Calculated Industries Qualifier Plus IIx DT User Manual

with exclusive buyer qualifying features
Created specifically for residential real estate professionals, the newly-enhanced Qualifier Plus IIx DT is the simplest calculator ever made for residential real estate financing. With the push of a few buttons, it will solve hundreds of your real estate problems!
3-Way Mortgage Qualifying
Instant P&I and PITI Payments
Loan/Mortgage Amounts
Expanded Tax & Insurance Capabilities
Interest Rates & Terms
Built-in Sales Price and Down Payment
Complete Amortization
Remaining Balances/Balloon Payments
Bi-Weekly Loans
ARM’s with Lifetime Cap
Date Math Functions
Future Value and Appreciation
And much, much more!
It also works as a standard math calculator with memory, percent, and Auto Shut-Off.
Note to Users of the Qualifier Plus IIx Handheld Model:
The only difference between the Qualifier Plus IIx desktop model and the Qualifier Plus IIx handheld model, besides the size, are a few changes in key locations. The desktop model has room for ded­icated [ARM Cap], [Bal] (Remaining Balance), and [APR] keys, while the handheld model, due to smaller size, lists these calculations over other keys as 2nd functions, allowing access via the [Set] key.
1 – User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Key Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Decimal Place Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Basic Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Percentage Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Date Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Using the Memory Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Using the Qualifier Plus®IIx DT
Mortgages & Real Estate Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Non-Monthly Loan & Payments Per Year . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Sales Price/Down Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Taxes & Insurance/PITI Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Amortization & Remaining Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Future Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Trust Deeds & Discounted Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Odd Days Interest & APR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Bi-Weekly Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Adjustable Rate Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Qualifying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Qualifying Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Calculator Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
2 – Qualifier Plus®IIx DT
Key Definitions
[+] [–] [x]
[÷] [=] Arithmetic operation keys.
[0] – [9]
& [000] Digits used for keying-in numbers.
[•] Decimal point.
[Off] Turns all power off. The memory and most
financial registers are cleared.
[On/C] If off, turns power on. If on, a single press clears
the last entry while a second press in succession clears non-permanent registers.
Percent — Four-function (+, –, x, ÷) percent key.
[M+] Memory — Adds a displayed number to the
independent memory. Pressing [Set] [M+] will subtract the displayed value from memory.
[Rcl] Recall — Recalls and displays the contents of
the memory (press [Rcl] [M+]) or financial regis­ters. Pressing [Rcl] twice in a row displays and clears the memory.
[Pmt] Payment — Enters or solves for the periodic
principal and interest (P&I) payment. Pressing a second time in succession calculates PITI (including property tax, insurance, mortgage insurance and expenses, if entered).
[FV] Future Value — Enters or solves for the future
value of a financial problem.
3 – User’s Guide
[L/A] Loan Amount — Enters or solves for the initial
loan amount or present value of a financial problem.
[Int] Interest — Enters or solves for the annual inter-
est rate. A second press of this key gives you the periodic rate. (Stored permanently, until you change it.)
[Term] Enters or solves for number of years. Second press
gives number of periods. (Stored permanently.)
[APR] Annual Percentage Rate — Calculates APR (for
fixed rate loans only) based on the entry of points and/or non-recurring loan fees paid at initiation. Cannot be used for ARMS.
Period — Used to specify a mortgage component (Term or Interest) or amortization/remaining bal­ance value as per period rather than per year. For example, 360 [Per] [Term] enters 360 periods.
[Price] Sales Price — Enters or calculates a Sales Price
(based on the entries of Loan Amount, or equiv­alent mortgage components) and Down Payment. Note: Entered Sales Price values will
not normally change.
[Dn Pmt] Down Payment — Enters (in either percent or
dollars) or calculates a Down Payment (based on the entries of Loan Amount, or equivalent mortgage components) and Sales Price. A sec­ond press toggles the entered down payment from dollar figure to percent or vice versa. Any number under 100 is assumed to be a percent down payment.
[Amort] Amortization — Finds total interest, principal
and remaining balance. First press enters or shows range of periods. Second press shows
4 – Qualifier Plus®IIx DT
total interest for period range, third press shows total principal for range, and final press gives remaining balance at end of range.
[Bal] Remaining Balance — Displays the Remaining
Balance when preceded by a single year or range of years (or individual payment or range of payments by also using the [Per] key). Note that you can also see the Remaining Balance by cycling through the [Amort] key.
[:] Colon — Used to specify a range for amortiza-
tion or to separate ARM Int: Term and Qualifying Income: Debt ratios entries. Also used to sepa­rate values in a date entry.
[ARM] Adjustable Rate Mortgage — Calculates payment
and re-amortizes fully or partially amortized Adjustable Rate Mortgage based on the inputs of both Interest Adjustment and Term Adjustment, which are separated by the Colon [:] key. For example, an ARM which adjusts 1% every year is entered 1 [:] 1 [ARM]. By using the [Set] [ARM] function, you can easily adjust the rate up or down to display future payments. (ARM rates are stored permanently.)
[ARM Cap]
Lifetime Interest Cap (ARMs) — Sets the lifetime interest cap for ARMs by entering the maximum interest increase. This is a permanent setting; to clear, set the cap back to zero (0 [ARM Cap]).
[Tax] Property Tax — Stores and recalls annual prop-
erty tax in either percent or dollar amount. If entered as a dollar amount, a second press con­verts to annual percentage rate. If entered as a percentage, a second press shows annual dollar amount. Entering the number 10 or less is assumed to be an annual percentage. Calculated from the sales price.
5 – User’s Guide
[Ins] Property Insurance — Stores and recalls annual
property insurance in either percent or dollar amount. If entered as a dollar amount, a second press converts to annual percentage rate. If entered as a percentage, a second press shows annual dollar amount. Entering the number 10 or less is assumed to be an annual percentage. Calculated from the sales price.
Note: Tax & Insurance entered as dollar amounts will remain fixed, even if sales price or loan amount is changed. However, if entered as a percentage of sales price or loan amount, these items will automatically be re-calculated if sales price or loan amount are changed.
[Set] Used to permanently set the number of dis-
played decimal places (see the section on Decimal Place Selection). Also works with other keys to set or activate additional functions. (Think of it as a “shift” key on a typewriter.) It will perform the function printed above the key on the calculator’s face. A small boxed “S” will appear in the upper-left side of your display when this key has been pressed.
[Set] [÷] Payments per Year — Used to set the number of
payment periods per year. Default value is 12, for monthly. Note that if you change this setting, it will remain permanently stored even if you turn the calculator off. You must perform an All­Clear ([Set] [x]), or reset to 12 payments per year (12 [Set] [÷]).
[Set] [x] All-Clear — Clears and resets the calculator to
its default settings and values. Use this only with caution as it will reset ratios, periods per year, etc. back to default settings (see the appendix for a list of these settings).
6 – Qualifier Plus®IIx DT
[Set] [+] Pro-Mode — Activates Pro-Mode. An advanced-
user feature, it changes Tax and Insurance, and Mortgage Insurance keys from temporary to permanent entries. That is, entered values will remain set even after pressing [On/C] [On/C] or turning calculator off, then on. The Pro-Mode also changes the order that qualifying values are displayed using the [Qual 1] and [Qual 2] keys, by showing the lower, or restrictive amount with the first press, the higher, or non-restrictive amount with the second press, the buyer’s actu­al ratios with the third press, and the stored income and debt ratios with the fourth.
[Set] [–] Change sign — Toggles the sign of the dis-
played value from positive to negative or from negative to positive.
[Set] [:] Month Offset — Used to set the first month of
payment if other than January. Used for calcu­lating annual amortization ranges.
[Set] [000] Odd Days Interest — Calculates the pre-paid
interest, or simple interest accumulated (based on a 360 day year) during the days before the first loan payment is made using the interest rate stored in the Interest register.
[Set] [Pmt] Estimated After-Tax Payment — Calculates an
estimated “after-tax” payment if loan variables and property taxes are entered. You must enter a tax bracket, then press [Set] [Pmt] to display the annual tax deduction; second consecutive press will display the monthly tax deduction; third press will display the “after-tax” payment.
[Set] [Term] Bi-Weekly mortgage function — Converts regu-
lar monthly loan to bi–weekly. Pressing [Set] [Term] displays the reduction in term. Second press of [Term] shows total interest savings.
7 – User’s Guide
Pressing [Set] [Term] again will return and re-cal­culate to the original term.
[Set] [ARM] ARM Rate Increase/Decrease — Changes ARM
rate from increasing to decreasing.
Qualifying Keys
[Qual 1] A multi-function key which, based on entered
variables, performs the following qualifying functions:
1) Stores income and debt ratios for loan quali­fying. Entered ratios are separated by the Colon [:] key. For example, income and debt ratios of 28% and 36%, respectively, are entered and permanently stored as follows: 28 [:] 36 [Qual 1]. Default income and debt ratios for this key are 28% and 36%, respectively. You may change qualifying ratios, if desired.
2) Calculates the maximum loan amount for which a buyer may qualify for based on the stored income and debt qualifying ratios and the entered:
• term
• interest
• annual income
• monthly debt — and optional—
• annual tax and insurance
• monthly housing expenses
First press of [Qual 1] displays stored qualifying ratios; 2nd press calculates the qualifying loan amount; 3rd press calculates the “non-restrictive” qualifying loan amount; 4th press calculates the borrower’s actual income & debt ratios. Note that the loan amount displayed is the lower, or “restrictive” of the two possible loan amounts
8 – Qualifier Plus®IIx DT
(based either on the income ratio or the debt ratio). The “non-restrictive” loan amount (the other side) can be found by pressing [Qual 1] a third time. The calculator will display the loan amount with a negative sign (—) and the word “INC” or “DEBT” to indicate the restrictive side (income or debt).
3) Calculates the annual income required and allowable monthly debt for a desired loan amount or sales price based on the stored income and debt qualifying ratios and the entered:
• term
• interest
• price (down payment) or loan amount
4) Also finds buyer’s actual income and debt ratios given both buyer and property data.
First press of [Qual 1] displays stored qualifying ratios; 2nd press calculates the buyer’s actual ratios.
[Qual 2] Stores additional (e.g., Government FHA/VA)
Income and Debt ratios and operates identically to [Qual 1] key. Default Income and Debt ratios for this key are 29% and 41%, respectively.
[Inc] Income — Enters the annual income for loan
[Debt] Enters long-term monthly debts.
In addition to Qualifying, the following keys are also involved in PITI calculations (e.g., they are added to the monthly pay­ment to calculate the total PITI payment):
[Exp] Expense — Enters monthly housing expenses
(e.g., homeowners’ association dues, mainte­nance and utilities).
9 – User’s Guide
[Mtg Ins] Mortgage Insurance — Stores and recalls annu-
al mortgage insurance (i.e., Private Mortgage Insurance) in either percent or dollar amount. If entered as a dollar amount, a second press con­verts to annual percentage rate. If entered as a percentage, a second press shows annual dollar amount. Entering the number 10 or less is assumed to be an annual percentage. Calculated from the loan amount.
Note: Tax & Insurance entered as dollar amounts will remain fixed, even if sales price or loan amount is changed.However, if entered as a percentage of sales price or loan amount, these items will automatically be re-calculated if sales price or loan amount are changed.
Decimal Place Selection
With the [Set] key, you have the option of permanently selecting the number of decimal places displayed. The values are rounded using conventional 5/4 rounding. You can do this prior to finding an answer or afterwards.
Press [Set] followed by the number of decimal places you wish to display:
[Set] 4 0.0000 [Set] 3 0.000 [Set] 2 0.00 [Set] 1 0.0 [Set] 0 0.
To return to the standard two decimal place setting, you must press [Set] 2, or press [Set] [x] for All-Clear.
10 – Qualifier Plus®IIx DT
Basic Math
This calculator uses standard chaining logic which simply means that you enter your first value, the operator (+, –, x, ÷), the sec­ond value and then the equals sign (“=”).
A. 3 [+] 2 [=] 5 B. 3 [–] 2 [=] 1 C. 3 [x] 2 [=] 6 D. 3 [÷] 2 [=] 1.5
Percentage Calculations
The percent [%] key can be used for finding a given percent of a number or for working add-on, discount or division percentage calculations.
A. 800 [x] 25 [%] [=] 200.00 B. 250 [+] 10 [%] [=] 275.00 C. 25 [–] 50 [%] [=] 12.50 D. 200 [÷] 50 [%] [=] 400.00
11 – User’s Guide
Date Function
Using the [:] key, you can quickly solve common real estate date problems: escrow or closing dates, listing expiration dates, and the number of days prepaid interest, etc. You enter a date as fol­lows: Numerical Month [:], Numerical Day [:], and Numerical Year.
The date function lets you: 1) add a number of days to a date to find a second date (in the future), 2) subtract a number of days from a date to find a second date (in the past), and, 3) subtract one date from another date to find the number of days in between. For example, if a 45-day escrow begins April 28, 1998, what is the closing date?
Steps Keystrokes Display
Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.00
Enter month 4 [:] 4-
Enter day 28 [:] 4-28-
Enter year 98 4-28-98
Add 45 days [+] 45 [=] 6-12-98
Find the number of days to calculate prepaid interest due at
closing, if the escrow closing date is 10/14/99 and the first
payment is due 11/1/99.
Steps Keystrokes Display
Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.00
Enter 1st payment date 11 [:] 1 [:] 99 11-1-99
Subtract closing date to find
number of days [-] 10 [:] 14 [:] 99 [=] 18.00
12 – Qualifier Plus®IIx DT
Using the Memory Function
Whenever the [M+] key is pressed, the displayed value will be added to memory. Other memory functions:
Function Keystrokes
Recall total in memory [Rcl] [M+] Display & clear memory [Rcl] [Rcl] Clear memory, no display [Set] [Rcl] Subtract displayed value from memory [Set] [M+] Replace memory with displayed value [Set] [Rcl] [M+]
The memory is semi-permanent; it will only be cleared when you:
1) turn off the calculator;
2) press [Rcl] [Rcl];
3) press [Set] [Rcl];
4) press [Set] [x] (all clear).
How to use memory functions:
Steps Keystrokes Display
Enter into memory 355 [M+] 355. Enter into memory 255 [M+] 255. Recall total in memory [Rcl] [M+] 610. Subtract from mem. 745 [Set] [M+] 745. Recall total in memory [Rcl] [M+] – 135. Replace memory 50 [Set] [Rcl] [M+] 50. Recall & clear [Rcl] [Rcl] 50.
13 – User’s Guide
Mortgages & Real Estate Loans
1. The financial functions — L/A, Pmt, Int, Term — work just like you would say them. For example, if you wanted to borrow $100,000 for 30 years at 10% interest, just enter those three known variables and press the key for the unknown fourth variable: Payment.
2. Financial values may be entered in any order you want.
3. Values for Term and Interest are permanently stored in memory.
4. It is a good practice to press [ON/C] twice after completing a financial problem to ensure that you have cleared volatile financial registers.
5. When solving for a financial component, the calculator will display the word “run” in the display. Solving for interest may take several seconds (up to 15) while the word “run” displays.
6. Once you have calculated an answer, for example, a pay­ment, you can then go back and change any variable and recalculate your new answer without re-entering all the other data.
Finding a Monthly Loan Payment
Find the monthly payment on a 30-year loan of $95,500 at
7.75% annual interest rate.
Steps Keystrokes Display
Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.00 Enter loan amount 95,500 [L/A] 95,500.00 Enter term 30 [Term] 30.00 Enter interest 7.75 [Int] 7.75
Find monthly payment [Pmt] “run” 684.17
14 – Qualifier Plus®IIx DT
Finding a Term of a Loan
How long does it take to pay off a loan of $15,000 at 10% interest if you make payments of $181.01 each month?
Steps Keystrokes Display
Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.00 Enter loan amount 15,000 [L/A] 15,000.00 Enter interest 10 [Int] 10.00 Enter monthly payment 181.01 [Pmt] 181.01 Find term in years [Term] “run” 11.78 Find periodic term [Term] 141.35
Finding the Interest Rate of a Loan
Find the interest rate on a mortgage where the loan amount is $98,500, term is 30 years and payment is $1,150 a month.
Steps Keystrokes Display
Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.00 Enter loan amount 98,500 [L/A] 98,500.00 Enter term 30 [Term] 30.00 Enter monthly payment 1,150 [Pmt] 1,150.00 Find annual interest [Int] “run” 13.78 Find periodic interest [Int] 1.15
Finding a Loan Amount
How much could you borrow if the interest rate was 9.75% on a 30-year term and you could pay $950 each month?
Steps Keystrokes Display
Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.00 Enter interest 9.75 [Int] 9.75 Enter term 30 [Term] 30.00 Enter monthly payment 950 [Pmt] 950.00 Find loan amount [L/A] “run” 110,573.84
15 – User’s Guide
+ 35 hidden pages