Cabletron Systems CyberSWITCH CSX5500, CyberSWITCH CSX6000, CyberSWITCH CSX7000, CyberSWITCH 5500, CyberSWITCH 6000 Quick Start Manual

Release 7.4
Cabletron Systems
(603) 332-9400 phone (603) 337-3075 fax
You may post this document on a network server for public use as long as no modificati ons are ma d e to the d o cu m e n t .
Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice. The reader should in all cases consult Cabletron Systems to determine whether any such changes have been made.
The hardware, firmware, or software described in this manual is subject to change without notice.
©Copyrigh t 1999 by Cabletron Systems, Inc . All rights reserved.
Cabletron Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 5005 Rochester, NH 03866-500 5
Order Number: 9032109-04
Cabletron Systems has tested its software with current virus checking technologies. H owev er, because no anti-vir us sy stem is 100% reliabl e, we strongly cauti on you to wr ite pro tect and th en verif y that th e Licen sed Sof tware, pr ior to installing it, is virus-free with an anti-viru s system in which yo u have confi denc e.
Cabletron Systems makes no representations or warranties to the effect that the Licensed Software is virus-free.
Copyright © July 1997, by Cabletron Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Only qualified personnel should perform installation procedures.
Central Site Re mote Access Switch 3
Cabletron Systems, CyberSWITCH, MMAC-Plus, SmartSWITCH, SPECTRUM, and SecureFast Virtual Remote Access Manager are trademarks of Cabletron Systems, Inc.
All other product names m entioned in this manual are tradema rks or registered trademarks of their re sp e ctive companies.
All of the code for this product is copyright ed by Cable tron System s , Inc.
© Copyright 1991-1997 Cabletron Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America .
Portio ns of the code for this p roduct are co pyrighted by the follow ing corpor ations:
Epilogue Technolo gy Co rporat io n Copyright 1991-1993 by Epilogue Technology Corporati on. All rights reserved.
Livingston Enterprises, Inc. Copyright 1992 Livingston Enterprises, Inc.
Security Dynamics Technologies Inc. Copyright 1995 by Security Dynamics Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Stac El e c troni cs Stac Electronics 1993, including one or more U.S. Patents No. 4701745, 5016009, 5126739 and 5146221 and other pending patents.
Telenetw orks Copyright 1991, 92, 93 by Telene tworks. All rights reserved.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FC C rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this d e vice m a y no t caus e ha r mful int erfe rence , an d (2) this device must accept any int erference received, includ ing interference that may caus e undesired o p e ra ti on .
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment uses, generates, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed in accordance with the operator’s manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
WARNING: Chan ges or modifi cation s made to this dev ice which are not expre ssly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This digital apparatus do es not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Commu nicati ons.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communicatio ns du Cana d a.
This is a Class 1 product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If th is equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective ac tions.
IMPORTANT: Before utilizing this product, carefully read this License Agreement.
This document is an agreement between you, the end user, and Cabletron Systems, Inc. ("Cabletron") that sets forth your rights and obligations with respect to the Cabletron software program (the "Program") contained in this package. The Progra m may be contai ned in fi rmware, ch ips or ot her media. BY UTILIZ ING THE ENCLOSED PRODUCT, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BECOME BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, WHICH INCLUDES THE LICENSE AND THE LIMITATION OF WA RRANTY A ND DISCLAIMER O F LIABILITY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE FOR A FULL REFUND.
Central Site Re mote Access Switch 5
Using Quick Start 7 Basics 8
Installing Hardware 8 Installing Software 8 Accessing the Release Notes 8 Access in g the CyberSWITCH 9
Connecting an Administration Console 9
Connecting a Local Administration Console 9 Connecting a Remote Administration Console 9
Login on the Cy b e rSWITCH 10 Making Configuration Changes 10 Upgrading System Soft war e 11
Local Software Upgrade In structions 11
Remote Upgrade 12
Handling Upgrade Warnings and Errors 13 Change Defaults to Secure System 13 Initial Installation Steps 14
Beginning the Configuration Process 14
Physical Resource Configuration 15
Connectivity 16
Overview 16 Connectin g a Central Site Product to a Workgrou p Pro duct via PPP 16
Bridge to Bridge Configuration 16
Configurati on for Site "Remote" 17
IP Router to IP Router Config uration 18
Configurati on for Site "C en tral" 18 Configurati on for Site "Remote" 19
IPX Router to IPX Router Configuration 20
Configurati on for Site "C en tral" 20 Configurati on for Site "Remote" 21
AppleTalk Router to AppleTalk Router Configuration 22
Configurati on for Site "C en tral" 22 Configurati on for Site "Remote" 23
Connecting a Central Site Product to a CSX100 via PPP 24
IP Router to IP Router with Network Address Translation Configuration 24
Configuration for Site “Central” 25 Configuration for Site “Remo te” 25
IPX Router to IPX Router Configuration 26
Configuration for Site “Central” 26 Configuration for Site “Remo te” 27
IPX Router to Bridge Conf iguration 28
Configuration for Site “Central” 28 Configuration for Site “Remo te” 29
AppleTalk Router to Bridge Conf iguration 29
Configuration for Site “Central” 29 Configuration for Site “Remo te” 30
Connecting a Central Site Product to a Termin al Adapter/Modem 31
IP Router with Digital Modem to a Terminal Adapte r/ Modem 31
Configuration for Site “Central” 31 Configuration for Site "Remote" on Windows NT 4.0 31 Configuration of Site “Rem ote” on Windows 95 34
IPX Router with Digital Modem to a Terminal Adapter/Modem 36
Configuration for Site “Central” 36 Configurati on for Site “Remote” on Windows NT 4.0 36 Configuration of Site “Rem ote” on Windows 95 39
Index 41
Quick Start is recommended only for those users who are ex perienced with hardware an d software
installation proced ur e s. Quick Star t is divided into two parts.
This chapter gives detailed instructions on the initial installation steps that are required for all CyberSWITCH configur a tions.
This chapter gives instructions for connecting two of our products together via PPP. Separate instructions are provided fo r bridg ing, IP, IPX, and Apple T alk conf iguratio ns .
There is a possibility that your distributor has already completed hardware installation. If
hardware installat ion has not been completed, follow the in structions listed below.
Anytime you remove the module cov er, make sure the power cord is not plugged in. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or equipment damage.
1. Remove module cover.
2. Install adapters.
3. Attach LCD Cable to WAN adapter.
4. Install needed inter-board cables (f or TDM and/or MVIP connections).
5. Replace module cover.
1. Insert syst e m sof tware diskette #1 into diskette drive and power on the machine.
2. Type the following command at the DOS prompt:
3. If you wish to review the Release Notes answer “y” to the prompt. Use <page down> and
<page up> to view sections of the Release Notes. At anytime you may press the <Esc> key to continue with the installation.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the software installation.
The Rele ase Not es provide release highlights and important information related to this release that
should be re viewed before you begin the system’s installation an d configurati o n.
An abb re v i a te d set of the s e n ot e s are i n a file call e d RE L _ NOTE. TXT. To di sp la y them on the
system, enter the following command at the system prompt:
[product name]> LIST REL_NOTE.TXT
Or, you may acc e ss the complete se t of notes via your Web browser :
Central Site Re mote Access Switch 9
Accessing the CyberSWITCH
This section describes how to connect an administration console. You will use the console to control
the system.
The system supports two administration console options: local and remote. Both options will be
explained in this section . Follow the step s for the admini stration console option you will be using.
Note: Once the system is up and running, you may wish to connect to the console using Telnet.
Refer to the Remote Management chapter of the User’s Guide for additional inf o rmati on concerning Telnet.
With a local administration console, the user creates a direct connection to the CyberSWITCH by
attachi ng a monitor and keyboard to the system. It is config u red to support a PS/ 2 - style keyboard
and a VGA 15-pin monitor. These are NOT supplied. This simple connection process is explained
1. Attach keyboard plug to the keyboard conn e ctor located on the back of the system.
2. Attach monitor cable to the local monitor port located on the bac k of th e system.
For the exact location of the keyboard connector and the local monitor port, refer to the platform
diagra ms in cluded in th e Ha rd w are Overview ch a pter of the User’s Guide.
A remote administration console gives the user the ability to operate the CyberSWITCH remotely.
To use the remote administration console option, you will need an IBM Compatible PC that runs
Carbon Copy, and the appropriate cabling. These cables are NOT supplied. Refer to the Remote
Management chapter of the User’s Guide for additional information concerning Carbon Copy.
You will a lso n eed t he Manager disk et te to conn ect the remot e admini st rati on con s ole op tio n. Thi s
software is available (as an option) when you order a CyberSWITCH. If you did not order the
Manager software, you must use the local administration console option. Call your distributor to
order thi s software.
To connect the Remote Admin istrati on Console, follow these st e p s:
1. Using the appropriate cabling, attach the administration console PC to the system.
The remote administ ration port is a 9-pin, male RS232 serial adapter. For the location of th e port, refer to the Hardware Overvi ew chapter of the User’s G u id e.
You can use a standard RS232 cable with a null-modem device for direct attachment between the administration console PC and the Cy b erSWITCH. If you are using remote attachme nt, connect the ad m i nistration console PC and the system to th e ir respe c tive mod e m s .
10 CyberSWITCH
2. Install the M anager software onto the administrati on console PC. Th is step is OPTIONAL, since it requires the administration console PC to have a hard disk with 1 MB of free space. You can exec u te the Manager software from the diskette; however, run ning this sof tware from the hard disk is more efficient.
Insert the Manager software diskette into the diskette drive on the administration console PC
and enter the following command, replacing “diskette drive letter” with the appropriate administration console PC drive (for example “A”). Type:
When the DOS prompt reappears, the software installation on the administration co nsol e is complete.
The Carbon Copy software on the Manager diskette is delivered with the f ollowing default settings:
Comm Por t Address COM1 Baud Rate 9600 Modem Type Direct Connect
If you wan t to attac h re motely to th e s ystem u sing mode ms, y o u must c hange th ese sett i ngs b y using the CCINSTAL program. Refer to the Remo te Management chapter of the User’s Guide for
details on running this program.
Once you have a connection to the CyberSWITCH, you will be presented with a prompt to enter your log in id. Use admin as the login id. You will then be prompted for a new password, so choose a password that you will remember. If your software was previously accessed by your distributor, your password will be admin (in lower case).
After you have logged in, you many enter any command at the system prompt.
We provide the following configurati on tools to set up and/or alter your configuration:
CFGEDIT, the full configuration utility
Manage Mode, the dynamic management utility
The CyberSW ITC H is configured using the configuration e dito r, CFGE DIT . To begin the configuration process:
Start up the configuratio n editor, CFGEDIT. Your machine s hould be at the sys tem prompt. To start up the configuration editor simply type:
[system name]>
The main configuration menu should now be displayed. Refer to Connectivity for the configuration steps required for the device you wish to connect.
Central Site Remote Access Switch 11
Upgrading System Software
Note: If you are prompted for configuration information that you don’t know, use the default.
This document will provide detailed instructions if some thing other th an the default is required.
Once the system is working, minor configuration changes can be made in real time with the Dynamic Management feature. This feature consists of console commands that enable you to display current system parameters, change many paramete rs dynamically, and write ch anges to disk file s so that they remain permanen t. Before using Dynamic Management comm ands, you mu st first enter the special Manage Mode by typing the following command at the system prompt:
While operating in Manage Mode, only Dynamic Management commands are available. All other system commands are ignored until you exit Manage Mode.To save changes to Manage Mode, enter th e
command. To leave Manage Mode, enter the
The syst e m u p g rade cons ists of a set of 3.5" diskette s that contain the necessary u p gr ade software. These upgr ade diskett e s may be used on more than one CyberSWITCH .
Once a system is upgraded, you may then upgrade any Manager diskettes purchased for the upgraded system.
Notes: If you have an older platform, there is a possibility that the new features we have added
may use up the available memory. Therefore, this release may effect the number of compressi on sessions available. You may want to purc hase more memor y for your CyberSWITCH. Contact your distributor.
You may not perform a software upgrade on a system if you will be changing the country version of the software. For example, you may not upgrade a NTT version to a US version; you must instead do an install.
With the availability of the DM-24, modem upgrade is now a possibility. A Digital Modem upgrade is beyond the scope of this section. For more information on upgrading modem firmware, re fer to th e
modem upgrade
command in the System Commands chapter of the
User’s Guide.
1. Insert upgrad e di skette #1 into the dis k e tte drive.
2. Issue the
command to restart the platform.
3. At the DOS prompt type the following command to start the upgrade utility:
A:\UPGRADE <return>
The fir st sec tion of t he Re lea se N ote s w ill b e di spla yed . You w ill be g iv en a ch oice of re viewi ng the Release Notes, or proceeding with the upgrade. We recommend that you review the Release Notes for release highlights and important information related to this release.
12 CyberSWITCH
Use <page down> and <page up> to view sections of the Release Notes. At anytime, you may press the <escape> key to continue with the installa tion.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to continue with the upgrade. After 2-3 minutes, you will be asked to select the platform type you are installing from a displayed list. Enter the Id of the platform type you are configuring. In most cases, the platform name is on the front of the machine being installed . If you cannot determ ine the platfo rm be ing used, temp ora rily
configure the platform type as “CSX Series,” then call Technical Support to help you identify the platform type.
If one of the foll owing messages is displayed:
Couldn’t open the file C:\SYSTEM\PLATFORM.NEI
Error reading platform type: there was no “n” in the string Error reading platform type: type value is too large Error reading platform type: type was not converted to an int Error reading platform type: there is no “plat name” field
the diskettes you have are co rrupted. Call your distributor or Technical Support for a new set .
5. Follow the on-screen prompts for inserting diskettes #2, #3, and #4.
6. If you wish to upgrade the Manager at this time: a. issue the
command to terminate the system software b. in se rt the Manager diskette c. at the DOS prompt type
C:\ADMIN\UG_ADMIN <return>
d. follow the on-screen prompts to complete the M anager Upgrade
8. Reboot to complete the Upgrade process.
Note: Before you configure your CyberSWITCH, issue the
command and check to make sure that you have selected the correct platform. If you have not selected the correct platfor m, y ou must reinstall your software and se lect the corre ct platform during the installation process.
The remote upgrade feature will allow you to upgrade the CyberSWITCH by transferring the upgrade file and then remotely issuing a
command. To accomplish this, you will need
the rupgrade.bat and the latest autoexec.bat files, available with release 7.2 and beyond.
To remotely upgrade the operational software, follow these steps:
1. From the PC/workstation, Telnet to the CyberSWITCH and login as admin.
2. Verify that the system is ready to receive TFTP upgrades:
Enter MANAGE MODE by typing
<RET> at the system prompt.
•Using the MANAGE MODE command
, verify that:
TFTP feature is enabled
TFTP server is enabled
TFTP server is assigned ADMIN file access rights
•Using the MANAGE MODE command
, verify that:
ADMIN has READ/WRITE access to CONFIG files
Central Site Remote Access Switch 13
Change Defaults to Secure System
ADMIN has READ/ WRI TE access to OTHER files
Exit MANAGE MODE by typing
3. If you are upgrading to Release 7.2 software, perform the following:
Using the TFTP clie n t on the remote workstation, TFTP PKUNZIP.EXE to the \admin di­rector y of th e Cyb e rSWITCH to be upgrad e d.
TFTP RUGRADE.BAT to the \ (root) directory.
TFTP AUTOEXEC.BAT to the \ (root) directory.
If you are upgrading from Release 7.2 to a later release, skip this step. (Th ese f iles are alread y included in 7.2 software).
4. Using the TFTP clien t on the remote workstation, TFTP UPGRAD E.OSW to the \ (root) direct ory of the Cy b e r S W I T C H to be u p gr a d e d .
Notes: If you expe rience a tr ansmiss ion time out, ch eck the r etransmiss ion set ting o n the TFTP
package. A retr ansmi s sion ra te of 10 se conds i s usual ly suffi cien t ; val ues l es s than t ha t may not work properly.
If you expe rience a proble m transferring the file with TFTP, wait about three minutes for the TFTP to fail, delete the incomplete file, and try again.
5. Telnet to the Cyb e rSWITCH and issue the
command .
During Step 5 of the Upgrade process, checks are made to ensure that the system is in a “normal” condition before an upgrade. If something abno rma l is found, you will be warned of the abnormality and the upgrade process is halted. In the event that you receive any of the following error messages, contac t Customer Support for assistance.
Possible errors:
Invalid OLD System file.
You can only upgrade from release: n.n.n. Machine running release: n.n.n.
Could not open old System file. Cannot run upgrade.
The system is preconfigured with defaults that were designed to make it possible to have your system up and running quickly. After your machine is functioning properly, some of these defaults shou ld b e changed to make you r sy s te m mo re se c u re . Th e fol lo wing con f ig uration cha n ges are needed to provide this security:
1. Either delete User1 and User2 or change th ei r names an d sec rets.
Use Dynamic Management’s ma nage mode to carry out either of these functions. To enter th e manage mode, type
at the system prompt. If you have no need for these types of
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