Calibre UK FoveaHD User Manual

©Calibre UK Limited issue 1.2 December 2013
FoveaHD Remote Control
Version 1.2
©Calibre UK Limited issue 1.2 December 2013 E&OE Page 1
Introduction 2 The Basic System 3 Flexible Connectivity 3 Menu Tree 4 Control via Front Panel Buttons 9 Control via Web Browser 10 Control via RS232 31 Control via TCP/IP LAN 34 Non Valid Commands and Queries 36
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This guide is a non-technical introduction to operating The FoveaHD by remote control.
The guide describes how to connect to a network and use the built-in Web Server and alternatively how to TCP/IP and RS232 API control commands.
This guide does not replace the product user manual or the set-up guide, it covers only the essential functions to get started. For further information refer to the user manual.
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The Basic Setup
The flowchart below represents the options for remote control, additional information can be found further in this guide.
Flexible Connectivity
The FoveaHD can be fully controlled via the front panel buttons and the built in LCD panel. It also has three control ports on the rear panel as marked in the diagram below.
1. The BLUE arrow indicates the RS232 port
2. The RED arrow indicates the LAN TCP/IP port
3. The GREEN arrow indicates the USB service port. This port is for firmware updates only.
FoveaHD Rear Panel
Connecting to FoveaHD
Front panel control
Built-in Web Server control
Using the API
TCP/IP LAN Control
RS232 Control
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Menu Tree
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Control via Front Panel LCD and Menu Buttons
The FoveaHD has front panel LCD display which gives status information and access to the in-built menu system.
IN: 1920x1080i @50.00 Hz 3G-SDI 1 OUT:1920x1080i @59.94 Hz Free Run Mode
3G-SDI 1 C-YPbPr HDMI Test Pat
Safe Operation
FoveaHD features safe operating conditions
1) The front panel Standby button must be pressed and held for 4 seconds to activate
2) The front panel channel select and menu buttons are locked by default; to activate the front panel press the menu button and then the input button
IN: 1920x1080i @50.00 Hz 3G-SDI 1 OUT:1920x1080i @59.94 Hz Free Run Mode >>> Now press’INPUT’key to unlock <<< 3G-SDI 1 C-YPbPr HDMI Test Pat
Attempting to operate menu when keypad is locked will prompt this message in the summary screen
IN: 1920x1080i @50.00 Hz 3G-SDI 1 OUT:1920x1080i @59.94 Hz Free Run Mode Unlocked Keypad Preset 1 3G-SDI 1 C-YPbPr HDMI Test Pat
When the keypad is un-locked this message will show in the summary screen
This feature can be disabled in Menu>Miscellaneous>Unit Configuration
All menu items can be accessed via the front panel
1) Press ‘Select/Enter’ to access the menu
2) Use the ‘up & down’ keys to navigate the required menu item to the top of the screen
3) Press ‘Select/Enter’ to access that item
4) Repeat 2) and 3) to reach the item of choice
5) Use ‘left and right’ keys to select chosen mode
6) Press ‘Menu/ESC’ or ‘Info’ to back out of menu items
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Control via built-in Web Server
Fovea HD has a built-in Web Server which can be addressed by any current Web Browser connecting to the LAN port.
Please note that the response time to commands sent using a Web browser varies with both the nature of the traffic on the users network and with some versions of Web browser. Some browsers are better than others, this has been found to be true particularly when connected to a busy network.
Internet Explorer can require F5 pressing to refresh the page, this is an issue with Internet Explorer caching rather than auto-refreshing pages, it is not a problem specifically with Fovea.
The latest versions of Chrome and Safari respectively seem to give good results.
The writer uses the latest Mozilla Firefox Version 24.2.0 ESR, it seems to give reliably good response times.
Navigating between pages repeatedly can be time consuming. A useful time saving can be achieved by opening multiple browser windows if repeated quick access is required. For example:- one browser window can be showing Time Code Settings whilst a second browser window is showing MEMC/FRC settings, and a third browser window is showing Audio settings. Each can be addressed in turn without having to navigate between pages of the menu.
The menu system in the server mirrors the front panel menu having the extra function for uploading a user generated logo.
Users can connect a computer directly to the LAN port with a changeover cable or via a switch or router with normal Ethernet cables. Users can also connect via a local area network.
The TCP/IP address of the Fovea can be obtained from DHCP or a Static Address, Gateway Address, Subnet Mask and Extended Network Prefix can be set manually. To set the network address the settings can be made in Menu>Miscellaneous>Networking
If the user changes from DHCP to Static or from Static to DHCP it is recommended to re-boot the processor to ensure the new state is acknowledged fully.
If the user is operating the Fovea’s Web Server in DHCP mode, Calibre publish a Discovery Tool which the user can run to find Calibre processors on the users local area network. It can be down­loaded from This tool will search the users network and report any Calibre processors found.
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The Discovery Tool will open a window that looks like this.
In this example there is just a single Fovea HD attached, it can be seen identified as its parent group title of VXL
Click on the IP address of the unit you wish to access that machine’s Web server.
Below are examples of how to navigate within this menu
This is the index page when connecting to the Web server via Firefox browser
+ 25 hidden pages