Cabletron Systems 3G User Manual

System Requirements
Ensure the Vodafone Mobile Connect U740 datacard is inserted into the router before plugging in
Setting network preferences
Connect one end of the supplied Ethernet cable into your network card/notebook and the other into one of the ports numbered 1 - 4 as highlighted below.
Log into the router’s web interface by opening up your web browser and entering the router’s IP address “1 92. 16 8. 1.1 ”, default user id is “a dm i n” and the same for password.
Logging in takes you to the “Basic Se tup ” screen, here you can set your preferred network e.g.
3G Pr eferr e d”, “3 G On l y” or “GPRS Onl y”. From this screen you are also able to connect/disconnect from 3G/GPRS by selecting the “C onnect/ Disco nn ect ” button.
This screen also allows you to set your time zone. Scroll to the bottom of the main screen and
select your time zone from the drop-down box as below:
Select the “3 G/ UM TS N et w or k” tab – this will allow you to configure settings such as Auto Connect and view details of your card:
Select the “W ir el es s” tab. If you wish to use WiFi change your SSID (this is the broadcast name of
your wireless network), select “Ena ble ” to activate WiFi and select your network type (Mixed supports both 802.11 B & G):
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