©Calibre UK Limited issue 1.2 December 2013 E&OE Page 10
Control via built-in Web Server
Fovea HD has a built-in Web Server which can be addressed by any current Web Browser connecting
to the LAN port.
Please note that the response time to commands sent using a Web browser varies with both the
nature of the traffic on the users network and with some versions of Web browser.
Some browsers are better than others, this has been found to be true particularly when connected
to a busy network.
Internet Explorer can require F5 pressing to refresh the page, this is an issue with Internet Explorer
caching rather than auto-refreshing pages, it is not a problem specifically with Fovea.
The latest versions of Chrome and Safari respectively seem to give good results.
The writer uses the latest Mozilla Firefox Version 24.2.0 ESR, it seems to give reliably good response
Navigating between pages repeatedly can be time consuming. A useful time saving can be achieved
by opening multiple browser windows if repeated quick access is required. For example:- one
browser window can be showing Time Code Settings whilst a second browser window is showing
MEMC/FRC settings, and a third browser window is showing Audio settings. Each can be addressed
in turn without having to navigate between pages of the menu.
The menu system in the server mirrors the front panel menu having the extra function for uploading
a user generated logo.
Users can connect a computer directly to the LAN port with a changeover cable or via a switch or
router with normal Ethernet cables. Users can also connect via a local area network.
The TCP/IP address of the Fovea can be obtained from DHCP or a Static Address, Gateway Address,
Subnet Mask and Extended Network Prefix can be set manually. To set the network address the
settings can be made in Menu>Miscellaneous>Networking
If the user changes from DHCP to Static or from Static to DHCP it is recommended to re-boot the
processor to ensure the new state is acknowledged fully.
If the user is operating the Fovea’s Web Server in DHCP mode, Calibre publish a Discovery Tool
which the user can run to find Calibre processors on the users local area network. It can be downloaded from http://www.calibreuk.com/software/vxl/DiscoveryTool_V1.0.exe
This tool will search the users network and report any Calibre processors found.