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Chapter 1Introduction
HSIM-W6 and HSIM-W84........................................................................................... 1-2
Using the CSX 200 and CSX400 UserÕs Guide .......................................................... 1-2
Related Manuals............................................................................................................ 1-3
How to use this guide; related guides; software conventions; getting help; CSX200 and CSX400
firmware versions
Welcome to the Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager for the
CSX200 and CSX400 UserÕs Guide. We have designed this guide to serve as a
simple reference for using SPECTRUM Element Manager for the CSX200 and
SPECTRUM Element Manager provides management support for both the
CyberSWITCH CSX200 and CyberSWITCH CSX400 stand-alone LAN-to-WAN
access devices. Both the CSX200 series and the CSX400 device support PPP and
Frame Relay WAN protocols, as well as multiprotocol bridging and IP/IPX
The CSX200 series (CSX 201, 202, and 203) is designed for smaller branch ofÞces
who need up to twelve Ethernet ports connected to a corporate WAN or ISP. Each
CSX200 device has twelve RJ-45 ports and one WAN interface. Before shipping,
the proper Wide Area Port Interface Module (WPIM) is installed in your device,
depending on the technology you need. WPIM connections currently supported
by SPEL include T1 and synchronous. In the future E1, DDS, DI (Drop-and-
Insert), and HDSL will also be supported by SPECTRUM Element Manager. All of
these WPIM options are discussed in Chapter 3, CSX200 and CSX400 WAN
ConÞguration. The CSX200 also supports Point to Point Protocol (PPP), leased
lines, and Frame Relay (RFC1490), providing up to four Permanent Virtual
Connections (PVCs) to corporate ofÞces or the Internet.
The CSX400 is ideal for corporate ofÞces or larger branch sites that require two
individual Ethernet LAN segments with single or dual WAN connectivity. The
two Ethernet ports can be conÞgured with any available EPIM media, while the
two WAN ports can be occupied by any swappable combination of Cabletron
WPIMs. Currently SPECTRUM Element Manager can only manage a T1 or
synchronous connection, but in the future WPIM options will also include DDS,
DI, E1, and HDSL connectivity. Each WPIM can act independently, allowing
simultaneous communication, or the pair can be conÞgured to provide redundant
channels if desired. Connectivity is available for Point to Point Protocol (PPP), as
well as Frame Relay and leased lines.
It is also important to note a Windows 95- and NT-based utility called QuickSET was
shipped with your CyberSwitch. This program is designed for point-and-click installation
and set-up of CSX200 and CSX400 devices. QuickSET can also be used to conÞgure
WPIM settings and routing-bridging protocols, including those WPIMs not currently
supported by SPECTRUM Element Manager.
The CSX400 can support an ISDN connection with the WPIM-S/T. However, this
connection is designed for WAN redundancy only. A primary ISDN WAN connection is
not an option on the CSX400 at this time. See your CSX400 UserÕs Guide or your
QuickSET documentation for more information.
If you launch Chassis Manager for a CyberSwitch device and have QuickSET installed,
your Utilities menu will display a menu pick for launching QuickSET. See your
QuickSET documentation for more information.
HSIM-W6 and HSIM-W84
The HSIM-W6 and HSIM-W84 are Wide Area Networking HSIMs (High Speed
Interface Modules), which are functionally identical to the CSX200 and CSX400 in
that they provide LAN to WAN switching. They can be installed in SmartSwitch
2000, 6000, and 9000 modules to uplink to WANs. These HSIMs are intelligent
modules with their own IP addresses, and are managed separately through
SPECTRUM Element Manager. Therefore, users of the HSIM-W6 and HSIM-W84
should also use this manual.
The HSIM-W6 supports IP and IPX bridging or routing services, including IP RIP.
Multiple WAN connectivity is similar to that of the CSX400, with the use of two
conÞgurable WAN WPIMs. WPIM options are discussed in Chapter 2, Device ConÞguration. Each WPIM on the HSIM-W6 can act independently, allowing
simultaneous communication, or the pair can be conÞgured to provide redundant
channels if desired.
The HSIM-W84 provides a Þxed conÞguration of four RJ45 ports for four active
T1 interfaces.
Using the CSX 200 and CSX400 User’s Guide
This guide describes a number of different applications, each of which provides a
portion of the overall management functionality for the CSX200 and CSX400
Cyberswitch devices. This guide contains information about software functions
which are accessed directly from the device icon; for information about
management functions which are accessed via the SPECTRUM Element Manager
1-2HSIM-W6 and HSIM-W84
primary window menus, consult the SPECTRUM Element Manager UserÕs Guide
and the SPECTRUM Element Manager Tools Guide.
Following is a description of the applications covered in this guide. While we
provide as much background information as we can, we do assume that youÕre
familiar with Ethernet, Frame Relay, and WAN networks, and with general
network management concepts:
¥Chapter 1, Introduction, provides a list of related documentation, describes
certain software conventions, and shows you how to contact the Cabletron
Systems Global Call Center.
¥Chapter 2, CSX200 and CSX400 Chassis Views, describes the visual displays
of the CSX200 and CSX400 devices and how to use the mouse with the Chassis
Views. Also described are some basic functions available only from within the
Chassis Views (changing the port display, opening menus and windows,
enabling and disabling ports, checking device and port status, and so on).
¥Chapter 3, CSX200 and CSX400 WAN ConÞguration, describes the physical
conÞguration of the CSX200 and CSX400 devices, including WPIM options,
and explains the WAN Logical View window.
¥Chapter 4, Bridging, discusses the Bridge Status window, instructs you on
conÞguring bridge parameters, and discusses the Bridge Filtering and Special
In places where information applies to both the CSX200 and CSX400 devices, this
manual may make reference to the ÒCSX200/400,Ó or simply the ÒCSX.Ó
Related Manuals
The CSX200 and CSX400 UserÕs Guide is only part of a complete document set
designed to provide comprehensive information about the features available to
you through SPECTRUM Element Manager. Other guides which supply
important information related to managing the CSX200 and CSX400 include:
Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager Tools Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager Remote Administration Tools
UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager Remote Monitoring (RMON)
UserÕs Guide
Cabletron SystemsÕ Network Troubleshooting Guide
Microsoft CorporationÕs Microsoft Windows UserÕs Guide
Related Manuals1-3
For more information about the capabilities of the CSX200 and CSX400
management modules, consult the appropriate hardware documentation.
Software Conventions
SPECTRUM Element ManagerÕs device user interface contains a number of
elements which are common to most windows and which operate the same
regardless of which window they appear in. A brief description of some of the
most common elements appears below; note that the information provided here is
not repeated in the descriptions of speciÞc windows and/or functions.
Common Window Fields
Similar descriptive information is displayed in boxes at the top of most
device-speciÞc windows in SPECTRUM Element Manager, as illustrated in
Figure 1-1.
IP Address
Figure 1-1. Sample Window Showing Group Boxes
Device Name
Displays the user-deÞned name of the device. The device name can be changed
via the System Group window; see the Generic SNMP UserÕs Guide for details.
1-4Software Conventions
IP Address
Displays the deviceÕs IP (Internet Protocol) Address; this will be the IP address
used to deÞne the device icon. The IP address is assigned via Local Management
to the CSXÕs internal Host interface; it cannot be changed via SPECTRUM
Element Manager.
Displays the user-deÞned location of the device. The location is entered through
the System Group window; see the Generic SNMP UserÕs Guide for details.
MAC Address
Displays the manufacturer-set MAC address associated with the IP address used
to deÞne the device icon; this will be the MAC address assigned to the CSXÕs
internal Host interface. Note that each physical interface in the CSX has its own
MAC address; these addresses are factory-set and cannot be altered.
Using the Mouse
This document assumes you are using a Windows-compatible mouse with two
buttons; if you are using a three button mouse, you should ignore the operation of
the middle button when following procedures in this document. Procedures
within the SPECTRUM Element Manager document set refer to these buttons as
Left Mouse Button
Right Mouse Button
Figure 1-2. Mouse Buttons
For many mouse operations, this document assumes that the left (primary) mouse
button is to be used, and references to activating a menu or button will not
include instructions about which mouse button to use.
However, in instances in which right (secondary) mouse button functionality is
available, instructions will explicitly refer to right mouse button usage. Also, in
situations where you may be switching between mouse buttons in the same area
or window, instructions may also explicitly refer to both left and right mouse
Software Conventions1-5
Instructions to perform a mouse operation include the following terms:
¥Pointing means to position the mouse cursor over an area without pressing
either mouse button.
¥Clicking means to position the mouse pointer over the indicated target, then
press and release the appropriate mouse button. This is most commonly used
to select or activate objects, such as menus or buttons.
¥Double-clicking means to position the mouse pointer over the indicated
target, then press and release the mouse button two times in rapid succession.
This is commonly used to activate an objectÕs default operation, such as
opening a window from an icon. Note that there is a distinction made between
Òclick twiceÓ and Òdouble-click,Ó since Òclick twiceÓ implies a slower motion.
¥Pressing means to position the mouse pointer over the indicated target, then
press and hold the mouse button until the described action is completed. It is
often a pre-cursor to Drag operations.
¥Dragging means to move the mouse pointer across the screen while holding
the mouse button down. It is often used for drag-and-drop operations to copy
information from one window of the screen into another, and to highlight
editable text.
Using Window Buttons
The button that appears at the bottom of most windows allows you to
exit a window and terminate any unsaved changes you have made. You may also
have to use this button to close a window after you have made any necessary
changes and set them by clicking on an , , or button.
An , , or button appears in windows that have
conÞgurable values; it allows you to conÞrm and SET changes you have made to
those values. In some windows, you may have to use this button to conÞrm each
individual set; in other windows, you can set several values at once and conÞrm
the sets with one click on the button.
The button brings up a Help text box with information speciÞc to the
current window. For more information concerning Help buttons, see Getting Help, page 1-7.
The command buttons, for example , call up a menu listing the windows,
screens, or commands available for that topic.
Any menu topic followed by ... (three dots) Ñ for example Statistics... Ñ calls up
a window or screen associated with that topic.
1-6Software Conventions
Getting Help
This section describes two different methods of getting help for questions or
concerns you may have while using SPECTRUM Element Manager.
Using On-line Help
You can use the buttons to obtain information speciÞc to a particular
window. When you click on a Help button, a window will appear which contains
context-sensitive on-screen documentation that will assist you in the use of the
windows and their associated command and menu options. Note that if a Help
button is grayed out, on-line help has not yet been implemented for the associated
From the Help menu accessed from the Chassis View window menu bar, you can
access on-line Help speciÞc to the Chassis View window, as well as bring up the
Chassis Manager window for reference. Refer to Chapter 2 for information on the
Chassis View and Chassis Manager windows.
All of the online help windows use the standard Microsoft Windows help facility. If you
are unfamiliar with this feature of Windows, you can select Help from the menu,
or Help Ñ>How to Use Help from the primary SPECTRUM Element Manager
window, or consult your Microsoft Windows product UserÕs Guide.
Getting Help from the Cabletron Systems Global Call Center
If you need technical support related to SPECTRUM Element Manager, or if you
have any questions, comments, or suggestions related to this manual or any of
our products, please feel free to contact the Cabletron Systems Global Call Center
via one of the following methods:
By phone: (603) 332-9400
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
By mail:Cabletron Systems, Inc.
PO Box 5005
Rochester, NH 03866-5005
By Internet (
Passwordyour email address
By BBS:(603) 335-3358
Modem Setting8N1: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity
Getting Help1-7
For additional information about Cabletron Systems products, visit our
World Wide Web site: For technical support,
select Service and Support.
CSX200 and CSX400 Firmware
SPECTRUM Element Manager support for the CSX200 has been tested against
Þrmware version 1.02.06. The CSX400 has been tested against Þrmware version
2.00.11. If you have an earlier version of Þrmware and experience problems,
contact Cabletron Systems Global Call Center for upgrade information.
As a general rule, Þrmware versions for new products are liable to change rapidly; contact
Cabletron Systems Global Call Center for upgrade information for the latest customer
release of Þrmware.
1-8CSX200 and CSX400 Firmware
Chapter 2
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
Information displayed in the Chassis View window; the Chassis Manager window; Hub management
The CSX200/400 Chassis View window is the main screen that immediately
informs you of the current condition of individual ports on your switch via a
graphical display. The Chassis View window also serves as a single point of access
to all other CSX windows and screens, which are discussed throughout this
It is important to note a Windows 95- and NT-based utility called QuickSET was shipped
with your device. This program is designed for point-and-click installation and set-up of
CSX200/400 devices. If you launch Chassis Manager for a CyberSWITCH device and
have QuickSET installed, your Utilities menu will display a menu pick for launching
QuickSET. See your QuickSET documentation for more information.
To access the CSX Chassis View window, use one of the following options:
1. In any map, list, or tree view, double-click on the CSX200 or CSX400 you wish
to manage.
1. In any map, list, or tree view, click the left mouse button once to select the
CSX you wish to manage.
2. Select Manage—>Node from the primary window menu bar, or select the
Manage Node toolbar button.
1. In any map, list, or tree view, click the right mouse button once to select the
CSX200/400 you wish to manage.
2. On the resulting menu, click to select Manage.
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
Viewing Chassis Information
The desired CSX200/400 Chassis View window (Figure 2-1) provides a graphical
representation of the device, including a color-coded port display which
immediately informs you of the current conÞguration and status of the switch
and its ports.
Figure 2-1. CSX200 and CSX400 Chassis View Windows
At the time of this release, the Chassis View windows will only display the bridge ports on
a CSX device.
See your QuickSET documentation for information on managing your Ethernet ports.
Bridging capabilities are discussed in Chapter 4 of this manual.
By clicking in designated areas of the chassis graphical display (as detailed later
in this chapter), or by using the menu bar at the top of the Chassis View window,
you can access all of the menus that lead to more detailed device- and port-level
When you move the mouse cursor over a management Òhot spotÓ the cursor icon will
change into a ÒhandÓ to indicate that clicking in the current location will bring up a
management option.
2-2Viewing Chassis Information
Front Panel Information
The areas surrounding the main chassis area provide the following device
The Internet Protocol address assigned to the CSX appears in the title bar of the
Chassis View window. IP addresses are assigned via Local Management.
Connection Status
This color-coded area indicates the current state of communication between
SPECTRUM Element Manager and the CSX200/400.
¥Green indicates the CSX200/400 is responding to device polls (valid
¥Magenta indicates that the CSX200/400 is in a temporary stand-by mode
while it responds to a physical change in the switch; note that board and port
menus are inactive during this stand-by state.
¥Blue indicates an unknown contact status Ñ polling has not yet been
established with the CSX200/400.
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
¥Red indicates the CSX200/400 is not responding to device polls (device is off
line, or device polling has failed across the network for some other reason).
The amount of time, in a X day(s) hh:mm:ss format, that the CSX200/400 has been
running since the last start-up.
Port Status
If management for your device supports a variable port display (detailed in The
CSX200/400 Port Status Displays later in this chapter), this Þeld will show the
display currently in effect. If only a single port display is available Ñ or if the
default view is in effect Ñ this Þeld will state Default.
Displays the physical layer address assigned to the interface associated with the
IP Address used to deÞne the device icon when it was added to SPECTRUM
Element Manager. MAC addresses are hard-coded in the device, and are not
Boot Prom
The revision of BOOT PROM installed in the CSX200/400.
The revision of device Þrmware stored in the CSX200/400Õs FLASH PROMs.
Viewing Chassis Information2-3
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
The current time, in a 24-hour hh:mm:ss format, set in the CSX200/400Õs internal
The current date, in an mm/dd/yy format, set in the CSX200/400Õs internal clock.
In accordance with Year 2000 compliance requirements, SPECTRUM Element Manager
now displays and allows you to set all dates with four-digit year values.
Menu Structure
By clicking on various areas of the CSX200/400 Chassis View display, you can
access menus with device- and port-level options, as well as utility applications
which apply to the device. The following illustration displays the menu structure
and indicates how to use the mouse to access the various menus:
Clicking the on the
module index will
bring up the Bridge
menu, described in
Chapter 4.
If QuickSET is installed
on your workstation, it
will also appear in the
Utilities menu.
Figure 2-2. CSX200/400 Chassis View Menu Structure
2-4Viewing Chassis Information
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
The Device Menu
From the Device Menu at the Chassis View window menu bar, you can access the
following selections:
¥Device Type..., which displays a window containing a description of the
device being modeled: CSX200/400 - CyberSWITCH.
¥Edit Device Time/Edit Device Date..., which allows you set the deviceÕs
internal clock.
¥System Group..., which allows you to manage the CSX200/400 via SNMP MIB
II. Refer to the Generic SNMP Guide for further information.
¥I/F Summary, which allows you to view statistics (displayed both graphically
and numerically) for the trafÞc processed by each network interface on
your CSX200/400. See Viewing I/F Summary Information on page 2-12 for
more information.
ridge Status..., which opens a window that provides an overview of bridging
information for each interface, and allows you to access all other bridgerelated options. Refer to Chapter 4 of this manual for more information.
¥Find Source Address...,which opens a window that allows you to search the
802.1d Filtering Database of the CSX200/400 to determine which bridging
interface a speciÞed source MAC address is communicating through. If the
MAC address is detected as communicating through the switch, the port
display will ßash to indicate the bridge interface of interest. Refer to Using the
Find Source Address Feature on page 2-12 for more information.
¥WAN Status..., which accesses the WAN Logical View window of your device.
See Chapter 3 for more information.
¥Exit, which closes the CSX200/400 Chassis View window.
The Port Status Menu
The Port Status Menu allows you to select the status information that will be
displayed in the port text boxes in the Chassis View window:
¥Status allows you to select one of four status type displays: Bridge, Bridge
Mapping, Admin, or Operator.
¥Load will display the portion of network load processed per polling interval
by each interface as a percentage of the theoretical maximum load (10 or 100
¥Errors allows you to display the number of errors detected per polling interval
by each interface as a percentage of the total number of valid packets
processed by the interface.
¥I/F Mapping will display the interface (if) index associated with each port on
your CSX200/400 switch.
Viewing Chassis Information2-5
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
¥I/F Speed will display the speed (10 or 100 Mbits/sec) of the network segment
attached to each port. The speed of the network management port will be
displayed in Kbits/sec.
¥I/F Type will display the interface type of each port in the CSX200/400 Ñ i.e.,
Eth (ethernet-csmacd) for the bridging interfaces, and PPP for the network
management port.
For more information on the port display options available via this menu, see The
CSX200/400 Port Status Displays, later in this chapter.
The Utilities Menu
From the Utilities menu you can select:
¥MIB Tools, a utility provided by SPECTRUM Element Manager for use with
the CSX200/400. The MIB Tools utility provides direct access to the
CSX200/400Õs MIB information. This selection is also available from the T
menu at the top of SPECTRUM Element ManagerÕs main window. Refer to
your SPECTRUM Element Manager Tools Guide for more information on
the MIB Tools utility.
¥Router ConÞg, for launching the Basic Router application. Basic routing is
described in its own UserÕs Guide, and can also be launched from the Tools
¥RMON, for launching the Remote Network Monitoring application. RMON is
described in its own UserÕs Guide. Like MIB Tools and Basic Router, RMON
can also be launched from the Tools menu at the top of SPECTRUM Element
ManagerÕs main window. RMON is supported by the CSX400 only.
You will be able to launch the QuickSET application from the Utilities menu, provided it
is installed on your machine. See your QuickSET documentation for more information.
The Help Menu
The Help Menu has three selections:
¥MIBs Supported, which brings up the Chassis Manager window, described
later in this chapter.
¥Chassis Manager Help, which brings up a help window with information
speciÞcally related to using the Chassis Manager and Chassis View windows.
¥About Chassis Manager..., which brings up a version window for the Chassis
Manager application in use.
The Port Menus
The menu for bridging ports offers the following selections:
2-6Viewing Chassis Information
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
¥Connection Type... opens a window displaying a description of the
connection type of the selected bridge interface. This description is comprised
of text based on the ctIfConnectionType MIB.
¥Description..., which brings up a window describing the selected port; see
Viewing the Port Description, later in this chapter.
¥Performance Graph..., which allows you to view the trafÞc going through a
selected bridge. This information is displayed both numerically and
graphically, as described in Chapter 4, Bridging.
¥Source Addressing..., which displays a list of MAC Addresses that
communicate through the selected bridge port.
¥I/F Statistics..., which allows you to view color-coded statistical information
about the selected bridge port; see Viewing Interface Detail later in this
¥Alarm ConÞguration..., which opens the Basic Alarm ConÞguration window.
See Basic Alarm ConÞguration in Chapter 4, RMON Alarms and Events, in
your RMON UserÕs Guide for more information. RMON is only supported by the CSX400. A CSX200 device will allow you to open this window, but alarm
conÞguration will not be possible.
¥Statistics... see I/F Statistics, above.
¥Enable/Disable, which administratively turns the selected bridging port on or
off; see Enabling and Disabling Ports on page 2-18 for more information.
The CSX200/400 Port Status Displays
When you open the Chassis View window, each port on the CSX200/400 will
display its Admin status (deÞned below). To change this status display, select one
of the options on the Port Status menu, as described in the following sections.
Selecting a Port Status View
To change the status of your ports:
1. Click on Port Status on the menu bar at the top of the Chassis View window;
a menu will appear.
2. Drag down (and to the right, if necessary) to select the status information you
want to display. The port text boxes will display the appropriate status
Port status view options are:
You can view four port Status categories, as follows:
Viewing Chassis Information2-7
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
¥Bridge Ñ FWD, DIS, LRN, LIS, BLK, BRK, or UNK
¥Bridge Mapping Ñ bridge interface index numbers
¥Admin Ñ ON or OFF
¥Operator Ñ ON or OFF
If you have selected the Bridge status mode, a port is considered:
¥FWD (Forwarding) if the port is on-line and forwarding packets across the
CSX200/400 from one network segment to another.
¥DIS (Disabled) if bridging at the port has been disabled by management; no
trafÞc can be received or forwarded on this port, including conÞguration
information for the bridged topology.
¥LRN (Learning) if the Forwarding database is being created, or the Spanning
Tree Algorithm is being executed because of a network topology change. The
port is monitoring network trafÞc, and learning network addresses.
¥LIS (Listening) if the port is not adding information to the Þltering database. It
is monitoring Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) trafÞc while preparing to
move to the forwarding state.
¥BLK (Blocking) if the port is on-line, but Þltering trafÞc from going across the
CSX200/400 from one network segment to another. Bridge topology
information will be forwarded by the port.
¥BRK (Broken) if the physical interface has malfunctioned.
¥UNK (Unknown) if the interfaceÕs status cannot be determined.
If you have selected Bridge Mapping, the port status boxes will display the bridge
interface index numbers assigned to each interface (which may or may not match
the ifIndex values displayed via the I/F Mapping option described below).
If you have selected the Ad
¥ON if the port is enabled by management and has a valid link.
¥OFF if it has not been enabled or if it has been disabled through management
If you have selected the Operator status mode, a port is considered:
¥ON if the port is currently forwarding packets.
¥OFF if the port is not currently forwarding packets.
min status mode, a port is considered:
If you choose Load, the interface text boxes will display the percentage of
network load processed by each port during the last polling interval. This
percentage reßects the network load generated per polling interval by devices
2-8Viewing Chassis Information
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
connected to the port compared to the theoretical maximum load (10 or 100
Mbits/sec) of an Ethernet network.
If you choose the Errors mode, the interface boxes will display the percentage of
the total number of valid packets processed by each port during the last polling
interval that were error packets. This percentage reßects the number of errors
generated during the last polling interval by devices connected to that port
compared to the total number of valid packets processed by the port.
In SPECTRUM Element Manager, the polling interval is set via the Tools Ñ>
Options...Ñ>Polling option from the main windowÕs menu bar. Refer to the Installing
and Using SPECTRUM Element Manager guide for full information on setting device
polling intervals.
I/F Mapping
If you choose the I/F Mapping mode, the interface boxes will display the interface
number (IfIndex) associated with each port on the CSX200/400.
I/F Speed
If you choose the I/FSpeed mode, the port text boxes will display the speed of the
network segment connected to each port. The speed of the network management
port will be displayed in Kbits/sec.
I/F Type
If you choose the I/F Type mode, the interface boxes will display the interface
type of each port on the CSX200/400 (e.g., Eth, PPP, other).
Port Status Color Codes
The Port Status display options Ñ Bridge, Admin, and Operator Ñ incorporate
color coding schemes. For the Admin and Operator Status display options,
green = ON, red = OFF, and blue = N/A (not available). For the Bridge Status
display option, green = forwarding, blue = disabled, magenta = learning and
listening, orange = blocking, red = broken, and gray = unknown.
For all other Port Status selections Ñ Load, Errors, I/F Port Mapping, Speed, and
Type Ñ color codes will continue to reßect the most recently selected mode which
incorporates its own color coding scheme.
The Chassis Manager Window
Like most networking devices, the CSX200/400 draws its functionality from a
collection of proprietary MIBs and IETF RFCs. In addition, the CSX200/400
organizes its MIB data into a series of Òcomponents.Ó A MIB component is a
logical grouping of MIB data, and each group controls a deÞned set of objects. For
Viewing Chassis Information2-9
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
example, CSX200/400 bridging information is organized into its own component.
Note, too, that there is no one-to-one correspondence between MIBs and MIB
components. A single MIB component might contain objects from several
different proprietary MIBs and RFCs.
The Chassis Manager window, Figure 2-3, is a read-only window that displays
the MIBs and the MIB components Ñ and, therefore, the functionality Ñ
supported by the currently monitored device.
To view the Chassis Manager window:
1. Click on Help on the menu bar at the top of the Chassis View window.
2. Drag down to MIBs Supported, and release.
The MIBs which provide the
CSX200/400’s functionality —
both proprietary MIBs and IETF
RFCs — are listed here.
MIB Components are listed
here. Remember, there’s no
one-to-one correspondence
between MIBs and MIB
Figure 2-3. Chassis Manager Window
Viewing Hardware Types
In addition to the graphical displays described above, menu options available at
several levels provide speciÞc information about the physical characteristics of
the CSX200/400 and its ports.
Device T ype
Choosing the Device Type... option on the Device menu brings up a window that
describes the management device being modeled:
2-10Viewing Chassis Information
Viewing the Port Description
Choosing the Description... option on the individual port interface menus brings
up a window that describes the interface you have selected. This description is
based on a value returned by the ifDescr MIB. Two possibilities for a CSX
interface description are shown in Figure 2-5.
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
Figure 2-4. Device Type Windows
Figure 2-5. Interface Description Windows
Managing the Device
The Chassis View provides you with the basic tools available to conÞgure your
device and keep it operating properly.
Until future releases of SPECTRUM Element Manager provide more comprehensive
Managing the Device2-11
support of the CSX200 and CSX400 CyberSWITCHes, Cabletron recommends that
anything beyond the basic conÞguration options described in this section be handled with
the QuickSET utility. See your QuickSET documentation for more information.
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
Management for the CSX200/400 through SPELÕs Chassis View is comprised of
source address location, viewing interface statistics, and enabling and disabling
Using the Find Source Address Feature
You can select the Find Source Address option to discover which bridging
interface a speciÞed source MAC address is communicating through. When you
select the Find Source Address option, a search is made of the 802.1d Bridge
Filtering Database to discover the bridge interface associated with the address
that you specify. If the search is successful, the corresponding interface will ßash
in the Chassis View window. For more information on the Filtering Database and
bridging in general, refer to the bridging chapter in your SPECTRUM Element Manager Tools Guide.
Use the Find Source Address feature as follows:
1. Click to display the D
2. Drag to Find Source Address.... The following window will appear.
Figure 2-6. Find Source Address Window
3. In the text field in the middle of the window, enter a valid MAC address in Hex
format and then click OK.
If the address is found in the 802.1d Bridge Filtering Database, the port through
which the address is communicating will ßash in the front panel Chassis View
If the address is not found in the Filtering Database, a separate window will
appear with a ÒCanÕt Find Source AddressÓ message.
evice pull-down menu.
Viewing I/F Summary Information
The I/F Summary menu option available from the Device menu lets you view
statistics for the trafÞc processed by each network interface on your device. The
2-12Managing the Device
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