Calsense FM Series, FM-1B, FM-1.5B, FM-1.25B, FM-2B Installation Manual

since 1986
water work
since 1986
water work
The accuracy of flow measurement for all flow measuring devices is highly dependent on proper location of the sensor in the piping system. Irregular flow velocity profiles caused by valves, fittings, pipe bends, etc. can lead to inaccurate overall flow rate indications even though local flow velocity measurement may be accurate. A sensor located in the pipe where it can be affected by air bubbles, floating debris, or sediment may not achieve full accuracy and could be damaged. Calsense flow sensors are designed to operate reliably under adverse conditions, but the following recommendations should be followed to ensure maximum system accuracy:
Choose a location along the pipe where 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream of the sensor provide no flow disturbance. Pipe bends, valves, other fittings, pipe enlargements and reductions should not be present in this length of pipe.
The preferred location around the circumference of a horizontal pipe is on top. If trapped air or debris will interfere, then the sensor should be located further around the pipe from the top but not more than 45 degrees from top dead center. The sensor should never be located at the bottom of the pipe, as sediment may collect there. Locations off top dead center cause the impeller friction to increase, which may affect performance at low flow rates. Any circumferential location is correct for installation in vertical pipes.
Alignment of the sensor to ensure that
impeller rotation is parallel to flow is
The Flow meter is installed after the water meter or backflow device.
The Master Valve can be installed on either side of the Flow Meter.
The mainline pipe is usually sized down during the installation to accommodate the fitting of the Flow Meter.
Note the intended direction of the flow as indicated by an arrow on top of the Flow Meter.
There must be free, unrestricted pipe of the same size as the Flow Meter, with a length of at least 10 times the flow meter size upstream, and 5 times the flow meter size downstream of the Flow Meter tee. This should apply to distance from any valve, fitting, meter, or backflow device.
The Flow Meter shall be easily accessible, housed in a rectangular valve box, and marked ‘FM’.
There should be 8” of pea gravel beneath the Flow Meter in the valve box.
Maximum Wire length should not exceed 2000 feet..
since 1986
water work
Remove the clevis pin and remove the Flow Insert from the tee by pulling gently up on the lip of the Flow Meter.
Properly clean the pipe ends and tee sockets.
Solvent cement the pipe to the tee.
Reinstall the Flow Insert in the tee as
Align the arrow on top of the insert in the direction of the flow.
Carefully press the Meter straight into the tee.
The impeller may strike sides of the tee if miss-
aligned, causing damage to the impeller or shaft.
Install the clevis pin through the tee and meter.
Insert the locking ring.
Wires from the Flow Meter to the irrigation controller should consist of one (1) BLACK and one (1) RED standard #14 AWG irrigation wire.
The Flow Meter has two wire leads, one (1) BLACK, and one (1) RED.
At the controller, the BLACK wire in the BLACK harness is connected to the BLACK Flow Meter wire, and the RED wire in the BLACK wire harness is connected to the RED Flow Meter wire.
The Calsense Flow Meter operates at 9.0 volts DC.
The flow meter wires should be separated from other control wires when pulled up at the irrigation controller site.
If 24 volts AC is used to test field wires when determining proper sequencing, and is applied to the Flow Meter wires, the sensing unit in the Flow Meter could be damaged.
It is very important that all electrical connections are tight and dry.
Any water leaking into a connection will cause flow meter problems.
Additionally, there should never be any buried splices between the flow meter and the irrigation controller.
Use only Calsense recommended electrical connections.
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