Remove MUDGUARD (1b) from VALVE (1)
To obtain proper HANDLE (11) alignment it may
be necessary to re-align cartridge STEM (1a); to
align STEM (1a), slightly loosen the cartridge NUT
(1c), place HANDLE (11) on STEM (1a) and
TIGHTEN in CW direction until desired
alignment is achieved; retighten cartridge NUT (1c)
to factory torque setting of 14 ft-lbs.
WARNING: Cartridge NUT (1c) MUST be properly torqued to
prevent possible failure and/or water damage
Unscrew ALL-THREAD (9) from valve STEM (1a)
Cut STEM (1a) 1-3/8” from finished wall surface
Reattach ALL-THREAD (9) onto valve STEM (1a),
using a marking device (e.g. pencil or marker)
indicate a distance of ¾” from finished wall on ALLTHREAD (9); remove ALL-THREAD (9) and cut off
excess ALL-THREAD (9) at indicated mark &
reattach ALL-THREAD (9) onto valve STEM (1a) –
repeat on other side
IMPORTANT: To prevent HANDLE (11) rotation during operation
of faucet set LOCK-NUT (8) MUST be placed on both ALL-
THREAD (9) of VALVE (1)
Place LOCK-NUT (8) onto ALL-THREAD (9) and
tighten against cartridge NUT (1c) to prevent ALLTHREAD (9) from rotating while operating
HANDLE (11) – repeat on other side
Insert O-RING (4) into ESCUTCHEON (5) and
place onto ALL-THREAD (9)
Secure ESCUTCHEON (5) onto wall by tightening
lock NUT (10)
To align ESCUTCHEONS (5), use a ruler or
straight edge to align the spout and handle
escutcheons of the faucet as shown; after alignment
retighten lock NUTS (10)
Loosen SETSCREW (11a) from POST (11c)
IMPORTANT: Handle BLADE (11b) shall be aligned with wider
portion of handle POST (11c)
Slide HANDLE (11) down onto and engage valve
STEM (1a)
Handle POST (11c) shall completely cover lock
NUT (10) and seat against ESCUTCHEON (5)
Tighten SETSCREW (11a) and rotate handle
BLADE (11b) to check operation, open position is
when BLADE (11b) is rotated upward – repeat on
other side