DIRTCAL®dirt separator
© Cop y rig h t 2 0 12 Ca l ef f i
5462 - 5469 Series
Installation, commissioning and servicing instructions
In heating and air conditioning control systems,
the circulation of water containing impurities may
result in rapid wear and damage to components
such as pumps and control valves. It also causes
blockages in the heat exchangers, heating
elements and pipes, resulting in a lower thermal
efficiency within the system. The dirt separator
separates off these dirt particles, which are mainly
made up of particles of sand and rust, collecting
them in a large collection chamber, from which
they can be removed even while the system is in
operation. This device is capable of efficiently
removing even the smallest particles, with
extremely limited head loss.
The sweat connection product is available in
versions for horizontal and vertical pipe
installations. The magnetic dirt separator is
available with NPT threaded or sweat connections
in versions for horizontal pipes only. Insulation
shells are available separately for field installation
for horizontal versions of the DIRTCAL®and
DIRTMAG®dirt separators.
Product range
5462 Series
5462 Series DIRTCAL dirt separator for horizontal pipes with sweat connections, sizes 1”–1
5463 Series DIRTMAG magnetic dirt separator for horizontal pipes with NPT threaded
5463 Series DIRTMAG magnetic dirt separator for horizontal pipes with sweat connections,
5465 Series Steel DIRTCAL dirt separator for horizontal pipes with ANSI flanged connections,
5469 Series DIRTCAL dirt separator for vertical pipes with sweat connections, sizes 3/4”–1”
NA5465 Series Steel DIRTCAL dirt separator for horizontal pipes with ANSI flanged connections
CBN5462 Series
DIRTCAL dirt separator for horizontal pipes with NPT threaded connections, sizes
1/4” - 1 1/2" - 2"
connections, sizes 1”–2”
sizes 1”–2”
sizes 2"–4"
(ASME and CRN Registered), sizes 2"–2 1/2"–3"–4"–5”–6"
Insulation shells for DIRTCAL series 5462 and DIRTMAG series 5463, sizes 3/4"-2".

This safety alert symbol will be used in this manual to draw attention to safety
related instructions. When used, the safety alert symbol means.
CAUTION: All work must be performed by qualified personnel trained in the
proper application, installation, and maintenance of systems in accordance
with all applicable codes and ordinances.
CAUTION: If the DIRTCAL®dirt separator is not installed, commissioned
and maintained properly, according to the instructions contained in this
manual, it may not operate correctly and may endanger the user.
CAUTION: Make sure that all the connecting pipework is water tight.
CAUTION: When making the water connections, make sure that the
pipework connecting the DIRTCAL®is not mechanically over-stressed.
Over time this could cause breakages, with consequent water losses
which, in turn, could cause harm to property and/or people.
CAUTION: Water temperatures higher than 100°F (38°C) can be
dangerous. During the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the
DIRTCAL®dirt separator, take the necessary precautions to ensure that
such temperatures do not endanger people.
Leave this manual for the user
Technical specifications
Brass body dirt separators
Connections: - Main: 3/4”, 1”, 1 1/4”, 1 1/2”, 2” NPT female
- Top: 1/2” F (with plug)
- Drain: 3/4” garden hose connection
Materials: - Body, dirt collection chamber and top plug: brass
- Internal element: glass reinforced nylon PA66G30
- Hydraulic seal: EPDM
- Drain cock: brass
Suitable fluids: water, glycol solution
Max percentage of glycol: 50%
Max working pressure: 150 psi (10 bar)
Temperature range: 32–250°F (0–120°C)
Particle separation capacity: to 5 µm (0.2 mil)
1”–1 1/4” - 1 1/2" - 2" sweat
vertical: 3/4" - 1" sweat
vertical: hose connection
(stainlesss steel, 5469 series)