Cadence® OrCAD® PCB Designer helps companies stay competitive in today’s electronics market—managing the challenges of
shorter design cycles, tighter project goals, and faster time to
market. Scalable and production-proven in every EDA industry,
OrCAD PCB Designer meets the needs of layout designers as they
progress through the design cycle from netlist to placement and
routing through to manufacturing.
Cadence OrCAD PCB place-androute technology is available in
the following products:
• CadenceOrCADPCB
Designer Basics
• CadenceOrCADPCBDesigner
• CadenceOrCADPCBDesigner
with PSpice
The powerful, tightly integrated PCB
design technologies include design
capture, librarian tools, PCB editing/
routing, and optional analog/signal
integrity simulators. Easy-to-use and
intuitive, they offer exceptional value and
future-proof scalability to the Cadence
Allegro® series of PCB design products.
Cadence® OrCAD® PCB design solutions
contain everything needed to take a PCB
design from concept to production. A fully
integrated design flow includes constraint
manager, design capture, component
tools, a PCB editor, and an auto/interactive
router as well as interfaces for manufacturing and mechanical CAD. A common
database architecture, use model, and
library offer fully scalable PCB solutions
for both Cadence OrCAD and Allegro®
products, giving engineers the ability
to expand as their designs and design
challenges increase in complexity.
Cadence OrCAD PCB Editor is an
easy-to-use PCB layout editing tool for
creating simple to complex PCBs. Based
on production-proven Allegro PCB
technology, OrCAD PCB Editor offers a
wide array of powerful features to speed
designs from placement and routing
through to manufacturing. Included in
the OrCAD PCB Designer Basics, OrCAD
PCB Designer, and OrCAD PCB Designer
with PSpice® suites, OrCAD PCB Editor
increases productivity, shortens design
cycles, and helps engineers quickly ramp
up to volume production.
Figure 1: The OrCAD PCB design suites provide a
complete pl ace-and-route environmen t including
interactive and automatic routing, cross-probing,
and constraint management.
• Proven,scalable,easy-to-usePCBediting and routing solution that grows as
• Tight,front-to-backapplication
integration increases productivity and
ensures data integrity
• Acomprehensivefeaturesetanda
seamless PCB design environment
delivers a complete solution to take a
design from concept to production
• Automaticandinteractiveetch
editing delivers intelligent automation
to maintain user control while maximizing routing productivity
• DynamicShapestechnologyoffersreal-
time copper pour plowing/healing to
eliminate manual, error-prone voiding
and rework
At the heart of the OrCAD PCB design
suites is OrCAD PCB Editor, an interactive
environment for creating and editing
simple to complex, multi-layer PCBs. The
extensive feature set addresses a wide
range of today’s design and manufacturability challenges. OrCAD PCB Editor
provides a powerful and flexible set of
floorplanning tools and shape-based
shove/hug interactive etch creation/editing. Interactive, shape-based, any-angle,
push/shove routing allows users to quickly
solve interconnect challenges. Dynamic
Figure 2: Tight product integration enables crossprobing and accurate data passing between OrCAD
Capture and OrCAD PCB Editor.
shape capability offers real-time copper
pour plowing/healing functionality during
placement and routing iterations.
OrCAD PCB Designer and OrCAD PCB
Designer with PSpice both include
SPECCTRA® for OrCAD, the marketleading PCB solution for automatic and
interactive interconnect routing. Designed
to handle routing challenges from simple
designs to high-density PCBs requiring
complex design rules, SPECCTRA for
OrCAD uses powerful shape-based
algorithms to make the most efficient
use of the routing area. The results
are increased completion rates, higher
productivity, and shorter design cycle
times. SPECCTRA for OrCAD provides two
powerful tools for interconnect routing: a
route editor and an autorouter. Both can
route up to six signal layers concurrently,
with no restriction on the number of
components, component pins, or nets.
The OrCAD product line is supported by a
worldwide network of Cadence Channel
Partners. For sales, technical support, and
training inquiries, please visit the global
Cadence Channel Partner listing to find a
partner in your region.
Figure 4: OrCAD PCB Editor provides a powerful
environment for floorplanning and auto/interactive
interconnect routing.
The OrCAD product line is owned by
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. and
supported by a worldwide network of
Cadence Channel Partners.
For sales, technical support, or
training, contact your local Cadence
Channel Partner.
For a complete list of authorized
Cadence Channel Partners, visit
© 2008 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cadence, Allegro, OrCAD, PSpice, and SPECCTRA are registered trademarks and the Cadence logo
is a trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are properties of their respective holders.
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