Cadac S-Type User Manual

Audio Mixing Console
CADAC Electronics One New Street Luton Bedfordshire LU1 5DX England Tel +44 (0) 1582 404 202 Fax +44 (0) 1582 412 799 email: info@cadac-s
While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents in this manual, CADAC Audio Mixing Consoles are being subject to conti nuous development, hen c e the information in this manual may no t reflect latest prod uct updates. © 2005 CADAC Electronics plc

Table of Cont ents iii

4 6\VWHP#RYHUYLHZ11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #404
1.1 The console .................... ............... .... ............... .... .... ............... .... . 1-1
1.2 The frame . ... .... .... ............... .... ............... .... .... ............... .... ............. 1-1
1.3 Power supply ......................... .... .... ............... .... ............... .... .... .....1-2
1.4 The modules ....... .... .... .... ............... .... ... ................ .... ............... .... . 1-2
5 &RQQHFWLRQV#DQG#VHWXS 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #504
2.1 Setting up the console .................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Frame rear connections................................................................ 2-1
2.3 Connectin g pow er supp li es.... .... ............... .... .... ............... .... ......... 2-2
2.4 Connecting the console frames .................................................... 2-5
6 +RZ#WR#XVH#WKH#607\SH11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #604
3.1 Assigning channels to VCA Masters............................................. 3-1
3.2 Using the sends ............................................................................3-1
3.3 Solo a channel (Des tru ct ive)................. .... .... ............... .... ............. 3-2
3.4 Using the PFL ...............................................................................3-2
7 0RQR#LQSXW#PRGXOH#;74411111111111111111111111111111111111111 #704
4.1 Front panel - mono input channel module 8411 ........................... 4-2
4.2 Rear panel - mono input channel module 8411............................ 4-9
8 6WHUHR#LQSXW#PRGXOH#;745111111111111111111111111111111111111 #804
5.1 Front panel stere o inp ut modul e 8412 .. .... .... .... ............... .... .... .....5-2
5.2 Rear panel stereo input channel module 8412 .............................5-9
0#VWHUHR#;746/#PRQR#;748 111111111111111111111111111111111111 #904
6.1 Front p anel group, matr ix and au xiliary output:
Stereo 8413 - Mono 8415 ............................................................. 6-2
6.2 Rear panel group, matrix and auxiliary output:
Stereo 8413 - Mono 8415 ............................................................. 6-8
7DONEDFN#PRGXOH#;74711111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #:04
7.1 Front panel Stereo output, Comms, Osc and
Talkback module 8414.................................................................. 7-2
7.2 Rear panel Stereo outp ut, Comms, Osc an d
Talkback module 8414................................................................ 7-10
7HFKQLFDO#VSHFLILFDWLRQV 1111111111111111111111111111111 #63(&0,
*ORVVDU\ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #*/266$5<0,
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
iv Table of Cont ents
S-Type Revision S2005-6

Introduction v

Welcome to the CADAC S-Type compact frame mixing console. The S-Type is the result of extens ive market research, reflecting us ers’ need for a high quality, mode r­ately sized console with state of the art design and perfo rmance.
CADAC have been synonymous with superior audio quality, adaptability in use and roc k solid build for over three decades. The S-Type, created from the same lineage, is equally suitable for the hard life on the road as well as the perhaps more peaceful existence in an industrial, corporate or theatre setting.
As is the case with the rest of the CADAC line-up, the S-Type provides complete flex­ibility that allows for any configuration the user wishes to apply, whilst providing the reliability that is paramount to t he production of a show, concert or corpor ate event.
The audio legacy of pre vious CADA C mixing consoles is ref lected in the design of the new S-Type. For those of you familiar with the legendary J and F-Types, it will come as no surprise to find the same renowned mic amplifier , VCA and fully para­metric 4-band equaliser and respected audio architecture. The S-Type mirrors the same attention to quality and detail that have made the CADAC name the ultimate choice for the discerning pr ofessional.
Ergonomics has been placed high on the design brief. Every function switch is sup­ported by an indicator LED for full visual feedback in low light conditions.
All internal busses are fully balanced and use very low value mix resistors to provide both low noise and exceptionally low crosstalk.
Output sections are fully bala nced and compensated* to provide low noise with the power to drive long lines - again with very good CMRR. (*Compensated means that if one leg of the balanced circuit goes short circuit, there will be no 6dB drop in level.)
All ar eas of circuitry are extensively power decoupled. This prevents broadband noise from being transmitted into adjacent circuits through the pow er rails. Extensive decoupling of the signal paths minimizes the low frequencies phase shift.
The S-Type frame is available in 3 sizes - 17, 25 or 33-way. In combination, these frame sizes cater for the most common console requirements, and may, of course be configured to meet your sp ecific needs. A standar d feature is the ability to c onnect frames together via the external frame bus connector.
Fina lly, it goes without say ing, that in the CADAC tradition the sound quality of the S­Type is in a class of its own.
Revision S 2005-6 S-Type
vi Introduction
S-Type Revision S2005-6

Syste m ov erv iew 1-1

Mixing consoles comprise of a number of input channels and output groups with associated faders, monitoring and control functions. When module positions are fixed in relation to the frame structure, various operational compromises may occur. The S-Type console system al lows for any module to be plac ed into any frame posi­tion and to change the number of frames associated with the system to increase or decr ease the number of input channels and output gr oups to meet the needs of a particular project. Please be aware that the console needs to be turned off before any reconfiguration can be carried out.
There are three S-Type frames offering either 17, 25 or 33 module positions (slots). Each frame has provi s ion for main and backup power suppl y inputs and any two adjacent frames have full audio bus and control function interconnection via 3 x 37­way D-type connectors for multiple frame connectivity.
The S-Type frame provides a total of 20 ba lanced busses - 8 sub-group bu s ses, 1 dedicated stereo bus, 6 mono busses, 2 stereo auxiliary busses, 8 matrix busses and PFL. A further 8 matrix send busses and a stereo listen bus are provided. Standard channel VCA faders can access up to 8 VCA master faders.
The S-Type is designed to comply with following standards: EN55103-1:1997, EN55103-2:1997, EN60065:1998.
The S-Type frame is constructed from 1.6mm Zintec , fixed to 4mm aluminium end profiles. This constructi on allo ws multiple frames to be positioned so that modules are almost adjacent. Internal au dio bussing is balanced and uses ribbon cables.
The rear panel of the frame contains outputs for the stereo master, plus insert send s and returns for the same. Two PSU input connectors are prov ided - one for ma in and fo r the backup supply. Power rail LEDs are provided for each PSU input. The S -Type frame also incorporates two Littlite connectors in addition to fan and Littlite fuses. A headphone jack is provided on the front of the frame.
The three standard frame sizes enable a vast variety of configurations to be achieved. For example:
17 slot frame: 8 mono input channels, 8 output g roups and 1 stereo master 25 slot frame: 16 mono in put channels, 8 output groups and 1 stere o master 33 slot frame: 24 mono in put channels, 8 output groups and 1 stere o master
Note: The choice is yours, a 33 slot frame could be configured as follows:
20 mono input channels, 8 stereo input channels, 4 output groups and 1 stereo mas­ter.
By bu s linking multiple frames together, larger co nfigurations can be achieved. For example:
Two 25 slot frames: 40 mono input modules, 1 stereo input module, 8 output groups and 1 stereo master.
One 25 slot fr ame and one 33 slot frame: 48 mono input modules, 1 stereo input module, 8 output groups and 1 stereo master.
Three 25 slot frames: 56 mono input modules, 10 stereo input modules, 8 output groups and 1 stereo mas­ter. The module electronics are cooled via internally mounted silent fans.
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
1-2 System overview
The main power supply for the S-Type is integrated into an external 2U rack mount unit with the option of a backup PSU. See sub-section 2.3.1 Power sup ply descrip-
Mono and stereo input modules are available for the S-Type. Both modules provide balanced insert sends and returns; four band parametric EQ - selectable pre or post insert and high-pass filter; balanced direct output - selectable pre/post fader, or post MIC pre-amplifier,
Each module incorporates a VCA channel fader, VCA Master assignment swit ches and a full range level meter (with dual input meters on the stereo input module).
Full details of the module functions can be found in chapters 4 Mono input module
8411 and 5 Stereo input module 8412. Also, see Appendices .
Each of t he outp ut mod ul es pr o vi de one Su b-G ro up outp ut , an 8-w ay level co nt rol l ed send to Matrix, Matrix Master, and an Auxiliary Master output.
Up to 8 modules may be specified per cons ole (maximum configuration b eing two 8413 and six 8415 modules) and each module can be placed anywhere in the multi­frame console structure (they do not need to be placed adjacent to each other, or even in the same frame). Visual monit o ring of output levels is p rovided on full range LED- meters, PFL facilitie s on the outputs are provided, as are balanced insert points on the Sub-Group and Matrix outputs.
Full details of the module function can be fo und in chapter 6 G roup, Matr ix and Auxil­iary Ma s t er mo dules, 8413 stereo and 84 15 mono.
The Stereo Master module is fitted with a 100mm Penny & Giles fader, balanced insert send and returns and balanced outputs (these are fou nd on the rear of the frame). The Stereo Master module also provides metering for both the main stereo mix and listen busses, while the stereo mix bus can also be rout ed to the Matrix sends in true stereo or summe d mono via 4 dual concentric potentiometers.
Provision is made to inject an unbalanced stereo input source into the main stereo bus.
The S-Type console offers the operator PFL monitoring functionality. If the source signal is mono it will appear in mono a nd if the signal is in stereo it will appear in ste­reo.
PFL appears at the Listen output, which provides stereo meters, level control via a potentiometer and mute control. The Listen output busses appear on balanced XLR's on the re ar of the module. PFL is also routed to the Headphones level control and mute, the output of which is provid ed via a jack socket on the front of the frame and is capable of driving 8 ohm loads.
The module also incorporates an oscillator with selectable frequencies at 100Hz, 1kHz and 10kHz. This is then routed via a level control to either the channels or the groups.
S-Type Revision S2005-6
Syste m ov erv iew 1-3
Littlites can be turned on and dimmed from this module.
The module also provides a talkback microphone input with gai n control, HPF and phantom power. The signal can be routed to all 8 sub-groups and auxiliaries. The output can be muted, which can then be over-ridden via the talkback button.
Check Mute and Mute All functions are located towards the top of the panel. Full details of the module functions are discussed in chapter 7 Stereo ou tput, Comms, Osc and Talkba ck module 8414.
Full details of the module functions are discussed in chapter 7 Stereo output,
Comms, Osc and Talkba ck module 8414.
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
1-4 System overview
S-Type Revision S2005-6

Connec t i on s and setup 2-1

The S-Type console is shipped in a flight-case to help protect it against any possible damage during transit. The following describes how to set up the S-Type:
1. If the console flight case is to be mounted on the CADAC PSU case, then first remove the PSU’s case’s front and rear cover . Note that if using a 2U drawer case, there is only a front cover. Both types of cases have wheels fitted with brakes at the front.
2. Using suitable manpower, place the console flight case on the 2U PSU or dr aw­ers case . Mak e sure th at it is safely positi oned . Ot he rw is e po sit io n t he fl ig ht ca se on a stu rdy surface.
3. Unlock the latches and remove the front section of the console flight case to reveal the console armrest.
4. Unlock the remaining latches and r emove the upper section by lifting it clear of the console.
5. If using multiple fram es, then make sure that they are all located in the appropri­ate positions, all wheels are locked and start cabling the frames together.
The connections on the S-Type console rear fr ame include the following:
1. Frame to frame bus connections
2. Littlite connection
3. Stereo output Left
4. Stereo ou tput Right
5. PSU 1
6. PSU 2
7. Littlite fuse 1A
8. Fans fuse 1.5A
9. Frame 0V terminals
10. Send > Insert Sen d (stereo mix bus)
11. Return > Insert Return (stereo mix bus)
FIG 2-1. Frame rear pa nel
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
10 11
2-2 Connections and setup
The S-Typ e console is suppl ied with the model 8500 Power Supply Unit. Each 2U x 19” rack mount power unit supplies all 4 voltage required by the S-type console. If more than one frame is to be used, then the 8400 Power Supply Unit may be used.
Cadac consoles are designed to allow th e use of two in dependent pow er supply sys­tems in a redundant conf iguration - main and back-up. Both power supply units are used to power the console system, so that under normal c onditions, the load is shar ed equal ly between the main and back-up PSU. If a fault occurs in one of the power units (causing it to shut down), the remaining power unit will power the con­sole.
Designate one power supply unit as “PSU 1” and the other as “PSU 2”. PSU 1 and PSU 2 sh ould be connected to the same phase on the same ‘spur’, wherever possi­ble . In situations where it is necessary to provide a separate “feed” t o each PSU sys­tem, m ake sure the cable lengths are the same. This is to minimize any induced AC power input noise by ensuring that the ‘EARTH IMPEDANCE’ is the same for both PSU-systems.
The AC input connectors on each po wer supply have three conductors: LIVE (brown), NEUTRAL (blue) and EARTH (green/yellow). For safety and electromag­netic compatibility considerations, it is essential tha t the EARTH conductor i s con­nected on all PSUs and the AC supply has an earth conductor that has a continuous circuit to the ‘zero-signal reference potential’ point in the building. The ZSRP point in a building is usually found near the place where the AC mains supply enters the building (often referred to as the MAIN GROUND REFERENCE EARTH ELEC­TRODE SYSTEM). The basic concept for correct AC mains wiring distribution is shown in figure 2-2. If yo u need further information about this complex subject, please refer to “Grounding systems and their implementation” by Charles Atkinson and Philip Giddins published in the AES Journal vol 43, No 6 - June 1995.
The g rounding scheme in CADAC consoles is designed to meet the rigorous EEC Elec tromagnetic Compatibility require m ents (EMC directive - 1996). Any RF noise induced in the console f rame(s) is directed to the loca l ZSRP, which is the metalwork of the power supply units. In order to take full advantage ‘RF no ise immunity’ capabil­ity of the CADAC system, PSU AC mains ca bles and the AC mains supply EARTH conductor must be connected correctly .
/ 1 (
/ 1 (
0$,1#*5281'#5()(5(1 &(#($57+#(/(&752'(#6<67(0
/ 1 (
/ 1 (
FIG 2-2 . AC mains g rounding diagram (single phase 200-240V)
S-Type Revision S2005-6
Connec t i on s and setup 2-3
CADAC 8500 power supply units are desi gned to run from a minimum of 100V u p to a maximum 250V, 50/60Hz.
The 85 00 is rated at +13V@15A, ±18V@11A and 48V@0.5A. Th is is sufficient to supply power to one frame. In the case of more than frame, each frame can be pow­ered b y a p ai r of 85 00 P o w er Sup pl y Uni t s (on e ma i n an d one f o r ba c k- up pu rpos es ). Alternatively, 8400 Power Supply Units may be used, however please contact your local distributor, or CADAC directly before any connections are made.
The AC input is connected to the PSU via a 3-core cable, CMA reference 3183TQ ­BASEC approved.
The 8500 is based on a Excelsys power block, rated at +13V@15A, ±18V@11A and +48V@0.5A, with additional circuitry as shown in the accompanying draw ing set. The 2U power supplies are suit able for rack-mounting or flight cases, and are con­nected via a shielded multi-core cable with 6 pole m ilitary circular bayonet at each end. Each console may be powe red fro m two independen t powe r supply systems, operating simultaneously for continuous redundant operation.
FIG 2-3. 8500 power sup ply unit
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
2-4 Connections and setup
Each 8500 switc h-mode power supply provides the f ollowing ou tputs: 13V, ±18V and 48V. Each PSU is fitted with a front panel mounted 9-way ‘D-type’ connector labelled “Connections for Remote Start”. If a remote start facility is used, Power Failure and Over-temperature LEDs may also be fitte d with the remote start switches if required.
Fig 2-5 shows the circuit for starting up a ‘syst em’ with a single switch. This has proved to be the most popular method of connecting the remote start facility. This cir­cuit can easily be extended to pr ovide a single switch for all PSUs if req u ired. If mul­tipl e switches are to be used, see fig 2-4.
The remote start switch must be of a ‘momentary’ type . Y ou can use 3 separate
single pole switches for each power supply to turn on 13V, ±18V and 48V outputs of the PSUs alternatively use one single pole for the whole lot.
The remote switch(es) must be mounted on a metal panel.
Use shielded cable for the remote switch wiring.
The 9-way D-type free plug must have a conductive shell. This is to ensure that
the cable shield connects directly to the PSU unit chassis.
Connect the cable shield to the metal panel where the remote s tart switch(es)
are mounted.
FIG 2-4 . Re mo te st a rt wit h mul t ip le s w itch es
FIG 2-5. Remote start with a single switch
S-Type Revision S2005-6
Connec t i on s and setup 2-5
If replacing a power supply unit is required, please note the following:
The work should only be carried out by a suitably qualified electrician.
Make sure that the po wer supply system’s power switches are in the OFF posi-
tion and the unit is disconnected from t he mains.
Observe the correct polarity when connecting the new PSU.
Note that a console must never have one voltage with out the other, for example
+18V must never be fed into the console without -18V.
When switching the power supply back ON after replacement has taken place, make sure that both LEDs on the front of the PSU-system come on. If only one LED comes on, let go o f the O N pu sh -b ut ton imm edi a tely. Failure to do so ma y le ad to fi re h aza rd and major damage to the console.
Frame 0V terminal
FIG 2-6. Audio Bus connections.
When linking frames, plug the frame bus cable as shown in the diagram below:
Frame to frame bus connections
Also, see Appendices.
Connect the frame-to-frame grounding cable. See figure 2-6 above for the location of the frame 0V terminals.
Frame 0V terminal
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
2-6 Connections and setup
S-Type Revision S2005-6

How to use the S-Type 3-1

This se ction of the manual provides inst ructions and information on how to use the S-Type. The flexibility of the S-Type allows the operator to achieve the same result in several ways. In this section you will learn how to perform certain procedures t o achieve a desire d result. This does not mean, howe ver, that the same outcome can­not be achieved by taking a different route.
So to assist you in the most efficient way to becom e familiar with t he S-Type, pl ease start with the instructions given. As you build up experience, you may well find that alternative ways are better suited to your work practice.
On the input channel, press the desired VCA Master numerical button to assign the input channel to that specific VCA Master fader. These assignment switches can be fo und to the left of the equalizer section. Normally you would assign a given number of input channels to one specific VCA Master, however, it is possible to assign an input channel to more than one VCA Master should this be requi red.
The S- Type al lo ws for routing to ei gh t Sub -Gro up s wi t h o pti on al PAN cont rol . To rou te to a Sub-Group, p ress the Send ON button for the d esired Sub-Group 1-8. Send ON is indicated by the associated LED illuminating. Press the PAN button if you want to use t he PAN control. The signal can also be routed to the dedicated stereo bus using the associated ster eo push-button (ST) and PAN control, the latter being perma­nently active on the stereo send.
The input channel module has a dedicated Auxiliary ON/OFF switch for each Auxil­iary send. The module has facilities for routing to 8 auxiliary busses. The first of these are stereo and ar e controlled by dual concentric potentiometers, the upper for setting the signal level, and the lower control for positioning the signal in t he stereo fiel d.
The remaining six sends are mono and have associated sign al level controls.
All eight auxiliary sends can be individually switched pre or post fader.
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
3-2 How to use the S-Type
By using the assignment buttons in the Sub-Group section in the respective input module, select a Sub -Group to w hich the signal has been routed. On the appropriate matrix sends section on the Group/Matrix module (8413 & 8415), enable the desired matrix send by selecting its corresponding switch. The matrix level can then be set using the associated matrix output l evel control.
To route the signal from the stereo mix bus to the matrix, se lect and enable the appropriate matrix send switches on the stereo output module (8414).
button 3 and 4 to route the left and right signal to matrix sends 3 and 4. Press SUM L+R if you wish to route the stereo signal as a mono sum to matrix sends 3 or 4. Note that odd numbers refer to left channels and even numbers to right channels.
If yo u would like to send the stere o output to matrix sends 3 and 4; press
Press Chec k Mute located at t he top of the 8414 module, then select the appropriate Mute button of the channel you wish to solo.
617 8VLQJ#WKH#3)/
The S-Type has faciliti es for monitoring thro ugh loudspeakers or headphones, each with its own level control for comfortable listening. Visual indication on the dual chan­nel LED meter is also provided. The Listen facility is independent of whether the sig­nal is in mono or stereo; it will appear in both left and right channels - either in mono to both left and right, or in true stereo.
Unless the PFL HOLD button is selected, pressing a PFL button will cancel any pre­viously selected PFL. Select ing the PFL HOLD function allows more than one mod­ule PFL to be routed to the Listen bus at any one time.
61714 3)/#0#RQH#F KDQQHO
Press the PFL button on the relevant input channel module to listen to the signal pre fa der via the listen module.
Enable the PFL HOLD button on the 8414 module. Then press PFL on each of the channels to be monitored.
S-Type Revision S2005-6

Mono input module 8411 4-1

The S- Type mono in pu t cha nn el mo dule f e atu r es a microp ho ne inpu t amp lif ie r, which is the same as that fitted to the legendary J-Type - the most prevalent theatre con­sole in the industry. The module has a full four-band parametric equaliser - also orig­inating from the J-Type - which may be switched to pre or post the insert point. T he 8411 also includes a HP-filter with a cut-off frequency of 160Hz and a slope of 12dB per octave.
The module incorporates a fully balanced direct output with level control; normally post fader but may be switched to pre fader or even post mic amplifier.
The in put module allows rout ing to eight sub groups with optional pan control. It can also route to a dedicated stereo bus via the pan control. Additionally, it is possible to route to eight auxiliary busses; the f irst tw o of which are stereo on dual concentric potentiometers - level on the upper control and PAN on the lower control. The remaining six are mono with level control. All eight sends can be enabled and selected to be sourced pre or post fade r on an individual basis.
Each input channel can be assigned to up to a maximum of eight VCA masters.
The 84 11 input channel module is equipped with a fully balanced insert send and return - the send stays live irrespec tive of whether the in sert button is pressed. Also included are PFL and Mut e buttons - incl usive of a destru ctive solo function.
The module is fitted with a 100mm P&G fader and located next to it, a 12 segment prefade input mete r with a range of +18dB to -36dB (meter source is pre-fad er). There is also a fader-open LED which, when extinguished, indicates that either the channel fa der is closed or muted, or an assigned VCA Master is m uted or pulled down to infinity.
Following pages describes the 8411 module in detail.
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
4-2 Mono input module 8411

4.1.1. Oscillator

4.1.3 -20dBu PAD

4.1.4 Phase reverse

4,1.6 Direct output select
4.1.8 Sub-Group routing
4.1.9 Stereo
4.1.10 Pan

4.1.2 Input gain

4.1.5 Phantom power 48V
4.1.7 Direct output level control
4.1.11 PAN-control
Press this button to apply a line-up tone to the input. The frequency and level of the line up tone is set from the Stereo output, Comms, Osc & T a lkback module 8414.
71415 ,QSXW#JDLQ
This rotary control adjusts the MIC input gain between +10dBu and +60dBu.
71416 053G%#SDG
Pressing this button applies a -20dBu pad to the MIC input to accommodate for line le vel sources @0dBu (0.775V) .
Press this button to reverse the phase of the inc oming signal.
71418 7;9#3KDQWRP#SRZHU
Press this button to switch on 48V phantom power to any connected microphone, Please note that the 48V phantom power is disabled on this channel if the OSC switch is selected.
S-Type Revision S2005-6
Mono input module 8411 4-3
Normally the dir ect output is fed post fader; pr essing PRE will source the signal pre­fader but post INS/EQ. Pressing MIC will override the PRE button (the PRE LED will extinguish) and source the Direct Output post MIC amplifier. In this condition the HP­filter is still available.
Use this rotary control to adjust the direct output level. Level control is from infinitity to 0dB.
The sub-group routing buttons allows a post fader signal to be routed to the Sub­Groups, with optional pan information, see 4.1.11. To route a signal f rom an input channel to a Sub-Group, press the relevant numerical button in the Sub-Group sec­tion o f the input module.
Befo r e y ou can rou t e a si gnal t o t he ma tr ix out put s , t he si gn al ha s t o be r out ed t o on e of the sub-groups (see 4.1.8). The signal can then be routed to the matrix output by using the opposite controls on the 84 13 & 8415 module.
7141< 67#0#6WHUH R
Pressi ng th is but t on rout e s a po st pa n a nd f a de r s igna l t o t he st er eo ma st er. The pan potentiometer will affect this signal regardless of whether the pan button is pressed, see 4.1.1 1 .
714143 3DQ
Press this button to enable panning of the sub-groups via the pan potentiometer.
714144 3DQ#FRQWURO
Use this rotary control to pan the signal within the stereo field.
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
4-4 Mono input module 8411
4.1.12 Pre/post f ader button w ith LED
4.1.13 SEN D O N -button with LED
4.1.14 SEND level contro l
714145 35(#0#SUH2SRVW#)DGHU
Press the PRE button to route the selected Auxiliary send pre-fader; the adjacent LED indicates when pre fader mode is active.
714146 21#0#$X[LOLDU\#VHQG#2Q22II
Press the appropriate Auxiliary send ON-button to route the si gnal to one of the aux­iliary busses; the adjacent LED will illuminate when the Auxiliary send is ON.
Use this rotary control to adjust the level of the SEND signal.
4.1.15 St e reo S END 2 level & PAN control
4.1.16 St e reo S END 1 level & PAN control
714148 6WHUHR#$X[LOLDU\#VHQG#5#/(9(/#DQG#3$1#FRQWURO
Adjusts the Level (upper) and P an (lower) of the Stereo Auxiliary send 2.
714149 6WHUHR#$X[LOLDU\#VHQG#4#/(9(/#DQG#3$1#FRQWURO
Adjusts the Level (upper) and P an (lower) of the Stereo Auxiliary send 1.
S-Type Revision S2005-6
Mono input module 8411 4-5
4.1.21 HF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 1k5Hz - 15kHz
4.1.22 HF Q-co ntrol
4.1.17 Assignment VCA Masters
4.1.23 H MF EQ C ut /B oost & F r eque nc y control 400Hz - 4kHz
4.1.24 HMF Q-control
4.1.25 LMF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 600Hz - 60Hz
4.1.18 HP-filter button with LED
4.1.19 EQ-button with LED
4.1.20 EQ Pre button with LED
71414: 9&$#*3#0#$VVLJQPHQW#9&$#0DVWHUV
Using these buttons you can assign any of the eight VCA mast ers to any of the inputs. This enables you to control the module’s output and mu te via the applicable VCA Mas ter f ad er an d m ute con t rol s . N ormal ly, yo u w ou ld ass ig n a n i nput ch an nel to one VCA Master, it is, however, possible to assign the input channel to two or more VCA Masters, should this be required.
71414; +3)#0#+LJK#3DVV#)LOWHU#,Q22XW
Press ing the HPF button will insert the high pass filter in to the signal path. The HPF has a cut-off frequency of 160Hz, with a slope of 12dB per octave. Note th at the HPF is situated immediately after the microphone amplifier and is not switched with the equalizer.
4.1.26 LMF Q-control
4.1.27 LF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 200Hz - 20Hz
4.1.28 LF Q-control
71414< (4#0#(4#,Q22XW
Press this button to switch the equalizer in circuit.
714153 (4#35(#0#(4#35(#EXWWRQ
Normally the equaliser is situated after the channel insert. Pressing the EQ PRE but­ton will put the EQ before the channel insert.
Revision S2005-6 S-Type
+ 51 hidden pages