Workgroup Remote Access Switch 29
Unique System Features
automati cally adju st th e nu mber of ne twork con nect ion s. Thus, your n et work costs w il l ref lec t
the actual bandwidth being used.
• Filtering
Allows you to control the flow of frames through the network. Filtering becom es nec essary if
you need to re strict remote access or con trol widespread transmission of sporadic messages.
Customer-defined filters can forward messages based on addresses, protocol, or packet data.
• Data Compressi on
Allows the system to negotiate compression algorithms with another device on the network.
After successfully negotiating com p re ssion, data is compressed by the remote device and
transmi tte d to the system. The system deco mp resses the data, processes the information
contained in the user data, and forwards the data as required. The system can receive data
coming over a WAN or a LAN, and compress the data before transmitting it to another device
on the network. The net effect is to increase interconnect bandwidth by de creasing
transmi ssion time. If neg o tiation for compression fails, data is transmitted uncompressed.
• Dial Out Capability
The system will dial out to remo te dev ices . Th is featur e allows the sy st em to accep t user data
receiv e d on the Ethernet LAN or I S DN network and initiate a data connection to the remote
device specified in the user data. This allows devices on the local LAN to initiate connections
to networks connected to the system over th e switched di gital network. The system monitors
the connection for utilization and will rem ove the connection when it becomes idle.
• Dynamic Management
Provides a “real-time” management mechanism that allows many system parameters to be
changed with out interrupting the curren t e xecution state of the system sof tware. This feature
consists of a series of con sole commands that enable a user to display current system
paramet ers , c ha ng e man y par ame ter s d yna mica lly , and wri t e cha ng es t o d isk f il es s o th at the y
remain permanent.
• High Speed Digital Connections
The system supp orts 56Kbps and 64Kbps co nnections to remote locatio ns. These dial- up digital
connections provide re liable high throughpu t connections for efficient data tr ansfer for the
same cost as analog connections. If any r e mote devices conn e cted to the system support multi-
link PPP, up to 32 parallel connections can be made at either 56Kbps or 64Kbps.
• IP Filters
The IP filters allow you to control the transmission of individual IP packets based on the packet
type. You can specify packet type by IP address (source or destination) or by IP protocol (TCP,
Once you specify a packet type, two forms of IP filtering are available:
• Forwarding Filters, applied at discrete points of the IP processing path to determine if a
packet continues its normal processing, and a
• Connection Filter, which determines if an IP packet requiring a WAN connection may continue.
•Packet Capture
In order to monitor incoming LAN data, the CyberSWITCH packet capture feature will allow
you to capture, display, save, and load bridged or routed data packets.