CalAmp 520007-2, 520004-1, 520006-1, 520024-2, 520004-2 Installation Manual

Th e in stall ati on of Cal if orn ia Amp li fi er t ranscei ver p roducts should only be done by qualified personnel, and should be under the direct guidelines of the system operator. These installation instructions apply to California Amplifier products only. Use of these instructions to install other manufacturer’s products may resul t in u nkno wn h az ards, d amage and /or u naccept able p erf ormance.
The information contained in this applications note is intended to assist the op erator in develop in g a set of i n stall ati on gu id eli nes an d o perat in g p ractices f or the field personnel skilled in installing roof top subscriber equipment.
California Amplifier accepts no responsibility for claims of injury, death, destruction of property or loss of television service related to improper installation, or installation of equipment by staff not skilled in installing roof top cabl e t elevisi on eq uip ment.
460 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, Calif o rnia 93012 USA PH: (805) 987-9000 Fax (805) 987- 8359
131908/2 C+A
NOTE to System Operat or:
Cali f orni a Ampli f ier family of Transcei ver products has been designed for installation by a licensed or qualified installer with experience in installing wi reless antennas.
1. In st allation and o peration o f thi s f amily of Transceiver products require full compliance with FCC-adopted radio frequency exposure limits. It is in the responsibility of the installer to install these devices an d their associated anten nas so th at RF exp osu re do es no t exceed 1. 0mW/ cm table summarizes the minimum distance required to satisfy these requirements.
Limits, Minimum
P/N Integrated Planar (17 dBi) Standalone (when used with 24 dBi) 520005-1 N/A 26 in . (66 cm) 520004-1 N/A 48 in . (122 cm) 520006-1 N/A 26 in . (66 cm) 520007-2 12 in . (30 cm) N/A 520024-2 12 in . (30 cm) N/A 520004-2 22 in . (55 cm) N/A 520006-2 12 in . (30 cm) N/A
. The following
2. When instal li ng a stan dal on e Tran sceiver, ori ent the F CC RF exp osu re lab el so that it is facing the front of the Antenna This is a mandatory requirement by the FCC to comply with RF exposure compliance requirements. The label should not be obstructed when installation is complete. This will allow the warning label to be visible and readable. This is a mandatory requirement by the FCC to comply with RF exposure compliance requirements
131908/2 C+A
In a cu st omer in st al lat ion , t her e are several fact ors t h at m us t b e c ons ider ed b efor e t h e installation can take place: Signal contour strength and direction of the transmitting source, seasonal interference’s such as foliage and trees, aesthetics of the outdoor installation, system performance and overall customer satisfaction with the final product.
In each case the customer wants the very best signal quality with a minimum of con s tru c tion and aes thetic impact to their h om e or bu s iness. This will dict ate the use of a variety of antenn a configuration s in order to perform the task of providing adequ ate signal strength while maintaining low visual impact. The order of visual impact follows the height and size of the antenna. A wall or gutter mount will present a very low visual pr ofil e. This if foll owed by a sh ort r oof or c him ney mou nt . W h en h ig h er g ain or fol iag e cl ear ance is need ed, then a tr ee m oun t or mast mou nt s hou ld be consid er ed.
The fol l owing mounts are described and their ge neral application:
Wall or Standoff M ount:
aesthetic s is of con c er n. It offers great flexib ility in mounting an gl es and locati ons. The stand-off arms mount from the wall and or the eave and support the mast in the vertical pos ition. The mast m ay be sh ort in leng th so as to p lace t he ant enn a above th e roof line or a telescoping mast may be used in conjunction with a ground plate to extend the antenna heigh t to above th e r oof peak .
Roof Mounts
roof mount. This mounting bracket and pole is adjustable in the vertical plane and will raise the antenna about 24” above the mounting location. The bracket must be secured into a structural member, not simply into siding or shingles. All points of att ac hment must be p r operly water proof ed.
: The same basic hardware used for wall and eave mounts is used for a
These ar e used in hig h sig nal den sity areas wh ere ant enn a
131908/2 C+A
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