California Instruments 2253i, 2253iX User Manual

Revision J
November 2017
Copyright 2006-2017 AMETEK Programmable Power Division All rights reserved.
2253i / 2253iX
AC and DC Power Source
User Manual
TEL: +1 (858) 450-0085
FAX: +1 (858) 458-0267
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User Manual 2253i / 2253iX
AMETEK California Instruments 2
Refers to:
2253i AC and DC Power Source
2253iX AC and DC Power Source/Analyzer
User Manual 2253i / 2253iX
AMETEK California Instruments 3
AMETEK Programmable Power, Inc., a Division of AMETEK, Inc., is a global leader in the design and manufacture of precision, programmable power supplies for R&D, test and measurement, process control, power bus simulation and power conditioning applications across diverse industrial segments. From bench top supplies to rack-mounted industrial power subsystems, AMETEK Programmable Power is the proud manufacturer of Elgar, Sorensen, California Instruments and Power Ten brand power supplies.
AMETEK, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices with annualized sales of $2.5 billion. The Company has over 11,000 colleagues working at more than 80 manufacturing facilities and more than 80 sales and service centers in the United States and around the world.
AMETEK is a registered trademark of AMETEK, Inc. California Instruments is a trademark owned by AMETEK, Inc. Other trademarks, registered trademarks, and product names are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.
Notice of Copyright
2253i/iX Series User Manual
© 2006-2014 AMETEK Programmable Power, Inc. All rights reserved.
Exclusion for Documentation
Date and Revision
November 2017, Revision J
Part Number
Contact Information
Telephone: 800 733 5427 (toll free in North America) 858 450 0085 (direct) Fax: 858 458 0267 Email: Web:
User Manual 2253i / 2253iX
AMETEK California Instruments 4
Important Safety Instructions
Before applying power to the system, verify that your product is configured properly for your particular application.
Hazardous voltages may be present when covers are removed. Qualified personnel must use extreme caution when servicing this equipment. Circuit boards, test points, and output voltages also may be floating above (below) chassis ground.
The equipment used contains ESD sensitive parts. When installing equipment, follow ESD Safety Procedures. Electrostatic discharges might cause damage to the equipment.
Only qualified personnel who deal with attendant hazards in power supplies, are allowed to perform installation and servicing.
Ensure that the AC power line ground is connected properly to the Power Rack input connector or chassis. Similarly, other power ground lines including those to application and maintenance equipment must be grounded properly for both personnel and equipment safety.
Always ensure that facility AC input power is de-energized prior to connecting or disconnecting any cable.
In normal operation, the operator does not have access to hazardous voltages within the chassis. However, depending on the user’s application configuration, HIGH VOLTAGES HAZARDOUS TO HUMAN SAFETY may be normally generated on the output terminals. The customer/user must ensure that the output power lines are labeled properly as to the safety hazards and that any inadvertent contact with hazardous voltages is eliminated.
Guard against risks of electrical shock during open cover checks by not touching any portion of the electrical circuits. Even when power is off, capacitors may retain an electrical charge. Use safety glasses during open cover checks to avoid personal injury by any sudden component failure.
Neither AMETEK Programmable Power Inc., San Diego, California, USA, nor any of the subsidiary sales organizations can accept any responsibility for personnel, material or inconsequential injury, loss or damage that results from improper use of the equipment and accessories.
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User Manual 2253i / 2253iX
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AMETEK Programmable Power, Inc. (“AMETEK”), provides this written warranty covering the Product stated above, and if the Buyer discovers and notifies AMETEK in writing of any defect in material or workmanship within the applicable warranty period stated above, then AMETEK may, at its option: repair or replace the Product; or issue a credit note for the defective Product; or provide the Buyer with replacement parts for the Product.
The Buyer will, at its expense, return the defective Product or parts thereof to AMETEK in accordance with the return procedure specified below. AMETEK will, at its expense, deliver the repaired or replaced Product or parts to the Buyer. Any warranty of AMETEK will not apply if the Buyer is in default under the Purchase Order Agreement or where the Product or any part thereof:
is damaged by misuse, accident, negligence or failure to maintain the same as specified or required by AMETEK;
is damaged by modifications, alterations or attachments thereto which are not authorized by AMETEK;
is installed or operated contrary to the instructions of AMETEK;
is opened, modified or disassembled in any way without AMETEK’s consent; or
is used in combination with items, articles or materials not authorized by AMETEK.
The Buyer may not assert any claim that the Products are not in conformity with any warranty until the Buyer has made all payments to AMETEK provided for in the Purchase Order Agreement.
Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the repair facility (must be done in the
country in which it was purchased):
In the USA, contact the AMETEK Repair Department prior to the return of the product to AMETEK for repair:
Telephone: 800-733-5427, ext. 2295 or ext. 2463 (toll free North America) 858-450-0085, ext. 2295 or ext. 2463 (direct)
Outside the United States, contact the nearest Authorized Service Center (ASC). A full listing can be found either through your local distributor or our website,, by clicking Support and going to the Service Centers tab.
When requesting an RMA, have the following information ready:
Model number
Serial number
Description of the problem
NOTE: Unauthorized returns will not be accepted and will be returned at the shipper’s
NOTE: A returned product found upon inspection by AMETEK, to be in specification is
subject to an evaluation fee and applicable freight charges.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 11
1.1 General Description .......................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 iX and i Model Differences ................................................................................................................................ 12
1.3 Manual organization and format ........................................................................................................................ 12
2. Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Electrical ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Mechanical ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
2.3 Environmental ................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.4 Regulatory ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.5 Front Panel Controls, Indicators and Display .................................................................................................... 25
2.6 Special Features ............................................................................................................................................... 26
2.7 Available Options – i Series .............................................................................................................................. 27
2.8 Available Options – iX Series ............................................................................................................................ 28
2.9 EXT Option - Supplemental Specifications ....................................................................................................... 29
2.10 LKM / LKS Options - Supplemental Specifications ........................................................................................... 31
2.11 RPF Option - Supplemental Specifications ....................................................................................................... 31
2.12 WHM Option - Supplemental Specification ....................................................................................................... 31
2.13 Supplemental Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 32
3. Unpacking and Installation ....................................................................................................................... 34
3.1 Unpacking ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
3.2 AC Input Power Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 34
3.3 Mechanical Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 34
3.4 Rear Panel Connectors ..................................................................................................................................... 36
3.5 AC Input Wiring - INPUT ................................................................................................................................... 37
3.6 Output Connections .......................................................................................................................................... 38
3.7 Connectors - Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................... 40
3.8 Basic Initial Functional Test .............................................................................................................................. 46
3.9 Clock and Lock Mode (-LKM/-LKS Option) ....................................................................................................... 48
3.10 Remote Control Interfaces ................................................................................................................................ 49
4. Front Panel Operation ............................................................................................................................. 50
4.1 Tour of the Front Panel ..................................................................................................................................... 50
4.2 Menu Structure .................................................................................................................................................. 55
4.3 Output Programming ......................................................................................................................................... 79
4.4 Waveform Management .................................................................................................................................... 81
4.5 Measurements .................................................................................................................................................. 84
4.6 Harmonic Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 85
4.7 Transient Programming ..................................................................................................................................... 85
4.8 Setting the Power-on Initialization Values ......................................................................................................... 90
4.9 Remote Inhibit Function .................................................................................................................................... 91
5. Principle of Operation .............................................................................................................................. 92
5.1 Overall Description ............................................................................................................................................ 92
5.2 Amplifier Assemblies ......................................................................................................................................... 92
5.3 PFC and Rectifier Assembly ............................................................................................................................. 92
5.4 EMI Filter Assembly .......................................................................................................................................... 92
5.5 Auxiliary DC bias Supply ................................................................................................................................... 92
5.6 Range/Relay Assembly ..................................................................................................................................... 93
5.7 Interface Assembly ........................................................................................................................................... 93
5.8 Front Panel Assembly ....................................................................................................................................... 93
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6. Calibration ............................................................................................................................................... 95
6.1 Recommended Calibration Equipment ............................................................................................................. 95
6.2 Calibration Screens ........................................................................................................................................... 95
6.3 Measurement Calibration .................................................................................................................................. 95
6.4 Non-Routine Output Calibration ........................................................................................................................ 97
6.5 Non-Routine Output Offset and Gain Calibration .............................................................................................. 98
7. Service .................................................................................................................................................. 100
7.1 Cleaning .......................................................................................................................................................... 100
7.2 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 100
7.3 Basic operation ............................................................................................................................................... 100
7.4 Self test ........................................................................................................................................................... 102
7.5 Advanced Troubleshooting. ............................................................................................................................ 102
7.6 Amplifier Module Data ..................................................................................................................................... 103
7.7 Factory Assistance .......................................................................................................................................... 105
7.8 Fuses .............................................................................................................................................................. 105
7.9 Replaceable Parts ........................................................................................................................................... 106
8. Miscellaneous Options .......................................................................................................................... 108
8.1 IEEE488 Interface (-GPIB) .............................................................................................................................. 108
8.2 Atlas Based Language Extensions (-ABL) ...................................................................................................... 108
8.3 External Sync (-EXS) ...................................................................................................................................... 108
8.4 External Input (-EXT) ....................................................................................................................................... 109
8.5 RPV Input (-RPV) ............................................................................................................................................ 110
8.6 Ethernet Interface (-LAN) ................................................................................................................................ 110
8.7 Clock and Lock (–LKM / -LKS) ........................................................................................................................ 110
8.8 Rack Mount Slides (-RMS) .............................................................................................................................. 111
9. Option -160: RTCA / DO-160 Rev D, E .................................................................................................. 112
9.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 112
9.2 Initial Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 112
9.3 Available DO160 Tests ................................................................................................................................... 113
9.4 Front Panel Operation -160............................................................................................................................. 114
9.5 AC Test Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 115
9.6 DC Test Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 128
10. Option -704: MIL-STD 704 Rev D & E (MIL704 Mode) ........................................................................... 132
10.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 132
10.2 Initial Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 132
10.3 Test Revision .................................................................................................................................................. 132
10.4 Available MIL-STD 704 Tests .......................................................................................................................... 133
10.5 Front Panel Operation MIL704 ........................................................................................................................ 134
10.6 AC Test Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 135
10.7 DC Test Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 142
11. Option –ABD: Airbus ABD0100.1.8 Test ................................................................................................ 146
12. Option –A350: Airbus ABD0100.1.8.1 Test ............................................................................................ 147
13. Option –AMD: Airbus AMD24 Test ......................................................................................................... 148
14. Option –B787: Boeing B787-0147 Test .................................................................................................. 149
15. Option –WHM: Watt Hour Meter measurements .................................................................................... 150
16. Error Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 151
17. Index ..................................................................................................................................................... 156
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List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Model 2253iX AC Source. .................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 2-1: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 150V AC Range per phase – 230Vac in. ..................................... 17
Figure 2-2: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 300V AC Range per phase – 230Vac in. ..................................... 17
Figure 2-3: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 150V AC Range per phase – 115Vac in ...................................... 18
Figure 2-4: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 300V AC Range per phase – 115Vac in ...................................... 18
Figure 2-5: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 200V DC Range per phase. ......................................................... 19
Figure 2-6: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 400V DC Range per phase. ......................................................... 19
Figure 2-7: EXT Option Frequency response 300VAC Range. ............................................................................................ 30
Figure 2-8: Typical frequency response, low Vrange, ALC off. ............................................................................................. 32
Figure 3-1: Rack Mount Slides (-RMS option) position ......................................................................................................... 35
Figure 3-2: Rear Panel Connector Locations – i Models ...................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-3: Rear Panel Connector Locations – iX Models (Shown with –LAN option) .......................................................... 36
Figure 3-4: USB Connector pin orientation. .......................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 3-5: Functional Test Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 3-6: Clock and Lock Connections .............................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 4-1: Front Panel controls and indicators. ................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4-2: Shuttle Knob ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 4-3: Menu Keys .......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 4-4: Measurement Screen ......................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 4-5: PROGRAM Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 4-6: CONTROL Menus .............................................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 4-7: MEASUREMENT Screen .................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 4-8: Selecting a Waveform ........................................................................................................................................ 81
Figure 4-9: Waveform Crest Factor Affects Max. rms Voltage ............................................................................................. 82
Figure 4-10: Pulse Transients ............................................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 4-11: List Transients .................................................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 4-12: Sample Transient Output Sequence ................................................................................................................ 87
Figure 4-13: Switching Waveforms in a Transient List.......................................................................................................... 88
Figure 4-14: TRANSIENT Menu............................................................................................................................................ 88
Figure 6-1: Internal adjustment locations. ............................................................................................................................. 99
Figure 8-1: Rack Mount Slides (-RMS option) position ....................................................................................................... 111
Figure 9-1: Application Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 114
Figure 9-2: DO160 Main Menus .......................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 9-3: Normal state screens ........................................................................................................................................ 115
Figure 9-4: Voltage Modulation - Frequency characteristics ............................................................................................... 118
Figure 9-5: Frequency Modulation ...................................................................................................................................... 119
Figure 9-6: Power Interrupt ................................................................................................................................................. 120
Figure 9-7: Power Interrupt for Group2/A (NF) and Group3/A(WF) .................................................................................... 121
Figure 9-8: Emergency Screens ......................................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 9-9: Abnormal Screen .............................................................................................................................................. 125
Figure 9-10: Normal State screens ..................................................................................................................................... 128
Figure 9-11: Abnormal State screens ................................................................................................................................. 130
Figure 10-1: Applications Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 134
Figure 10-2: MIL704 Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 134
Figure 10-3: Steady State Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 135
Figure 10-4: Emergency Menu............................................................................................................................................ 139
Figure 10-5: Abnormal Screens .......................................................................................................................................... 140
Figure 10-6: Emergency Test ............................................................................................................................................. 145
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List of Tables
Table 3-1: Output Terminal connections. .............................................................................................................................. 39
Table 3-2: Rear Panel Connectors ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Table 3-3: AC Line Input Terminal block. .............................................................................................................................. 41
Table 3-4: Output Terminal connections. .............................................................................................................................. 41
Table 3-5: External Sense connector .................................................................................................................................... 41
Table 3-6: DB15 Auxiliary I/O Connector .............................................................................................................................. 42
Table 3-7: BNC Connectors .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Table 3-8: USB Connector pin out. ....................................................................................................................................... 43
Table 3-9: RS232 Connector pin out. ................................................................................................................................... 43
Table 3-10: GPIB Interface Connector pin out. ..................................................................................................................... 44
Table 3-11: RJ45 LAN Connector pin out. ............................................................................................................................ 45
Table 3-12: Load Resistance ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Table 4-1: Menu Tree ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
Table 4-2: Sample Transient List .......................................................................................................................................... 88
Table 4-3: Factory Default Power on Settings ...................................................................................................................... 90
Table 4-4: Remote Inhibit Modes. ......................................................................................................................................... 91
Table 6-1: Calibration Load Values ....................................................................................................................................... 96
Table 6-2: Output Calibration Coefficients - Factory Defaults............................................................................................... 97
Table 6-3: Adjustment pot reference by phase. .................................................................................................................... 98
Table 7-1: Replaceable Parts and Assemblies ................................................................................................................... 107
Table 9-1: Normal Voltage and Frequency minimum ......................................................................................................... 116
Table 9-2: Normal Voltage and Frequency Maximum ......................................................................................................... 116
Table 9-3: Normal Voltage Unbalance ................................................................................................................................ 117
Table 9-4: Airbus mode voltage modulation. ...................................................................................................................... 117
Table 9-5: Normal VoltageSurge Sequence ....................................................................................................................... 121
Table 9-6: Normal Frequency Transient Sequence ............................................................................................................ 122
Table 9-7: Normal Frequency Variation Sequence ............................................................................................................. 122
Table 9-8: Emergency Voltage and Frequency Minimum ................................................................................................... 123
Table 9-9: Emergency Voltage and Frequency Maximum .................................................................................................. 123
Table 9-10: Emergency Voltage Unbalance ....................................................................................................................... 124
Table 9-11: Abnormal Voltage Minimum ............................................................................................................................. 125
Table 9-12: Abnormal Voltage Maximum ............................................................................................................................ 125
Table 9-13: Abnormal Voltage Unbalance .......................................................................................................................... 126
Table 9-14: Abnormal Frequency Transient........................................................................................................................ 127
Table 9-15: Normal Voltage Minimum................................................................................................................................. 128
Table 9-16: Normal Voltage Maximum ................................................................................................................................ 129
Table 9-17: Voltage Surge .................................................................................................................................................. 129
Table 9-18: Abnormal Voltage Surge .................................................................................................................................. 131
Table 10-1: Steady state voltage ........................................................................................................................................ 135
Table 10-2: Steady state frequency .................................................................................................................................... 136
Table 10-3: Frequency Modulation ..................................................................................................................................... 136
Table 10-4: Abnormal Over Frequency ............................................................................................................................... 141
Table 10-5: Abnormal Under Frequency ............................................................................................................................. 141
Table 16-1: Error Messages................................................................................................................................................ 155
User Manual 2253i / 2253iX
AMETEK California Instruments 11
1. Introduction
This instruction manual (P/N 6005-962) contains information on the installation, operation, calibration and maintenance of the model 2253i and model 2253iX AC power sources.
Figure 1-1: Model 2253iX AC Source.
1.1 General Description
The Compact i/iX Series of AC Power Source is a family of high efficiency, rack mountable, AC Power Sources that provide a precisely controlled output voltage with low distortion and measurements. In addition, the unit provides measurements of voltage and current, and the iX models offer extensive power analyzer capabilities with easy to use interface software. Standard output voltage ranges are 150 Vac and 300 Vac RMS. The 2253i/iX models operate in three-phase mode and provide a maximum output power of 750VA per phase. A –MODE option is available which parallels all three outputs in a single-phase mode of operation. A unique constant power mode allows for higher output current at less than full-scale voltage effectively increasing the usability for many applications where otherwise a higher power level AC source may be needed.
Read the installation instructions carefully before attempting to install and operate the Compact i/iX Series power source.
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1.2 iX and i Model Differences
The 2253iX offers additional features and functions over the 2253i model. Some of the features available on the 2253iX such as the GPIB interface may be added as an option to the 2253i at the time of order. Other features are exclusive to the 2253iX models.
Both models are based on the same AC power source hardware platform and share many common components. The differences are primarily in configuration and options. This manual covers both models. Some menus and screen shown in this manual may not apply to i model AC sources.
All 2253i/iX models are equipped with a USB and RS232 interface. The 2253iX also includes a GPIB interface. The GPIB interface can be specified as an option on the 2253i models at the time of order. An optional Ethernet interface (-LAN) is available on the 2253iX model only.
1.3 Manual organization and format
All user documentation for California Instruments power sources is provided on CDROM in electronic format. (Adobe Portable Document Format) The required Adobe PDF viewer is supplied on the same CDROM. This manual may be printed for personal use if a hardcopy is desired. To request a hardcopy from AMETEK Programmable Power, contact customer service at
There will be an additional charge for printed manuals.
This manual contains sections on installation, normal use, maintenance and calibration.
Refer to the iX Compact Series Programming manual for information on using the remote control interface and command syntax. The programming manual (P/N 6005-961) is provided on the same CDROM as this user manual.
AMETEK Programmable Power may make updated versions of this manual available from time to time in electronic format through it’s website. To obtain an updated manual revision if available, check the the AMETEK Programmable Power Manual download page at
. You need to
register as a customer to obtain free access to manual and software downloads.
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AMETEK California Instruments 13
2. Specifications
Specifications shown are valid over an ambient temperature range of 25 ± 5° C and apply after a 30
minute warm-up time. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications are per phase for sine wave output into a resistive load. For three phase configurations or mode of operation, all specifications are for Line to Neutral (L-N) and phase angle specifications are valid under balanced load conditions only.
Specifications for 2253i models are identical to those for the 2253iX except where noted.
2.1 Electrical
2.1.1 Input
Parameter Specification
Line Voltage: (single phase, 2 wire + ground (PE))
115 to 230 VAC ± 10 %
Line VA: 2940 VA / 2850 W
Line Current at nominal input voltage:
< 20 Arms @ 115V and 1500 VA output
(Note: Max. AC input current limited to 20 Arms.
Breaker may trip above 1500 VA output power)
< 15 Arms @ 230V and 2250 VA output
Line Current at low line input voltage, full power:
< 20 Arms @ 103.5V (Derated output power)
< 17 Arms @ 207V (Full output power)
Line Frequency: 47-63 Hz
Efficiency: 77 % (typical @ full load)
Power Factor: 0.98 (typical @ full load)
Inrush Current: < 160 Apk for less than 2 ms at 230V + 10% AC input
< 80 Apk for less than 2 ms at 115V + 10% AC input
Hold-Up Time: > 10 ms
Isolation Voltage: 1350 VAC input to output
1350 VAC input to chassis
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2.1.2 Output
Output Parameter Specification
Model 2253i 2253iX
No of Outputs
3 standard
1 or 3 with –MODE option
Ranges (L-N):
AC, AC+DC Mode
Low Vrange: 0 - 150 Vrms
High Vrange: 0 - 300 Vrms
DC Mode
Low Vrange: 0 - 200 Vdc
High Vrange: 0 - 400 Vdc
Programming Resolution: 0.1 V
Accuracy: (ALC mode ON)
0.1% FS1 (from 5V to FS1)
Distortion THD2:
< 1 % 16 - 1000 Hz (harmonics and noise to 300 kHz)
Load Regulation: (ALC mode ON)
0.1 % FS
(At external sense connection with ext sense mode programmed.)
Voltage Sense modes: Internal
External Sense Up to 3 % of set voltage can be dropped across each load lead.
Line Regulation: 0.02% for 10% input line change
DC Offset Voltage:
(In AC mode)
< 20.0 mV
Output Noise:
(20 kHz to 1 MHz, full R load)
< 100 mV
150V / 200V Range
< 200 mV
300V / 400V Range
Output Coupling Direct coupled
Output Impedance (Z) (@ max current)
Z = Vrange * 0.001 / I_load
Current (with 200 – 230 VAC line input)
Output Mode 3 Phase 1 Phase (-Mode)
AC Mode
High Voltage range 2.5 Arms @ 300 V
3.25 Arms @ 230 V
7.5 Arms @ 300 V
9.74 Arms @ 230 V
Low Voltage range 5.0 Arms @ 150 V
6.5 Arms @ 115 V
15.0 Arms @ 150 V
19.5 Arms @ 115 V
FS (Full Scale) refers to highest available range, e.g. 300Vac in AC mode, 400Vdc in DC mode.
The distortion specification applies at 77% voltage range, max current and resistive load conditions.
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Output Parameter Specification
DC Mode
High Voltage range 1.25 Adc @ 400 V
1.63 Adc @ 300 V
3.75 Adc @ 400 V
4.88 Adc @ 300 V
Low Voltage range 2.5 Adc @ 200 V
3.25 Adc @ 150 V
7.5 Adc @ 200 V
9.74 Adc @ 150 V
AC+DC Mode
High Voltage range 1.25 Arms @ 300 V
1.63 Arms @ 230 V
3.75 Arms @ 300 V
4.88 Arms @ 230 V
Low Voltage range 2.5 Arms @ 150 V
3.25 Arms @ 115 V
7.5 Arms @ 150 V
9.74 Arms @ 115 V
Current Limit mode Programmable, CC or CV mode
Note: Constant power mode allows higher current at reduced voltage. Maximum current available at 77% of
voltage range. See Figure 2-1 through Figure 2-6 for voltage versus current profiles by model and voltage range.
Note: Full power output available only when using 208-230 AC nominal input line. For 100-115V AC input
operation, maximum output power and current are limited by maximum input current of 20 A.
Maximum AC Peak Current
3 Phase 1 Phase (-Mode)
AC mode, High Vrange
AC mode, Low Vrange
10 Apk 20 Apk
30 Apk 60 Apk
Crest Factor AC Current
Maximum CF at full scale voltage rms current
3 Phase 1 Phase (-Mode)
AC Mode (208 – 230V nominal AC input)
750 VA 2250 VA
AC Mode (100-115V nominal AC input)
500 VA 1500 VA
DC Mode 500 W 1500 W
AC+DC Mode 375 VA 1125 VA
Range: 16 Hz - 1000 Hz
Resolution1: 0.01 Hz [< 81.91 Hz]
0.1 Hz [> 82.0 to 819.1 Hz] 1 Hz [> 819 Hz]
Accuracy: ± 0.025 % ±0.15% for FC option
Temp. Coefficient ± 5 ppm of value / °C
Stability: ± 15 ppm of value
Programming resolution reduced if –LKM/-LKS option is installed. See paragraph 2.9.
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Note: All output specifications apply below the Current / Voltage rating line shown in the V/I
rating charts of section through Data is shown for three-phase mode. For –MODE option, multiply current by 3.
User Manual 2253i / 2253iX
AMETEK California Instruments 17 Voltage versus Current Rating Charts – AC Mode – 230V AC input
Figure 2-1: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 150V AC Range per phase – 230Vac in.
Figure 2-2: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 300V AC Range per phase – 230Vac in.
User Manual 2253i / 2253iX
AMETEK California Instruments 18 Voltage versus Current Rating Charts – AC Mode – 115V AC input
2253i/iX Voltage Current Profile - AC Low Vrange - 115V AC input
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Figure 2-3: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 150V AC Range per phase – 115Vac in
2253i/iX Voltage Current Profile - AC High Vrange - 115V AC input
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 2-4: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 300V AC Range per phase – 115Vac in
User Manual 2253i / 2253iX
AMETEK California Instruments 19 Voltage versus Current Rating Charts – DC Mode
2253i/iX Voltage Current Profile - DC Low Vrange
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Figure 2-5: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 200V DC Range per phase.
2253i/iX Voltage Current Profile - DC High Vrange
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Figure 2-6: 2253i / iX Voltage / Current Rating Chart for 400V DC Range per phase.
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2.1.3 Measurements
Measurement specifications apply to single chassis AC sources. See notes for other models and configurations.
Parameter Range
Accuracy (± % FS)
Frequency1 16.00-1000.0 Hz
0.1 % 0.01 Hz to 81.91 Hz
0.1 Hz to 819.1 Hz 1 Hz > 819.1 Hz
Voltage 0 - 400 Volts 0.1 % 0.01 Volt
Phase angle 0 – 360° 0.5° 0.1°
Current 0 – 15 Amps 0.5 % 0.001 Amp
Peak Current 0 - 60 Amps 0.5 % 0.001 Amp
Crest Factor 1.00 –10.00 1.5 % 0.01
VA Power 0 - 4 KVA 0.5 % 1 VA
Real Power 0 - 4 KW 0.5 % 1 W
Power Factor 0.00 - 1.00 1 % 0.01
Note: Accuracy specifications are valid above 100 counts. For multi-chassis configurations, Current and Power range and accuracy specifications are times the number of chassis.
Note: Frequency measurement specification valid for output > 20 Vrms. Note: Crest Factor accuracy applies for Irms > 50% of max. Note: Power Factor accuracy applies for PF > 0.5 and VA > 50% of max.
2.1.4 Harmonic Measurements
Harmonic measurement specifications apply to 2253iX model AC sources only.
Parameter Range
Accuracy (± % FS)
Frequency fundamental 16.00 - 81.91 Hz
82.0 - 819.1 Hz > 819.1 Hz
0.1% 0.01 Hz
0.1 Hz 1 Hz
Frequency harmonics 16.00 Hz – 48 kHz 0.5% 0.1 Hz
Phase -180° – 180° 2° + 5°/kHz 0.1°
Fundamental 0 - 400 Volts 0.5% 0.01V
Harmonic 2 - 50 0.5% + 0.5%/kHz 0.01V
Fundamental 0 - 15 Amps 0.5% 0.01A
Harmonic 3 - 50 0.5% + 0.5%/kHz 0.01A
Note: For multi-chassis configurations, current accuracy specifications are times the number of chassis.
Frequency measurement specifications valid with output voltage of 20Vrms or higher. If output relay is open, frequency
measurement will return 0.0 Hz.
Second current harmonic measurement value not included.
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2.1.5 System Specification
Controller Features Specification
Trigger Input: External trigger source input. Requires TTL level input signal. Triggers
on negative edge. Response time 80 - 100 µs.
Function Strobe:
Logic output, active low. Pulse width > 400 µs. Function strobe is
generated on any voltage or frequency program change or output relay open/close. (Mutually exclusive with Trigger Out.)
Trigger Out:
Logic output, active low. Pulse width > 400 µs. Trigger out is generated
based on user programmed transient trigger list. (Mutually exclusive with Function Strobe.)
Non volatile memory storage:
16 complete instrument setups and transient lists, 100 events per list. 50 User defined waveforms.
Waveforms i Series: Sine.
iX Series: Sine, square, clipped, user defined (50 waveforms)
Transients Voltage: drop, step, sag, surge, sweep
Frequency: step, sag, surge, sweep Voltage and Frequency: step, sweep
Current Limit Modes: Two selectable modes of operation:
1. Constant current mode (voltage folds back with automatic recovery)
2. Constant voltage mode with output relay trip-off (Output relay opens).
Control Interfaces
Note: Only one of the serial interfaces (USB, RS232 or LAN) can be active at the same time. (Mutually exclusive).
USB Standard USB 2.0 peripheral.
Data transfer rate: 460,800 bps Syntax: SCPI
Note: Use of the USB port to control more than one power source from a single PC is not recommended, as communication may not be reliable. Use GPIB interface for multiple power source control.
RS232 Standard RS232 interface.
Data transfer rate: 9600 to 115,200 bps Format: 8 data, 1 start, 1 stop, no parity. Syntax: SCPI
IEEE-488 AH1, DC1, DT1, L3, RL2, SH1, SR1, T6
IEEE 488.2 and SCPI Response time is 10 ms (typical) (Requires –GPIB option on 2253i)
LAN / Ethernet RJ45 Connector, 10BaseT, 100BaseT or 1000BaseT,
Data transfer rate: 460,800 bps Protocol: TCP/IP. (-LAN Option on 2253iX only. RS232 interface is disabled with –LAN option)
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2.1.6 Unit Protection
Parameter Specification
Input Over current: Input Circuit Breaker. This breaker protects the equipment and is also
used to turn the unit on or off.. AC input connection should be made per local electrical code.
Input Over voltage Transients:
Surge protection to withstand EN50082-1 (IEC 801-4, 5) levels.
Output Over current: Adjustable level constant current mode with programmable set point.
Output Short Circuit: Peak and RMS current limit.
Over temperature: Automatic shutdown.
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2.2 Mechanical
Parameter Specification
Dimensions: Height: 5.25 inches (13.3 cm)
Depth: 23 inches (58.4 cm) Width: 19 inches (48.3 cm)
All dimensions are per chassis. For /2 model configurations, multiply height by 2 for total height. Width includes integrated front panel rack mount ears.
Equipment Rack depth requirement
25 inches (63.5 cm)
Rack slide mount The rack mount slide (-RMS option) mounting holes centerlines on the
side of the power source are 2.30 inches / 58.4 mm above the bottom edge of the front panel.
Unit Weight:
Net: 58 lbs / 26 Kg approximately Shipping: 76 lbs / 35 Kg approximately
Material: Steel chassis with aluminum top cover
Powder coated external surfaces, color medium gray.
Cooling: Fan cooled with air intake on the sides and front, and exhaust to the
rear. Variable speed fan control.
Acoustic Noise (Supplemental specification)
Measured at 1 m distance:
Fan speed: Low power mode Full power mode
Front of unit: 41 dBA 51 dBA
Rear of unit: 43 dBA 56 dBA
Internal Construction: Modular sub assemblies.
Rear Panel Connections:
(See section 3 for description of connections)
AC input screw terminal block.
AC output screw terminal strip.
External sense connector.
USB, RS232, GPIB (option on i), LAN (option on iX)
Auxiliary I/O
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2.3 Environmental
Parameter Specification
Operating Temp:
0° to +40° C, full power.
+32° to +104° F, full power.
Storage Temp:
-40° to +85 °C.
-40° to +185° F.
Altitude: < 2000 meters
< 6000 feet
Relative Humidity:
0-80 % RAH, non-condensing maximum for temperatures up to 31°C decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C.
Operating Environment Indoors Use Only. Ground benign.
Vibration: Designed to meet NSTA project 1A transportation levels.
Shock: Designed to meet NSTA project 1A transportation levels.
2.4 Regulatory
Electromagnetic Emissions and Immunity:
Designed to meet EN50081-2 and EN50082-2 European Emissions and Immunity standards as required for the “CE” mark.
Safety: Designed EN61010-1 European safety standards as required for the
“CE” mark.
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2.5 Front Panel Controls, Indicators and Display
Shuttle knob: The rotating knob may be used to adjust settings while in the SET menu.
In all other menus, the shuttle may be used to change parameter values and settings.
Up/down arrow keys: A set of up and down arrow keys is used to move the cursor position in
all menus. This allows quick selection of the desired function or parameter.
Function keys:
ON/OFF key for output relay control.
PHASE This key allows selection of an individual phase or all three
SET key will show output voltage and frequency setting.
MEAS key displays the measurement screens. Measure key will display
measurement values for selected phase or phase A if all three phases are selected.
MENU key selects main menu.
BACK key is used to back up to previous screen or erase the last digit
entered. This key also serves as a “GOTO LOCAL” key when the unit is in remote.
Keypad: A numeric keypad contains numbers 0 through 9 as well as up and
down arrow keys, an Enter key, decimal point and polarity change (+/-) key. The up and down arrow keys are used to move the cursor position in all menus. This allows quick selection of the desired function or parameter.
Indicators and Display:
Status indicators: Status indicators inform the user of important power source conditions:
The Hi Range indicator is lit any time the unit is switched to the high voltage range.
The Overtemp LED illuminates when internal heat sink temperatures are too high.
The Overcurrent LED indicates that maximum programmed current limit is being drawn at the output.
The Remote/LAN LED informs the user that the unit is under remote control. During LAN operation it indicate that the unit has a valid IP. The LAN LED will turn off if the LAN connection is broken, duplicate IP or DHCP lease expires.
The Output indicator is on when the power source output relays are closed.
The Phase A, B, C indicators illuminate when either phase A, B, C or all 3 phases are selected using the PHASE button.
LCD character display: High contrast backlit LCD display. An adjustable viewing angle makes it
easy to read from all practical locations.
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2.6 Special Features
Controller Features
Controller: Programmable controller front panel assembly.
Mode Available single-phase mode option (-MODE) allows the output of all
three amplifiers to be combined on phase A output terminal. No external switching or reconnection to the load is required.
Output Relay: Standard output relay feature to isolate power source from the load.
Each phase and the neutral (common) output is disconnected when the output relay opens.
Output On/Off: The output relay can be used to quickly disconnect the load. A yellow
status indicator displays the status of the output relay.
External Trigger Output or Function Strobe
An external TTL output is available which may be used to trigger other equipment. The TTL output can be controlled by the transient programming system. This requires the trigger mode to be set to EXT (factory default). This can only be done over the computer interface using the OUTP:TTLT:MODE TRIG command.
It can also be configured to generate an output pulse any time the voltage, frequency, current limit or phase programming is updated. This requires the trigger mode to be set to FSTR. This can only be done over the computer interface using the OUTP:TTLT:MODE FSTR command. This mode is compatible with the CI Lx/Ls Series.
The Trigger Output (Trig Out) / Function Strobe is an active low TTL signal with a duration of no less than 400 us.
Clock and Lock Mode Enables two or more independent iX power systems to be phase
synchronized to each other. One system (-LKM) acts as the master, the other(s) (-LKS) as auxiliaries. The –LKS units are synced to the –LKM unit. Refer to section 3.9 for details on Clock and Lock mode.
Clock and Lock option is not available with the FC option
Trigger Input A TTL input signal may be used as a trigger source for output changes
programmed on the AC power source transient system. This requires the trigger source to be set to EXT. This can only be done via one of the computer interfaces. An external trigger source may be used to control the execution of output sequences that have been pre-programmed into the power source transient system. Refer to i/iX Series Programming Manual (6005-961) for details.
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2.7 Available Options – i Series
Interface Options
-GPIB GPIB Remote control interface. This option is not field installable and must be specified at the time of original unit order.
Misc. Options
-ABL Atlas Based Language Extension. The ABLE command language provides bus compatibility with 9012 PIP controllers.
-EXT External Signal Input. This option allows a 0-5Vrms AC signal to be used as the oscillator signal. In this mode, the AC power source acts as an AC amplifier. No programmable current limit is available and the output frequency of 1000 Hz should not be exceeded. Mutually exclusive with – RPF and –RPV options.
-MODE Mode option allows all three amplifier outputs to be combined on phase A output terminal. No external switching or reconnection to the load is required.
-RMS Set of 2 Rack mount slides. (Left and Right) Recommended to mount chassis in 19-inch instrument cabinet.
-RPV Remote programming voltage. DC voltage input 0 to 10 VDC for 0 to full­scale output voltage programming.
-RPF Remote programming frequency. DC voltage input 0 to 10 VDC or 0 to 5 VDC for 0 to 800 Hz output frequency programming. Input impedance is 20 Kohm (RPF10) or 10 Kohm (RPF5). This option is mutually exclusive with the –LKS option.
-FC Frequency Control option
-WHM Watt-hour measurement option.
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2.8 Available Options – iX Series
Interface Options
-LAN Ethernet LAN interface connection. RJ45 connector. This option is not field installable and must be specified at the time of original unit order. Note: The RS232 interface is disabled if –LAN option is specified.
Test Options
-160 RTCA/DO-160 Revision D and E, EuroCAE test firmware. Revision E requires use of iXCGui software (included).
-704 Mil-Std 704 Revision D and E test firmware. Revision A, B, C and F requires use of iXCGui software (included).
-704F Mil-Std 704 Revisions A through F test firmware.
-A350 Airbus A350 / ABD0100.1.8.1 test software. Requires use of iXCGui software (included).
-ABD Airbus ABD0100.1.8 test software. Requires use of iXCGui software (included).
-AMD Airbus A400M Directive AMD24 test software. Requires use of iXCGui software (included).
-B787 Boeing B787-0147 test software. Requires use of iXCGui software (included).
Misc. Options
-ABL Atlas Based Language Extension. The ABLE command language provides bus compatibility with 9012 PIP controllers.
-EXS External Sync Input. This option changes the external trigger input to an external sync input. The output frequency will be synced to the square wave TTL level sync signal provided. Not available with FC option
-EXT External Signal Input. This option allows a 0-5Vrms AC signal to be used as the oscillator signal. In this mode, the AC power source acts as an AC amplifier. No programmable current limit is available and the output frequency of 1000 Hz should not be exceeded. Mutually exclusive with – RPF and –RPV options.Not avialble with FC option.
-LKM Clock and Lock Master. Enables synchronizing outputs of two iX AC sources. This mode supports a frequency range of 16 to 819 Hz. The –LKM applies to the master unit. This option is not field installable and must be specified at the time of original unit order. Not available with FC option.
-LKS Clock and Lock Auxiliary. See -LKM for details. The –LKS applies to the auxiliary unit. (See Notes, see section 3.9.) This option is not field installable and must be specified at the time of original unit order. This option is mutually exclusive with the –RPF option. Not available with FC option.
-MODE Mode option allows all three amplifier phase outputs to be combined on phase A output terminal. No external switching or reconnection to the load is required.
-RMS Set of 2 Rack mount slides. (Left and Right) Recommended to mount chassis in 19-inch instrument cabinet.
-RPV Remote programming voltage. DC voltage input 0 to 10 VDC for 0 to full­scale output voltage programming. Mutually exclusive with –EXT option. Not available with the FC option.
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-RPF Remote programming frequency. DC voltage input 0 to 10 VDC or 0 to 5 VDC for 0 to 800 Hz output frequency programming. Input impedance is 20 KOhm. This option is mutually exclusive with the –LKS and –EXT option. Not available with the FC option.
-FC Frequency control option
-WHM Watt-hour measurement option.
2.9 EXT Option - Supplemental Specifications
When the EXT option is installed, the amplifier is used in an open loop mode and none of the regular compact iX Series output specifications apply. This option also precludes the presence of the –RPV and –RPF option.
An external signal input is provided for each phase. The phase A EXT input pins is also used on the Auxiliary I/O connector for the RPVA option so the RPV and EXT options are mutually exclusive. The voltage reference (VOLT REF) on the CONTROL screen of the power source controller must be set to EXT to use this feature. See section
8.4 for EXT option operating instructions.
Parameter Supplemental Specification
Isolated inputs, RPVA, EXTB, EXTC to analog common inputs on DB15 Auxiliary I/O (J18)
Level 0 – 5 Vrms / -7.5 Vpk to +7.5 Vpk max. for 0 to 300Vrms. (Gain = 35.6 dB)
Voltage range is fixed to 300V AC range.
Impedance < 4 KOhm
0 – 300 Vac RMS
Allowable Frequency:
Range 16 – 1000 Hz
Freqeuncy Response
See Figure 2-7.
Phase Phase offsets determined by provided external signal inputs A, B, C.
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2.9.1 Typical Frequency Response – EXT Option
Typical performance for EXT option models in the 300VAC range operating at 230Vrms. EXT is calibrated at 60 Hz.
230V Frequency Response
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Frequency (Hz)
Voltage (V)
No Load
Full Load
Figure 2-7: EXT Option Frequency response 300VAC Range.
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