Cal Amp LMU-26xx, LMU-26 Series Install Manual

Install Guide
CalAmp Corp. 13645 Dulles Technology Drive, Herndon, VA 20171 Document: MBUD-0199v3.3 Phone: 703. 262.0500 November 2014 Fax: 703.262.0380
CalAmp | LMU-26xx Install Guide
Revision History:
Version #
Revision Date
Baseline release
Unit information revised
Instruction for install in weather exposed environments
Revised style and device name.
Added Buzzer, LED, jPOD and vPOD instructions.
Updated P/N for standard wiring harness
Allen Frederick
Added sections 3.1 & 3.2 showing various wiring harness and accessories. Updated installation instructions for JPOD and VPOD. Added instructions for new JPOD/VPOD wiring harness 5C261.
Revised and updated jPOD and vPOD
Added Privacy switch wiring
CalAmp | LMU-26xxTM Install Guide
Copyright © 2013 CalAmp Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. All trademarks used are properties of their respective owners.
Products offered may contain software proprietary to CalAmp or other parties. The offer of supply of these products and services does not include or infer any transfer of ownership. No part of the documentation or information supplied may be divulged to any third party without the express written consent of CalAmp.
CalAmp reserves the right to modify the equipment, its specification or this manual without prior notice, in the interest of improving performance, reliability, or servicing. At the time of publication all data is correct for the operation of the equipment at the voltage and/or temperature referenced. Performance data indicates typical values related to the particular product.
Product updates may result in differences between the information provided in this manual and the product shipped. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information contained in this document; however, CalAmp makes no expressed or implied warranty or representation based upon the enclosed information.
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CalAmp | LMU-26xx Install Guide
1 REGULATORY INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 1
1.1 HUMAN EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT .................................................................................. 1
1.2 HARDWARE PRECAUTIONS ............................................................................................................. 1
2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 2
2.1 GUIDE PREREQUISITES .................................................................................................................. 2
3 LMU-26XX OVERVIEW ................................................................................................ 3
3.1 AVAILABLE WIRING HARNESS ......................................................................................................... 4
3.2 ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................. 6
4 PRE-INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................ 7
4.1 PLAN THE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................... 7
4.2 SIZE AND PLACEMENT OF LMU-26XX .............................................................................................. 7
4.3 PROTECTION FROM HEAT .............................................................................................................. 8
4.4 VISIBILITY OF DIAGNOSTIC LEDS ..................................................................................................... 8
4.5 CABLE LENGTH ............................................................................................................................ 8
4.6 MOISTURE AND WEATHER PROTECTION .......................................................................................... 9
4.7 PREVENTING ACCIDENTAL OR UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATION ............................................................ 9
5 LMU-26XX INSTALLATION ......................................................................................... 10
5.1 SELECT THE LOCATION FOR THE LMU-26XX AND INSTALL IT ............................................................. 11
5.1.1 Under Dash Installation .................................................................................................. 12
5.1.2 Installation in exposed area ........................................................................................... 15
5.2 INSTALL POWER CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................ 15
5.2.1 Secure All Cables ............................................................................................................ 20
5.3 OPTIONAL BUZZER ASSEMBLY CABLE ............................................................................................. 21
5.4 OPTIONAL SWITCH WITH LED CABLE WITH BUZZER .......................................................................... 22
5.5 CONNECT OPTIONAL INPUTS ................................................................................................. 23
5.6 INSTALL OPTIONAL SERIAL CABLES ........................................................................................ 24
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5.6.1 Serial/Host/AUX 1 .......................................................................................................... 25
5.6.2 Serial/AUX 2 – Garmin Serial Cable ................................................................................ 26
5.6.3 Serial/AUX2 – jPOD Adapter and jPOD Cable ................................................................ 27
5.6.4 Serial/AUX 2 – vPOD Adapter ......................................................................................... 30
5.6.5 Privacy Switch................................................................................................................. 33
5.6.6 Secure All Cables ............................................................................................................ 34
5.7 VERIFY LMU-26XX OPERATIONS .................................................................................................. 35
5.7.2 STATUS LEDS .................................................................................................................. 35
5.7.3 COMM Verification ........................................................................................................ 36
5.7.4 GPS Verification .............................................................................................................. 36
5.7.5 Inbound Verification ...................................................................................................... 36
5.8 GUIDELINES FOR TROUBLESHOOTING COMMON PROBLEMS .............................................................. 37
6 DE-INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................. 38
7 WARRANTY .............................................................................................................. 39
PRIMARY CONNECTOR ........................................................................................................................... 40
LMU-26XX FULL I/0 WIRING HARNESS P/N 5C908 ............................................................................ 42
LMU-26XX - SERIAL ADAPTER ................................................................................................................ 43
7.1 BUZZER AND CABLE ASSEMBLY P/N 4C765 ................................................................................ 44
7.2 GARMIN TO 5-PIN SERIAL CABLE P/N 133688 ............................................................................ 44
7.3 JPOD ADAPTER P/N 134152-JPOD ......................................................................................... 45
7.4 VPOD 5-PIN SERIAL OBD-II ADAPTER P/N 133917 ................................................................... 45
8 CUSTOMER SUPPORT CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................................ 46
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Figure 1: CalAmp LMU-26xx Device ....................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: P/N 5C260 No jPOD/vPOD Accessories .................................................................................. 4
Figure 3: P/N 5C908 No jPOD/vPOD Accessories .................................................................................. 4
Figure 4: P/N 5C261 jPOD or vPOD ........................................................................................................ 4
Figure 5: Coil Excess Cable ..................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Tamper Resistant Materials .................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7: LMU-26xx Under Dash Mount .............................................................................................. 12
Figure 8: Re-closable Fastener Tape on LMU-26xx .............................................................................. 13
Figure 9: Re-closable Fastener Tape - Prior to Mounting .................................................................... 13
Figure 10: LMU-26xx Standard Wiring Harness (P/N: 5C908) ............................................................. 15
Figure 11: Power Leads ........................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 12: Ring Connector on Ground Wire ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 13: Ground Connection ............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 14: Main Vehicle Wire Harness ................................................................................................. 18
Figure 15: Ignition Wires ...................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 16: Wrapped Fuse Lead ............................................................................................................ 19
Figure 17: Applied Torque Seal ............................................................................................................ 19
Figure 18: Secured Cables .................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 19: Connect Buzzer Assembly to the LMU-26xx Power Accessory Cable 5C260 or 5C261 ...... 21
Figure 20: LMU-26xx Buzzer Assembly Connected .............................................................................. 21
Figure 21: Connect Switch with LED cable to LMU-26xx Power Accessory Cable ............................... 22
Figure 22: LMU-26xx Switch/LED Assembly Connected ...................................................................... 22
Figure 23: LMU-26xx Connectors ......................................................................................................... 23
Figure 24: LMU-26xx Standard Wiring Harness and Connectors ......................................................... 24
Figure 25: LMU-26xx DB9 Serial Connection ....................................................................................... 25
Figure 26: LMU-26xx DB9 Serial Connection ....................................................................................... 25
Figure 27: LMU-26xx and Garmin PND Cable Connection ................................................................... 26
Figure 28: jPOD Adapter (PN: 134152) Figure 29: jPOD Cable (PN: 5C909-2) .............................. 27
Figure 30: 6-pin j1708 Cable. (PN: 8973002002) Figure 31: 9 PIN JBUS J1936 TO 6 PIN J1708
ADAPTER CABLE (PN:8973002001) ............................................................................................... 27
Figure 32: AUX2 Connection ................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 33: Connect jPOD Cable and jPOD Adapter Using Serial Connector......................................... 29
Figure 34: LMU-26xx and jPOD Assembly ............................................................................................ 29
Figure 35: vPOD Adapter (133917-VPOD) ........................................................................................... 30
Figure 36: AUX2 Connection ................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 37: vPOD With Harness 5C261 Figure 38: vPOD With Harness 5C260 or 5C908 .................. 32
Figure 39: vPOD Adapter and Vehicle OBD-II Port ............................................................................... 32
Figure 40 - DPST switch diagram .......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 41 – Example illuminated rocker switch ................................................................................... 33
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Figure 42 - Setup in Device Admin ....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 43: Location of Status LEDs ....................................................................................................... 36
Figure 44: FleetOutlook Reporting Verification ................................................................................... 36
Figure 45: LMU-26xx Connectors ......................................................................................................... 41
Figure 46: Full I/O Wiring Harness ....................................................................................................... 42
Figure 47: LMU-26xx Serial Pigtail Adapter ......................................................................................... 43
Figure 48: LMU-26xx DB9 Serial Cable ................................................................................................. 43
Figure 49: Buzzer and Cable Assembly ................................................................................................ 44
Figure 50: Garmin to 5-Pin Serial Cable ............................................................................................... 44
Figure 51: jPOD Adapter ...................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 52: vPOD 5-Pin Serial OBD-II Adapter ....................................................................................... 45
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Pursuant to 47 CFR § 24.52 of the FCC Rules and Regulations, personal communications services (PCS) equipment is subject to the radio frequency radiation exposure requirements specified in § 1.1307(b), §
2.1091 and § 2.1093, as appropriate.
CalAmp certifies that it has determined that the LMU-26xx complies with the RF hazard requirements applicable to broadband PCS equipment operating under the authority of 47 CFR Part 24, Subpart E of the FCC Rules and Regulations. This determination is dependent upon installation, operation and use of the equipment in accordance with all instructions provided.
The LMU-26xx is designed for and intended to be used in fixed and mobile applications. “Fixed” means that the device is physically secured at one location and is not able to be easily moved to another
location. “Mobile” means that the device is designed to be used in other than fixed locations and
generally in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20 cm is normally maintained between the transmitter’s antenna and the body of the user or nearby persons. The LMU-26xx is not designed for or intended to be used in portable applications (within 20 cm of the body of the user) and such uses are strictly prohibited.
To ensure that the LMU-26xx complies with current FCC regulations limiting both maximum RF output power and human exposure to radio frequency radiation, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the unit’s antenna and the body of the user and any nearby persons at all times and in all applications and uses. Additionally, in mobile applications, maximum antenna gain must not exceed 3 dBi.
Electrical Over-Stress (EOS)
The LMU-26xx GPS receiver can be damaged if exposed to an RF level that exceeds its maximum input rating. Such exposure can happen if a nearby source transmits an RF signal at sufficiently high level to cause damage.
Storage and Shipping
One potential source of EOS is proximity of one LMU-26xx GPS Antenna to another LMU-26xx GSM Antenna. Should one of the units be in a transmit mode, the potential exists for the other unit to become damaged. Therefore, any LMU-26xx should be kept at least four inches apart from any active LMU-26xx or any other active high power RF transmitter with power greater than 1 Watt.
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CalAmp | LMU-26xx Install Guide
The LMU-26xx Install Guide provides important electrical safety and radio-frequency compliance information, environmental specifications and installation procedures for the CalAmp LMU-26xx and optional serial cables.
In order to limit the size and scope of this guide, the following assumptions have been made about the user:
Working knowledge of GPS concepts and terminology. Experience with installing equipment in vehicles.
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CalAmp | LMU-26xx Install Guide
The CalAmp LMU-26xx is an integrated Cellular/GPS communications device for use in-vehicle tracking. It provides communications for vehicle position and operating information as part of an overall vehicle tracking solution. It is installed within the vehicle in order to provide this information, and is wired into and powered by the vehicle’s power supply.
The device features integrated cellular and GPS antennas in order to provide the vehicle with a compact and full-function platform for capturing vehicle position and operational information and transmitting it for use by dispatchers and other back-office personnel.
Figure 1: CalAmp LMU-26xx Device
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Wire Harness P/N
Power Harness (No JPOD or VPOD, No Connectors For Accessories)
X 5C260
Power Harness (No JPOD or VPOD, with/without Buzzer and/or Switch LED)
X* X X
Power Harness (JPOD or VPOD, with/without Buzzer and/or Switch LED)
X* X X
* For Installations using jPOD or vPOD, the 5C261 optional cable is recommended for an easier install.
No jPOD/vPOD Accessories
Figure 4: P/N 5C261
jPOD or vPOD
The LMU-26XX ships with the 5C908 wiring harness. This harness requires hard wiring of the power, ground and ignition wire.
The 5C260 is an optional cable with multiple connectors for standard I/O devices, such as buzzer, light and driver ID sensor. This enables hard wiring of the power, ground and ignition wire except when using a vPOD or jPOD. Both vPOD and jPOD provide power to the device without the need for hard wiring. See installation instructions for proper wiring.
The 5C261 is an optional cable with same connectors as the 5C260; however, it is a short harness and provides power, ground and ignition from the vehicle’s Jbus or OBD port. This must be used with either the vPOD or jPOD to work properly.
Figure 3: P/N 5C908
No jPOD/vPOD Accessories
Figure 2: P/N 5C260
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DB9 Serial Cable (typically used on Aux1 serial port)
Garmin Serial Cable (Aux2 serial port)
ACCESSORY, VPOD (Aux2 serial port)
ACCESSORY, JPOD (Aux2 serial port)
jPOD Y Cable (connects D9 pin DIN connector on vehicle to the jPOD 9 pin port)
6-pin j1708 Y Cable (substitute for the 6C909-2 cable in older vehicles)
9 PIN JBUS J1936 TO 6 PIN J1708 ADAPTER CABLE (Converts a 6 pin J1708
connector vehicle to 9 pin ready for use with 5C909-2 cable.
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4.0" long x 2.0" wide x 0.85" high
10.2 cm long x 5.1 cm wide x 2.2 cm high
2.61 ounces / 75g (external antenna)
3.0 ounces / 85g (internal antenna)
Operating Temperature
-30o C to 75o C
Storage Temperature
-40o C to 85o C
0% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Shock and Vibration
SAE Test: SAE J1455 Compliant Mil Standard 202G and 810F Compliant Ground vehicle environment with associated shock and vibration
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC/EMI)
SAE Test: SAE J1113 Parts 2, 12, 21 and 41 Compliant FCC Part 15B Compliant Industry Canada Compliant EMC compliant for a ground vehicle environment
Operating Voltage Range
6 – 32VDC
Power Consumption
Active Standby :70mA at 12VDC Sleep on Network (SMS): 10mA Sleep on Network (GPRS): 20mA Deep Sleep: 3mA
GPS 50 channel (with SBAS, DGPS) GPS Receiver 2m CEP (with SA off)
-160 dBm tracking sensitivity
Communications (Comm)
Quad Band Class 12 GPRS Modem 850 MHz (Class 4) – 2W 900 MHz (Class 4) – 2W 1800 MHz (Class 1) – 1W 1900 MHz (Class 1) -1 W GPRS Packet Data (UDP) SMS
RoHS Compliant
The LMU-26xx is designed to operate in environments typically encountered by fleet vehicles, including wide temperature extremes, voltage transients and potential interference from other vehicle equipment.
To ensure proper operation in such an environment, the LMU-26xx was subjected to standard tests defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). The specific tests included temperature, shock, vibration and EMI/EMC. These tests were performed by independent labs and documented in a detailed
test report. In accordance with Appendix A of SAE J1113 Part 1, the Unit is considered a “Functional Status Class B, Performance Region II” system that requires Threat Level 3 Testing.
The following shows the environmental conditions the LMU-26xx is designed to operate in and the relevant SAE tests that were performed. No formal altitude tests were conducted.
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The installation of the LMU-26xx and its antennas can have a major impact on device performance. It is recommended that installers be familiar with the installation of GPS and cellular devices and are comfortable in a vehicle environment.
Verify Power, Ground and Ignition. Be sure to check each source (power, ground and ignition) to ensure that the proper signaling exists. This is typically accomplished with a multi-meter.
Before drilling any holes or running any wires, decide where each hardware component will be installed (LMU-26xx, antennas, peripherals, etc.). Verify that all cables running to the LMU-26xx will not be bent or constricted. Verify that the LMU-26xx install location is free from direct exposure to the elements (e.g., sun, heat, rain, moisture etc.).
Be advised that an installation that violates the environmental specifications of the LMU-26xx will void the warranty.
The best way to ensure a trouble-free installation is to consider your options and make appropriate decisions before you start. Review the vehicle and determine the best install approach for the LMU-26xx for the following purposes:
Accurate data gathering and simulation of how customers actually use your solution. Ongoing monitoring and maintenance of LMU-26xx equipment Accidental or intentional alteration of the equipment or cable connections.
When planning device installation in a vehicle, take in account the dimensions of the LMU-26xx before actual installation. Typical installations place the LMU-26xx under the vehicle dashboard, or in the A Pillar. Verify that you can access to the device, as under some circumstances it may be necessary to add additional wiring or connections to the LMU-26xx.
Refer to Section 3.3: Environmental Specifications for the exact measurements and specifications of the LMU-26xx.
Verify the LMU-26xx will fit before drilling any holes or running cable. Ensure that all cables running to the LMU-26xx will not be bent or constricted. Damage to the cables
may impede the LMU-26xx’s performance.
Verify that the installation point will not violate any of the LMU-26xx’s environmental specification.
Improper installation of the LMU-26xx may void the warranty.
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We recommend that you do not place the LMU-26xx in an unusually warm location such as directly near heater vents, hot engine components or in direct sunlight.
Refer to Section3.3: Environmental Specifications for the maximum temperature tolerated by the LMU-26xx.
Status LED lights on the front of the LMU-26xx provide valuable information about the operation of the device. When feasible, attempt to install the LMU-26xx in such a way that the lights are visible with reasonable ease.
You may find it useful to be able to view the LEDs periodically to make sure that the LMU-26xx is operating properly. If you encounter a problem or poor performance with the LMU-26xx, you may need to read the LEDs to troubleshoot the issue. If you cannot resolve the issue, you will need to provide the LED information to the CalAmp Customer Support Team.
Refer to Section 5.7.2: Status LEDs for information on how to interpret the lights.
The harness cables, which are provided for connecting to the LMU-26xx to the vehicle or other auxiliary device, should be used at the length provided. Do not cut cables. Instead, coil any excess cable length, making sure not to crimp or flatten the cables.
Figure 5: Coil Excess Cable
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Figure 6: Tamper Resistant Materials
The LMU-26xx is not a weatherproof device and must be kept dry. The mounting location should be inside the passenger compartment of the vehicle safe from physical damage and where it is not exposed to moisture or water. In a typical inside-vehicle installation, this is not a common concern; however, avoid installing the device below the vehicle’s cup holders, or where rain might easily splash into the compartment when a door is opened.
If the LMU-26xx is installed in a vehicle with a cab exposed to the weather, additional protection is required to avoid damage to the device, which could void the warranty. There are numerous alternatives for protecting the device. One of the best options is to use an Otterbox 2000. You can purchase from or directly from Otterbox:,default,pd.html?dwvar_OTR3-2000S­01_color=01&start=3&cgid=otterbox-2000-cases.
Note: For environmentally challenging conditions, consider utilizing the CalAmp TTU-2820.
If you anticipate that fleet drivers or others might tamper with the devices once installed, take steps to ensure that it is not easy to disconnect the wiring or remove the device from its power source. A tamper resistant installation couples a zip-tie secured around the device with a tamper seal applied to protect against potential interference and to deter intentional tampering. When the tamper seal is removed, the seal self-destructs to indicate removal and leaves behind a dot-pattern residue on the device.
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Installing the LMU-26xx is not difficult, but you must consider the variables involved, such as the vehicle type and location of existing equipment. Installation time can vary depending upon the installer’s experience and the vehicle design. The average time for installation is approximately 45 minutes. A single individual can perform most installation operations. CalAmp offers an installation training program or can supply a list of recommended installation vendors in your area.
Prior to beginning the installation, verify that you have the parts and tools necessary to complete the installation. Additionally, read entire installation procedure before beginning. Some of the procedures require a choice between several installation options.
To install the LMU-26xx:
1. Select location for mounting the device and install it. For ease of installation, the LMU-26xx has internal GPS and Cellular antennas. Assess cable routes
while considering placement.
2. Install the power, ignition, and ground connections.
3. Install optional buzzer and/or LED button.
4. Install optional I/O connections.
5. Install optional serial cables.
6. Secure all cables to rigid mounts with cable restraints.
7. Verify operation of the LMU-26xx.
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