Cadac Seance User Manual

Sound Automation Interface
CADAC Electronics One New Street Luton Bedfordshire LU1 5DX England Tel +44 (0) 1582 404 202 Fax +44 (0) 1582 412 799 email:
While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of t he cont ents in thi s manual , CADAC Audio Mixing Consoles and their associated products are being subject to continuous developmen t, hence the information in this manual may not reflect latest product updates. © Copyright CADAC Ele ctronics plc 2005.
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4 ,QWURGXFWLRQ1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #404
1.1 Séance Description....................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Safety Informa tio n... ....................... .... ... .... .... ................................ 1-1
1.3 Servicing ..... .... .... .... .............................................. .... ... .... .... ......... 1-1
1.4 Mains fuse..................................................................................... 1-1
1.5 Connections..................................................................................1-2
1.6 Communications setup .................................................................1-4
1.7 SAM set-up: .................................................................................. 1-4
1.8 Séance set-up:.............................................................................. 1-4
1.9 Powering-up sequence of PCs ..................................................... 1-5
5 3&#6HWXS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #504
2.1 Setting up a network connection for Windows NT ........................ 2-1
2.2 Installin g NT net work in g..... .... .... .... .... .................................. .... .... . 2-2
2.3 Setting up NT networking.............................................................. 2-7
2.4 Setting up a network connection for Windows 95/98.................. 2-10
2.5 Installin g a network ada pt er in Wind ows 95/98..... ........... .... .... ... 2-11
2.6 Installing TCP/IP protocol in Windows 95/98.............................. 2-12
2.7 Setting up SAM........................................................................... 2-14
2.8 SAM’s Icons................................................................................ 2-14
6 6pDQFH111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #604
3.1 Boot up sequenc e disp la ys .................................................. .... .... . 3-1
3.2 UTIL screen .................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Remserve mode............................................................................ 3-1
3.4 Remote mode ............................................................................... 3-2
3.5 Séance Display Tree..................................................................... 3-2
3.6 Main screen .................................................................................. 3-2
3.7 Options screens ............................................................................3-2
3.8 Version screens ............................................................................ 3-2
3.9 Error screens ................................................................................3-3
3.10 Status screen s ............ .... ... .............................................. .... .... .... . 3-3
3.11 Séance Box set-up........................................................................ 3-4
3.12 To set the Séance box’ s optio ns :... .... ... ............ .... .... ... .... ............. 3-5
3.13 Séance Options ............................................................................ 3-5
3.14 Operator optio ns ..... .... .................................. .... .... .... ... .................3-6
3.15 Séance indicators ......................................................................... 3-7
3.16 Updating the Séance program (version 1.00) ............................... 3-8
3.17 Updating the Séance program (version 1.01) ............................... 3-8
7 7HFKQLFDO#VHFWLRQ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #704
4.1 Debug options............................................................................... 4-1
4.2 CADAC options............................................................................. 4-2
4.3 Internal options, settings and test points....................................... 4-3
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Revision SE2005-2 Séance Interface 7975
Séanc e Interface 7975 Revision SE2005-2

Introduction 1-1

This se ction contains basic information about the Séance interface box with regards to safety, connections and setup.
The Séa nce bo x c onv erts Ethe rnet messag es fro m CAD A C’ s S ound A ut omat ion Man­ager (SAM) to the “fast copper communications” protocol required by the console. It also contains two independent PC interfaces. The PC2 switch on the console’s central contro l modu le (CC M) s witc hes th e Ethern et, k eybo ard , mous e and di spla y to the cor­rect computer.
To provide protection against shock hazard and to meet EMC requirements of the EEC: This equipment must be earthed!
There are no user serviceable parts ins ide, servicing must be performed by qualified service personnel.
To avoid a fire hazard, the mains fuse must be replaced by a 20mm, 315mA, 250V fuse.
Revision SE2005-2 Séance Interface 7975
1-2 Introduction
418 &RQQHFWL RQV#0#%1&
Figu res 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 on page 1-4 show how to connect the Séance box to the consol e an d the com pu t e rs ru n nin g S AM .
FIG 1-1. Séance rear panel connections for BNC
41814 (WKHUQH W#0#%1&
The Séance box communicates with the PCs over a 10Base-2 Ethernet connection via a 50 ohm BNC cable terminated at each end with a 50 ohm terminator. The Séance box has two BNC connectors for each PC inter face, which are wired in paral­lel in side. A 50 ohm terminator plugs into the BNC socket labelled TERM INA TOR and th e Ethernet cable plugs into the BNC socket labelled C O MPUTER. A termina­tor and T-piece are used to connect the Ethernet cable to the PC.
Séanc e Interface 7975 Revision SE2005-2
Introduction 1-3
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FIG 1-2. Séance rear pa nel connections for RJ45
41815 (WKHUQHW#0#5-78
The Seance box can also communicate with the PC via an RJ45 connector depending on the type of Ethernet-card in the computer. The Séance box has two RJ45 connec­tors, one for ea ch PC interface. These connectors should be connected directly into a comp uter. It is also po ss ib l e t o c onn ec t the R J45 soc k e ts t o a hu b. For d eta il s a bo ut this , contact CAD AC technical support.
Revision SE2005-2 Séance Interface 7975
1-4 Introduction
FIG 1-3. Séance front panel connections - BNC and RJ45
41816 0RXVH
Each PC has a ‘one-to-one’ PS2 mouse cable, which co nnects between the PC’s mouse port and the mouse connector on the rear panel of the Séance box. The mouse plugs into the mouse connector on the front panel of the Séance box.
41817 .H\ERDUG
Each PC h as a ‘ o ne-o ne ’ PS2 k e yboa r d c ab le , whi ch co nn ects be tw ee n t he PC ’ s k e y­board port and the keyboard connector on the rear panel of the Séance box. The key­boar d connects into the keyboard connector on the fr ont panel of the Séance box. Converters are supplied to connect to a 5-pin DIN keyboard and 5-pin DIN connectors on the PC.
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Each PC has a VGA cable connected between the computer’s VGA output and the corresponding VGA connector on the rear panel of the Séance box. The VGA monitor cable plug s int o the VGA con ne c tor.
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The Séance interface reads the PC2 switch on the console’s CCM. The 5-pin XLR connectors are paralleled together inside the Séance. A ‘female-female, one-one ca­ble ’ conn ects to the k eys conne ctor on th e CCM an d the ot her ca n be us ed to c onnec t to remote PREV and NEXT keys if required.
CADAC’s 15 way “f ast copper communications” cables are used to connect between the Séance box’s fast comms connectors and the CCM. The cable plugged into Fast comms PC1 on the Séance box must be connected to PC1 on the CCM.
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The debug port is standard PC 9-pin serial port that can be used to access the Séance box’s computer.
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The Séance box has a universal power supply and can be connected to AC mains 100 – 240V, 50/60Hz.
418143 )XVH
20mm 315mA fuse
Séanc e Interface 7975 Revision SE2005-2
Introduction 1-5
Séance and SAM communicate over an Ethernet network using the TCP/IP protocol. In ord er f or a succe ssfu l con necti on t o be mad e, each PC runn ing SAM ne eds to kno w an IP address and port number of the Séance box and the Séance needs to know the IP addr ess an d port numb er f or ea ch comput er runn ing S AM. Ind ivid ual IP a ddress es must be different but the SAM port can be the same for each computer on the network. The suggested settings are:
Séance IP address: Séance port:1111 PC1 IP address: PC2 IP address: SAM port:1112 SAM SETUP port:1113 Séance SETUP port:1114
When a Séa nce bo x i s ship ped fro m the f act ory the abo v e sett ing s are pr e-set . Matc h­ing settings are copied onto the PC the first time SAM is installed. If these values are to be used for an installati on, the only settings that need to be ad justed are PC1 and PC2’s IP address on each PC. See 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 for det ails (Note: This procedure needs be carried out before you continue.) In order to have SA M communicating with a consol e, the network interface needs to be set up, see below:
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1. SAM’s PC needs TCP/IP networking installed and an IP address allocated.
2. SAM needs to know the IP ad dress of the Séance box (pre-set to
4. SAM needs to know the Séan ce bo x’s port numbe r (pre-set to 1111)
5. SAM needs to be given a port number ( pre-set to 1112)
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1. Séance needs to be given a port number (pre-set to 1111)
2. Séance needs to know PC1’s IP address (pre-set to
3. Séance needs to know PC2’s IP address (pre-set to
4. Séance needs to know SAM’s port number (pre-set to 1112)
The set -up proced ure is di ff erent depe ndin g on which opera tin g syst em i s used on the PC. SAM can run under Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT. Each operating system has it’s own set-up guide in the following pages.
Always use the following pr ocedure:
Power-up cons o le
Select PC1 on the CCM and power up the first computer. Wait until the PC1
comput er has completed its boot-up routine, then. .. Switch to PC2 on the CCM and power-up the second comput er and wait until it
has completed its boot-up routine. Power-up the Seance-box.
Once both computers have booted correctly, they should allow the keyboard and monitor to be switched back and forth without problems.
If the overall cable length for the keyboard and monitor are very long (greater than 5m), it may be necessary to use a keyboard and a monitor booster unit to retain key­board reliability and clean monitor display.
Revision SE2005-2 Séance Interface 7975
1-6 Introduction
Séanc e Interface 7975 Revision SE2005-2

PC Setup 2-1

5 3&#6HWXS
This section contains information about setting up the computer for network operation, installing network adapter and setting up SAM.
The network is set up in the NETWORK folder in the control panel. You open the net­work folder by:
1. Click on the Windows® START button on the task bar.
2. Point to the Settings box.
3. Click on the control panel.
4. Double click the network folder.
If networking has no t bee n i nst all ed , t he di a lo gu e bo x, sh o wn i n fi gu re 2-1 , wi ll be dis­played. Click the Yes box and follow the procedure in 2.2.
FIG 2-1. Network not installed
If the network dialogue box is displ ayed as shown in figure 2-2, networking is already installed and the settings should be checked as described in 2.3.
FIG 2-2. Network dialogue
Revision SE2005-2 Séance Interface 7975
2-2 PC Setup
If you click the network icon in the control panel and NT networking has not been in­stal led, the netwo rk install wizard will run. This wizard will display the step by step guide sho wn by fig ure 2- 3 th rough t o fi gure 2 -12 and 2 -13 th roug h to fi gur e 2-17 . Most of the steps require the default setting to work with the Séance box.
FIG 2-3. Step 1 - Network setup and step 2 Network type (below).
Séanc e Interface 7975 Revision SE2005-2
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