333 Elm S t reet
Dedh am, M A US A 02026
(781) 326-47 00 Fax (781) 326-7 255
Product Description:
vehicle mounted and monitors vibrations resulting
from m ovement of th e veh ic le. The MS100 motion
sensor is triggered after the piezo film sensor
mounted on the PCB detects movement for a
continuous one-minute period. The motion sensor,
whic h is a three wire d evice, provides a positiv e
output when triggered. The MS100 m otion s ensor
device contains a rec eiver that rec eives a sig nal from
the KF100 K ey FOB.
The MS100 motion sensor trigger circuit is by-passed
when it r ec eives a sign al fr om the KF100 K ey FOB.
The Key FOB em its a RF output every 70 seconds
and when the sign al is received b y the motion s ensor
the trigger circuit is inactivated for four minu tes.
The MS10 0 m otion s ensor is
M ou nting the M S - 100:
can be mounted either vertically or horizontally.
Perf or m ance will not vary when the m odul e is
mou nted in either of these posit ions. Mounting
br ac k ets h ave b een provided in the tooled plas tic
case t o aid in installation of th e m odule. The modul e
sh ould b e m ounted in a locat ion of the automobile,
away fr om heat and in an ar ea that will pr ovid e
accurate detection if the vehicle is moved or towed.
Key FOB :
to be carried with the vehicles own er s k ey s . A 3.6 vol t
lithium battery sh ould b e r eplaced in the FOB every
eighteen months to assure maximum range and to
avoid the MS100 f r om fals e trig gering.
The KF-100 Key FOB is m anu factur ed
The MS100 motion s ensor