CSX7000 9
The CSX7000 Chassis
The CSX7000 is a self-contained 16 slot rack-mount unit with a passive segmentable backplane. It
can support multiple system grou ps using multip le proces s or module s. It is capable of runn ing
completely independent applic ations within the same chassis. An internal , multiplexed bus system
allows all pr ocessor modules within the chas sis to share a single f lexible disk, monitor, and
The CSX7000 is built with heavy industrial mater ial and includes a cooling sy stem which can
accommodat e the full chass is. The two redu ndant integral pow er supplies prov ide high availa bility
processing. You ca n hot swap each supply without affecting the CSX7000’s functions. You can
power on or off individual groups, which allows you to maintain a selected group while other
groups in the chassis rema in operational.
The CSX7000 contain s a sl ide rail assembly to allow for its mounting in a 19 inch RETMA rack or
cabinet. (Refer to chassis dimensions and rack/cabinet recommendations.) You can create a cluster of
CSX7000s by stacking multiple chassis and connecting them with a chassis-to chassis daisy chain
bus. (See following illustration.)
Cabletron offers two different processor modules for the CSX7000: the CSXPRO-8 and the
CSXPRO-32. These Pentium single-board CPUs are self-contained computers that include
processor, memory, and I/O. Th e amount of RAM and the speed of the processor differentiate the
available CPUs:
• CSXPRO7-8 sufficient for most remote access applications
• CSXPRO7-32 for densely-populated PRI configuration s
For each cluster of connected CSX7000s, an optional Environmental Management System (EMS)
module manages the intel ligent environmental sensors located throughout the cluster. Th e se
sensors monitor system status, including CPU operation, voltages, fuses, temperature and fans.
The EMS module c an monit or and con trol up to 31 CSX7000s connect ed as a s ingle cl uster. The EMS
module can al so b e configured as an SNMP agent for management of the environmental sensors
throu gh a rem o te S NMP man a ge r.
The CSX7000 supports multiple interface modules. These interface modules combine with a
processor module to form a system group. The in t e rfa ce mo dules can include:
• Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) Interface (singl e p ort or two port)
• ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
• ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI)
• digital modem (DM-8, DM-24, DM-24+, DM-30+)
• dedicated line connectivity through RS232 and V.35
• Frame Relay and X.25 support
For detailed information on these and other features of the CSX7000, refer to the User’s Guide.