Cadac F-Type User Manual

Audio Mixing Console
CADAC Electronics One New Street Luton Bedfordshire LU1 5DX England Tel +44 (0) 1582 404 202 Fax +44 (0) 1582 412 799 email:
While ev er y eff or t ha s b ee n ta ke n t o ensu re the a ccu racy o f th e c onte nt s in thi s m an ua l, C AD AC Live P erf orma nc e A u dio Mix in g Con s ol es are subject to continuous development, hence the information in this manual may not reflect the latest product updates. © Copyright CADAC Electronics plc. 2005.

Table of Contents iii

6(&7,21 3 $*(
*HQHUDO#3UHFDXWLRQV 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111#Y
4 &RQQHFWLQJ#WKH#PL[HU#V\VWHPV1111111111111111111111111111 #404
1.1 Console modularity ....................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Frame rear connections................................................................1-1
1.3 Connect Power supply systems.................................................... 1-2
1.4 Connecting the console frames .................................................. 1-11
1.5 Connect Console Automation System ........................................ 1-14
1.6 Connect main frame facilities from modules to frame.................1-19
1.7 Switching ON .. .... ............... .... .... .... ............... .... .... .... ............... ... 1-20
5 &HQWUDO#&RQWURO#0RGXOH#:;<9 1111111111111111111111111111111 #504
2.1 CCM Front Panel switches and displays ......................................2-1
2.2 CCM rear panel connectors.......................................................... 2-6
2.3 Internal module settings................................................................ 2-8
2.4 Module level software................................................................... 2-8
2.5 The System Setup menu ............................................................ 2-10
6 ,QSXW#PRGXOHV 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #604
3.1 VCA Input Modul e 7583.. ............... .... ... .... ................ ... .... .... ......... 3-1
3.2 VCA Input Module 7583 - rear panel ............................................3-8
7 6WHUHR#,QSXW#PRGXOH#::94 11111111111111111111111111111111111 #704
4.1 Stereo Input module 7761 - front panel ........................................ 4-2
4.2 Stereo Input Module 7761 - rear panel ......................................... 4-8
8 9&$#*URXS#PRGXOH#:8:; 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 #804
5.1 VCA Group modu le 7578 - front pane l.......... ............... .... .... .... .....5-2
5.2 VCA Group Modu le 7578 - rear panel ...................... ... .... .... ......... 5-7
9 'LVSOD\#*URXS#PRGXOH#:79: 111111111111111111111111111111111 #904
6.1 Display Group module - front panel .............................................. 6-2
6.2 Display Group Module 7467 - rear panel...................................... 6-7
: 6WHUHR#5HWXUQV#0RGXOH#:9:; 1111111111111111111111111111111 #:04
7.1 Stereo returns module 7678 ......................................................... 7-2
7.2 Stereo Returns Module 7678 - rear panel.....................................7-4
; 2VF/#&RPPV#)#3)/#PRGXOH#:;68 111111111111111111111111 #;04
8.1 Osc, Comms & PFL module 7635 - front pane l ........ ... .... ............. 8-2
8.2 Osc, Comms & PFL Module 7635 - rear panel ......... ... .... .... .........8-7
< $X[LOLDU\#2XWSXW#0RGXOH#:79; 11111111111111111111111111111 #<04
9.1 Auxiliary Output module 7468....................................................... 9-2
9.2 Auxiliary Output Module 7468 - rear panel ................................... 9-3
,QGH[111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #,1'0,
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
iv Table of Contents
F-Type Revision F2005-2

General Precautions v

Do not place heavy objects on the control surf ace, e xpose it to sharp objects or han­dle the console in any way that may cause damage e.g. rough handling and/or excessive vibration.
Do not subject the equipme nt to dirt, dust, heat or vibration during operation or stor­age. Never expose the console to rain or moisture in any form. Should the console become wet, turn it off and disconnect from mains without further delay. The console should be given sufficient time to dry out, before reco mmencing operation.
When cleaning th e console, never use chemicals, abrasive substances or solvents . The console control panels should be cleaned using a soft brush and a dry lint-free cloth. For pe rsistent ma r k s, us e a soft cloth and is opropyl alcoh o l . Swi tches and potentiometers do NOT require cleaning or lubrication. For faders, see below.
Transport the console in its purpose built flight-case; whilst at the same tim e taking precautions to protect the contro l surface from any damage. Alway s make sure ade­quate manpower is available and correct lifting methods are taken when moving the console.
Read the following before using the equipment
Keep these instructions for future reference. Follow all warnings in this manual and those printed on the power supply units.
The console must be installed following the guide lines in this manual. Never connect power amplifier outp uts directly to the console. Connec tors and plugs must never be used for any other purpose than for what they are intended.
Never use the power supply units without covers fitted. All service work must be car­ried out by qualified personnel only.
The power supply units must always be connected to correctly ra ted main s power as referred to in this manual and marked on the power supply units. The power supply units must, at all times, be connected to the local mains power supply using the sup­plied po w er c or d. In c ase s w her e th e supp l ie d p lu g d oes not fi t , a qu al if i ed elec tr ic ia n must be consulted.
The power cord must be routed in such a way that the risks of accidentally stepping on it, stretching it or it being pinched, are minimized.
In order to minimize risks of fi re hazards and/or electric shock, the pow er supply unit must ne v er be e x pos ed to moi st ur e or wa te r in any f orm; or b e us ed i n a damp or w et environment. Never place liquid containers, such as for instanc e coff ee/tea mugs, on the power supply unit, so as to avoid spill age into op enings.
Ventilation slots on the power supply or the console must never be covered or in any other way obstructed. Air flow required for safe operation may otherwise be restricted. Whe re the cons ole is to be operated in its flight-case, then this must be located in such a way that it al lows for proper ventilation .
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Refer servicing to quali fied technical personnel only.
vi General Precautions
Revision F2005-2 F-Type

Introduction vii

The F-Type mixing cons ole was designed especially for the live sound industry where large numbers of loudspeakers are required t o deliver the sound to the audi­ence. In addition to an integrated show based cue recall system, F-Type has the fol­lowing features:
Routing to 12 sub groups
A 12 X 24 output matrix
Channel direct outputs (optional)
8 stereo auxiliary sends switchable pre/post, on/off (or 16 mono aux sends)
4 band parametric equalizer plus high and low-pass filters per channel
VCA channel faders with up to 12 DC Master faders
Motor fader option
One of the major features of the F-Type console is that module positions may b e changed at will. Each module carries its own connectors, and “standard wiring” is applied to every module position in the frame. Users have the ability to change the fo rmat of the console at any time. The only thing you must rem ember is th at when modules are re-arranged, you must “re-map” the console in order to use the automa­tion facilities! A version for frame wiring required in order that the console can interface directly with a jack field via “multi-way connectors”, then fixes module positions as in most other consoles. Touring compan ie s who us e a j ac k- fi el d, but st ill req ui re t he fle x ib il ity of v a riab l e mo d­ule positions add a ‘multi-way connector to XLR’ wiring pod at the rear of each frame in the console, known as the “dog-house”.
fixed installations
can also be supplied , but the extra
The basic F-Type system
F-Type consoles can be supplied in almost any configuration defined by the c us­tomer. Relatively small co nsoles (32 input channels, 12 group modules, 2 au x send modules, CCM and an Osc./PFL/Comms. module) can be assembled in a single frame, whereas larger consoles require a multi-frame format. Up t o 4 separate frames may be specified, each frame having a maximum of 63 module positions.
Input channels can be supplied wit h one or two inputs. Eith er input c an be used for micro phone or line level sources. E ach input has a programma ble “On” switch which allows both inputs to be mixed relative to the individual gain settings. Main signal routing is to 12 sub-grou ps with selectable pan pot (pan pot in/ out switch is program­mable), 16 mon o Aux Sends or 8 stereo Aux Sends. An insert point is p rovided before the equalizer with balanced send and return and the insert s witch is program­mable. The 4 band parametric equalizer high and low-pass filters (with indiv idual “on/ off” switches for each filter) can be selected to I/P 1, I/P 2 or both. The EQ IN/OUT and FILTER ON/OFF switches are programmable. The Direct Output (optional) is switchable between Pre or Post fader. The fader is int egrated into the module.
Up to 12 group modules may be specified, each containing a DC Master fader, audio sub-group mixing amplifier, fader, additional input to the mixing bus, sub group insert point , sub group output with LED meter and rou ting pote ntiometers for 24 Matrix group s ( 1A to 1 2 A an d 1B to 12B) . T he up per p art o f th e mo du l e co ntai n s t wo M at ri x groups with individual mixing amplifiers, matrix group insert points, output level potentiometers, additional inputs to the mixing busses and the matrix outputs. All three INSERT switches are programmable.
Up to 240 input channels with VCA faders plus 12 DC maste r faders may be speci­fied . The channels and/or group modules can be supplied with motor faders.
Two other audio modules are supplied as standard - Au x mix groups 1A to 8A (or 1B to 8B for the 16 Aux version); Oscillator (multi-frequency sine wave plus pink noise), PFL, Communicat ions.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
viii Introduction
F-Type Revision F2005-2

Connecting the mixer systems 1-1

The F-Type features CADAC’s unique frame design which allow users to put any module in any position, th us confi guring the console to suit the pr oject in hand. Each module is fitted with XLR connectors and jack sockets on the rear vertical face, enabling the module to be moved quickly and easily.
The F-Type module’s design features a motherboard, with plug-in daughter boards fo r all audio and digit al control functi ons. This ensures s ervicing simplicity and fast replacement of any faulty compo nent. Each module may be plugged into any posi­tion in the console frame, by means of top quality two-part connector system, which is designed as a matin g pair to provide excellent mechanic al and el ectrical reliabi lity.
A rail system is us ed to guide each module into its correct position. Also, the console design allows modules to be removed or inserted without powering down.
FIG 1-1. F-Type frame rear connections.
The connections on the F-Type console rear frame include the following (from left to right):
Audio Bus - fr ame to frame, up to 4 frames c an be connected. Data Bus - frame to frame Frame selector Comms to CCM PFL output to next frame. PFL input from module. PSU1 co nnector PSU2 co nnector Output for monitoring of PSUs GND - 0 - FRAME Littlite input from PFL module. Littlite output to next frame. Littlite output to lights Audio Bus Data Bus
The use of these connectors is described in 1.3.5 Main and extension frame power
connections, 1.4 Connecting the console frames and 1.5 Connect Console Automa­tion System.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-2 Connecting the mixer systems
Cadac consoles are designed to allow the use of two independent power supply sys­tems in a redundant configuration – “main” and “ backup”. Both sets of power supply units are used to power the console system so that under normal conditions, the ‘loa d’ is sh ar ed b etw e en th e “ m ai n” a nd “ bac ku p” PS U’s. If a f a ul t oc c urs i n on e o f th e power units (causing it to ‘shut-down’), the remaining power unit will power the con­sole.
For smaller B-Type consoles (consuming no more than 44A), it is possible to use the 8400 PSU. See 1. 3. 7 8 400 switch-mode power supp ly uni t.
One ±18V PSU and one +13V/+48V PSU is referred to as a “PSU System”.
Designate one pair of power supply units as “SYSTEM 1" and the other as “SYSTEM 2". PSU System 1 .and PSU System 2 should be connected to the same on the same ‘spur’, wherever possible. In situations where it is necessary to provide a separate ‘feed’ to each PSU system pair, make sure that the cable lengths are the same. This is to minimize any induced a.c. power input noise by ensuring that the “EARTH IMPEDANCE” is the same for both PSU systems.
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1 (
/ 1 (
/ 1 (
/ 1 (
FIG 1-2. AC mains grounding diagram (single phase 200-240V)
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-3
The a.c.-input connectors on each power supply unit have three conductors: ‘LIVE’ (brown), ‘NEUTRAL’ (blue) and ‘EARTH’ (yellow/green). For safety and electromag­netic compatibility cons iderations, it is essential that the ‘EARTH’ conductor is con­nected on all PSUs continuous c i rcuit to the “ze ro-signal reference potential” point in the building. The ZSRP point in a building is usually found near the place where the a.c. ‘mains’ supply enters the building (often referred to as the “MAIN GROUND REFERENCE EARTH ELECTRODE SYSTEM”). The basic concept for correct a.c. mains wiring distribution is shown in figure 1-1. If you need further information about this complex subject, please refer to “Grounding Systems and their Implementation” by Charles Atkinson and Philip Giddins published in the AES Journal Vol. 43, No. 6 – June 1995. The grounding scheme in CADAC consoles is designed to meet the rigorous EEC
Elec tromagne tic Compatibility
induced in the console frame(s) is directed to the “local” ZSRP, which is the metal­work of the power supply units. In order to take full advantage of the “RF noise immu­nity” capability of the CADAC system, P SU a.c. mains cables and the a.c. mains supply EARTH conductor mus t be connected correctl y.
the a.c. supply has an ‘EARTH’ conductor that has a
requirements (EMC Directive - 1996). Any RF noise
CADAC power supply units are designed to run from a minimum of 208 V up to a maximum of 260V, 50/60Hz a.c. In many parts of the world the normal a.c. single­phase supply is 100-127V, this means that the CADAC power supply units must be connected across two of the phases in the three-phase a.c. supply, see 1.3.4 Con­necting to a 3-phase outlet.
CADAC 8019 and 8020 switch- m ode power supply units are designed to run from a minimum of 208V up to a maximum of 260V a.c, 50/60Hz. The 80 19 “18 V ” uni t is r a te d at 10 0A per r a il an d the 8 020 “1 3V” un it is rat ed at 100A.
See also Appendices, B. Switch-Mode Power Supply Units,
The ol der version of 8019 ±18v unit is based on two AD VANCE F20006 ‘power­blocks’, with additional circuitry as shown on CADAC drawing number C3.801 5. The new versio n is based on PowerOne PSUs (serial number 34949 onwar ds).
The a .c. inpu t is connected to the PSU via a 3-core cable, CMA reference 3183TQ – BASEC approved, rated at 20A.
FIG 1-3. 8019 power supply unit
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-4 Connecting the mixer systems
The ol der version of 8020 +13v/48v un it is based on one ADVANCE F20006 ‘p ower­block’, with additional circuitry as shown on CADAC drawing number C3.8016. The new version is based on PowerOne PSUs (serial number 34949 onwards).
The a .c. inpu t is connected to the PSU via a 3-core cable, CMA reference 3183TQ – BASEC approved, rated at 20A.
FIG 1-4. 8020 power supply unit
If replacing a switch-mode power supply unit is required, please note the following:
Make sure that the pow er supply s ystem’ s power switches are in the position
OFF and disconnected from the mains.
The work should only be carried out by a s uitably qualified electrician.
Be careful to observe correct polari ty when connecting the new PSU.
Note that a console must never have one voltage without the ot her, for example
+18V must never be fed into the console without -18V.
When switching the power supply system back ON after replacement has taken place, make sure that both LEDs on the front of the PSU-system come on. If only one LED comes on, let go of the ON push-button immediately. Failure to do so may lead to fire hazar d and major damage to the console.
Under no circumstances, should the 8019 or 8020 PSU be used without a SAFETY EARTH connection. Failure to follow this instruction is both a fire and safety hazard.
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-5
Connection to a 3-phase outlet is r equired on sites where the system vol tage between any one of the phases and neutral is 100-127V and the voltage between any two of the phases is 200-240V. Before connecting to any 3-phase outlet, please refer to a qualified electrician who under stands your partic ular installation and the local safety and wiring regulations. Under no circumstances should the 8019 and 8020 switch-mode power supply units be operated without the green/yellow safety earth conductor connected to the building safety earth conductor system. Each power unit is equipped with an input supply filter whose reference ground conductor is the chassis. Failure to connect the green/yellow safety earth conductor to the cor­rect eart h/ground building reference is a safety and fire hazard.
1. Connect the LIVE (Brown) conductor on the “system 1” 8019 unit to the phase 1 (L1, RED) terminal on the 3-phase power outlet connector.
2. Connect the NEUTRAL (Blue) conductor on the “system 1” 8019 unit and the LIVE (Brown) conductor on the “system 1” 8020 unit to the Phase 2 (L2, YEL­LOW) terminal on the 3-phase power outlet connector.
3. Connect the NEUTRAL (Blue) conductor on the “system 1” 8020 unit to the Phase 3 (L3, BLUE) terminal on the 3-phase powe r outlet connector.
4. Connect the EARTH (Yel low/Green) conductor on the “system 1” 80 19 unit and the EAR T H ( Yello w/ Gr een ) co nd uc to r on the “sys te m1 “ 8 020 un it to th e SA FET Y EAR TH (Yellow/Green) t erminal on the 3-phase power outlet connector .
5. Repeat 1-4 for the “system 2” power units.
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FIG 1-5. Connecting to a 3-phase outlet (100-127V/200-240 system voltages)
Connection between two phases in a 3-phase outlet should under no
circumstances be carried out where the single-phase voltage (the voltage between one of the phases and neutral) exceeds 127V. The installation should be carried out by a qualified electrician who understands your partic­ular installation and the local safety and wiring regulations.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-6 Connecting the mixer systems
See fig 1-4 below for schematics of the frames power connections.
1. Using a short U-LINK cable (supplied), co nnect one of the outputs on the ±18V PSU to one of the outputs on the +13V/+48V PSU in the “SYSTEM 1" power supply rack. This operation “links” the d/c outputs on both power supply units in the rack so that ±18V, +13V and +48V is available on all remaining output con­nectors on either power unit.
2. Co nn ec t t he seco nd s ho rt “U -LI NK” c abl e ( s up plie d) b etw e en the ± 18 V PS U an d the +13V/+48V PSU’s in the “SYSTEM 2" power supply rack.
3. Connect a PSU cable between the “SYSTEM 1" rack and the “PSU SYSTEM 1" connector on the MAIN FRAME.
4. Connect a PSU cable between the “SYSTEM 2" rack and the “PSU SYSTEM 2" connector on the MAIN FRAME.
5. Connect a PSU cable between the “SYSTEM 1" rack and the “PSU SYSTEM 1" connector on the EXTENSION FRAME 1.
6. Connect a PSU cable between the “SYSTEM 2" rack and the “PSU SYSTEM 2" connector on the EXTENSION FRAME 1.
7. Repeat procedures 5. and 6. for EXTENSION FRAME 2 (a 3 fram e console).
368#6<67 (0#4#+4;9,
FIG 1-6. Power connections
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-7
Each 801 9 and 8 02 0 s w it ch- mod e p o we r supp ly is fi t ted wi th a f ron t p an el mo un ted 9 way ‘D-type’ connector. This connecto r is labelled “Connections for Remote Start”. You may connect a single remote start switch to each unit, have one switch start a “system” pair, or wire up a sing le switch to start “system 1” and “system 2” all at the same time.
Fig 1-5 applies to 8019 and 8020 PSUs up to serial number 34949 and shows the circuit for starting up a “system” pair with a single switch. This has pr oved to be the most popular method of connecting the remote start facility. This circuit can easily be extended to provide a single switch remote for all four PSUs i f required.
For 8019 and 8020 PSUs from serial number 34950 onwards, see fig 1-6 and 1-7.
The remote must be a ‘momentary’ type. You will need a two-pole switch for a
single PSU, a four-pole switch for a “syste m” pair, or a six-pole switch fo r controlling all four units.
The remote switch(es) must be mounted on a metal panel.
Use shielded cable fo r the remote switch w iring.
The 9-way ‘D-type’ free plug must have a conductive shell. This is to ensure that
the cable shield connects directly to the PSU unit chassis.
Connect the cable shield to the metal panel where the remote start switch(es)
are mounted.
5 9
4 8 3
7 2 6
5 9
4 8 3
7 2 6
FIG 1-7. Remote start of 8019/8020 up to serial number 34950
Great care must be taken with the wiring of the switch(es) to ensure that no short-cir­cuits can occur between a ny two power supply units.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-8 Connecting the mixer systems
FIG 1-8. Remote start of 8019 PSU (from se rial number 34950)
5 9 4
8 3
7 2 6
5 9
4 8 3
7 2 6
FIG 1-9. Remote start of 8020 PSU (from se rial number 34950)
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-9
FIG 1-10. 8400 po wer supply unit.
CADAC 840 0 switch- mode power supply units are designed to run from a minimum of 208V up to a maximu m of 260V a.c, 50/60Hz.
The 84 00 is rated thus +13V@92A, ±18V @44A and 48V@5A.
The a .c. inpu t is connected to the PSU via a 3-core cable, CMA reference 3183TQ – BASEC approved, rated at 20A.
The 8400 unit is based on one POWER ONE RPMS-ETETGDGD1ETK Pow er block, with additional circuitry as shown on CADAC drawing numbe r C3.8397.
4161; 5HPRWH#VWDUW#RI#;733#368
Each 8400 switch-mode power supply pro v ides the following outputs: 13v, ±18v and 48v. Each PSU i s fitted with a front panel mounted 9-way 'D-t ype’ connector labelled ‘Connections for Remo te Start’. If a remote start facil ity is used, Power Failure and Over-Temperature LEDs may also be fitted with the remote start switches if required.
Fig 3-15 shows the circuit for starting up a “system” with a single switch. This has proved to be the most popular method of connecting the remote start facility. This cir­cuit can easily be extended to provide a single switch remote for all four PSUs if required. If muliple switches are to be used, see fig 3-14.
The remote start switch must be a ‘momentary’ type. You can use 3 separate sin-
gle pole swit ches for each Power Supply to turn on 13v,±18v and 48v outputs of the PSU alternatively use one single pole for the whole lot.
The remote switch(es) must be mounted on a metal panel.
Use shielded cable fo r the remote switch w iring.
The 9-way ‘D-type’ free plug must have a conductive shell. This is to ensure that
the cable shield connects directly to the PSU unit chassis.
Connect the cable shield to the metal panel where the remote switch(es) are
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-10 Connecting the mixer systems
FIG 1- 11. R emote s tart o f PSU 8400 with multi ple switches.
FIG 1-12. Remote start of PSU 8400 with a single switch
Great care mus t be take n when wiring the switch(es) to ensure that no short-circuits can occur between any two power supply units.
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-11
If the console i s used in a mul ti-fram e configuration then the busses need to be con­nected in a ‘daisy chain’ fashion. four audio and two data busses plus fader bus (see fig 1-13). The bus cables are simply linked between similar co nnectors on the end of the nearest frame.
Make sure that each frame has its “Frame Select” switch set to a different number.
Each end
of a frame has seven bu s connectors -
FIG 1-13. Audio/Data Bus connections.
See also appendix A. Important information re garding EMC .
When motor faders are used in ext ension frames, a 9-way “FADER COMMS” cable must be connec ted between the CCM connectors shown (see fig 2-3) and the COMMS input on the extension fr ame rear panel.
Extension frames fitted with motor-fader s require control da ta from the CCM. Three 9-pin female connec to rs lo ca te d o n the r e ar pa ne l of t he CCM ar e co nn ecte d dir ec tly to the extension frame us ing the supplied ‘fader comms’ cable. The frame containing the CCM sends motor data fader data, via the 7303 interface module (always mounted directly below the CCM on J-type consoles).
Thus , a 3 frame console would requi re two “FADER COMMS” cables:
41716 3)/
PFL mixing amplifiers are located in the “O scillat or/Commu nications ” module. There are two PFL outputs:
PFL Direct is a line lev el output that appear s on an XLR 3-32 connector on the
rear panel of the OSC/Comms module, labelled “ PFL DIRECT”;
PFL to H eadphones is a high level output suitab le for driving headphones that
appears on an XLR 3-32 connector panel of the OSC/Comms module,labelled “PFL TO HP”.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
a TRS jack socket connector on the rear
1-12 Connecting the mixer systems
The PFL to Head ph on es sig na l c an be co on ne ct ed to th e T RS jack sockets mo unte d on the front of the console frame by using the “OSC/COMM TO FRAM E” cable sup­plied. This cable has a male XLR 3-pin connector on one end and a female XLR 3­pin on the other end. Connect one end of the “Osc illator/Communications” module’s “PFL TO HP” connector and the other end to the rear frame connector labelled “FROM PFL HEADPHONE XLR”.
Additional in ter-frame connections are required to enable the PFL signals from mod­ules i n extension (side) frames to be monit ored. Use the cable(s) labelled “PFL FRAME TO FRAME” to interconnect two or more frames:
Connect one end of a “PFL FRAME TO FRAME” cable to the connector labelled
“TO NEXT FRAME” on the console frame containing the “Osc/Communications” module.
Connect the other end of a “PFL FRAME TO FRAME” cable to the connector
label led “FR O M PFL HEADPHONE XLR” on the next f rame.
Repeat this procedure for all other frames in the c onsole system.
Surface illumination of the console is provided by the use of two or more “Littlite” units that plug into the top bar of the console frame. Control for the “Littlites” - on/off and in tensity - is located on the “Oscillator/Communi c ations” module. The variable voltage power supply is mounted inside the console f rame.
Two cables are required to interconnect the “Littlit e” controls, the variable volt age power supply and the lamp units.
Connect one of the cable labelled “OSC TO LITTLITES” to the connector on the
rear panel of the “Oscillator/Communications” module labelled “LITTLITES” (this cable has 4-pin XLR male and female connectors).
Connect the other end of the cable labelled “OSC TO LITTLITE” to the connector
on the rear panel of the conso le frame labelled “FROM PFL MODULE”.
Connect one end of the cable labe lled “LITTLITE FRAME TO BAR” to the con-
nector on the rear panel of the console frame labelled “TO LIGHTS” (this cable has a 4-pin male XLR connector at one end and a 5-pin XLR connector at the other end).
Connect the other end of the cable labelled “LITTLITE FRAME TO BAR” to the
5-pin XLR-connector mounted at the rear of the top bar on the console frame.
Additional in ter-frame connections are required to enable the LITTLITE control sig­nals to be delivered to any extension frame(s) in the console system. Use the cable(s) labelled “LITTLITE FRAME TO FRAME” to interconnect two or more frames.
Connect one end of a “LITTLITE FRAME TO FRAME” cable to the connector
labelled “TO NEXT FRAME” on the console frame containing the “Oscillator/Commu­nications” module;
Connect the other end of a “LITTLITE FRAME TO FRAME” cable to the connec-
tor labelled “FROM PFL MODULE” on the next frame;
Connect one end of a cable labelled “LITTLI TE FRAME TO BAR” to the connec-
tor on the rear panel of the console frame labelled “TO LIGHTS” (this cable has a 4­pin male XLR connector at one end and a 5-pin XLR co nnector at the other end.
Connect the other end of a cable labelled “LITTLITE FRAME TO BAR” to the 5-
pin XLR connector mounted at the rear of the top bar on the console frame.
Repeat this procedure for all other frames in the c onsole system.
41718 368#,QGLFDWRU
Two sets of four LEDs are in corporatedinto the CCM front panel to give the operator visual indication that the “main” (PSU System 1) and “backup” (PSU System 2) power supply units are working correctly. A cable,labelled “PSU IND.” is supplied to interconnect the CCM and the console frame.
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-13
Connect one end of the “PSU IND” cable to the “PSU IND” 15-way male D-sub
connector on the CCM.
Connect the other end of the “PSU IND” cable to the “PSU IND” 15-way female
D-sub connector on the rear console frame adjacent to the two multi-pin power input connectors.
Figure 1-6 shows the rear panels of the power supply units in a single PSU system. Under normal conditions, the 0V and Mains-Earth terminals can be connected on both PSU systems. However, if the a.c. input lines to each pair of PSU’s has a differ­ent length, you may find that the 0V and Mains-Earth terminals can only be linked on
set of power supplies, f or minimum system noise .
FIG 1-14. PSU system.
The 0V or FRAME terminals on a PSU need or FRAM E connections on console frames. The shielde d power supply cables are connected to the frame at both en ds.
be dir ec tly co nn ec te d t o th e 0 V and/
In addition to the terminals on the back of the PSUs, there are nections on the rear of ea ch console frame. The shorting-bar link between the 0V and “FRAME” terminals on each frame large diameter ‘frame-link’ cables (supplied with multi-frame consoles), must be con­nected. Always make sure that ‘frame-link’ cable nuts are tightened against the cop­per bar.
be conn ected. For minimum noise, the
FIG 1-15. 0V, GROUND and FRAME terminals.
The 0V and FRAME t e rminals are linked in the factory with a copper bar. This bar should never be removed when the console is in normal use. Note that
cannot be delivered from the input modules to the 48V bus if the copper bar is
missin g, beca us e t he scre en ed mic rop ho ne input ca b l es w il l not be te rmina te d. I t wil l also cause damage to the motor faders.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-14 Connecting the mixer systems
41814 &RQQHFWLRQV#0#%1&
Figu res 1 - 9 be lo w a nd 1- 1 1 s how h o w t o c onn ec t th e S éan ce box to the cons ole an d the co mputers running SAM., BNC type c onnection.
FIG 1-16. Séance rear panel connections for BNC
41815 (WKHUQHW#0#%1&
The Séance box communicates with the PCs over a 10Base-2 Ethernet connection via a 50 ohm BNC cable terminated at each end with a 50 ohm terminator. The Séance box has two B NC connectors for each PC interface, which are wired in paral­lel in side. A 50 ohm terminat or plugs into the BNC socket la belled TERMINATOR and th e Ethernet ca ble plug s into the BNC socket labelled COMPUTER. A termina­tor and T-piece are used to connect the Ethernet cable to the PC.
To run the Sound Automation Manager software requires a PC with at least the performance and peripher als as listed below:
PC Pentium 133 or later or compatible computer Windows ®’98 (second edition), 2000, XP or XP Pro Graph ics card 1024 x 768 pix els, 16 bit colour or better Ethernet interface 10Mbit/sec with 10base2 c onnector (BNC) 128MB RA M 20 MB free hard disk space PS/2 keyboard (older 5-pin DIN keyboard can be used with adapter) PS/2 mouse or pointing device (9-pin’D’-serial devices cannot be used)PS/2 keyboard (older 5-pin DIN keyboar d can be used with adapter)
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-15
41816 &RQQHFWLRQV#0#5-78
Figu re 1-10 below and fi g 1-11 show how to connect the Seance box to the console and the computers running SAM, using RJ45 connection.
7R #UHPRWH#3.1
FIG 1-17. Séance rear panel connections for RJ45
41817 (WKHUQHW#0#5-78
The Seance box can also communicate with the PC via an RJ45 connector depending on the type of Ethernet-card in the computer. The Séance box has two RJ45 connec­tors, one for each PC interface. T hese conn ectors should be connected directly into a comp uter. It is al so po ss ib l e to c onn ec t th e R J45 so ck e ts t o a hub. For det ail s a bo ut this , contact C ADAC technical support.
FIG 1-18. Séance front panel connec tions - BNC and RJ45
41818 0RXVH
Each PC has a ‘one-to-one’ PS2 mouse cable, which connects between the PC’s mouse port and the mouse connec tor on the rear panel of the Séance box. The mouse plugs into the mouse connector on the front panel of the Séance box.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-16 Connecting the mixer systems
41819 .H\ERDUG
Each PC h as a ‘ o ne-o ne ’ PS2 k e yboa r d c ab le , whi ch co nn ects be tw ee n t he PC ’ s k e y­board port and the keyboard connector on the rear panel of the Séance box. The key­boar d connects into the keyboard connector on the front panel of the Séance box. Converters are supplied to connect to a 5-pin DIN keyboard and 5-pin DIN connectors on the PC.
4181: 9*$
Each PC has a VGA cable connected between the computer’s VGA output and the corresponding VGA connector on the rear panel of the Séance box. The VGA monitor cable plug s int o the VGA con ne c tor.
4181; &&0#NH\V
The Séance interface r eads the PC2 switch on the console’s CCM. The 5-pin XLR connectors are paralleled together inside the Séan ce. A ‘female-female, one-one ca­ble ’ conn ects to the k eys conne ctor on th e CCM an d the ot her ca n be us ed to c onnec t to remote PREV and NEXT keys if required.
CADAC’s 15 way “fast copper communications” cables are used to connect between the Séance box’s fast comms connectors and the CCM. The cable plugged into Fast comms PC1 on the Séance box must be connected to PC1 on the CCM.
418143 'HEXJ#SRUW
The debug port is standard PC 9-pin serial port that can be used to access the Séance box’s computer.
418144 0DLQV
The Séance box has a universal power supply and can be connected to AC mains 100 – 240V, 50/60Hz.
418145 )XVH
20mm 315mA fuse
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-17
Figure 1-12 below shows how to connect the Séance Interface to the CCM in the main co nsole.
FIG 1-19. Connect Séance to CCM.
Using the cables supplied, make the following connections:
1. CCM PC1 to Séance box PC1.
2. CCM PC2 to Séance box PC2.
3. CCM KEYS to Séance box KEYS.
Details on Seance set-up can be found in the Seance Interf ace 7975 User & Installa­tion manu al.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-18 Connecting the mixer systems
A single keyboard, mouse and monitor can be used with two computers for main/ back-up vi a th e Séance-box.
The Séance-box is supplied with a cable-kit allowing connections for one keyboard, one monitor, one mouse and two computers PC1 and PC2.
Using the 5 pin XLR to XLR cable supplied, make the following connection:
CCM KEYS (at the console end) to one of the KEYS-connectors on the rear of
the Séance-box.
The second keys connection on Séance is for use with
(see fig 1-20 ).
FIG 1-20. Remote P & N switch wiring detail.
Remote P and N
Using a Null modem serial interface cable with the appropriate connectors for the computers in use, make the following connecti on between the two computer s.
PC1 COM 1 or 2 to PC2 COM 1 or 2 (select able in SA M)
Two serial port configurations ar e in common use with 9 way or 25 way 'D-Type' con­nectors.
The two computers will only “trac k” each others’ Cue position if the SAM tracking fea­ture has been enabled, see the SAM manual for details.
F-Type Revision F2005-2
Connecting the mixer systems 1-19
See figure below for instructions on how to connect main frame facilities from mod­ules to frame.
FIG 1-21. Connecting the main frame facilities from modules to frame.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
1-20 Connecting the mixer systems
41: 6ZLWFKLQJ#21
CADAC consoles are designed to work continuously with two power supply systems
- ‘mai n’ an d ‘b ac k u p’ . The ‘ma in ’ po w er sup ply pai r ( 1 off ‘1 8v ’ un it an d 1 of f 13V/ 48 V
unit ) are designated ‘System 1’. The ‘backup’ power supply pair (1 of f ‘18V’ unit and 1 off 13V/48V unit) are designated ‘System 2’
On each power supply, turn all AC input switches to the ON-position.
Start the ±18 V an d 13V/ 4 8V PSU s (in one PSU syst em) simu lt an eo us ly, by pressi ng and holding the START-buttons until you hear the relay click. The CCM will cycle through its self-test routines and any Master Mute sw itches previously selected will be set ON, thus protecting external equipment from possible DC pulses when the ±18V PSUs ar e sta r ted.
Repeat for PSU system 2. If you cannot start the PSUs simultaneously, start the 13V/ 48V first. However, do NOT operate the console for long periods without all power lines on.
Always use the following procedure:
Power up console
Powe r up Séance box
Select PC1 on the CCM and power up the first computer. Wait until th e PC1
computer has completed it s boot-up ro utine, then...
Switch to PC2 on the CCM and p ower-u p the second computer and wait until it
has completed its boot-up routine.
Once both comput ers have boote d correctly, they should allow the k eyboard and monitor to be switched back and forth without problems.
If the overall cable length for the keyboard and monitor are very long (greater than 5m), it may be necessary to use a keyboard and a monitor booster unit to retain key­board reliability and a clean monitor display.
1. On the CCM, press all Master Mute switches to the ON (down) position.
2. Cl os e down the S A M so ftw ar e o n ea ch PC , sh ut do wn Wi nd ow s® a nd sw it c h the computers off.
3. Switch off the AC mains supply to PSU system 1.
4. Switch off the AC mains supply to PSU system 2.
5. Switch off Séance Box
F-Type Revision F2005-2

Central Control Module 7896 2-1

Please re f er t o fi g 2 - 1 o n pag e 2 - 2 f o r the l oc at i on of t he s wi tc he s an d d ispl ays on the F-Type CCM front panel issue 7896 described on the next page.
Fo ur separate switches to globally mute the channe ls, subgroups, matrix groups and aux gr oups. A ll four switches work in dependently, so that any combination of master muting may be selected at any time. The switches are intended for manual operation only, and their condition will not be recorded with a cue state.
Resets the microprocessors within thi s module (rou ghly equivalent to turning the power off then on again). Pressing reset does not clear the internal memories, maps etc.
F, 3&5
The Sound Automation Manager software allows two computers to be used with the syste m , PC1 and PC2 . Separate connect ors for each computer can be found on the rear panel of the CCM. When the PC2 switch is pressed, all data to and from the CCM will go to or come from PC2.
G, 368#6\VWHP#4#DQG#368#6\VWHP#5
The F-Type console is designed to be able to use two sets of power supplies simulta­neously. These eight LED s continu ously show the status of the two sets of ±18V, +13V and 48V power supply units. See 2.2 CCM rear panel connectors for connec­tion details.
H, *2#0#6723
These are user configured switches for example remote control of cart machines, tape recorders etc.
These LEDs illuminate when a system function needs to be brought to the operator’s attention. This may be an error condition, a “prompt”, or merely useful system infor­mation. The LEDs are labelled with the titles of each part of the automation system about which the information is available:
1. COMMS Communications with the PC(s), Fast Copper connections.
2. MEMORY Storage space used by the microprocessor to hold items such as maps a nd memories
3. CUES Recall of console states from the PC.
4. FADERS Console faders: channel, master and motorised.
5. MODULES Programmable modules.
6. MIDI Midi i nputs and ou tputs.
7. SYSTEM General category covering miscellaneous operations within the CCM.
8. TIME Any timing activity, such as the current date and time.
Revision F2005-2 F-Type
2-2 Central Control Module 7896
FIG 2- 1. F-Type CCM control panel.
F-Type Revision F2005-2
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