Tank Temperature
Maintenance System
Installation & Operation Manual for Systems Employing
THS-106 or THS-206 Electronic Controller.
Precise, efficient temperature maintenance for all types of metal and plastic tanks.

The Calorique Thermolar® Tank Temperature Maintenance System is
a low heat-density warming system designed to safely and efficiently
maintain the contents temperature of any tank. Ideal for process
control, adhesive storage (etc.) the THERMOLAR system provides uniform heat that won’t scorch tank contents.
When installed and operated in accordance with these instructions,
the Thermolar system complies with National Electrical Code article
427. Failure to install and operate this system in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions may result in an unsafe condition
and constitutes a violation of the system warranty and voids that
warranty. Note that the system must be installed on a branch circuit
that is protected by a fault detector that is suitable for equipment
Cross check all parts with the System Components List to ensure that
all parts are included and in good condition before beginning installation. Quantities and/or lengths are included in the System
Components List.
The following specifications are generic to the Thermolar system.
Complete specifications for the particular system being installed are
included on the System Components List.
CCoonnttrrooll UUnniitt
Included with the control unit are a strap for attaching it to the tank
and two remote thermo-sensors with 20 foot/6 m leads.
Voltage: THS-106: 120 Vac
THS-206: 240 Vac
Confirm system voltage before connecting the system to power supply. Do
not connect systems to any voltage
other than that for which they were
Systems operated at higher than
designed voltage pose a risk of electric
shock and/or fire.
Systems operated at lower than
designed voltage may not maintain
temperature which could result in loss
of or damage to contents.
The Thermolar System is designed for temperature maintenance only and typically will
not provide sufficient heat to significantly raise the temperature of tank contents.

HHeeaattiinngg EElleemmeennttss
Calorique Thermolar heating elements are factory assembled with
an integral ground shield, adhesive backing and moisture-proof
electrical connections.
Width: 11 inches/280 mm
Maximum Temperature: Do not expose any Thermolar
heating element to temperatures in excess of
180°F/82°C. See pages 7 and
8 for maximum exposure
temperatures of standard
tank types.
Lead Length: 8 feet/3.5 m
DDuucctt TTaappee
Standard grade duct tape (or equivalent) rated for at least
PPoowweerr CCaabbllee
Used to run electrical power from branch circuit box to the control
unit. The type and length are determined by local code and individual requirements of the installation.
General electrician’s tools, including screwdriver, linesmans pliers,
wire cutter/stripper, etc.
Thermal insulation of the type and thickness noted on the System
Components List must be installed on the tank to ensure proper and
safe operation.
Do not cut or otherwise
alter the Thermolar heating

CCiirrccuuiitt OOvveerrccuurrrreenntt PPrrootteeccttiioonn
Fuse or circuit breaker rated for at least 120% of the system
amperage rating.
FFaauulltt PPrrootteeccttiioonn
The power supply must include a fault detector suitable for equipment protection. This may be integral with the overcurrent protection.
1. Determine the location of the control unit.
• If the control unit will be positioned remotely from the tank, skip to the next section,
Heating Elements.
• Attaching the control unit temporarily to the tank wall at this time will aid in aligning
the heating elements so that the power cords will reach the controller.
• Installing the control unit at eye level will make completion and operation easier.
2. Slide the strap through the slots provided on the back of the control unit.
3. Run the strap around the tank and slip the free end into the buckle.
4. Position the box about 4 feet/1.2 m from the bottom of the tank and tighten the strap to hold it
in place.
For best results, insulate underneath the tank. If the underside will not be accessible after
installation of the Thermolar system, then install insulation prior to final placement of the
tank. Insulating underneath the tank will help avoid excessive heat loss, reducing operating expense and the risk of damage to sensitive contents.