Calculated Industries NautiCalc Plus User Manual

For the Boat and Airplane Enthusiast
User ’s Guide
Introducing: NautiCalc Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Keypad Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Basic Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Memory Functions . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Preference Function . . . . . . . . . . .16
Using the NautiCalc Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Entering/Converting Time Values . .19 Distance and Speed Calculations . .24
Entering and Converting . . . . . . . . .
Degrees:Minutes:Seconds . . . . . .27
Using the Triangulation Function . .28
Using Speed, Time and Distance . . . .
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Using Capacity, Efficiency and Range .34
Using the Stopwatch/Timer . . . . . .38
Paperless Tape Feature . . . . . . . . .41
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Accuracy/Display . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Battery Information . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Warranty and Repair . . . . . . . . . . .48
2 – NautiCalc Plus
Designed primarily for boat and airplane enthusiasts, NautiCalc Plus provides the following features:
Triangulation solutions
Time math operations and conversions
Distance calculations and conver-
sions between m, km, nautical miles, statute miles, and fathoms
Speed calculations and conversion
between km/hr, mph, and knots
Timer/stopwatch with split/lap functions
And much, much more
User’s Guide – 3
Standard Calculator Keys
[On/C] — On/Clear Key
Turns power on. One press clears the last entry. Two presses clear all temporary registers.
[Off] — Off Key
Turns power off and resets all non–permanent storage registers.
[Rcl] — Recall Key
Used to recall stored values.
[Stor] — Storage Key
Used to store values.
[Conv] — Convert Key
Used to convert values from one convention to another or to access special functions.
[0] through [9] and [•]
Keys used to enter digits.
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Basic arithmetic operation keys.
[%] — Percent Key
Four–function percent key.
[Conv] [%] — Delta Percent
Calculates the percent difference between two numbers.
4 – NautiCalc Plus
Dimension Keys
[Hr] — Hour Key
Enters/converts to decimal hour or Hour:Minute:Second (H:M:S) time formats. Repeated presses toggle between formats.
[Min] — Minute Key
Enters/converts to decimal minute or Minute:Second (M:S) time formats. Repeated presses toggle between formats.
[Sec] — Seconds
Enters/converts to seconds.
[:] — Separator Key
Used as a separator when entering time values.
Designates a time value entry as AM.
Designates a time value entry as PM.
[km] — Kilometers
Enters/converts value to kilometers.
[Miles] — Nautical miles
Enters/converts value to nautical miles.
User’s Guide – 5
[Conv] [7] — Statute miles
Enters/converts value to statute miles.
[Conv] [5] — Meters
Enters/converts value to meters.
[Conv] [1] —Feet
Enters/converts value to feet.
[Conv] [2] — Yards
Enters/converts value to yards.
[Conv] [3] — Fathoms
Enters/converts value to fathoms.
[km/h] — Kilometers per hour
Enters/converts value to kilometers per hour.
[Knots] — Knots
Enters/converts value to knots (nautical miles per hour).
[Conv] [8] — Miles per hour
Enters/converts value to statute miles per hour.
[Conv] [4] — West
Defines the entered compass direction as being west.
[Conv] [6] — East
Defines the entered compass direction as being east.
6 –NautiCalc Plus
[d:m:s] — Degree:Minute:Second
Enters/converts D:M:S degrees to and from decimal degrees.
Triangulation Keys
Enters/displays the direction of travel.
[1stØ] — Bearing 1
Enters/displays the first bearing mea­surement for triangulation solutions.
[2ndØ] — Bearing 2
Enters/displays the second bearing measurement for triangulation solutions.
[Dist] — Distance
Enters, displays, or solves for distance (given speed and time values) with the initial press.
A second successive press displays the current distance from the bearing object.
A third successive press displays the distance Abeam (when the object is 90° from your course direction).
User’s Guide – 7
Travel Function Keys
Enters/calculates speed when used with the [Time] and [Dist] keys.
Enters/calculates time when used in conjunction with [Speed] and [Dist] keys.
[Conv] [Speed] — Capacity
Enters/calculates fuel capacity.
[Conv] [Time] — Efficiency
Enters/calculates vehicle fuel con­sumption efficiency.
[Conv] [Dist] — Range
Enters/calculates the distance that can be traveled based on fuel quantity (capacity).
8 – NautiCalc Plus
Timer Function Keys
[Timer] — Stopwatch/Timer
Used to access, start and stop the timer.
[S/Lap] — Split/Lap Function
Pauses the timer display without stop­ping the count. If the S/LP preference is set to “Split,” the total time elapsed from the start of the timer to the moment the
[S/Lap] key is pressed displays.
If set to “Lap,” the time elapsed between presses displays. For exam­ple, the first press of [S/Lap] displays the time elapsed from the timer’s start point to the time [S/Lap] is pressed. The second press of [S/Lap] continues the time display. A third press displays the time elapsed between the first and third presses. The fourth press contin­ues the time display. The fifth press shows the time elapsed between the third and fifth press.
Note: Even though the timer display is stopped, the timer continues to count. Therefore, if the second press occurred at 30 seconds, the display at the fourth press will show the cumulative value of 30 plus the time passed between the third and fourth presses.
User’s Guide– 9
Other Functions/Keys
[Conv] [Rcl]—Clear Memory “0”
Clears the value in the cumulative memory cell “0,” without changing the display.
[Conv] [:] — 12 / 24 Hr Toggle
Toggles the displayed time value from decimal format to sexagesimal (24–hour) format and vice versa.
[Conv] [÷] — Inverse Function
Calculates the inverse (1/x) of the displayed value. For example, the inverse of 100 is 0.01.
[Conv] [x] — All Clear
Resets calculator to default values and settings.
[Conv] [+] — Clear Memory
Clears all values stored in Memory locations 0 through 9 (See “
[Conv] [–] — Change Sign
Toggles between the positive and negative sign.
[Rcl] [=] — Paperless Tape
Allows you to verify the last ten entries or operations of a calcula­tion. See “
Paperless Tape
” for more
10 – NautiCalc Plus
[Conv] [•] — Rate
Allows you to multiply a dimensional value by a number to get an output that is a decimal number.
[Prefs] — Preference Settings
A multi–press key used to access and change the default preferences. Once in the preference setting mode, use the
[+] or [–] keys to change preference
User’s Guide – 11
Basic Math
Your calculator uses standard chaining logic, which means that the calcula­tions are made in the order entered.
3 [+] 2 [=] 5 3 [–] 2 [=] 1 3 [x] 2 [=] 6 3 [÷] 2 [=] 1.5
Percent Calculations
The percent [%] key is used for finding a given percentage of a number or for working percent add–on, discount or division calculations.
355 [x] 15 [%] 53.25 250 [+] 6.5 [%] 266.25 25 [–] 5 [%] 23.75 100 [÷] 50 [%] 200.
12 – NautiCalc Plus
Delta Percent
The Delta Percent function finds the percent change between two values. The [
] key must be pressed to com-
plete the calculation.
10 [Conv] [%] 15[=] 50 . 100 [Conv] [%] 25[=] – 75.
Memory Functions
The NautiCalc Plus allows you to store, add, subtract, replace and recall up to 10 separate Memory values. Memory values do not change unless revised or the cal­culator is reset. Values can be stored in any format.
Note: Memories 1–9 store a single value, while Memory “0” maintains a cumulative total. When adding to Memory “0,” only values of the same convention (i.e., time, distance, etc.) may be added. Otherwise, enter values with no format.
User’s Guide – 13
Memory Keystrokes
[Stor] [0] through [9]
Used to enter and store a displayed value in one of the Memory registers 0–9. Press [Stor] then the number key of the register in which you want the value stored.
[Rcl] [0] through [9]
Recalls and displays values stored in Memories 0–9.
[0] [Stor] [1] through [9]
Clears the Memory value from an entered Memory number (1–9).
[Conv] [+]
Clears Memory registers 0–9 without clearing the display.
[Conv] [Stor] [0]
Subtracts a value from Memory “0“ total.
[Rcl] [Rcl]
Displays then clears Memory “0” total.
[Conv] [Rcl]
Clears Memory “0” without changing the display.
14 – NautiCalc Plus
Storing Values in Memory
1. Enter value into Memory 1: 355 [Stor] 1
M 1
2. Replace the value in Memory 1: 25 [Stor] 1
M 1
3. Clear display and recall Memory 1: [On/C] [On/C] 0.
[Rcl] 1
M 1 25.
4. Clear Memory 1: 0 [Stor] 1
M 1 0.
Using Memory “0”
Steps/Keystrokes Display
1. Enter and store 355 in Memory 0: 355 [Stor] 0
M 0 355.
2. Add 255: 255 [Stor] 0 M 0 255.
[Rcl] 0 M 0 610.
3. Subtract 745: 745 [Conv] [Stor] 0 M 0 745.
[Rcl] [Rcl] – 135
User’s Guide– 15
Preference Function
The NautiCalc Plus provides a preference function that is used to customize your calculator. To access and set preferences, see “
How to Use the Preference
Note: The preference settings do not change until revised or the calculator is reset by pressing [Conv] [x]
Preference Settings and Options
indicates the default value.
1 – TMR (
Timer format
0:00:00.00 0:00:00
2 – S/LP (
3 – BUZZ (
Timer buzzer
4 – SPD (
16 – NautiCalc Plus
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