Cabletron Systems FRM User Manual

Frame Relay Module
for the
SmartSwitch 9000
User Guide
For Release 4.0
The Com plete N etwo rk ing Soluti on
Cabletron Syst ems reserves the r ight to make changes in spe cifications and other i nfor mation contained i n this document without prior notic e. The reader should in all cases consult Cabletron Sys tems to det ermine whe ther any such changes have been made.
The hardware, firmware, and/or software described in this manual is subject to change w ithout notice.
Copyright 1997, 1998 by Cabl etron Systems, Inc, P.O. Box 5005, Rochester, NH 03866-5005. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. .
VxWorks i s a copyright of Wind River Systems, Inc. IP (Internet Protocol) code is copyright 1982, 1986 by Regents of the University of California.
All ri ghts reserve d. This Cabletr on produc t i ncludes soft ware develope d by the University of California, Berkeley, and its contributors. IP software i s provided by t he rege nt s and contrib­utor s “a s is” and any expr ess or imp lie d warr a nties, inclu ding , but n ot limited to, the imp lie d warranties of merchantab ility a n d fitne ss for a particular purpose, ar e disc lai med. In no e vent shall the regents or contribut ors be liable for any dire ct, i ndirect, incidental, special , exem­pla ry, or conseque n tia l d a ma g es (in c lud ing , b ut n ot limi ted to, p roc ure me nt o f su bstitute goods or services; loss of use, data , or profits; or business i nterruption) however ca used and on any theor y of lia bility, whethe r in contract, strict liability, or tor t (including negligence or oth­erwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software , even if advised of the possibility of such dama ge.
Gateway Daemon (GateD) softwar e, Release 3.5.5, is maintained and developed by Cornell University and its collaborators. The version of GateD used with this Cabletron produc t has been modified.
Netlink is a tr ade mark of C a bletron Syst ems, Inc. All other produc t designations are the property of their respective owners.
Statements of Compliance
This devi ce compli es with Par t 15 of t he FCC rul es. Ope ration is subject to t he fol lowing two conditions: (1) this device ma y not cause har mful interference, and (2) this device m ust accept any interfer ence rec eived, including interference that may cause undesire d operation.
This equi pment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digita l device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FC C rul es. These limits are des igned to provide reasonable protection aga i nst harmful int e rference when the equi pment is operated in a commerci al e nvi­ronment. This equipment uses, generates, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not insta lle d in acco r danc e w ith the op era to r ’s ma nual, may ca use harmfu l inte rfe ren c e to r a dio communications. Operat ion of this equipment in a reside ntial area is l ikely to cause inter­ference in whic h case the use r will be requir ed to cor rect the interfere nce at his own expens e .
Changes or modifications made to this device which are not expressly approved by Cab letron Systems could void the user’s authority t o operate the
About This Manual
Terminology and Conventions
This d igital appa ra tus d oe s no t e xce e d the C lass A limits for r adi o no ise emissions f r o m dig ita l apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of C om­munications.
Le présent appareil numéri que n’émet pas de bruit s ra dioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class A prescrit es dans le R èglement s ur le brouillage ra dioélectrique édicté par le ministèr e des Communications du Ca nada.
Rev Date Reason for Update 01 Ma rch 1998 G eneral a vailability
This manual s upplements screen prompts and menus as an ai d i n configuring the data base and performing system operations on a Frame Relay Module ( FRM). Before using the manual, you should be familiar with FR M and SmartSwitch 9000 h ardware, as well as the protocols (fra me relay, IP, SNA, etc.) you will be using.
This typeface represents general text. Thi s typeface represents keyboard input and v i deo output.
(This text is dar k c yan in on-s cre en v ers ions of the manu al, and black in paper v ers ions.)
In on-screen versions of the manual, items in blue a re links to other places in the manual.
Thi s symbol points to an infor mational note relating to t he text, table, or f igure tha t i mmediately precedes or fol lows it.
The following references to keyboard keys appear in the manual and/or on the screen:
If a statement ends with a reference to a key—for example, “. ...then press [E nter].”—the period
is not part of the data to be enter ed. If a peri od should be entered, it will be shown as [.]. The same applies to al l other punct uation. When inst ructed to, for exam ple, “press [A], [B] fro m the Main Menu, ” this mea ns press [A], then [B], not [ A ] comm a [B].
Screen Displays
Screen Dis plays are provi ded to show the general appearance of actual scre ens. They are only examples—the information shown is not alw ays representa tive of an operational sys tem.
This symbol and text identifies a cautionary note, the content of whi ch is more critical t o heed th an an info r mat ional no te.
[N] is a reference to a key on your keyboa rd (whe re “N” is the ke y).
Enter means that you should type in the inf ormation, then press t he [Enter] key. Type is sim ila r to Enter, except that the word “[Enter]” follows the information to be
typed (e.g., “t ype n [Enter]”).
Press means press (hi t, strike) the key once. Pressing the [Enter] key afterwa rds is not
neces sary.
[Ctrl] f ollowed by one or two other key designa tions, must be struck sim ult aneously
with the other keys shown.
iv Frame Relay Module 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
Table of Contents
Section I Getting Started
C hapt er 1 Produ ct Overview
M ultiprotocol Suppor t........................................................................ 1-2
Management Fun ction s...................................................................... 1-2
Hardware Overview ................................................................................. 1-3
C hapt er 2 G et t ing Started
Qu ick S tart.... .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 2-1
Port Assignment Work sheets................................................................... 2-2
Lo gging into the Main Men u.................................................................... 2-4
Reviewin g Boot Messages................................................................. 2-5
Mo ving Through the Menu s .............................................................. 2-6
Setting the Date and Time........................................................................ 2-9
Ch a ngi ng the Login Pa sswo rd.. .... ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 2-9
Stopping Operation................................................................................. 2-10
Lo gging Out..................................................................................... 2-10
Rebooting......................................................................................... 2-10
Shutting Down.. ............................................................................... 2-10
What Next?............................................................................................. 2-10
Section II Configuration
Chapter 3 Introduction to Database Configuration
Dat abase Setup Recommend ation s .......................................................... 3 -1
Configuration Examples........................................................................... 3 -2
Leg acy Pr otocols over Fr ame Relay v ia Lo gical Ports...................... 3-2
Frame Relay PVC Passthrough .......................................................... 3 -3
LLC2 PUs over Frame Relay to AS/400........................................... 3-3
3x74s/SDLC over Frame Relay to SNA Host................................... 3 -7
Producing a Con figuration Repo rt ........................................................... 3-9
Where to Find Configuration I nformation ............................................. 3-10
C hapt er 4 Con f igu ring Node-Wid e Default P arame t ers
Nod e Defaults........................................................................................... 4-1
Warning Messages ............................................................................. 4-2
Dat abase and System Memory Values .............................................. 4-3
Nod e Defaults Parameters ................................................................. 4-3
C hapt er 5 Con f igu ring Ca rds and Pro t ocols
RLP and Protocols.................................................................................... 5-2
RLP Parameters ................................................................................. 5-3
LAN Card.......................................................................................... 5 -3
C hapt er 6 Con f igu ring Ph ysical Ports
Lo cation s of Phy sical Ports...................................................................... 6-1
Dat abase and System Memory Values..................................................... 6-3
Configuring a Physical Port ..................................................................... 6-3
Chapter 7 Configuring Frame Relay
Intro duction.............................................................................................. 7-1
DLCI Sharing..................................................................................... 7-1
Frame Relay Backup.......................................................................... 7-2
Required Conf igu rati o n... .... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... 7-5
Configuring Band width Allocation Groups............................................. 7-6
Bandwidth All ocati o n Group Pa ram eters... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ... 7 -7
Configuration Ex ample...................................................................... 7-8
Configuring Fram e Relay Ports................................................................ 7-9
Reviewing DLCI Configuration (Figure 7-4, Item C)..................... 7-10
Configuring DLCI Parameters (Figure 7-4, I tem D)....................... 7-12
View ing Le arne d DLCI s (Figu re 7-4, It em E)... .... .... ........ .... ........ . 7-13
Frame Relay Port Parameters.......................................................... 7 -14
Configuring Fram e Relay PVCs Across the Node................................. 7-19
Frame Relay PVC Parameters ......................................................... 7-20
Configuring Fram e Relay Backup Groups ............................................. 7-2 1
Bac kup Grou p Pa rameters... .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 7- 22
C ha pte r 8 Conf igu ri ng X .2 5
Intro duction.............................................................................................. 8-1
Required Conf igu rati o n... .... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... 8-2
Configuring a Physical X.25 Port............................................................ 8-2
Configuring Closed User Groups...................................................... 8-4
Configuring a Network Trunk........................................................... 8-5
Configuring a Dial Port ..................................................................... 8-6
Physical X.25 Port Parameters .......................................................... 8-7
Configuring Logical X.25 Ports............................................................. 8 -14
Logical Port Parameters................................................................... 8 -15
Configuring Subscriber IDs................................................................... 8 -21
Subscriber Addres sing..................................................................... 8 -22
Hunt Grou p Example....................................................................... 8-24
Subscriber Parameters...................................................................... 8 -25
Configuring X.25 Address Translation Templates................................ 8 -27
Tran sl ati on Templa te P aram et ers............ ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... . 8- 29
R eplacing Called/C a lling Address or User Data.... .... ........ .... ........ . 8-30
Replacing Protoco l ID..................................................................... 8 -31
R eplacing Fa cilitie s ..... .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 8- 31
Translation Examples...................................................................... 8-31
Testing a Translation Template....................................................... 8 -32
Configuring X.25-to-X.25 PVCs........................................................... 8-33
X.25 PVC Parameters ...................................................................... 8-33
C ha pte r 9 Conf igu ri ng S NA
Intro duction.............................................................................................. 9-1
Configuring an SNA Port......................................................................... 9-3
Configuring Subscriber IDs................................................................... 9 -14
Configuring LLC2.................................................................................. 9-18
vi Frame Relay Module 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
Required Conf igu rati o n... .... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... 9-3
SNA Port Parameters......................................................................... 9-6
Subscriber Parameters...................................................................... 9 -15
Configuring a Hunt Grou p for SNA Subscribers............................. 9-1 7
Configuring a Virtual LAN ID........................................................ 9-18
Configuring LLC2 Hosts................................................................. 9-19
Configuring LLC2 Interfaces........................................................... 9-26
Chapter 10 Configuring BSC Interactive
In troduction ............................................................................................ 10-1
Configuring BSC Interactive Port Recor ds............................................ 10-2
BSC Interactive Port Parameters..................................................... 10-4
Configuring Subscriber IDs.................................................................... 10-8
Su bsc rib er Pa ram ete rs............ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ... 10- 8
Configuring BSC Interactive Devices.................................................. 10-11
BSC Interactive Device Parameters............................................... 10-12
Chapter 11 Configuring BSC Batch
In troduction ............................................................................................ 11-1
Configuring BSC Batch Port Records.................................................... 11-2
BSC Batch Port Parameters............................................................. 11-3
Configuring Subscriber IDs.................................................................... 11-7
Su bsc rib er Pa ram ete rs............ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ... 11- 8
C hapt er 12 C on f iguri ng Async Ports
In troduction ............................................................................................ 12-1
Configuring Async PAD Profiles........................................................... 12-2
PAD Profile Parameters................................................................... 12-2
Configuring Async PAD Login Parameters........................................... 12-6
PAD Logi n Param et ers.......... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... 12- 7
Configuring Async Port Records ........................................................... 12-8
As y nc PAD Por t Param eters.... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ... 12- 9
Configuring Subscriber IDs.................................................................. 12-14
Su bsc rib er Pa ram ete rs............ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... . 12 -1 5
Configuring Abbreviated Addresses .................................................... 12-17
Configuring Async PVCs..................................................................... 12-17
Async PVC Param eters.................................................................. 12-18
Chapter 13 Configuring IP
In troduction ............................................................................................ 13-1
IP Addressing................................................................................... 13-1
Using the Nod e as an IP Gateway ................................................... 13-3
Required Configuration ................................................................... 13-3
Configuring IP Nod e Defaults................................................................ 13-3
IP Node Defaults Parameters........................................................... 13-4
Con f iguring IP In terfaces....................................................................... 13-5
IP Interface Parameters.................................................................... 13-7
Configuring Static IP R outes................................................................ 1 3-14
IP Routing Parameters................................................................... 13-16
Chapter 14 Configuring IPX
In troduction ............................................................................................ 14-1
Required Configuration ................................................................... 14-1
Configuring IPX Node Defau lts............................................................. 14-2
IPX Node Defaults Parameters........................................................ 14-2
Configuring IPX Filters.......................................................................... 14-3
C onfiguring Filter Def initions......... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 14-3
C onfiguring IPX Filte r Application s. . ..... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 14 -8
Configuring IPX I nterfaces.................................................................... 14-9
IPX Interface Parameters ............................................................... 14-10
Parameter Descriptions .................................................................. 14-13
Configuring Static IPX Routes............................................................. 14-16
IPX RIP Static Route Parameters.................................................. 14-17
IPX SAP Static Route Parameters................................................. 14-1 7
C ha pte r 15 C on f igu ri ng Br id ging
Intr oduct io n.... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 15-1
Required Conf igu rati o n... .... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 15 -2
Conf igu ring Def a ult Nod e-W ide Br idg ing Parameters . ........ .... ........ .... . 15-3
Bridge Nod e Default Parameters..................................................... 15-4
C onfiguring Bridge Filters..... ........ .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 15 -6
C onfiguring Filter Def initions......... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 15-6
C onfiguring Bridge Filter Applic ation s.. ....................................... 15-10
Configuring Bridg e Ports..................................................................... 15-1 2
Bridge Port Parameters.................................................................. 15-1 3
C h a p t e r 16 C o nf i gurin g S NM P
Intr oduct io n.... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 16-1
Configuring SNMP S ystem Defaults..................................................... 1 6-1
Syst em Defau l ts Param et ers.... .... .... ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ . 16-2
Configuring a Com munity Table ........................................................... 16-3
Comm un ity T able Param e ters. .... .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... . 16-4
Conf igu ring T rap Routi n g.. .... .... ........ .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... . 16-4
Trap Routing Parameters................................................................. 16-5
Section III Operation
Chapter 17 Introduction to System Operation Chapter 18 On- lin e Operations
Remote Control...................................................................................... 1 8-1
Remote Control fr om a 9W004....................................................... 18-2
Remote Control via an Async PAD Port ......................................... 1 8-3
Transferring Files and Updating Software............................................. 1 8-4
Remote File Transfer....................................................................... 18- 4
Remote Software Update................................................................. 1 8-5
Backing Up and Restoring Files............................................................. 1 8-6
Database Backup and Restore.......................................................... 1 8-6
Enab le/Disable Operations..................................................................... 1 8-7
Disabling and Enabling Ports.......................................................... 1 8-7
Quiescing and Unqu iescing Ports.................................................... 1 8-8
Disabling and Enabling SDLC PUs................................................. 18-9
Tests ..................................................................................................... 18-10
IP Ping Conn ectivity Test.............................................................. 18-10
R eloading Au xiliary Cons ole Initializa tion.......................................... 18-11
Initiating Fr ame Relay Backup Switcho ver/Switchback..................... 18-11
viii Frame Relay Module 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
Chap t e r 19 S t at us Di spl a ys
Displaying Node Status.......................................................................... 19-1
Displaying Port Status............................................................................ 19-2
Displaying Virtual Connections............................................................. 19-3
Displaying Port Sign als.......................................................................... 19-6
M on itorin g Traf fi c.... .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ... 19- 7
Serial Po rts....................................................................................... 19-7
Mo nitoring LAN Traffic................................................................ 19-16
Displaying Frame Relay Backup Status............................................... 1 9-19
Dis p la yin g SDL C PU Stat us .... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 19 -2 0
Displaying LLC2 Session Status .......................................................... 1 9-21
Bridge Status Disp lays ......................................................................... 19-21
Bri d ge Port Sta tus.. .... .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 19-2 1
Bri d ge Forwa rdin g Tab l e... .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 19 -2 3
IP Status Display s................................................................................. 19-24
IP Routing Table............................................................................ 1 9-24
ARP Table...................................................................................... 1 9-25
IP Interfaces................................................................................... 19-25
IPX Status Displays.............................................................................. 1 9-26
RIP Table....................................................................................... 19-26
SAP Table...................................................................................... 19-27
C hapt er 20 Statistics Displays
RLP Statistics......................................................................................... 20-1
Configuring RLP Statistics Threshol ds ........................................... 20-2
Port Statistics.......................................................................................... 20-3
Configuring Port Statistics Thres holds............................................ 20-4
Frame-level Statistics............................................................................. 20-5
Frame R e lay Utiliza tion Sta tistics .......................................................... 20-6
LAN Card Statistics Display s................................................................. 20-8
Bri d ge Port Sta tist ics.... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 20 -1 0
IP Statistics Displays............................................................................ 20-11
IP Statistics .................................................................................... 20-11
I CM P Stati stics.. .... .... ........ .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 20 -1 3
IP Interface Statistics ..................................................................... 20-15
IPX Statistics Displays......................................................................... 20-16
Chapter 21 System Events
Configuration.......................................................................................... 21-1
Alarm Buffer ......................................................................................... 21-2
Ev ent Generation.................................................................................... 21-3
Disp layin g Eve nts.... .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ ... 2 1-3
Severity Levels for SNMP Trap Routing ............................................... 21-4
Ev ent Messages...................................................................................... 21-4
Mes sages.......................................................................................... 21-4
Section IV Appendices
Appendix A Async Terminal Operations
Comman d and Data Transfer Modes....................................................... A-1
Async Term inal Commands.................................................................... A-2
Placing a Call from an Async Term inal .................................................. A-2
Async PAD Service Signals.................................................................... A-3
Error Codes Sen t to Async PAD Port ..................................................... A-5
Appendix B Cause and Diagnostic Codes
Cause Codes............................................................................................. B-1
Clearing Cau ses................................................................................. B-1
Reset Caus es.... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ ... B-2
Restart Causes.................................................................................... B-2
Diagnostic Codes...................................................................................... B-2
X.25 Codes ........................................................................................ B-2
SNA Codes........................................................................................ B-4
Codes Specific to Cabletron Fram e Relay Access Devices............... B-4
Appendix C NetView Management
Local NetView Access............................................................................. C-2
Supported Commands.............................................................................. C-3
Display C omman ds............................................................................ C-3
Vary Commands................................................................................ C-4
Modify Commands............................................................................ C-4
Appendix D ASCII Character Table Appendix E Menu Structure Glossary Index
x Frame Relay Module 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
List of Figures
1-1 Network Example ................................................................................. 1-1
1-2 Hardware Components ......................................................................... 1-3
1-3 9W 004 with I/O Boxes and Cabling..................................................... 1 -4
2-1 Li ne Interface C ards ............................................................................. 2 -2
2-2 Port Status Display ............................................................................... 2-4
2-3 Main Menu ............................................................................................ 2-5
3-1 Co nfigu ration Exam ple 1...................................................................... 3-2
3-2 Co nfigu ration Exam ple 2...................................................................... 3-3
3-3 Co nfigu ration Exam ple 3...................................................................... 3-3
3-4 Local 9W004 in Configu ration Example 3........................................... 3 -4
3-5 Rem ote 9W004 in Configuration Example 3 ....................................... 3-5
3-6 Co nfigu ration Exam ple 4...................................................................... 3-7
4-1 No de De fau lts Conf i gurat io n Scr e en 1............ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 4-1
5-1 Li ne Interface C ards ............................................................................. 5 -1
5-2 RLP Con figuration Menu ..................................................................... 5 -2
5-3 LAN Card Configuration Screen.......................................................... 5-4
6-1 Port Locations....................................................................................... 6 -1
6-2 Physical Ports on an RLP ..................................................................... 6 -2
6-3 Default Configuratio n Screen fo r New Port ......................................... 6-4
7-1 Frame Relay Backup Examples............................................................ 7-3
7-2 Bandwidth Allocation Group Menu ..................................................... 7 -7
7-3 Frame Relay Port Screen 1................................................................... 7 -9
7-4 Frame Relay Port Screen 2................................................................. 7-10
7-5 DLCI Co nfiguration Review Screen .................................................. 7-10
7-6 Frame Relay DLCI Configuration Screen 1 ....................................... 7-12
7-7 Frame Relay DLCI Configuration Screen 2 ....................................... 7-13
7-8 Frame Relay PVC Configuration ........................................................ 7-20
8-1 X.25 Port Screen 1................................................................................ 8 -3
8-2 X.25 Port CUG Parameters................................................................... 8 -4
8-3 X.25 Port Trun k Parameters ................................................................. 8 -5
8-4 X.25 Dial Port Parameters .................................................................... 8-6
8-5 Logical Port Screen 1.......................................................................... 8-14
8-6 Typical SVC Subscriber Screen ......................................................... 8-22
8-7 Wildcard Addressing Example ........................................................... 8-23
8-8 Backup Using Address Translation .................................................... 8-27
8-9 Ad dr es s Translation Tem plat es Dis pla y.......... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ... 8-2 8
8-10 Addr es s Translation Tem plat e Screen. .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ... 8-2 9
8-11 Addr es s Translation Tes t Scre en.. .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... 8-3 2
8-12 X.25-to-X.25 PVC Screen.................................................................. 8-33
9-1 SDLC and LLC 2 Examples.................................................................. 9-2
9-2 SNA Port Screen 1................................................................................ 9-4
9-3 SDLC PU Subscriber Parameters Screen............................................. 9-5
9-4 Typical SVC Subscriber Screen......................................................... 9-1 4
9-5 LLC2 De fau lts Conf i gurat ion Scr e en. .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 9- 18
9-6 LLC2 Originated Host Configuration Screen..................................... 9-19
9-7 LLC2 Term i nated Ho s t Co nfi gu ratio n Scr een.. .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 9- 20
9-8 LLC2 Host Connection s Screen......................................................... 9 -20
9-9 LLC2 Interface s Disp lay.... .... .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ..... 9-26
9-10 Br idg e Port /LLC 2 Inte rface Rec ord, Ethernet ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 9-27
9-11 B ridge Port/LLC2 Interface R ecord, F rame Relay............................. 9 -27
10-1 B SC Interacti ve Port Record.............................................................. 1 0-2
10-2 B SC Interacti ve Port Record, Screen 3.............................................. 1 0-3
10-3 Ty pical SVC Subscriber Screen......................................................... 10-8
10-4 B SC Interacti ve Devices Screen....................................................... 10-12
11-1 BSC B atch P ort Rec ord.......... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 11 -2
11-2 B SC Batch Port Record, Screen 3 ...................................................... 1 1-3
11-3 Ty pical SVC Subscriber Screen......................................................... 11-8
12-1 As ync PAD Login Parameters Screen................................................ 12- 7
12-2 As ync PAD Port Screen ..................................................................... 1 2-8
12-3 Ty pical SVC Subscriber Screen....................................................... 12-15
12-4 As ync-to-X.25 PVC Recor d............................................................. 12-18
13-1 IP No de Defau lt s Menu.. .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 13 -4
13-2 IP Interface Record – Frame Relay Example ............ .... ........ .... .... ..... 13-5
13-3 LAN IP Interface – Second ary Address Configur ation ...................... 1 3-6
13-4 IP Routing Record ............................................................................ 13-15
14-1 IPX No de Defau l ts Men u........... .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 14 -2
14-2 IPX SA P Filter R ecor d........... .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 14-4
14-3 Ty pical IPX Filter A pplic at ions Record........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 14-8
14-4 IPX Interface Record Example....... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 14-9
14-5 IPX RIP Route Record..................................................................... 14-1 6
15-1 B ridge Node Default s Configuration Screen ...................................... 15-3
15-2 Bridge MA C Filter Configuration Screen. ........ ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 15-7
15-3 Ty pical Bridge Filter Application s Recor d ...................................... 15-1 1
15-4 B ridge Ports Display......................................................................... 15-12
15-5 B ridge Port Record Ex ample............................................................ 15-13
16-1 SNMP System Defaults Menu ............................................................ 16-2
16-2 SNMP Co mmun ity Table Menu......................................................... 1 6-3
16-3 SNMP Trap Rou ting Menu................................................................. 1 6-4
17-1 Main Menu. .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 17-2
xii Frema Relay Module 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
18-1 On-Line Port Operations Menu .......................................................... 18-7
18-2 On-Line SDLC PU Operations Menu................................................. 18-9
18-3 IP Ping Co nnectivity Test Menu....................................................... 18-10
18-4 Ping Examp le.................................................................................... 18-11
19-1 Node Statu s Disp lay ........................................................................... 19-1
19-2 Port Status Display ............................................................................. 19-2
19-3 Virtual Connections Display on Frame Relay Port ............................ 19-3
19-4 Virtual Connections Display on Non -Frame Relay Port.................... 19-5
19-5 Port Signals Disp lay ........................................................................... 19-6
19-6 X.25 Line Mon itor Disp lay................................................................. 19-9
19-7 Fram e Relay Line Monitor Display.................................................. 19-11
19-8 LAN Captur e Status and Co ntrol Menu ........................................... 19-16
19-9 LAN Captur e Display ....................................................................... 19-18
19-10 SDLC PU St atus Display.................................................................. 19-20
19-11 Bri d ge Po rt Statu s Display.... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... . 19-2 1
19-12 Bri d ge Fo rwarding Tab le Dis play.... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 19-2 3
20-1 RLP Statistics Disp lay........................................................................ 20-1
20-2 RLP Statistics Configur ation Menu.................................................... 20-2
20-3 Port Statistics Display......................................................................... 20-3
20-4 Port Statistics C onfiguration Menu .................................................... 20-4
20-5 Fram e-lev el Statistics Disp lay............................................................ 20-5
20-6 Frame Relay Utilization Statistics Disp la y......................................... 20-7
20-7 LAN Card Statistics Display .............................................................. 20-8
20-8 Brid ge Port Stat u s Displa y.... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 20 -1 0
20-9 IP Statistics Display.......................................................................... 20-11
20-10 ICMP Statistics Display.................................................................... 20-13
20-11 I P Interface St ati s tics Displa y... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... . 20-1 5
20-12 IPX Statistics Display....................................................................... 2 0-16
21-1 Event Reporting Configuration Example ........................................... 21-2
C-1 NetView Access Options Menu............................................................ C -2
List of Tables
2-1 Port Assi g nme nts.... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... 2-3
2-2 Date an d Time Param e ters .. ........ .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ... 2-9
3-1 MAC Address Conversion.................................................................... 3-6
4-1 Node Defaults Parameters.................................................................... 4-3
4-2 NetView Parameters ............................................................................. 4-7
5-1 RLP Param e ters.. .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ... 5 -3
5-2 LAN Card Param eters .......................................................................... 5-4
7-1 Bandwi d th All ocati o n Group Parameters ... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ... 7-7
7-2 Bandwi d th All ocati o n Example.. .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... 7-8
7-3 Frame Relay Port Parameters............................................................. 7 -14
7-4 Frame Relay DLC I Parameters........................................................... 7 -15
7-5 Frame Relay PVC Parameters ............................................................ 7-20
7-6 Frame Relay Backup Gro up Parameters............................................. 7-22
8-1 Physical X.25 Port Parameters............................................................. 8-7
8-2 Logical Port Parameters...................................................................... 8-15
8-3 Subscriber Parameters ........................................................................ 8-25
8-4 Tran sl ati on Templa te Pa ram et ers........... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 8- 29
8-5 X.25 PVC Parameters......................................................................... 8 -33
9-1 SNA Port Parameters............................................................................ 9-6
9-2 SNA Port PU Parameters...................................................................... 9-7
9-3 Subscriber Parameters ........................................................................ 9-15
9-4 LLC2 Hos t Para meters....... ........ .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 9- 21
9-5 LLC2 Interface Param eters . ........ .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . 9- 28
10-1 B SC Interacti ve Port Parameters........................................................ 1 0-4
10-2 B SC Interacti ve Port Subscriber Parameters...................................... 10- 5
10-3 Subscriber Parameters........................................................................ 10-8
10-4 C ontrol and Device Unit Addressing................................................ 10-1 1
10-5 B SC Interacti ve Device P arameters.................................................. 10-12
11-1 BSC B atch P ort Param et ers.... .... .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..... 11 -3
11-2 Subscriber Parameters........................................................................ 11-8
12-1 As ync PAD Profile Parameters.......................................................... 1 2-2
12-2 As ync PAD Login Parameters............................................................ 1 2-7
12-3 Asy nc Por t Param et ers .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... . 12 -9
12-4 Subscriber Parameters...................................................................... 12-1 5
12-5 As ync PVC Parameters.................................................................... 12-1 8
13-1 IP Defaults Parameters....................................................................... 1 3-4
13-2 Frame Relay IP Interface Param eters..... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . 13-7
13-3 X.25 IP I nterface Parameters.............................................................. 1 3-8
xiv Frema Relay Module 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
13-4 Ethernet/Token Ring IP Interface Parameters.................................... 13-9
13-5 IP Routin g Pa ram ete rs.. .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . 13-1 6
14-1 IPX Node Defaults Parameters........................................................... 14-2
14-2 IPX RIP Filter Param e ters .................................................................. 14-5
14-3 IPX SAP Filter Pa rame te rs.. ............................................................... 14-5
14-4 IPX Packet Filt er Parameters.............................................................. 14-6
14-5 IPX RIP Router Filte r Para meter s ...................................................... 14-7
14-6 IP X Filter Applic a tions Param ete rs.................................................... 14-9
14-7 IPX Frame Relay Interface Parameters............................................ 14-10
14-8 IP X X.25 Interface Parameters......................................................... 14-11
14-9 IP X LAN Interface Parameters......................................................... 14-12
14-10 IPX RIP Static Route Param eters ..................................................... 14-17
14-11 IPX SAP Static Route Param eters .................................................... 14-17
15-1 Bridg e Node Default Param eters........................................................ 15-4
15-2 Bridge Generic Filter Pa rame ters . ...................................................... 15-8
15-3 Bridge MAC Filter Param ete rs........................................................... 15-9
15-4 Brid ge SA P Filte r Par a meter s... .... ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ....... 15- 9
15-5 Brid ge Proto c ol Filter Para mete r s .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ . 15-1 0
15-6 Bridge NetBIOS Filter Param e ters.. ................................................. 15-10
15-7 Bridge F ilte r Application s Parame te rs.............................................. 15-11
15-8 Bridg e Port/LLC2 Interface Param eters........................................... 1 5-13
16-1 SNMP Sys te m D efau l ts Pa rameters .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ... 16- 2
16-2 Community Table Parameter .............................................................. 16-4
16-3 Trap Routing Par ameters.................................................................... 16-5
Section I
Getting Started
Chapter 1
Product Overview
The Frame Re la y Module (FRM) is a high-per f orman c e, multiprotocol branch access device, capable of transmittinh L AN data, legacy data (e. g ., SDLC, bisync, async), voice, and fax over a single frame r elay link. A powe rfu l manage ment capability allows allocation of frame relay bandwidth to ensure that each type of traffic receives the necessary qua lity of service.
The FRM family shares much f unctionality and compatibility with Cabletron’s Sma rt­Switch 1800, FRX4000, and FRX6000.
FRX6000 with monitor & printer
SmartSwitch 1800
SmartSwitch 1800
Frame Relay
SmartSwitch 9000
F igure 1-1 Ne twork E xam ple
Eac h FRM is a tw o-slot module that mou nts into a SmartSwitch 9 000. An FRM can inte ract with other FRM modules , but not with othe r modules in the SmartSwitc h 9000, with the exception of a cable connection f rom each FRM to a LAN interface module in the SmartSw itc h 9000, which provides LAN connectivit y to the WAN inter faces o n the FRM.
Eac h FRM with a video interface featur es an intuitive, men u-based manage men t stru ctur e that allows complete local and rem ote control of othe r FRMs, as well as SmartS witc h 1800s, FRX4000s , a nd FRX 6000s.
Some t ypical FRM applications are:
SDLC-to- LLC2 and LL C2-to -QLLC conversio n ov er fram e relay
SNA and TCP/IP LAN/WAN in tegr a tion—w ith or without routers
B ank ing applicatio ns—LAN, SNA, TCP/IP, async
Traffic aggregation and con centration to public fram e relay services
"Fr on t end" network to larger frame relay switche s
X.25-to-frame relay gateway applications
Multiprotocol Support
E ach FRM suppor ts these rou ting and acc ess pro tocols :
Frame Relay
As ync
Management Functions
E a ch FR M su ppor t s the s e m anagement f unct i on s :
Lo cal SNMP agen t, with Sets from network manager on some MIB varia bles
Manag e a ble via Cable tron’s Spectrum®, SPEL, or Netlink Omni Vie w
NetView Service Point function
C ontrol via local moni tor, remote FRM, or local/rem ote async terminal
File transfer, d atabase backup/resto re, and software updates between dev ices
Lo cal conf iguratio n
Centralized alarm routing
Statis tic s dis play s
Line monitor
1-2 Frame Relay Module 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
Hardwar e Overvi ew
An FRM mounts into a SmartSwitch 9000, and connects to an Ethernet or Token Ring (depen di ng on the model of FRM) module in the chassis via a cable from a LAN adapter p ort on the FRM. The FRM draws power f rom the chassis , but do es not inte ract with other SmartSw itch 900 0 modules ex c e pt the LA N inter face module and other FR M modu l es.
The int ent of the FRM is to provid e the functionality of a 24-port FRX6000 in a module that occupies two slots in an existing SmartSwitch 9000 (thereby eliminating the extra sp ace that an FRX6000 would req uire).
Three i960 RISC-based line processors (RLPs) provide the serial interfaces, con­ne c t ing various synchrono us a nd as ynchron ou s us e r devic es to pu bl i c or pri v at e n et ­works. Each RLP supports up to seven protocols and up to 1024 simultaneous logi cal termina tion s. (A link into one physical/logica l port on the RLP and out another port counts a s two ter minations.)
The following figure shows the basic hard ware components.
An earlier version of the FRM contai ns one RLP, providing eight serial ports. This manual does not document that ver sion, although all the same functionality can be found in that FRM except the number of ports.
Each RL P supports eight serial ports, located on two attached Line In terface Cards (L ICs). The t ype s of serial ports depend on the types of LIC, which can be (in any combination) V.35, RS-232, or RS-422.
Each FRM also contains:
1. 2GB hard disk
I/O box/cab le assemblies for
RLP serial p orts
Cable for connection to Smar t­Swit ch 9000 LAN module
Keyboard Jack
VGA Port
not used
Ethernet Card
SCSI Connector for Dis kette Drive
COM Port
Parallel Port
Product Overview 1-3
F igure 1-2 Hardware Com ponents
Serial and LAN Interfaces
To LAN Interface Module
Port Type V.35 V.35 DTE
RS-232 RS-232 DTE RS-422 RS-449 DTE
I/O Cable Ty pes V.35 DCE RS-232 DCE RS-449 DCE*
X.21 DTE X.21 DCE
I/O Boxes & Cables
F igure 1-3 FRM w ith I/ O Box es and C abling
As s hown in the figure, each 60-pin serial connector on an FRM supports up to four I/ O p orts, all of the same interface type. A cable carries each connector’s signals to an I/O box ass embly. The I/O box acts as a "splitter" that carries signals to four 25-pin connector s. The "final" physical interface dep ends on the com bination of th e type of I/O cable exiting the I/O box.
The LAN por t on each FRM can be connected to a LAN mo dule in the SmartSwitch 9000 ( as s hown in the fi gure), or to an ex te rnal s our ce.
1-4 Frame Relay Module 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
Operato r Interfaces
Insta lla tion of software into an FRM, generally done before the node ships to the cus­tomer, r equi res a direc t ly connect ed keyboa rd and moni tor. Once the n ode has bee n install ed and configured, it can fu nction with n o op erator interf ace. However, co nfig­uration, file copy (backup, restore, transfer, etc.), and monitoring operation s requir e a keyboard and screen, which can be in any of several forms.
Each FRM is shippe d with c abling to support connection to an ASCII terminal or a PC.
Product Overview 1-5
Quick Start
Chapter 2
Getting Started
The inst allati on d ocument ation that is shipped with each unit descr i bes th e pro ced ure for connecting to the FRM from a local or rem ote keyboard an d video d evice. Once this has been done, the FRM must be customized for the de vices to which it will connect, the traffic it will rec eive and transmit, and various operating parameters that can be set to your s pecific needs.
T he ba si c step s you s hould t ake to get the FRM up an d running a re:
1. Read the rem ainder of this chapter, as it exp lains t he user interface on an FRM. This information will help you understand the menu operations that are neces sa ry to config ure the FRM for your application.
2. Review the default databa se parameter settings, lis te d in tables throughout Section II. (A list o f tab les can be found in the Table of Content s.) M any param- eter s can be left at the d efaul t settings, but some must be recon figured to match your sp ecific need s.
3. Fill in T abl e 2-1 (on pag e 2-3), to identify the physical interface, protocol, and co nnected device on each physical port. You will need more information when configuring database records, bu t these tables can b e used as convenient refer­ences.
4. Log into the menu operations, if not already done. This is described in the FRM Ins tallation & Setup Guide, as well as on page 2-4.
5. Set the corr ect date and time, as described on page 2-9. Event messages, reports, and some displays include the current date and time as set in the FRM. Th ey should be accur ate, for pr oper network monito ring an d managemen t.
6. Change the login password, if desired. The default password is can change this to any pas sword of up to 1 4 char acters, as desc ribed o n pa ge 2-9.
7. Config ure the necessary database reco rds: Node (Chapter 4), SNMP parameters (Ch apter 16) if SNMP manageme nt will be performed , RLPs and protocols (C hapt er 5), ne tw ork p or ts ( frame relay – Chapter 7) or X.25 – Chapter 8), plus LAN interfaces and legacy access ports (miscellaneo us chap ters in Section II).
. You
P ort Assign men t Worksheets
Fig ure 2-1 sh ows the loca tio ns of the Line I nterface Ca rds (LICs), wh ic h det ermine the types of physical ports sup­ported on the RLP(s).
LIC 1 s upports ports 0–3, and LIC 2 supports ports 4–7. Note that b ecause the bus ru ns across the FRM above RLPs 1 and 2, those cards are installed upside down.
F igure 2-1 Li ne Interface Cards
2-2 9W004 4.0 User Gui de, R ev 01
Table 2-1 lists all possible phy sical po rts on an FRM.
Table 2-1 Port Assignments
Card Port
RLP 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RLP 1 0 V.35
1V.35 2V.35 3V.35 4V.35 5V.35 6V.35 7V.35
RLP 2 0
1 2 3 4V.35 5V.35 6V.35 7V.35
Co nnected D ev ice
LAN 0 n/a n/ a
Getting Started 2-3
Physical interface, determined by the LIC an d attached cable. Some LICs are V.35 in all models of FRM; others differ. Possible interfaces (with LICs in parentheses) are: V.35 (V.35), RS-232 (RS-232), RS-449 (RS-422), and X.21 (RS-422). Each cable is physical DTE (male connector) or DCE (female connector). Ad d a T or C to the interface type to record this information.
All possible protocols are list ed below:
RLP ports 0–3: Frame relay, X.2 5, SDLC, BSCI (Interactiv e), BSCB (Batch), Async. LAN port 0: IP, IPX, Bridge, LLC2.
Note that LAN protocols are assigned to physical frame relay ports via interface records that map the protocols to the physical ports.
Lo gging into the Mai n Men u
Configuration (described in Section II) and man a gem ent (Section II I) operatio ns are access ed via a menu structure, using th e keyboard and video dev ice. Once the FRM has been conf igure d and i s operationa l, it does not need the keyboard and vi deo device; however , they are necessary to get the unit up and running.
To protect the FRM fr om unauthorized access, en try to the menu operations requires a pa s s word.
When running outs ide the menu operations, a display will be similar to the following figure, and will show the curr e nt status of all ports on the node. (Th is dis play is described in detail on page 19-2.)
Port Status D isplay (Page 1)
L P Type PPS Conn# State L P Type PPS C onn# State
0 0 FR 62 4 O perational 0 1 SNA 127 12 Operational 0 2 FR 112 7 Operational 0 3 SNA 60 6 Operational 0 4 SNA 110 3 Operational 0 5 X25 87 5 Operational 0 6 SNA 100 8 Operational 0 7 SNA 120 13 Operational 1 0 ASY 0 0 Link_disable 1 1 X25 88 4 Operational 1 2 FR 200 1 Operational 1 3 FR 220 2 Op erational 1 4 SNA 110 3 Operational 1 5 X25 87 5 Operational 1 6 SNA 100 8 Operational 1 7 SNA 120 13 Operational 2 0 ASY 0 0 Link_disable 2 1 X25 88 4 Operational 2 2 FR 200 1 Operational 2 3 FR 220 2 Op erational 2 4 SNA 110 3 Operational 2 5 X25 87 5 Operational 2 6 SNA 100 8 Operational 2 7 SNA 120 13 Operational
0 Eth 0
Node Name=node_xyz
F igure 2-2 Port Status Di splay
No de Na m e
at the upper right dentifies the node under control of the key­board and screen. This will generally be a directly connected n ode, in which case the ID will be the
Node Na m e
c onfigure d in the Node Defaults file (described in Chapter 4). If an operato r takes Rem o t e Cont rol of ano t he r node ( des c r i be d on pa g e 1 8-1 ) ,
Co nt rol ID
configured in Node Defa ults on the controlled node. Any config-
No de Nam e
will be come the
uratio n or control operations will af fect tha t node rather than the local one. I f the controlled node ha s a displ ay scre en, the message
control. Keyboard bl ocked by i d="n"
Remote Control I D
of the controlling node.
will be displayed, wher e "n" is the
Under remote
After the operator presses page 2-9), the Main Menu (Figure 2-3) will appear .
2-4 9W004 4.0 User Gui de, R ev 01
at the screen in Figure 2-2 and enters a pass word (see
Version "n.n.n"
A Configuration
B Operations
C Status Displays
D Events
E Statistics
F Reports
This is the start ing point for all menu operations. The organizatio n of the men us is sh own i n Appendix E.
Reviewing Boot Messages
Node Name= node_xyzl
F igure 2- 3 Main M enu
As an FRM boots, screen infor matio n tracks the loading of RLP and LAN card soft ware, verifies conf igu ration file format, and display s any errors. This data is dis­played only until the FRM software is running; however, it is sa ved in a file named BOOTR PT.TXT, and the operator can later display it. This can be used as a tool to verify that startup of the node proceeded without errors. If there is an error reported, the data may aid in fixing the problem.
If an FRM is shut down and/or rebooted, the existing BOOTRPT.TXT file will be renamed BOOTBAK.TXT, an d a new BOOTRPT . T XT will be created. BOOT RPT .TXT and BOOTBAK.TXT can be us ed as f oll ows:
1. Display and rev iew the data from the “current” boot of the device.
2. Address any reported problems.
3. Re- b oot the device. (This cop ies the previous boot data to a backup file.)
4. Display the new boo t data, and compare it to the previ ou s data. This will s ho w whether the problem was fixed. Also, a problem that occurred during the previous boo t-up will often be clear e d up by re-booting.
To display the data from the c urrent boot-up, press
from the Main Menu). To display the data f rom the previous boot-up (s aved in a
file called BOOT BAK .T XT), p ress
at the Reports menu (or
at the Rep orts Men u (or
[F], [D]
from the Main
Getting Started 2-5
Mov ing Thr ough the Me nus
To select a menu item, pres s the letter to the left of the item . To return to the next higher menu from a lower-level, press To move from operations under one Main Menu entry to operations under another
entry, you must return to the Main Menu. The easiest way is to press until the Main Menu is displ ayed.
Within the menu operations, there are two kinds of prompts:
Information prompts – respond by typing the req uested information, then pressing
Yes/no prompts – respond by pressing
T hroughout this manual are tabl es of val id and default valu es. T o specif y a defaul t ( if one exists ), press
in res ponse to a prompt.
On-Line Help
when it is not required may cause the next
prompt to automatically select the default choice.
Mo s t s cre en me nus di s pla y a prompt ca lled
. Pressing prompt will usually display a list of options. To make a selec tion, pres s either the function key shown preceding the desired option or the character pr eceding the desired menu item. The list of options varies, depending on what menu is displayed; most of t he opt ions are d escribed be low . (Funct i on ke y equi val ents on an async ter­minal keypad are lis ted on page 2-8.)
F1: Select Another Record
Next Reco rd
—displays the first prompt that appeared on your screen after you
made your menu se le cti on, so you can specify anot her record .
F2: Next Record
Next Record
—refresh e s a display with updated information.
Remote Refresh
—display s the nex t sequen tial recor d on you r screen for verif i cation,
modification, or deletion.
Remote Refresh
—ref r eshes a remote display.
in respo nse to this
F3: Exit menu
2-6 9W004 4.0 User Gui de, R ev 01
—returns you to t he previous m enu, saving any cha nge s you ha ve ma de.
Some me nus have two sets of values:
C han ges will affect only the database, unless you press pressing
. (This will update the system memory .) Database and
System Memory
S ystem memory valu es are des cribed on page 4-3 for No de D efau l t s and page 6-3 for P orts.
+ 366 hidden pages