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100 Series Industrial Grade UFD Product Manual v2.0Cactus Technologies
Introduction to Cactus Technologies
100 Series Industrial Grade UFD
• Solid state design with no moving parts
• Plugs into industry standard USB-A
• Compliant with USB2.0 specications
• Compliant with USB Mass Storage Class
specications v1.0
• High reliability, MTBF > 6,500,000 hrs.
• Enhanced error correction with 8-bit BCH
Cactus Technologies® UFD is a low
capacity solid-state ash memory
product that complies with the USB2.0
standard. Cactus Technologies® UFDs
provide up to 8GB of formatted storage
capacity and is designed to plug in
directly to USB-A receptacles. Cactus
Technologies® UFDs are designed to
be used in applications which require
a low capacity solid state disk that is
compatible with USB interface.
The Cactus Technologies® Industrial
Grade UFD products use high quality
ash memory from well-known vendors,
such as Samsung Corporation. In
addition, it include an on-drive intelligent
controller that manages interface
protocols, data storage and retrieval
as well as ECC, defect handling and
diagnostics, power management, and
clock control.
100 Series Industrial Grade UFD Product Manual v2.0Cactus Technologies
Cactus Technologies® UFD is fully electrically compatible with the following specication:
• USB2.0 Specication published by the USB Implementor's Forum
Supported Standards
Cactus Technologies® Industrial UFD contains a high level, intelligent controller. This intelligent
controller provides many capabilities including the following:
• USB command processing.
• Management of erasing and programming the ash memory independent of the host system
• Sophisticated defect managing capabilities (similar to magnetic disk drives).
• Sophisticated system for error recovery using powerful error correction code (ECC).
• Intelligent power management for low power operation.
Cactus Technologies® Industrial UFD appears as a standard USB mass storage device to the host
system. The host computer software simply issues USB commands to the drive as per the USB
specications. The host software then waits for the commands to complete. The host system does
not get involved in the details of how the ash memory is erased, programmed or read as this is all
managed by the built-in controller in the drive. Also, with the intelligent on-board controller, the
host system software will not require changing as new ash memory evolves. Thus, systems that
support the Cactus Technologies® Industrial UFD products today will continue to work with future
Cactus Technologies® Industrial UFDs built with new ash technology without having to update or
change host software.
Product Features
1.2.1. Host and Technology Independence
1.2.2. Defect and Error Management
Cactus Technologies® Industrial UFD contains a sophisticated defect and error management
system similar to those found in magnetic disk drives. The defect management is completely
transparent to the host and does not consume any user data space.
The soft error rate for Cactus Technologies® Industrial UFDs is much lower than that of magnetic
disk drives. In the extremely rare case where a read error does occur, the drive has sophisticated
ECC to recover the data.
These defect and error management systems, coupled with the solid-state construction, give
Cactus Technologies® Industrial UFDs unparalleled reliability.
100 Series Industrial Grade UFD Product Manual v2.0Cactus Technologies
1.2.3. Intelligent Power Management
Cactus Technologies® Industrial UFD employs sophisticated static, dynamic and global wear
leveling algorithms and intelligent bad block management to ensure high data reliability and to
maximize product life.
100 Series Industrial Grade UFD Product Manual v2.0Cactus Technologies
Supply Requirements02
Cactus Technologies Industrial DOM is a dual voltage product, which means it will operate at a
voltage range of 3.30 volts ±10% or 5.00 volts ± 10%.Product Specications
For all the following specications, values are dened at ambient temperature and nominal supply