CalAmp DataCom’s Industrial Monitoring and Controls Division offers reliable, costeffective communications solutions for all your needs. Whether your requirement is
utility meters, equipment and remote site monitoring, alarm notification or other
automated application, our modems provide reliable wireless connectivity. We work
very closely with you and provide the support you need to integrate our modems
into your solutions in a timely, cost-effective manner.
With over 25 years dedicated to data technology and innovation, Dataradio products
are the best choice for wireless data solutions. Our product line is one of the broadest in the industry covering the most often-used frequency bands.
Product Warranty
The manufacturer's warranty statement for this product is available in Appendix 2.
CalAmp provides Dataradio product brochures, case studies, software downloads,
and product information on the Dataradio website. Every effort is taken to provide
accurate, timely product information in this user manual.
Product updates may result in differences between the information provided herein
and the product shipped. The information in this document is subject to change
without notice.
This document contains confidential and proprietary information that belongs to CalAmp DataCom. Using any of the
information contained herein or copying or imaging all or part of this document by any means is strictly forbidden
without express written consent of CalAmp, Inc.
DATARADIO, PARALLEL DECODE®, and HiPR-900 are registered trademarks of Dataradio. TRUSTED WIRELESS DATA is a trademark of CalAmp.
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
Item Definition
Access Point Communication hub for users to connect to a LAN. Access Points are important
for providing heightened wireless security and for extending the physical range
of service a wireless user has access to.
ACT LED Ethernet data activity.
AES Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Airlink Physical radio frequency connections used for communications between units.
ARP Address Resolution Protocol – Maps Internet address to physical address.
Backbone The part of a network that connects most of the systems and networks together,
and handles the most data.
Bandwidth The transmission capacity of a given device, network, or physical channel.
Dwell Interval Time between channel changes
Browser An application program that provides a way to view and interact with all the in-
formation on the World Wide Web.
CSMA/CACarrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance - A method of data transfer
that is used to prevent data collisions.
COM PortBoth RS-232 serial communications ports of the HiPR-900 wireless radio modem
are configured as DCE and are designed to connect directly to a DTE.
Default Gateway A device that forwards Internet traffic from your local area network.
DCE Data Communications Equipment. This designation is applied to equipment such
as modems. DCE is designed to connect to DTE.
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol - A networking protocol that allows ad-
ministrators to assign temporary IP addresses to network computers by "leasing"
an IP address to a user for a limited amount of time, instead of assigning permanent IP addresses.
DNS Domain Name Server - translates the domain name into an IP address.
Domain A specific name for a network of computers.
DTE Data Terminal Equipment. This designation is applied to equipment such as ter-
minals, PCs, RTUs, PLCs, etc. DTE is designed to connect to DCE.
Dynamic IP Addr A temporary IP address assigned by a DHCP server.
Ethernet IEEE standard network protocol that specifies how data is placed on and re-
trieved from a common transmission medium.
Endspan PSEPower Sourcing Equipment – Equipment used to inject PoE over the unused
conductors, over the data baring conductor, or over both types of conductors of a
4-pair standard cable (E.g: CAT-5).
Feature Key Method used to implement customer’s option(s) selected at the time of radiomo-
dem purchase (factory-installation) or as add-on (field-installation).
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
FHSS Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum: a modulations technique which spreads data
across the entire transmission spectrum by transmitting successive data on different channels ("hopping").
FirewallA set of related programs located at a network gateway server that protects the
resources of a network from users from other networks.
Firmware The programming code that runs a networking device.
Fragmentation Breaking a packet into smaller units when transmitting over a network medium
that cannot support the original size of the packet.
FTP File Transfer Protocol - A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network.
Gateway A device that interconnects networks with different, incompatible communica-
tions protocols.
HDXHalf Duplex. Data transmission that can occur in two directions over a single
line, using separate Tx and Rx frequencies, but only one direction at a time.
HiPR-900™ Frequency hopping spread spectrum wireless modem that operates in the license
free 902-928 MHz band.
HiPR-900S Standard version of the HiPR-900™ modem. This version provides core functio-
nalities of the full-featured HiPR-900 version.
HTTPHyperText Transport Protocol - The communications protocol used to connect to
servers on the World Wide Web.
IPCONFIGA Windows 2000 and XP utility that displays the IP address for a particular net-
working device.
LNK LED Ethernet connection established.
MAC Media Access Control - The unique address that a manufacturer assigns to each
networking device.
MIB Management Information Base (MIB)-a logical, hierarchically organized data-
base of network management information. Used in SNMP.
Midspan PSEPower Sourcing Equipment – Equipment used to inject PoE over the unused
conductors of a 4-pair standard cable (E.g.: CATS)
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit - The largest TCP/IP packet that the hardware can
NATNetwork Address Translation - NAT technology translates IP addresses of a local
area network to a different IP address for the Internet.
NetworkA series of computers or devices connected for the purpose of data sharing, sto-
rage, and/or transmission between users.
Network speed This is the bit rate on the RF link between units.
Node A network junction or connection point, typically a computer or work station.
OIP Optimized IP – Compresses TCP and UDP headers, and filters unnecessary ac-
knowledgments. This makes the most use of the available bandwidth.
OTA Over-The-Air - Standard for the transmission and reception of application-related
information in a wireless communications system
Parallel Decode Patented technology used by HiPR-900 products featuring dual receivers for
added data decode sensitivity in multi-path and fading environments. (United
States Patent No: 6,853,694 B1)
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
PHY A PHY chip (called PHYceiver) provides interface to the Ethernet transmission
medium. Its purpose is digital access of the modulated link (usually used together
with an MII-chip).
The PHY defines data rates and transmission method parameters.
PingPacket Internet Groper - An Internet utility used to determine whether a particu-
lar IP address is online.
PLC Programmable Logic Controller. A user-provided intelligent device that can
make decisions, gather and report information, and control other devices.
PoE Power over Ethernet. Technology that allows the electrical current, necessary for
the operation of each device, to be carried by the wired Ethernet LANs data
cables rather than by power cords.
Powered Device Device that is drawing power from an Ethernet cable. A powered device is com-
patible with both midspan PSE and endspan PSE; it is insensitive to polarity
PWR LED Indicates presence of PoE or DC power input.
RIPv2 Dynamic IP routing protocol based on the distance vector algorithm.
Router A networking device that connects multiple networks together.
RS-232 Industry–standard interface for data transfer.
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication- an indicator of the strength of the received
signal. Units are dBm. The lower the number the stronger the signal.
RTURemote Terminal Unit. A user-provided SCADA device used to gather informa-
tion or control other devices.
SCADASupervisory Control And Data Acquisition. A general term referring to systems
that gather data and/or perform control operations.
Smart Combining Digital processing method used to combine “Spatial Diversity” signals to optim-
ize performance.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. Provides a means to monitor and control
network devices, and to manage configurations, statistics collection, performance, and security.
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol - Protocol for synchronizing the clocks of com-
puter systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks. Uses UDP as its transport layer.
Spatial Diversity Composite information from independent diversity branches using antennas
spaced apart is used with “Smart Combining” to minimize fading and other undesirable effects of multi-path propagation.
Spread Spectrum Wideband radio frequency technique used for reliable and secure data transmis-
Static IP Address A fixed address assigned to a computer or device that is connected to a network.
Static Routing Forwarding data in a network via a fixed path.
Subnet Mask An Ethernet address code that determines the size of the network.
Switch A data switch that connects computing devices to host computers, allowing a
large number of devices to share a limited number of ports.
Sync Data transmitted on a wireless network that keeps the network channels synchro-
TCPTransmission Control Protocol - A network protocol for transmitting data that re-
quires acknowledgement from the recipient of data sent.
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol - A set of protocols to commu-
nicate over a network.
TDD Time Division Duplex - Allows (virtually) simultaneous transmission in both di-
rections. The uplink and downlink transmissions use the same frequency, but are
allocated different time slots.
TDD Segment A way of allocating a unique time slice to every unit in the network, so that no
units collide in the RF domain (see TDMA).
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access- A method of sharing a channel, by assigning dif-
ferent time slots to different users.
Telnet A user command and TCP/IP protocol used for accessing remote PCs.
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol – UDP/IP based file transfer protocol.
Topology The physical layout of a network.
Transparent A transparent unit transmits all data without regard to special characters, formats
Terminal Server Acts as a converter between Ethernet/IP and RS-232 protocols.
Tx/Rx LED Airlink data activity
UDP User Datagram Protocol - A network protocol for transmitting data that does not
require acknowledgement from the recipient of the data that is sent.
Upgrade To replace existing software or firmware with a newer version.
URL Universal Resource Locator - The address of a file located on the Internet.
VPN Virtual Private Network - A security measure to protect data as it leaves one net-
work and goes to another over the Internet.
WINIPCFGA Windows 98 and Me utility that displays the IP address for a particular net-
working device.
WLANWireless Local Area Network - A group of computers and associated devices that
communicate with each other wirelessly.
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
1. Product Overview
This document provides information required for the operation and verification of the DATARADIO®
HiPR-900® Spread Spectrum wireless modem.
1.1 Intended Audience
This manual is intended for system designers, professional installers, and maintenance technicians.
1.2 General Description
CalAmp’s Dataradio HiPR-900 FHSS modem with patented Parallel Decode® is a Frequency-Hopping
Spread-Spectrum wireless radio modem that operates in the license-free 902-928 MHz band. HiPR-900 is
designed for SCADA, telemetry, control, and industrial applications in Point-to-Point, Point-toMultipoint, and complex network topology configurations.
HiPR-900 supports serial and Ethernet/IP Remote Terminal Units (RTU) and programmable logic controllers (PLC). It is standard IEEE 802.3af compliant.
Figure 1 - HiPR-900E
This manual is applicable to both the full-featured HiPR-900 radio modem and the standard HiPR-900S radio modem. Please refer to Table 9 in Appendix 1 for feature comparison.
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
The HiPR-900 wireless modem consists of a logic PCB that includes modem circuitry and a radio module
installed in a cast aluminum case.
The HiPR-900 wireless modem “hops” from channel to channel several times per second using a “hop”
pattern defined by the unit user-configured as Master
. Spread-spectrum users can share the frequency
band with other microwave radio users without one group interfering with the other. A distinct hopping
pattern is used by HiPR-900 units based on System IDs to minimize the chance of interference with other
spread spectrum networks. In the United States and Canada, no license is necessary to install and operate
this type of spread spectrum system.
The unit is not hermetically sealed and should be mounted in a suitable enclosure when dust and/or a corrosive atmosphere are anticipated. There are no external switches or adjustments; all operating parameters
are set via a web browser.
1.2.1 Characteristics
HiPR-900 has the following operational characteristics:
• HiPR RF deck, frequency range of 902 to 928 MHz (simplex), 490 kHz channel bandwidth, and 51
RF channels.
• High-speed user-selectable data rates of 256 or 512 Kbps.
• Built-in adjustable 0.1 to 1 watt transceiver.
• Used as an access point or an end point with each configurable in:
♦ Bridge IP Forwarding mode – for quick setup of units on same network
♦ Router IP Forwarding mode2 - for advanced networks
• Embedded web server to access status and/or setup information.
• Remote access for over-the-air system firmware upgrades.
• Parallel Decode®3 with SMART COMBINING dual receivers for added decode sensitivity in multi-
path and fading environments.
• Wide input power range of 10 to 30 volts DC
• Flexibility of Power over Ethernet (PoE).
• AES 128-bit data encryption
• Superior data compression
• Native UDP and TCP/IP support
• Optimized IP (OIP) protocol reduction
• Diagnostics
• Built-in Spectrum Analyzer
1.2.2 Configuration
HiPR-900 units are factory-configured to default settings. Configuration changes or upgrades are web
Master mode is exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version
Router IP Forwarding mode is exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version
Parallel Decode® is exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
1.2.3 Accessories and Options
Table 1 lists various accessory items available for the HiPR-900 Wireless Modem.
Table 1 - Accessories
Accessory Dataradio Part Number
POE Power Injector 250-5099-001
HiPR-900 DIN-rail Mounting Kit 250-5099-005
Antenna kits
8.5 dBi Yagi Antenna Kit 250-5099-011
12.1 dBi Yagi Antenna Kit 250-5099-021
5.1 Omni Antenna Kit 250-5099-031
Stand-alone Antennas
8.5 dBi Yagi Antenna 250-5099-010
12.1 dBi Yagi Antenna 250-5099-020
5.1 Omni Antenna 250-5099-030
HiPR-900 Repeater Station Contact your Account Representative
For information on accessories and options, contact your sales representative. In the United States, call 1-800-992-7774 or 1-507833-8819. For International inquiries, call 507-833-8819.
1.3 Factory Technical Support
M-F 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Central Time
CalAmp DataCom Industrial Monitoring and Controls
299 Johnson Ave.
Ste 110, Waseca, MN 56093
Tel 507.833.8819 Fax 507.833.6758 Email
For application assistance, consult the Technical Support Application Notes (TSAN) at:
1.4 Product Warranty, RMA and Contact Information
Dataradio guarantees that every HiPR-900 Radio Modem will be free from physical defects in material
and workmanship for two (2) years from the date of purchase when used within the limits set forth in the
Specifications section of this manual.
The manufacturer's warranty statement is available in Appendix 2. If the product proves defective during
the warranty period, contact Dataradio COR Ltd. Customer Service to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA).
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
Contact Customer Service:
299 Johnson Ave., Ste 110, Waseca, MN 56093
Tel 1.507.833.8819 Email
SHIPPING ADDRESSES ON HAND WHEN CALLING. You may also request an RMA online at
When returning a product, mark the RMA clearly on the outside of the package. Include a complete description of the problem, as well as the name and telephone number of a contact person. RETURN
For units in warranty, customers are responsible for shipping charges to Dataradio. For units returned out
of warranty, customers are responsible for all shipping charges. Return shipping instructions are the responsibility of the customer.
Dataradio reserves the right to update its products, software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual or entity. Product updates may result in differences between the information provided in
this manual and the product shipped. For the most current product documentation, visit
for datasheets, programming software, and user manuals.
1.5 Unpacking
When ready for installation, carefully unpack your HiPR-900 shipping carton and identify each item as
listed below:
• One HiPR-900radio modem
• Power cable (5 ft) and connector with in-line 3A fuse
• Ethernet cable (5 ft)
• Quick Start Guide
If damage has occurred to the equipment during shipment, file a claim with the carrier immediately.
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
2. Installation
2.1 UL Approved for Class I, Division 2 or Zone 2
The HiPR-900 is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, A, D or non-hazardous locations.
To meet UL compliance, the HiPR-900 must be installed in an enclosure and power must be supplied by a
, non-energy hazardous source. This device may be powered via Pow-
SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage
er-over-Ethernet (PoE) when it remains internal to the building and/or via the terminal block (+) connection.
Warning – Explosion Hazard – Do not disconnect while circuit is live unless area is know to be nonhazardous. Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2 or Zone 2 operation.
2.2 Antenna Installation
2.2.1 Professional Installation & RF Exposure Compliance Requirements
The HiPR-900 radio modem is intended for use in the Industrial and SCADA market. The HiPR-900 must
be professionally installed and must ensure a minimum separation distance of more than 14.58 in. (37 cm)
between the radiating structure and any person. An antenna mounted on a pole or tower is the typical installation in some (this allows for mount) instances, a 1/2-wave whip antenna is used.
RF Exposure
The installer of this equipment must ensure the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit an
RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population. Recommended safety guidelines for
the human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy are contained in the Canadian Safety
Code 6 (available from Health Canada) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Bulletin 65.
Proper installation of the transceiver antenna of HiPR-900 products, as summarized in section 2.2.2 below, will result in user exposure substantially below the recommended limits for the general public.
The HiPR-900 complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and must be professionally installed. Operation
must conform to the following two conditions:
The HiPR-900 radio modem uses a low power radio frequency transmitter. The concentrated
energy from an antenna may pose a health hazard. People should not be in front of the antenna when the transmitter is operating.
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
• This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance (in the country where used) could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
2.2.2 Antenna Connection
This equipment has been tested and approved with antennas having a maximum gain of 10 dBi. Transmit
antennas with a higher gain are strictly prohibited (by Industry Canada regulations). The required antenna
impedance is 50 ohms. In order to reduce potential radio interference, the antenna type and its gain should
be chosen to ensure the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is not more than required for successful
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
FCC/IC Rule: The output power is not to exceed 1.0 watt (30 dBm) and the EIRP not to exceed 6 dBi
gain (+36dBm). A sample calculation is provided below.
Referring to Figure 2:
Sample Calculation: Yagi Antenna: 8.5 dBi, which exceeds 6 dBi gain by 2.5 dB
Cable Loss: 1.5 dB
HiPR-900 output initially set to 30 dBm (1 watt).
(Initial output level) dBm - (excess antenna gain) dB + (cable loss) dB = (new power setting) dBm
Therefore, the sample calculation becomes: 30dBm – 2.5 dB + 1.5dB = 29 dBm
The HiPR-900 output must be reduced by 1 dB to 29 dBm.
“R” = RX
“T” = TX/RX
27.5 dBM
29 dBm
8.5 dBI Gain Yagi
ERIP = 36 dBM
Figure 2 - Sample equation
2.2.3 Spacing and Constraints
(Exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version)
Referring to Figure 3 HiPR-900 radio modems commonly use two separate antennas
• “T” - Main transceiver – Constraints are the limit of 14.58 in/37 cm (see 2.2.1 above) and omni-
directional factors
• “R” - Auxiliary receiver – Constraints are the receiver spacing of at least 5/8 λ (wavelength) from
transceiver antenna and omni-directional requirements (8in. / 21cm). There is no gain restriction.
For installation of ground-plane dependent antennas, the center of the surface used for mounting is preferable for best omni-directional pattern. For ground-plane independent antennas, installation may be
close to the edges of the mounting surface.
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
900MHz: 8”/21cm
Figure 3 - Antenna Spacing
2.2.4 RF Path and communications range
The range of the HiPR-900 is dependent on terrain, RF (radio frequency) path obstacles, and antenna system design. To assure reliable communications, a competent professional should study the RF path to determine what antennas are required and whether or not a repeater is needed.
NOTE: Any full-featured HiPR-900 unit can be a repeater.
2.2.5 Antennas
The antennas listed in Table 1 (page 3), were tested and typed for maximum gain. These antennas are
FCC-approved for use with the HiPR-900. Similar antenna types from other manufacturers are equally
2.3 Parallel Decode
(Exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version)
Dataradio's patented1 Parallel Decode technology combines Spatial Diversity and Smart Combining to
provide increased sensitivity plus improved immunity to multi-path fading. Even in the absence of motion, the changing wavelengths inherent in frequency-hopping systems make it possible for stationary
sites to experience frequency-selective interference. Parallel Decode technology receives and continuously combines signals from two antennas a short distance apart, ensuring a more reliable link.
Full 1W transmit power can be used with up to 6 dBi antenna gain on the TX/RX port. The dual antenna
connections also permit the use of a higher-gain antenna for the receiver (RX only).
Dual antenna ports also permit receiving from a far distant site with a high- gain antenna while using an
omni directional to serve local stations. The Parallel Decode receiver algorithm automatically and continually decodes signals from both antennas.
In special applications such as rotating machinery, dual antenna ports allow the use of cross-polarized
antennas, automatically selecting the best received signal regardless of the orientation of the machine.
(United States Patent No: 6,853,694 B1)
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
3. Physical Description
Figure 4 - Full-Featured HiPR-900 Front Panel (left); HiPR-900S Front Panel (right)
Only the front panel has connections and indicators. They are:
• One standard RJ-45 auto-sensing 10/100 UTP Ethernet connection with Auto-MDIX. Supports
direct connection to both Terminal Devices and Ethernet hubs or switches without resorting to
crossover cables. LED indicators make it simple to verify that Ethernet cables and connections
are good.
• Two DE-9F RS232 ports. Serial baud rates from 300 to 115,200 are supported. HiPR-900 units
are factory set (default) for 115,200 b/s, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
• The antenna connector for the transceiver is a female 50-ohm TNC type. The HiPR-900 is de-
signed to operate with an antenna having a maximum gain of 10 dBi. Transmitting antennas with
higher gain are strictly prohibited (FCC and Industry Canada).
•One TNC-type female antenna connector for the PD receiver (RX antenna used may be of higher-
gain than the RX/TX antenna)
Note: PD receiver is exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version. RX antenna connector will not appear on HiPR-900S version (Figure 4right).
• One right-angle power connector. The 10 to 30 VDC wide-range switching power supply permits
powering from 12 volt as well as 24 volt systems, and the high-efficiency switching design runs
cooler with less loss. The HiPR-900 can be supplied power at its DC input (10-30V) or its PoE
input; the DC input is given priority. The unit will switch between power sources according to the
transition table below. This minimizes the load on PoE Ethernet switches while allowing them to
possibly act as a backup to the local power supply.
Table 2 - States & Transitions of PoE Input versus DC Input
power from
Shuts down
Starts up
No effect
Starts up
Starts up
DC Input
States &
power from
power from
No effect
Shuts down
Shuts down
Note: Area shading identifies the steady states
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
3.1 LEDS
HiPR-900 has five dual-color LED indicators. Their functions are shown in Table 3.
Tabl e 3 - HiPR-900 LEDs indi cations
LED Color Definition
ACT Green Data transmission or reception activity – Off if no activity
Tx / Rx
* Unit will reset (similar to power input recycling) 5 minutes after self-test hardware error is
detected (only done at Power ON).
Power LED steadily lit red or flashing red will require factory repair. Power LED flashing green will
require factory repair only if the unit is unable to transport traffic. Refer to section 1.4.1, RMA
REQUEST for mandatory factory repair procedure.
Green Connection OK, no collision
Amber Connection OK, with collision
Green Data reception activity
Amber Data transmission activity
Red Receive CRC error or incomplete packet
Amber (at boot-up) Normal (approx 5 secs)
Amber Application failure
Flashing red = Power ON Self-test hardware error detection*
Remote/Repeater: In sync with Master
Master: Normal
Remote/Repeater: Loss of Master sync
Steady red = Master failure
Steady green = Normal
Flashing green = Driver error
Steady red = Hardware failure
3.2 User Connector Pin-outs
3.2.1 Ethernet LAN Port
Table 4 - Pin-out for IEEE-802.3af RJ-45 receptacle contacts
(1) The name shows the default function. Given the auto-MDIX capability of the Ethernet transceiver,
TX and RX function could be swapped.
The HiPR-900 unit accepts PoE over the cable spare conductors and/or Data baring conductors as
Spare conductors: pins [4,5] as (+) or (-), pins [7,8] as the other polarity
Data baring conductors: in common mode, pins [1,2] as (+) or (-), pins [3,6] as the other polarity
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
3.2.2 SETUP & COM Ports
For serial ports considerations:
• HiPR-900 radio modem is a DCE
• Equipment connected to the HiPR-900 SETUP / COM serial port is a DTE
(3) Ignores status of RTS (internally always asserted)
(4) For future use
DCD (pin 1) handling by HiPR UART
• Asserts the DCD signal while sending data on the UART
• Negates the DCD signal when it no longer has data queued up for TX on the UART
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) (pin 4) signal handling by HiPR UART - Depends on the serial port's connection control mode.
The connection control mode dictates how the HiPR establishes/breaks the connection (referred
to as "session") between the HiPR serial ports and the selected HiPR service (CLI, Serial/RF
bridge, Online Diagnostics, etc.)
• Permanent (3-wire) connection control - In this mode, the session is permanently established, so
the HiPR ignores the status of the DTR signal.
• Switched (DTR bringup/teardown) connection control - In this mode, the HiPR monitors the sta-
tus of the DTR signal.
- Upon DTR assertion: the session in established (bringup) phase
- Upon DTR negation: the session in closed (teardown) phase
CTS (Clear to Send) (pin 8) signal handling by the HiPR UART
• If CTS-based flow control is not used, always asserts CTS
• If CTS-based flow control is used:
♦ Asserted – If level of unprocessed data in internal RX buffers is below a threshold watermark
♦ Negated – If level of unprocessed data in internal RX buffers is above a threshold watermark
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
4. Browser-Based Interface
A built-in web server makes configuration and status monitoring possible from any browser-equipped
computer, either locally or remotely. Status, configuration, and online help are available without requiring
special client software. Setup is password-protected to avoid tampering or unauthorized changes.
Both the configuration parameters and operating firmware can be updated remotely, even over the RF
network itself, using the standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Navigator Frame
Main Frame
Figure 5 - Web Interface
4.1 Interface Setup and Status
The HiPR-900 user interface is used to configure and view your network settings. Figure 5 shows the
welcome screen of the Web Interface. The screen is subdivided in two frames: the frame on the left allows
the user to navigate through the menus, while the main frame on the right displays the selected page. The
menu system is two-leveled; some of the top-level menus expand to offer submenus. The Site Map link
can be found right below the menus on the navigator pane. Help is available for each page displayed in
the main frame. It can be accessed at all times by clicking the Help icon. The remaining buttons on the
bottom of the Navigator frame are used to save your configurations and reset the unit. Refer to section 6
for details on HiPR-900 user interface operation and configuration.
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
5. Network Applications
HiPR-900 is suited to a variety of point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and complex topology applications.
This section gives an overview of some common configurations.
5.1 Operating Modes
Any HiPR-900 unit can be configured to operate in master, remote, or repeater mode.
Note: master and repeater operating modes are exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version.
Within a HiPR network, one unit has to be configured as a master that the remotes synchronize to. It can
be any unit in a system but is normally the one considered the base unit for coverage and support reasons.
Selection of operating modes, IP forwarding modes as well as data delivery conditions is done using the
web browser.
Only one radio model is needed because any full-featured HiPR-900 unit can be configured for
bridge or router mode, router gateway (access point), remote station, or even as a combined
store-and-forward remote with a local drop.
5.1.1 Master mode (exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version)
A unit in master mode is the RF network sync master, the HiPR-900 unit dedicated to controlling the
network to changing channels as per FCC 15.247 rules.
5.1.2 Remote mode
A unit in remote mode is a HiPR-900 unit that follows the master’s lead for changing channels.
5.1.3 Repeater Mode (exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version)
By setting a unit to repeater mode, it becomes possible to extend the coverage of a HiPR-900 network
without requiring back to back repeaters. A unit in repeater mode follows the master’s lead for changing
channels and repeats sync for distant units. A unit in repeater mode acts as a remote that always repeats
sync, repeats directed traffic in router mode, and optionally repeats broadcast traffic.
5.2 IP Forwarding Modes
5.2.1 Bridge mode
Bridge mode provides for fast set-up. IP bridging allows for quick deployment of basic point-to-point and
point-to-multipoint networks with minimal configuration to all units on a same network. Bridge mode
carries ARP and is transparent to any IP-based or IP-encapsulated protocols. In Bridge mode, packets received from the Ethernet interface of a unit are passed over the RF interface so that all other units in the
system can receive the packets. Although Bridge mode is simpler to configure, the router mode is more
efficient in filtering out unwanted traffic over the RF.
5.2.2 Router mode (exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version)
Used in advanced networks, router mode enables OIP optimization for reduced overhead and improved
throughput, and supports more complex network topologies such as store-and-forward and multi-hop
links. In router mode, packets are routed from one unit to the other with the help of the IP routing tables
inside each unit.
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
IP Forwarding mode must be the same on all units in a given network. Figure 6 illustrates an ex-
ample of a network where a master is a full-featured version of the HiPR-900 unit and remotes
are HiPR-900S units. Such network is functional in bridge mode only.
Figure 6- Network Application Example
5.3 Connections
The connections required are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 below and on the next page. While serial
and/or Ethernet RTU or PLC are shown in the diagrams, master stations often use a PC running an application designed to communicate with remote RTUs or PLCs, or intelligent controllers.
Figure 7 shows a common connection scenario. The TX/RX antenna is required for basic operation. The
power connection allows for a wide range of input DC power, whether the user system is a nominal 12 or
24 VDC supply system. A setup PC can be connected via the serial port, allowing for setup and configuration of the HiPR-900 as well as local and remote diagnostics. It may be left connected at all times but is
not required for normal operation once the unit has been configured. The Ethernet port allows end users
Ethernet-capable RTU or PLC to be connected.
Note: PD (RX) Antenna connector is exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version.
10-30 VDC
PWR Input
Setup PC
Figure 7 - Basic Setup
User’s Ethernet
Figure 8 shows the various connection opportunities for the HiPR-900 radio modem. The TX/RX antenna
is required for basic operation. The second RX (PD) antenna (exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 ver-
001-5099-000HiPR-900 User Manual
sion) allows for the use of the Parallel decode technology, increasing receive capability by having a higher gain receive antenna separate from the rule-limited transmit antenna.
PoE allows for powering the HiPR-900 via the Ethernet port. A PoE power injector is required (DRL part number 250-5099-001). The switch or hub allows for a local Ethernet connection by the user’s PC for the
purpose of set-up, troubleshooting and diagnostics and avoids the need to disconnect Ethernet RTU or
PLC. The two serial ports of the HiPR-900 can be setup to allow connections to legacy equipment such as
serial RTUs and PLCs.
5.4 Selectable Data Rates
Switchable data rates of 256 or 512 Kbps allow optimizing installations for highest throughput or maximum range. The sophisticated DSP modem gives optimal performance in either mode, whether a shortrange LAN extension or long-range link.
Power Supply
Switch or
User’s Ethernet
RTU or PLC #1
Figure 8 - Setup using Switch (or Hub) and PoE power injector
User’s Serial
RTU or PLC #1
User’s Serial
RTU or PLC #2
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
5.5 Network Topology
5.5.1 One Coverage Area
Shown below are typical point-to-point and point- to-multipoint connections between HiPR-900 units.
See Figure 9 and Figure 10. In a network topology with only a single coverage area (all units can talk to
one another directly), one unit is chosen to be configured as a master and the rest are configured as remotes. The connections indicated allow for either Ethernet or serial interfaces. The Ethernet connection
provides Ethernet IP connectivity for network devices. In bridge mode, all the network devices are on the
same IP Subnet. In router mode, the Ethernet connection on master unit and the remote(s) use different IP
Subnets. A hub or switch may be used to allow multiple Ethernet devices to connect to the HiPR-900.
Serial connections are transparent pass-through connections, allowing the use of legacy serial devices in
the HiPR-900 environment.
Note: Master operating mode is exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version.
Host PC
Host PC
Ethernet Connection
RS-232 Serial Connection
Ethernet Connection
RS-232 Serial Connection
Figure 9 - Point-to-Point IP N etwork System
Figure 10 - Point-to-Multipoint System
Ethernet Connection
RS-232 Serial Connection
Ethernet Connection
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
5.5.2 Extending the coverage area
When units are spread over two RF coverage areas, the user needs to identify the one that will form the
backbone between the coverage areas so that any unit can talk to any other one regardless of their locations. Identifying the backbone of the network should be done even before selecting IP Forwarding modes
(Router/Bridge). Configuring the units to function in two coverage areas is a multi-step procedure. First,
since all units in the network must be synchronized with the master unit, it is imperative to identify a unit
that will be repeating the master sync for all distant units. This unit must be set to Repeater mode (see
section Next, the unit forming the backbone between the coverage areas must be configured to
repeat all necessary information from one coverage area to the next. This unit is considered to be Broadcast Relay Point unit and must have Broadcast Relay Point parameter enabled (see By default, a
unit is not considered a Broadcast Relay Point. Repeater Mode: Keeping your network in Sync
(Exclusive to the full-featured HiPR-900 version)
In a network topology with more than one coverage area, units that are not directly reachable by the master unit have to be synchronized through Repeater units. See example of a network topology with two RF
coverage areas (Figure 11). Refer to section 6.7.2 for parameter setting. All units in the extended network
must operate with the same network system ID. Site the repeater so it can easily hear a master and the
distant unit site using the standard RF link budget rules.
RF Coverage 2
RF Coverage 1
Remote #1
Figure 11 - Two RF Coverage Areas
Remote #2 Broadcast Relay Point: Relaying information to distant units
Units forming the backbone between the coverage areas are called Broadcast Relay Point units. These
units will perform the necessary repeating of information from one coverage area to the next. In the example in Figure 12, Master and Remote #1 cannot reach directly Remote #2. They must pass by Repeater
unit to get to Remote #2. The backbone between the two coverage areas will consist of the Repeater unit,
which must be declared a Broadcast Relay Point unit. The backbone is represented by the grayed out
Relay Point
Remote #2
Remote #1
Figure 12 - Simple backbone
001-5099-000 HiPR-900 User Manual
The network may be further expanded (example Figure 13) to allow for additional remote units.
Remote #2
Relay Point
Remote #1
Figure 13 - Expanded Network
Repeater unit extends Master sync and unicast data
Relay Point unit extends broadcast data
Master unit can be located anywhere in the network
Remote #4
Remote #3
Remote #5
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