display will indicate
-P xxx and C xxx are event counters that will increment
each time one or more changes are made to the Scale
or Calibration Parameters.
TARE Enters the Gross weight value into the Tare display and
switches to the Net display mode.
If the Tare key is pressed and held for 5 seconds the
current Tare value will be displayed.
lb/kg Toggles the display between pounds and kilograms.
PRINT Outputs the displayed weight data to the RS-232 Port.
Note: All keys are disabled when the scale is in motion or overload.
1.2 Error Messages
ScnEg When the weight is more than 10 divisions negative from
the zero calibration point.
oLD The Scale is in an overload condition.
bAt LO
Will flash when the Battery voltage falls to 10.8VDC and will
be displayed continuously when the voltage falls to 10.2VDC.
Err d
More than 5,000 scale divisions have been selected in
S1 Ntep or S1 Angle mode.
More than 20,000 scale divisions have been selected in
S1 NO mode.