CalAmp Viper-900, Viper-200, 140-5048-300, 140-5048-500, 140-5048-400 User Manual

Viper‐100™ Viper‐200™ Viper‐400™ Viper‐900™ NarrowbandIPRouter
PN0015008000Rev8 RevisedJune2010
1 May 2008
Initial Release as 001-5008-000.
Update Dual Port Viper information.
Added information about SNMP.
2 September 2008
Updated Firmware Upgrade instructions.
Added information about TCP Client Server Mode.
3 December 2008
Added information about Saving/Restoring User Configuration files.
Added information about V1.5 Viper code release. Added information about TCP Proxy Feature. Added note to RF Acknowledgment section.
4 April 2009
Corrected Viper Power Cable Part in Accessory Table. Added specifications and part number for 900 MHz Viper. Updated RF Exposure Compliance requirements. Added section 2.10, Choosing an IP Addressing Scheme
Added information about V1.6 Viper code release. Added information about Listen Before Transmit Disable feature.
5 July 2009
Added section about RF MAC override feature. Added section about the Periodic Reset feature. Added screen shot and information for the “Add Static Entry” function Added Listen Before Transmit Disable Feature
6 September 2009
(Previously Read: Added Listen Before Talk Disable Feature) Updated user manual for product name change from
7 November 2009
ViPR to Viper
Added UL information. Added information and specifications for Viper-200 Added information about V1.7 Viper firmware Release
Corrected radio firmware upgrade command line instructions errors in Section 13.3 that were introduced in revision 7 of the user manual.
8 June 2010
Added section about VPN Added section about Radius Updated SNMP section Updated screen captures and descriptions
Because of the nature of wireless communication, transmission and reception of data can never be guaranteed. Data may be delayed, corrupted (i.e., have errors), or be totally lost. Significant delays or losses of data are rare when wireless devices such as the Viper are used in a normal manner with a well-constructed network. Viper should not be used in situations where failure to transmit or receive data could result in damage of any kind to the user or any other party, including but not limited to personal injury, death, or loss of property. CalAmp accepts no responsibility for damages of any kind resulting from delays or errors in data transmitted or received using Viper, or for the failure of Viper to transmit or receive such data.
© Copyright 2010 CalAmp.
Products offered may contain software proprietary to CalAmp. The offer of supply of these products and services does not include or infer any transfer of ownership. No part of the documentation or information supplied may be divulged to any third party without the express written consent of CalAmp.
The Viper radio is intended for use in the Industrial Monitoring and Control and
RF Exposure
SCADA markets. The Viper unit must be professionally installed and must ensure a minimum separation distance listed in the table below between the radiating structure and any person. An antenna mounted on a pole or tower is the typical installation and in rare instances, a 1/2­wave whip antenna is used.
Antenna Gain 5 dBi 10 dBi 15 dBi
Min Safety Distance (VHF @ max Power)
123cm 218.8cm 389cm
Min Safety Distance (UHF @ max Power)
Min Safety Distance (900 MHz @ max power)
105.7cm 188cm 334.4cm
63.8cm 115 cm 201.7 cm
Note: It is the responsibility of the user to guarantee compliance with the FCC MPE regulations when operating this device in a way other than described above.
The Viper radio uses a low power radio frequency transmitter. The concentrated energy from an antenna may pose a health hazard. People should not be in front of the antenna when the transmitter is operating.
The installer of this equipment must ensure the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit an RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population. Recommended safety guidelines for the human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy are contained in the Canadian Safety Code 6 (available from Health Canada) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Bulletin 65.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance (in the country where used) could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
The Viper radio is available in several different models each with unique frequency bands. Each model of Viper may have different regulatory approval as shown in the table below.
Model Number Frequency Range
140-5018-500 136 – 174 MHz NP4-5018-500 773B-5018500 140-5018-501 136 – 174 MHz NP4-5018-500 773B-5018500 140-5028-502 215 – 240 MHz NP4-5028-502 Pending 140-5028-503 215 – 240 MHz NP4-5028-502 Pending 140-5048-300 406.1 - 470 MHz NP4-5048-300 773B-5048300
FCC IC (DOC) European Union
EN 300 113
140-5048-301 406.1 - 470 MHz NP4-5048-300 773B-5048300 140-5048-400 406.1 - 470 MHz
140-5048-500 450 - 512 MHz NP4-5048-300 773B-5048300 140-5048-501 450 - 512 MHz NP4-5048-300 773B-5048300 140-5048-600 450 - 512 MHz Pending 140-5098-500 928 - 960 MHz NP4-5098-500 773B-5098500 140-5098-501 928 - 960 MHz NP4-5098-500 773B-5098500
UL Certification
All models UL approved when powered with a listed Class 2 source.
This device (Viper model #140-5048-400) is a data transceiver intended for commercial and industrial use in all EU and EFTA member states.
Česky [Czech] CalAmp tímto prohlašuje, že tento rádio je ve shodě se základními
požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES.
Dansk [Danish] Undertegnede CalAmp erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr radio
overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Deutsch [German] Hiermit erklärt CalAmp, dass sich das Gerät radio in Übereinstimmung
mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet.
Eesti [Estonian] Käesolevaga kinnitab CalAmp seadme raadio vastavust direktiivi
1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
English Hereby, CalAmp, declares that this radio is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Español [Spanish] Por medio de la presente CalAmp declara que el radio cumple con los
requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Français [French] Par la présente CalAmp déclare que l'appareil radio est conforme aux
exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.
Italiano [Italian] Con la presente CalAmp dichiara che questo radio è conforme ai
requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Latviski [Latvian] Ar šo CalAmp deklarē, ka radio atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām
prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.
Lietuvių [Lithuanian] Šiuo CalAmp deklaruoja, kad šis radijo atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir
kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
Nederlands [Dutch] Hierbij verklaart CalAmp dat het toestel radio in overeenstemming is
met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Malti [Maltese] Hawnhekk, CalAmp , jiddikjara li dan tar-radju jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet
essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.
Magyar [Hungarian] Alulírott, CalAmp nyilatkozom, hogy a rádió megfelel a vonatkozó
alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.
Polski [Polish] Niniejszym CalAmp oświadcza, że radio jest zgodny z zasadniczymi
wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
CalAmp declara que este rádio está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE. CalAmp izjavlja, da je ta radio v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES.
Slovensky [Slovak] CalAmp týmto vyhlasuje, že rádio spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky
príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.
Suomi [Finnish] CalAmp vakuuttaa täten että radio tyyppinen laite on direktiivin
1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
Svenska [Swedish] Härmed intygar CalAmp att denna radio står I överensstämmelse med
de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
Íslenska [Icelandic] Hér með lýsir CalAmp yfir því að útvarp er í samræmi við grunnkröfur
og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC.
Norsk [Norwegian] CalAmp erklærer herved at utstyret radio er i samsvar med de
grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
VIPER OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 General Description .......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Operational Characteristics ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.3 Physical Description ......................................................................................................................................... 11
1.3.1 Front Panel .................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.3.2 LED Panel ................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.3 Ethernet LAN Port ...................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.4 SETUP and COM Ports .............................................................................................................................. 13
1.3.5 Power Connector ........................................................................................................................................ 13
1.3.6 Antenna Connector ..................................................................................................................................... 14
1.3.7 Chassis Dimensions .................................................................................................................................... 14
1.4 Part Numbers and Availability ........................................................................................................................ 15
1.4.1 Viper Radio ................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.4.2 Accessories and Options ............................................................................................................................. 15
1.5 Product Warranty ............................................................................................................................................ 16
1.6 RMA Request .................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.7 Documentation and Downloads ....................................................................................................................... 17
2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND NETWORK PLANNIN G ................................................................................. 18
2.1 Single Coverage Area ....................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Master/Remote .................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.3 Point-to-Point .................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.1 Point-to-Multipoint ..................................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Report by Exception ................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4 Extending the Coverage Area with a Relay Point .......................................................................................... 20
2.4.1 Understanding RF Path Requirements ........................................................................................................ 21
2.5 Site Selection and Site Survey .......................................................................................................................... 21
2.5.1 Site Selection .............................................................................................................................................. 21
2.5.2 Site Survey .................................................................................................................................................. 22
2.6 Selecting Antenna and Feedline ....................................................................................................................... 22
2.6.1 Antenna Gain .............................................................................................................................................. 22
2.6.2 Omni Directional Antenna .......................................................................................................................... 22
2.6.3 Yagi Antenna .............................................................................................................................................. 23
2.6.4 Vertical Dipoles .......................................................................................................................................... 23
2.6.5 Feedline ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.6.6 RF Exposure Compliance Requirements .................................................................................................... 23
2.7 Terrain and Signal Strength ............................................................................................................................ 24
2.8 Radio Interference ............................................................................................................................................ 25
2.9 IP Forwarding Modes ....................................................................................................................................... 25
2.9.1 Bridge Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 25
2.9.2 Router Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 26
2.10Choosing an IP Addressing Scheme ................................................................................................................ 27
2.10.1 Bridge Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 27
2.10.2 Router Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 28
3 DATARADIO VIPER QUICK START ..................................................................................................................... 30
3.1 Setup and Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 30
3.2 Install the Antenna ........................................................................................................................................... 30
3.3 PC LAN Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.3.1 Front Panel Connections ............................................................................................................................. 30
3.4 Measure and Connect Primary Power ............................................................................................................ 32
3.5 Connect Viper to Programming PC ................................................................................................................ 32
3.5.1 Initial Installation Login ............................................................................................................................. 33
3.6 Configure Your Viper Using the Setup Wizard ............................................................................................. 33
3.7 Check For Normal Operation .......................................................................................................................... 36
4 VIPER WEB MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 37
4.1 Navigating the Network Management System ............................................................................................... 37
4.2 Main Menu ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
4.2.1 Network Management System Commands ................................................................................................. 37
5 UNIT STATUS ........................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.1 Unit Identification and Status .......................................................................................................................... 39
5.2 Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
5.2.1 Local Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................................... 41
5.2.2 Online Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................................... 43
6 SETUP (BASIC) ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
6.1 General Setup .................................................................................................................................................... 46
6.2 IP Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 49
6.2.1 Ethernet Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 49
6.2.2 RF Interface ................................................................................................................................................ 51
6.2.3 Default Gateway ......................................................................................................................................... 51
6.3 Channel Table ................................................................................................................................................... 51
6.4 Serial Ports Setup ............................................................................................................................................. 53
6.4.1 Basic Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 55
6.4.2 IP Gateway Service ..................................................................................................................................... 55
6.4.3 IP Gateway Transport ................................................................................................................................. 56
6.4.4 RTS/CTS Mode Settings ............................................................................................................................ 60
7 SETUP (ADVANCED) .............................................................................................................................................. 61
7.1 RF Optimizations .............................................................................................................................................. 61
7.1.1 MAC Advanced Settings ............................................................................................................................ 61
7.1.2 Carrier Sense Level Threshold .................................................................................................................... 62
7.1.3 Listen Before Transmit ............................................................................................................................... 62
7.2 IP Services ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
7.2.1 SNMP ......................................................................................................................................................... 65
7.2.2 MIB ............................................................................................................................................................. 65 MIB Files .......................................................................................................................................... 65 ............................................................................................................................................................. 65 MIB Files ..................................................................................................................................... 66
7.2.3 SNMP Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 67
7.2.4 NAT Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 69
7.2.5 NAT on Viper ............................................................................................................................................. 69
7.2.6 Ethernet Interface Private ........................................................................................................................... 70
7.2.7 RF Interface Private .................................................................................................................................... 71
7.2.8 User NAT Entries ....................................................................................................................................... 73
7.2.9 NAT Port Forwarding ................................................................................................................................. 74
7.3 IP Addressing .................................................................................................................................................... 76
7.3.1 Broadcast Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 76
7.3.2 Multicast Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 76
7.4 IP Optimization ................................................................................................................................................. 77
7.5 IP Routing (Table/Entries) ............................................................................................................................... 79
7.6 Time Source ....................................................................................................................................................... 80
7.6.1 SNTP .......................................................................................................................................................... 80
7.6.2 Time Zone ................................................................................................................................................... 80
7.7 Alarm Reporting ............................................................................................................................................... 81
7.7.1 Forward Power Alarm & Notification ........................................................................................................ 81
7.7.2 Reverse Power Alarm & Notification ......................................................................................................... 81
7.7.3 PA Power Alarm & Notification ................................................................................................................. 82
7.8 User Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
8 SECURITY ................................................................................................................................................................. 83
8.1 User ID and Password ...................................................................................................................................... 83
8.2 Encryption ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
8.3 RADIUS ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
8.3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 84
8.3.2 User Authentication .................................................................................................................................... 84
8.3.3 Device Authentication ................................................................................................................................ 86
8.4 VPN .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
8.4.1 VPN Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 88 Filters ................................................................................................................................................. 92
9 STATISTICS .............................................................................................................................................................. 94
9.1 Ethernet (LAN) ................................................................................................................................................. 94
9.2 Serial .................................................................................................................................................................. 95
9.3 RF ....................................................................................................................................................................... 95
9.4 Airlink Error Detection .................................................................................................................................... 95
10 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................................... 97
10.1Ping Test ............................................................................................................................................................ 97
10.2Unit Configuration Control ............................................................................................................................. 97
10.2.1 User Configuration Settings ........................................................................................................................ 98
10.3Package Control ................................................................................................................................................ 99
10.4Net Tests ............................................................................................................................................................ 99
10.4.1 Net Test Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 100
10.4.2 Net Test Results ........................................................................................................................................ 101
10.5RF Tests ........................................................................................................................................................... 103
10.6Feature Options .............................................................................................................................................. 103
11 NEIGHBOR MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................... 104
11.1User Interface .................................................................................................................................................. 104
11.2Neighbor Discovery (Modes) .......................................................................................................................... 104
11.2.1 Manual-SCAN .......................................................................................................................................... 105
11.2.2 Auto-SCAN .............................................................................................................................................. 105
11.2.3 Disabled .................................................................................................................................................... 105
11.3Local Status ..................................................................................................................................................... 105
11.3.1 Neighbor Discovery States ....................................................................................................................... 106
11.3.2 Neighboring Vipers Found ....................................................................................................................... 107
11.3.3 Discovery Duration ................................................................................................................................... 107
11.4Discovered Viper Neighbors .......................................................................................................................... 107
11.4.1 Information on Neighboring Vipers .......................................................................................................... 107
11.4.2 Neighbor Table Entry Type ...................................................................................................................... 107
11.4.3 Route to Neighboring Vipers .................................................................................................................... 108
11.5Control Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 108
11.6Primary and Backup Route Selection ........................................................................................................... 110
11.7Network Status ................................................................................................................................................ 110
11.8Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................... 111
11.9Recommended Neighbor Discovery Modes of Operations .......................................................................... 112
12 NETWORK OPTIMIZATION ............................................................................................................................ 113
12.1Maximizing TCP/IP Throughput .................................................................................................................. 113
12.2Maximizing Throughput with a Weak RF Link .......................................................................................... 113
12.2.1 Use Router Mode with RF Acknowledgements Enabled .......................................................................... 113
12.2.2 Reduce RF Network Bit Rate ................................................................................................................... 113
12.2.3 Increase OIP and MAC Retries Limit ....................................................................................................... 114
13 UPGRADING YOUR FIRMWARE .................................................................................................................... 115
13.1Upgrade Modem Firmware Procedure ......................................................................................................... 115
13.2Upgrade Radio Firmware .............................................................................................................................. 116
13.3Verify File Integrity ........................................................................................................................................ 117
VIPER SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 118
PRODUCT WARRANTY ................................................................................................................................................ 122
DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 123
This document provides information required for the operation and verification of the Dataradio Viper Narrowband IP Modem/Router. The information in this manual makes the assumption the user’s PC has an NIC (Network Interface Card) with TCP/IP implemented. Setup requires the knowledge and authorization to modify the TCP/IP settings for the NIC.
Changing or installing new IP addresses in a network can cause serious network problems. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Network Administrator for your system.
Viper provides any IP-enabled device with connectivity to transmit narrowband data. This DSP-based radio was designed for SCADA, telemetry and industrial applications in the 136­174 MHz, 215-240 MHz VHF, 406.1-512 MHz UHF, and 928-960 MHz frequency ranges.
Viper supports serial and Ethernet/IP Remote Terminal Units (RTU) and programmable logic controllers (PLC). It is standard IEEE 802.3 compliant. Viper supports any protocol running over IPv4 (including ICMP, IPinIP, IPSec, RSVP, TCP and UDP protocols). It provides MAC layer bridging and HTTP, ARP, and static routing packet forwarding.
The Viper product has the following operational characteristics:
Frequency range of 136-174 MHz, 215-240 MHz, 406.1-470 MHz, 450-512 MHz, or
928-960 MHz.
User-selectable data rates Built-in transceiver adjustable from 1 to 10 watts (8 watts max for 900MHz) Used as an access point or an end point with each configurable in (a) Bridge mode for
quick setup of units on same network or (b) Router mode for advanced networks
Embedded web server to access status and/or setup information Remote access for over-the-air system firmware upgrades Wide input power range of 10 to 30 volts DC AES 128-bit data encryption (Applies to Serial and IP connections) Superior data compression (zlib compression algorithm applies to Serial and IP
Native UDP and TCP/IP support Online and Offline Diagnostics Supports up to 32 different frequency channel pairs Industrial operating temperature range of -30 to +60 C Rugged die-cast aluminum and steel case UL Certified when powered by a listed Class 2 source 406.1-470MHz frequency range certified for European Union (ETSI EN300 113) 406.1-470MHz and 450-512 MHz frequency ranges certified for Australia/New Zealand
This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D or non- hazardous locations only.
The equipment is intended for installation only in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION per EN60950-1:2006
001-5008-000(Rev8) Page 10
These features provide system benefits that give users:
Rugged Packaging. Viper is housed in a compact and rugged cast aluminum case. Built for industrial applications in a variety of environments, Viper operates over an extended temperature range and provides worry-free operation in the roughest environments.
Simple Installation. Basic installation typically utilizes an omni-directional antenna at the master station or Relay Point and a directional antenna at each remote site not a Relay Point. See Section 2 for information on Site and Antenna Selection. For basic service, just hook up an antenna, connect your Ethernet LAN to the Viper’s LAN port, apply primary power, check and set a few operating parameters and you are done.
Flexible Management. Configuration, commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting can be done locally or remotely. There are no physical switches or adjustments; all operating parameters are set via a web browser. The Dual-Port Viper provides a receive antenna connector allowing for unique customer applications requiring additional receive filtering, external PA(s), and other options.
Long Range. Narrowband configurations allow better coverage over harsh terrain.
Viper consists of two logic PCBs, one that includes the modem circuitry and the other the radio module. Both are installed in a cast aluminum case. The unit is not hermetically sealed and should be mounted in a suitable enclosure when dust, moisture, and/or a corrosive atmosphere are anticipated.
The Viper is designed for easy installation and configuration; the Viper features no external or internal switches or adjustments. All operating parameters are set via an internal web browser.
1.3.1 Front Panel
Figure 1.1- Viper Front Panel (Dual-port model shown)
001-5008-000(Rev8) Page 11
As shown in Figure 1.1, the front panel has the following connections:
(1) RJ-45 LAN 10 BaseT Ethernet connection with Auto-MDIX (1) 50-ohm TNC female Antenna connector (1) 50-ohm SMA female receive antenna connector (Dual-Port models only) (1) Right-angle power connector (10-30 VDC) (2) DE-9F RS-232 ports For Dual-port Viper connections, see Section 1.3.6.
1.3.2 LED Panel
The LED panel has five Tri-Color LEDs. The functionality of each LED is shown in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1- Viper LED Functionality
LED Color Definition
Power Green
Status Green
Blinking Green Red Amber (Solid or Blinking)
ACT Blinking Green
Lnk Green
Rx/Tx Green
Viper ready, normal operations Viper hardware fault Viper no faults, normal operations Viper scanning for neighbors Viper has a fault condition, check unit status Viper detects high background noise Ethernet activity detected on PHY link (RJ45) No Ethernet activity on PHY link (RJ45) Ethernet connection established (RJ45) No Ethernet connection (RJ45) Receiving data Transmitting data
1.3.3 Ethernet LAN Port
The Ethernet LAN port is an RJ-45 receptacle with a 10 BaseT Ethernet connection and Auto-MDIX feature. Table 1-2 shows pin-out descriptions for the RJ-45 port.
Table 1-2 - Pin-out for IEEE-802.3 RJ-45 Receptacle Contacts
Contact 10 Base-T Signal
SHELL Shield
(1) The name shows the default function. Given the Auto-MDIX capability of the Ethernet transceiver, TX and RX function could be swapped.
001-5008-000(Rev8) Page 12
1.3.4 SETUP and COM Ports
The SETUP and COM serial connections are DE-9F RS-232 ports. Serial port considerations:
Viper radio modem SETUP and COM ports are Data Communication Equipment (DCE)
In general, equipment connected to the Viper’s SETUP / COM serial port is Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE) and a straight-through cable is recommended. Note: If a DCE device is connected to the Viper SETUP / COM port, a null modem
cable/adapter is required.
The pin-out for the SETUP and COM ports are shown in Table 1-3
Table 1-3- Pin-out for DCE SETUP and COM port, 9 Contact DE-9 Connector
Contact EIA-232F Function Signal Direction
(1) Programmable. (2) Always asserted. (3) For future use.
The DCD, DTR, RTS and CTS control lines are programmable. Refer to section 6.4 for serial port control line configurations.
1.3.5 Power Connector
The Viper is supplied with a right-angle power connector (10-30 VDC). Table 1-4 shows the pin-out of the power connector.
Table 1-4 - Pin-out of the power connector
Contact #
Color Description
(Left to Right)
4 Fan Power Output (5V) 3 Black Ground 2 Red Positive (10-30) VDC 1 White Enable
Note: The White Enable line must be tied to the red positive lead of the connector for the Viper to function.
WARNING – EXPLOSION HAZARD- Do not disconnect unless power has been removed
or the area is known to be non-hazardous
WARNING -EXPLOSION HAZARD-Substitution of components may impair suitability for
Class I, Division 2. The unit is to be powered with a Listed Class 2 or LPS power supply or equivalent.
001-5008-000(Rev8) Page 13
1.3.6 Antenna Connector
The standard Viper has a 50-ohm TNC female antenna connector. This connection functions for both transmit and receive.
The Dual-Port Viper has a 50-ohm TNC female antenna connector functioning for transmit (only) and a 50-ohm SMA female antenna connector functioning for receive (only). The separate receive antenna connector allows for unique customer applications that require additional receive filtering, external PA(s) and other options.
Warning: The transmit antenna port must not be connected directly to the receive antenna port of the Dual-Port Viper. Excessive power into the receive antenna port will damage the radio. Input power to the receiver should not exceed 17 dBm (50mW).
To reduce potential interference, the antenna type and its gain should be chosen to ensure the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is not more than required for successful communication.
WARNING – EXPLOSION HAZARD – Do not disconnect equipment unless power has
been removed or the area is known to be non-hazardous.
WARNING -EXPLOSION HAZARD-Substitution of components may impair suitability for
Class I, Division 2. The antenna connector is for connection to antennas housed inside of a suitable enclosure.
1.3.7 Chassis Dimensions
The equipment is intended for installation only in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION per EN60950-1:2006
Figure 1.2 shows the dimensions of the Viper Chassis and mounting plate.
Figure 1.2- Viper Chassis Dimensions (units are in inches)
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1.4.1 Viper Radio
Table 1-5 provides a breakdown of the Viper part number
Table 1-5 - Part Number Breakdown
Model Number Description
140-5018-500 Standard VHF Viper
Frequency Range
136 - 174 MHz 140-5028-502 Standard VHF Viper-200 215 - 240 MHz 140-5048-300 Standard UHF Viper Range 3
Standard UHF Viper Range 3
(EN 300 113 Compliant,
406.1 - 470 MHz
406.1 - 470 MHz
AS/NZ Compliant)
140-5048-500 Standard UHF Viper Range 5 140-5048-600
Standard UHF Viper Range 5 (AS/NZ Compliant)
140-5098-500 Standard 900MHz Viper
450 - 512 MHz
450 - 512 MHz
928 - 960 MHz
140-5018-501 Dual Port VHF Viper 136 - 174 MHz 140-5028-503 Dual Port VHF Viper-200 215 - 240 MHz
140-5048-301 Dual Port UHF Viper Range 3 140-5048-501 Dual Port UHF Viper Range 5 140-5098-501 Dual Port 900MHz Viper
406.1 - 470 MHz
450 - 512 MHz
928 - 960 MHz
1.4.2 Accessories and Options
Table 1-6 - Table 1-8 list standard accessories (including antenna, feedline, and connectors) tested and approved for use with the Viper.
Table 1-6 - Accessories
Viper Power Cable 897-5008-010 Viper Demo Kit* – VHF - 136-174 MHz 250-5018-500
Viper Demo Kit* – VHF 200 - 215-240 MHz 250-5028-502 Viper Demo Kit* – UHF - 406-470 MHz 250-5048-300 Viper Demo Kit* – UHF - 450-512 MHz 250-5048-500 Viper Demo Kit* – 900 - 928-960 MHz 250-5098-500 Factory Installed Viper Fan Kit 150-5008-001
Field Installed Viper Fan Kit** 150-5008-002 TNC-Male to N-Male 18” 250-0697-103 TNC-Male to N-Male 48” 250-0697-104 TNC-Male to N-Male 72” 250-0697-105 TNC-Male to N-Female 18” 250-0697-106
* The Viper Demo Kit includes two of each of the following: Viper, rubber duck antennas, adapters, attenuators, power cables, and power supplies. ** The field install Fan Kit is available for all VHF 200/UHF/900 Vipers (140-5028-XXX/140-5048-xxx/140-5098­xxx) but is only available for VHF models-(140-5018-xxx) with RF revision 0.3 or greater (shipping Fall 2008). Contact CalAmp Technical Support for more information.
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Table 1-7 - Antenna Kits
ITEM PART NUMBER Antenna Kit*: 138-143 MHz 6.5 dBd 250-0211-007 Antenna Kit*: 138-143 MHz 9.5 dBd 250-0211-010 Antenna Kit*: 143-148 MHz 6.5 dBd 250-0211-107 Antenna Kit*: 143-138 MHz 9.5 dBd 250-0211-110 Antenna Kit*: 148-152 MHz 6.5 dBd 250-0211-207 Antenna Kit*: 148-152 MHz 9.5 dBd 250-0211-210 Antenna Kit*: 152-157 MHz 6.5 dBd 250-0211-307 Antenna Kit*: 152-157 MHz 9.5 dBd 250-0211-310 Antenna Kit*: 157-163 MHz 6.5 dBd 250-0211-407 Antenna Kit*: 157-163 MHz 9.5 dBd 250-0211-410 Antenna Kit*: 163-169 MHz 6.5 dBd 250-0211-507 Antenna Kit*: 163-169 MHz 9.5 dBd 250-0211-510 Antenna Kit*: 169-174 MHz 6.5 dBd 250-0211-607
Antenna Kit*: 169-174 MHz 9.5 dBd 250-0211-610 Antenna Kit*: 216-222 MHz 6.5 dBd 250-0221-007 Antenna Kit*: 216-222 MHz 9.5 dBd 250-0221-010
Antenna Kit*: 450-470 MHz, 7 dBd 250-0241-507 Antenna Kit*: 450-470 MHz, 10 dBd 250-0241-510 Antenna Kit*: 890-960 MHz, 6.4 dBd 250-5099-011 Antenna Kit*: 890-960 MHz, 10 dBd 250-5099-021
*Kits include premium antenna, moun ting bracket, surge protector, grounding kit, cable ties, 18” TNC male to N-
male jumper cable and weather kit. UHF/900 kits include 25 feet of LMR400 antenna feedline. Feedline is available for VHF kits in 25 or 50 feet lengths
Table 1-8 - Feedline and Connectors
25 feet antenna feedline (LMR400), N-Male 250-0200-025 50 feet antenna feedline (LMR400), N-Male 250-0200-055 Barrel Connector, RF1 N type, Female 250-0200-100
It is our guarantee that every Viper Radio modem will be free from physical defects in material and workmanship for ONE YEAR from the date of purchase when used within the limits set forth in Appendix A: Specifications.
The manufacturer's warranty statement is available in Appendix B. If the product proves defective during the warranty period, contact our Customer Service Department to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA). BE SURE TO HAVE THE EQUIPMENT MODEL, SERIAL NUMBER, AND BILLING & SHIPPING ADDRESSES AVAILABLE WHEN CALLING. You may also request an RMA online at,com_rma/
M-F 7:30-4:30 CST CalAmp Wireless Networks Corp
299 Johnson Ave., Ste 110, Waseca, MN 56093 Tel 507.833.8819; Fax 507.833.6758 Email
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When returning a product, mark the RMA clearly on the outside of the package. Include a complete description of the problem and the name and telephone number of a contact person. RETURN REQUESTS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION.
Contact Customer Service:
299 Johnson Ave., Ste 110 Waseca, MN 56093 Tel 1.507.833.8819
For units in warranty, customers are responsible for shipping charges to CalAmp Wireless Networks Corp. For units returned out of warranty, customers are responsible for all shipping charges. Return shipping instructions are the responsibility of the customer.
CalAmp reserves the right to update its products, software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual or entity. Product updates may result in differences between the information provided in this manual and the product shipped. For access to the most current product documentation and application notes, visit
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This section briefly discusses network architecture (including basic network types), interfacing modems and DTE, data protocols for efficient channel operation, addressing, and repeaters.
Viper is designed to replace wire lines in SCADA, telemetry and control applications. The Ethernet and RS-232 serial port allows direct connection to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) or Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). A SCADA system is defined as one or more centralized control sites used to monitor and control remote field devices over wide areas. For example, a regional utility may monitor and control networks over an entire metropolitan area. Industry sectors with SCADA systems include energy utilities, water and wastewater utilities, and environmental groups.
The Viper is intended for use in the Industrial Monitoring and SCADA market. The range of the Viper is dependent on terrain, RF (radio frequency) path obstacles, and antenna system design. This section provides tips for selecting an appropriate site, choosing an antenna system, and reducing the chance of harmful interference.
In a network topology with only a single coverage area (all units can talk to one another directly), there are several common system configurations. The most common is for one unit to be designated as a master and the rest designated as remotes. Another system configuration is Report-by-Exception.
In a Viper network, Vipers are not programmed to be masters or remotes. All Vipers in a network can be configured the same. However, a unit can be configured as an Access Point. The unit configured as an Access Point would allow access to the Internet, but an Access Point is not required in all networks. Most SCADA networks have a “polling master”, but the polling master is not necessarily configured any different than the remotes. It is the responsibility of the polling master to control RF traffic so RF collisions do not occur.
Note: In a radio system, only one radio should transmit at a time. If two radios transmit at the same time to another radio, RF collisions occur. Collisi ons will slow data traffic and possibly corrupt data.
The Viper has RF collision avoidance technology (checks the air wave for a carrier before transmitting) and Ethernet CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access). CSMA is an Ethernet collision avoidance mechanism technology built into to all Ethernet connections. These technologies still need to be supplemented by the HMI/PLC polling master to optimize RF data traffic.
Some HMI/PLC Ethernet applications may depend solely on Ethernet CSMA to control the flow of messages to avoid RF collisions in a Viper network. This may flood the network with multiple polling messages, making it difficult for the RTUs to acquire the airwave to transmit their reply messages. This will cause the RTUs to compete for airtime and a dominant RTU may be created.
While the dominant RTU/radio is transmitting, the other RTUs will send their reply messages to their connected Viper. Vipers will buffer reply messages because the dominant RTU/radio is transmitting (carrier is present). A Viper will buffer (while a carrier is present) a reply message until it can capture the airwave (carrier absent) to transmit. There could be five or six RTU/radios in a small system (or 10 or 20 in a large system), which could be trying to
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capture the airwaves to transmit. The RTUs will not respond in the order they were polled but will respond when they are ready and have captured the airwaves. The dominant RTU is created because it happens to reply at just the right time and be in the right order in the polling sequence.
A common method for a polling master to manage RF traffic is for the HMI/PLC polling master to poll one remote at a time. The next polling message is not sent until the current message has been completed (“Done”) or has timed out. This prevents more than one outstanding polling message. Ladder logic programs typically refer to these parameters as the message “Done” and “Error” bits. The “Done” and “Error” bits parameter values can be adjusted for longer timeout values, if required.
Because the Viper has the ability to use two completely different and separate SCADA polling protocols, it is important to have interaction between the two protocols. The Viper can send out an Ethernet TCP/IP polling message and also an RS232 polling message, which may or may not be generated by the same HMI/PLC. CalAmp recommends the user program the polling sequence in each protocol with logic that interacts with the other’s protocol “Done” and “Error” bits. The Ethernet polling protocol would not be allowed to send a message until the current Ethernet message is either “Done” or “Error” and the previous RS232 message are either “Done” or “Error” bits are set. The RS232 polling protocol would also have a similar logic.
A point-to-point network is the most simple of all networks, and may be used for connecting a pair of PC's, a host computer and a terminal, a SCADA polling master and one remote, mobile applications (like in-vehicle GPS receivers and base stations) or a wide variety of other networking applications.
System configurations indicated above allow for either Ethernet or serial interfaces. In bridge mode, all the network devices are on the same IP subnet. In router mode, the Ethernet connection on the polling master unit and the remote(s) use different IP subnets. A hub or switch may be used to allow multiple devices to connect to the Viper radio modem. Serial connections are transparent pass-through connections, allowing the use of legacy serial devices in the Viper product environment.
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Figure 2.1 - Point-to-Point Network
2.3.1 Point-to-Multipoint
A Point-to-Multipoint network is a common network type used in SCADA or other polling systems. The single polling master station communicates with any number of remotes and controls the network by issuing polls and waiting for remote responses. Individual PLC/RTU remotes manage addressing and respond when their individual addresses are queried. PLC/RTU unit addresses are maintained in a scanning list stored in the host program or master terminal device at the SCADA host site. Communications equipment is transparent and does not interact with specific remotes; all data is coupled to the host on a single data line (such a network is commonly used with synchronous radio modems and asynchronous radio modems).
Figure 2.2 - Point to Multipoint Network
2.3.2 Report by Exception
In a true Report by Exception configuration, the remotes send data to the master only when an event or exception has occurred in the remote. However, most Report by Exception systems have a master/remote polling component. The master polls the remotes once every hour or half-hour to ensure there is still a valid communication path. In a Report by Exception configuration, there will not be a master controlling RF traffic and RF collisions will often occur. The Viper has several collision avoidance features to help minimize collisions. The Viper is a “polite radio”. The Viper will check the RF traffic on the receive channel before transmitting. If there is no RF traffic present (no carrier present) it will transmit. If there is RF traffic (carrier present) the Viper will buffer the data. The Viper will transmit the buffered data when there is no RF traffic present (no carrier present).
The Viper has a Relay Point feature that allows a unit to relay data from one RF coverage area to another RF coverage area. When units are spread over two or more coverage areas, the user must identify the devices forming the backbone between coverage areas so any unit can talk to any other regardless of their locations. There can be multiple Relay Points in the system extending the coverage over several hops.
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Figure 2.3 - Two Coverage Areas
The unit forming the backbone between the coverage areas must be configured to repeat all necessary information from one coverage area to the next. This unit must have the Relay Point parameter enabled (See Section 6.1).
2.4.1 Understanding RF Path Requirements
Radio waves are propagated when electrical energy produced by a radio transmitter is converted into magnetic energy by an antenna. Magnetic waves travel through space. The receiving antenna intercepts a very small amount of this magnetic energy and converts it back into electrical energy that is amplified by the radio receiver. The energy received by the receiver is called the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) and is measured in dBm.
A radio modem requires a minimum amount of received RF signal to operate reliably and provide adequate data throughput. This is the radio’s receiver sensitivity. In most cases, spectrum regulators will define or limit the amount of signal that can be transmitted and it will be noted on the FCC license. This is the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP
Transmitted power decays with distance and other factors as it moves away from the transmitting antenna.
2.5.1 Site Selection
For a successful installation, careful thought must be given to selecting the site for each radio. Suitable sites should provide the following:
Protection from direct weather exposure A source of adequate and stable primary power Suitable entrances for antenna, interface, or other cabling Antenna location with an unobstructed transmission path to all remote radios in the
These requirements can be quickly determined in most cases.
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2.5.2 Site Survey
A Site Survey is an RF propagation study of the RF path between two points or between one point and multiple points. UHF radio signals travel primarily by line of sight and obstructions between the sending and receiving stations will affect system performance. Signal propagation is also affected by attenuation from obstructions such as terrain, foliage, or buildings in the transmission path. A Site Survey is recommended for most projects to determine the optimal RF paths for each link. This is especially true when more than one RF coverage area is required. A Site Survey will determine the best unit location for the Relay Points.
The Viper can be used with a variety of antenna types. The exact style used depends on the physical size and layout of a system. The Viper device has been tested and approved with antennas having a maximum gain of 10 dBi.
2.6.1 Antenna Gain
Antenna gain is usually measured in comparison to a dipole. A dipole acts much like the filament of a flashlight bulb: it radiates energy in almost all directions. One bulb like this would provide very dim room lighting. Add a reflector capable of concentrating all the energy into a narrow angle of radiation and you have a flashlight. Within that bright spot on the wall, the light might be a thousand times greater than it would be without the reflector. The resulting bulb-reflector combination has a gain of 1000, or 30 dB, compared to the bulb alone. Gain can be achieved by concentrating the energy both vertically and horizontally, as in the case of the flashlight and Yagi antenna. Gain can be also be achieved by reducing the vertical angle of radiation, leaving the horizontal alone. In this case, the antenna will radiate equally in all horizontal directions, but will take energy that otherwise would have gone skywards and use it to increase the horizontal radiation.
The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms. To reduce potential radio interference, the antenna type and its gain should be chosen to ensure the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is not more than required for successful communication.
See Table 1-7 for a list of tested antenna recommendations. These antennas are FCC approved for use with the Viper. Similar antenna types from other manufacturers are equally acceptable. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommended installation procedures and instructions when mounting any antenna.
2.6.2 Omni Directional Antenna
In general, an omni directional antenna should be used at a master station and Relay Points. This allows equal coverage to all of the remote locations. Omni directional antennas are designed to radiate the RF signal in a 360-degree pattern around the antenna. Short range antennas such as folded dipoles and ground independent whips are used to radiate the signal in a ball shaped pattern while high gain omni antennas, such as a collinear antenna, compress the RF radiation sphere into the horizontal plane to provide a relatively flat disc shaped pattern that travels further because more of the energy is radiated in the horizontal plane.
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2.6.3 Yagi Antenna
At remote locations (not used as a Relay Point), a directional Yagi is generally recommended to minimize interference to and from other users.
2.6.4 Vertical Dipoles
Vertical dipoles are very often mounted in pairs, or sometimes groups of 3 or 4, to achieve even coverage and to increase gain. The vertical collinear antenna usually consists of several elements stacked one above the other to achieve similar results.
Figure 2.4 - Antenna Types
Omni (Vertical Collinear) Yagi Vertical Dipole
2.6.5 Feedline
The choice of feedline should be carefully considered. Poor quality coaxial cables should be avoided, as they will degrade system performance for both transmission and reception. The cable should be kept as short as possible to minimize signal loss. See Table 2-1 for a list of feedline recommendations.
Table 2-1 - Transmission Loss (per 100 Feet)
Cable Type
LMR-400 1/2” Heliax 7/8” Heliax 1 5/8” Heliax
0.68 dB
0.37 dB
0.22 dB
Frequency Range
1.5 dB
2.7 dB 3.9 dB
1.51 dB 2.09 dB
0.83 dB 1.18 dB
0.51 dB 0.69 dB
UHF 900 MHz
Outside cable connections should have a weather kit applied to each connection to prevent moisture. Feedline connections should be routinely inspected to minimize signal loss through the connection. A 3 dB loss in signal strength due to cable loss and/or bad connections represents a 50% reduction in signal strength.
2.6.6 RF Exposure Compliance Requirements
The Viper radio is intended for use in the Industrial Monitoring and Control and SCADA markets. The Viper unit must be professionally installed and must ensure a minimum separation distance listed in the table below between the radiating structure and any person. An antenna mounted on a pole or tower is the typical installation and in rare instances, a 1/2-wave whip antenna is used.
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Table 2-2 – RF Exposure Compliance Minimum Safety Distances
Antenna Gain 5 dBi 10 dBi 15 dBi
Min Safety Distance (VHF @ max power)
123cm 218.8cm 389cm
Min Safety Distance (UHF @ max power)
Min Safety Distance (900 MHz @ max power)
105.7cm 188cm 334.4cm
63.8cm 115 cm 201.7 cm
Note: It is the responsibility of the user to guarantee compliance with the FCC MPE regulations when operating this device in a way other than described above.
The Viper radio uses a low power radio frequency transmitter. The concentrated energy
from an antenna may pose a health hazard. People should not be in front
of the antenna when the transmitter is operating.
RF Exposure
The installer of this equipment must ensure the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit an RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population. Recommended safety guidelines for the human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy are contained in the Canadian Safety Code 6 (available from Health Canada) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Bulletin 65.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance (in the country where used) could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
A line of sight path between stations is highly desirable and provides the most reliable communications link in all cases. A line of sight path can often be achieved by mounting each station antenna on a tower or other elevated structure that raises it high enough to clear surrounding terrain and other obstructions.
The requirement for a clear transmission path depends on the distance to be covered by the system. If the system is to cover a limited distance, then some obstructions in the transmission path may be tolerable. For longer-range systems, any obstruction could compromise the performance of the system, or block transmission entirely.
The signal strength (RSSI) at the receiver must exceed the receiver sensitivity by an amount known as the fade margin to provide reliable operation under various conditions. Fade margin (expressed in dB) is the maximum tolerable reduction in received signal strength, which still provides an acceptable signal quality. This compensates for reduced signal strength due to multi-path, slight antenna movement or changing atmospheric conditions. CalAmp recommends a 20 dB fade margin for most projects.
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Interference is possible in any radio system. However, since the Viper is designed for use in a licensed system, interference is less likely because geographic location and existing operating frequencies are normally taken into account when allocating frequencies.
The risk of interference can be further reduced through prudent system design and configuration. Allow adequate separation between frequencies and radio systems. Keep the following points in mind when setting up your radio system.
a. Systems installed in lightly populated areas are least likely to encounter interference,
while those in urban and suburban areas are more likely to be affected by other devices.
b. Directional antennas should be used at the remote end of the link. They confine the
transmission and reception pattern to a comparatively narrow beam, which minimizes interference to and from stations located outside the pattern.
c. If interference is suspected from another system, it may be helpful to use antenna
polarization opposite to the interfering system’s antennas. An additional 20 dB (or more) of attenuation to interference can be achieved by using opposite antenna polarization.
d. Check with your CalAmp sales representative or CalAmp Technical Services for
additional options. The Technical Services group has qualified personnel to help resolve your RF issues.
2.9.1 Bridge Mode
Bridge mode requires less setup than Router mode. In Bridge mode, the IP Router does not contain IP/Network properties accessible through the network; they are transparent to the network. Only the PC Server and the RTU Client’s Network properties need configuration. The Server’s Gateway will direct the Server to all remote Clients on the network. The PC Server will broadcast to all the RTU Clients bridged to the PC Server. Bridge mode may be used when all devices are located on the same Local Area Network (LAN). Figure 2.5 shows a Viper Bridge Mode configuration.
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Figure 2.5 - Viper Bridge Mode Configuration
Router mode provides network configuration flexibility and adds RF diagnostics capability for Viper wireless modems. Router mode also allows greater flexibility in using different protocols. Diagnostics can be retrieved through the Ethernet port of the Viper. This configuration is recommended for users who have IT/Network support readily available to them and the authorization required to make changes in the network. Router mode requires set up of IP/Ethernet and Serial IP addresses. Figure 2.6 shows a Viper Router Mode configuration.
Router Mode
Figure 2.6- Viper Router Mode Configuration
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All Ethernet capable devices, or hosts, have at least one IP address and subnet mask assigned to it. The IP address identifies that specific device and the subnet mask tells the device which other IP addresses it can directly communicate with.
The Viper ships from the factory with a default Ethernet IP address of and a subnet mask of (This is sometimes written in shorthand notation as: since the subnet mask contains 24 ones then 8 zeros when it is converted to binary.)
The default subnet of the Viper consists of addresses from to The first and last IP address of each subnet is reserved, no matter what the subnet size is. The first IP address in the subnet is the Network ID. The last IP address in the subnet is the Broadcast Address. In the Viper’s example, IP addresses and are reserved, and any address(es) from to are valid and may be assigned to a host.
When any host needs to communicate with another device that is not within the same local area network it will first send the data packet to the gateway or router. The gateway or router will forward the packet to the desired location. Often times a packet will pass through several gateways or routers to get to its final destination.
Bridge Mode
In Bridge mode each Viper has only one IP address. Each Viper in the network must be on the same network and have the same subnet mask. It is recommended that each Viper be assigned a unique IP address.
Bridge Mode Example 1:
Ethernet Subnet Mask for all units: Network ID:
Viper #1: / 24 Viper #2: / 24 Viper #3: / 24 PLC/RTU #1: / 24 PLC/RTU #2: / 24 Computer #1: / 24 … PLC/RTU #100: / 24 Viper #100: / 24 Broadcast Address:
All units are on the network and all units have the same subnet mask. Because of this, all units can communicate directly with each other. There are 254 valid IP addresses that may be assigned to hosts on the network.
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Bridge Mode Example 2:
Ethernet Subnet Mask for all units: Network ID:
Computer #1: / 16 Viper #1: / 16 Viper #2: / 16 … Viper #105: / 16 Computer #302: / 16 … PLC/RTU #500: / 16 Computer #500: / 16 Broadcast Address:
This example is similar to Bridge Mode Example #1 except there are 65534 valid IP addresses that may be assigned to hosts on the network.
2.10.2 Router Mode
In Router mode, each Viper has two IP addresses, an Ethernet IP address and an RF IP Address. By default each Viper will have the same Ethernet IP Address ( and will have a unique RF IP address which is assigned at the factory. The RF IP address will always have the form 10.x.y.z where x, y, and z is based on the last 6 digits of the unit’s MAC address.
In Router mode, each Viper must have its Ethernet IP Address on a unique addition, all Vipers must have their RF IP addresses on the same
network. The default
network. In
network is For consistent and reliable communication, the RF network
should not overlap or contain any of the IP Addresses in the Ethernet networks.
Router Mode Example 1:
Ethernet Subnet Mask: May vary from Viper to Viper. RF Subnet Mask for all units:
Viper #1 Eth IP Address: / 24 RF IP Address: / 8
Computer #1: / 24
Viper #2 Eth IP Address: / 24 RF IP Address: / 8 PLC #2: / 24 Computer #2: / 24
Viper #3 Eth IP Address: / 24 RF IP Address: / 8 PLC #3: / 24 Computer #3: / 24
Viper #4 Eth IP Address: / 16 RF IP Address: / 8 PLC #4: / 16
In this example, each Viper has an Ethernet IP address on a unique network. For Vipers #1, #2, and #3, each network connected to their local Ethernet ports has 254 valid IP addresses that may be assigned to other hosts. The network connected to Viper #4’s local Ethernet port has 65534 valid IP addresses.
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Note 1: All the Vipers’ RF IP addresses are on the same network. Because they are using the network, all Vipers may use the default RF IP address programmed by the factory.
Note 2: All the Viper Ethernet IP addresses are on different networks. Note 3: Computers, PLCs, RTUs, or other Ethernet capable devices can be connected up
to each Viper’s local Ethernet interface. That device must be set with an IP address on the same network as the Ethernet interface of the Viper it is connected with.
Router Mode Example 2:
Ethernet Subnet Mask for all units: RF Subnet Mask for all units:
Viper #1 Eth IP Address: / 28 RF IP Address: / 16 Viper #2 Eth IP Address: / 28 RF IP Address: / 16 Viper #3 Eth IP Address: / 28 RF IP Address: / 16 Viper #4 Eth IP Address: / 28 RF IP Address: / 16 … Viper #177 Eth IP Address: / 28 RF IP Address: / 16 Viper #178 Eth IP Address: / 28 RF IP Address: / 16 …
Each Viper has an Ethernet IP address on a unique network. In this example, each network connected to the Viper’s local Ethernet port has 14 valid
IP addresses that may used for the Viper, PLCs, RTUs, computers, or other Ethernet equipment that may be connected.
The subnet mask of the RF IP addresses has been changed to ensure that the RF IP network does not overlap any of the Ethernet networks. In this scenario, the RF IP addresses must be manually programmed to ensure that every Viper has an RF IP address in the network and that no RF IP address is used twice.
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It is easy to set up a Viper network to verify basic unit operation and experiment with network designs and configurations.
It is important to use a network IP subnet address different from others currently in use in your test area. This will eliminate unnecessary disruption of traffic on the existing network while you become familiar with the Viper.
An RX/TX antenna is required for basic operation. For demo units only, connect the antenna as shown in Figure 3.1 to provide stable radio communications between demo devices.
20 dB, 5 watt max, attenuator
Figure 3.1 - Demo Antenna Assembly
It is important to use attenuation between all demo units in the test network to reduce the amount of signal strength in the test environment.
On a PC running MS-Windows with an existing LAN connection, connect to the Ethernet input of the Viper and complete the steps in section 3.3.1
3.3.1 Front Panel Connections
Front panel connections include: (For Dual-port Viper connections see Section 1.3.6.)
(1) RJ-45 10 BaseT Ethernet Connection (1) 50-ohm TNC female transmit antenna connector (1) 50-ohm SMA female receive antenna connector (Dual-port models only) (1) Right-angle power connector (10-30 VDC) (2) DE-9F RS-232 ports
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