- TA Volume 0-40 (default 18)
- Regional On / Off
- DSP (Off - flat - classic - pop - rock)
Steps to access Menu items:
1) To access the RDS MENU press the SELECT button > 3 seconds.
2) “RDS-MENU” will be displayed on display for 2 seconds, and then “Auto Seek”
appears on display.
3) To navigate through the MENU use the >>| or |<< buttons to navigate down or up
through the menu items. Or Press SELECT BUTTON repeatedly to view the menu
item sequential
4) Use the Volume up/down button to adjust the selected menu item.
5) After the selected menu item(s) has been changed and no other operation have been
made, a 5 second time-out will resume the head unit to the previous mode.
Features description of RDS-Menu Items:
- Auto seek RDS/All
Auto Seek “RDS” will be displayed by default.The user now has 5 seconds to adjust by
using volume up/down from “RDS” to “ALL”. If “ALL” is selected, during the Auto Seek
tuning mode, the unit will stop at all radio station including Non RDS station regardless
AF and TA is switched on. If “RDS” was selected and the AF is on, during the Auto Seek
tuning mode.The unit will stop at only RDS station.
- TA seek On/Off
TA Seek “On” will be displayed by default The user now has 5 seconds to adjust by using
volume up / down from “On” to “Off”. If selected “On” mode, when a received station
does not have TP information for 60 seconds, the unit automatic search to next station
which does not have the same station (PI),but has the TP information.When a TP information get lost at the current station over the default retune time (60 seconds),the unit
start to search to next same PI station.When the same PI station does not catch in 1
cyclic search, the unit retunes to next station with TP information.
If “Off” is selected, when a received station dose not have TP information for 60
seconds, a Double Beep Sound (Alarm) is output and the LCD will be displayed “Lost
TP TA” but the retune mode is not activated.
Note: This function only activate when “TA” switches on mode.
- TA Volume
TA Volume “18” will be displayed by default.The user now has 5 seconds to adjust by
using volume up/down button from “0-40”. When TA function is activated, if a TA program is tuned in at the volume level set regardless of the volume of the other source
at the time.
Note: When the unit tuned into a TA program.The volume level can only be increased
but cannot be decreased.
- Regional On/Off
REGIONAL “OFF” will be displayed by default.The user now has 5 seconds to adjust by
using volume up/down button from “off ” to “On” . If “on” is selected when the AF
search or PI seek, it will implemente to station which have all the PI codes which are
the same as current station. If “off” is selected, when AF search or PI seek the regional
code in the format PI code will be ignored.A regional station is possible to be received.
Note:The Regional function On/Off Setting is valid when the “AF” function is “on”
How to select MP3 files
1. Searching track
- Press “AS/PS” once then searching is activated
- Press “SEL”
- With the volume up/down knob select the first digit
- Press ”SEL” then the first digit is fixed and the second digit is blinking
- With volume up/down knob select the 2nd (and/or 3rd number)
- The song that you have selected will automatically start playing
2. Searching file name
- Press “AS/PS” twice, now file search is activated
- Press ”SEL” then the first directory is displayed
- With the volume up/down knob you can select the directory you want
- Press “SEL” again,now the directory is fixed and the first file name will appear
- With the volume up/down knob you can select the file you want
- Press “SEL” and the song you have selected will be played
3. Searching character
- Press “AS/PS” three times, now the character search is activated
- Press “SEL” button,now the “A” is displayed
- With the volume up/down knob select the letter you want
- Press the “enter” key longer than 2 seconds
- Now all songs starting with this letter will be displayed
- With the volume up/down knob you can select the song you want
- Press “SEL” and the song that you have selected will be played