Cabletron Systems 1800 User Manual

SmartSwitch 1800
User Guide
For Release 4.0
09-44-06-018-01 The Complet e N et w ork ing Sol ut ion

Copyrights and Disclaimers

Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this documen t without prior notice. The reader should in all cases consult Cabletron Systems to determine whether any such changes have been made.
The har dware, firmwar e, and/ or sof tware descr ibed in thi s manu al is subj ect to change without notice . IN NO EVE NT SHALL CABLETRON SYSTEMS BE LIAB LE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL,
Copyright 1997, 1998 by Cabletron Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 5005, Rochester, NH 03866-5005. All rights reserv ed. Printed in the United States of America. Order Number: IW48-USERDOC.
VxWor ks is a copyright of Wind River System s, Inc. IP (Internet Protocol) code is copy right 1982 , 1986 by Regents of the University of Cal ifornia. All rights
reserved. This Cabletron product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley, and its contrib utors. IP software is provided by the regents and contributors “as is” and any express or impli ed war ran ties, includin g, b ut n ot lim ited to , the implied warran ties of me rc hanta bility a nd f itness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. In no event shall the regents or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, pro­cureme nt of subs titute go ods or servi ces; loss of use, d ata, or pr ofits; or bus iness inter ruption ) howe ver caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwis e) aris ing in any way out of the use o f this softwar e, even if advised of the p ossibili ty of such damage.
Gateway Daemon (GateD) software, Release 3.5.5, is maintained and developed by Cornell University and its collaborators. The versio n of GateD used with this Cabletron product has been modified.
Netlink is a trademark of Cabletron Systems, Inc. All other pro duct design ations are the property of their respective owners.

Statements of Compliance

Statement for Part 68
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established rules that permit this device to be directly connected to the telephone network. Standardized jacks are use for these connections. This equipment should not be used on party lines or coin-operated lines.
If this device is malfu nctioni ng, i t ma y also cause har m to the phone network; this d evice should be dis­connected until the source of t he problem can be determined and repair has been made. If this is not done, the telephone company may temporarily disconnect service.
The telephone company may make changes in its technical operations and procedures; if such chan ges affect the compatibility or use of this device, the telephone company is required to give adequate notice of the chang es.
If the teleph one company requests information on what equipment is connected to their lines, inform them of the f ollowing:
The telephone number to which the equipment is connected.
The ringer equivalence number: 0.6B (indicated on the label).
The USOC jack required: RJ45.
The FCC registration number (indicated on the label).
The ringer equivalence number (REN) is used to determine how many devices can be connected to your telephone line. In most areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices on any one line should not exceed 5.0. If too many devices are attached, they may not ring properly .
In the event of equipment malfunction, all repairs should be performed by Cabletron Systems Inc. or an authorized agent. It is the responsibility of user requiring service to report the need for service to Cabletron Systems Inc. or an authorized agent. Service can be facilitated by contacting:
Cable tron System s, Inc. Phon e: (603) 332-9400, Monday –Friday; 8 AM– 8 PM East ern Tim e 35 Industrial Way E-mail: Roche s te r , NH 03861
IC (Canada)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must acc ept any interference received, including interference that may cause unde sired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with th e limits for a Class A digital devi ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated i n a commercial environment. This equ ipment uses, gen­erates, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed in accordan ce with the operatiors manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a res­idential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user will be required to correct the inter­ference at his own expense.
WARNING: Changes or modifications made to this device which are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance co uld vo id the user’s authority to the equipment.
The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification mean that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements. The department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.
Before installing this eq uipment, u sers should ensure that it is permissible t o be connected to t he facilities of the local telecommunications compan y. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. In some cases, the company’s inside wiring associated with a single-line indi­vidual service may be exte nded by means of a certified connector assembly (telephone extension cord). The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of ser vice in some s ituatio ns.
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility desig­nated by the supplier. Any repairs or alter ations ma de by the user to thi s equipme nt, or equipm ent ma l­functions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure, for their own p rotection, that the electrical g round connections of the power facility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This pre­caution may be particularly important in rural areas.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Industry Canada.
Le prèsent appareil numèrique ème t pas de bruits radioèlectriques dèpassant les limites applicables aux appareils numèriques del la class A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioèlectrique èdictè le ministère des Communications du Canada.

About This Ma nual

Rev Date Reason for Update 01 Ma r ch 1998 Gener a l ava i la b ilit y
This ma nual su pplem ents s cree n prompts and me nus a s an a id in c onfigu ring th e dat abase and per for ming system operations on a SmartSwitch 1800. Before using the manual, you should be familiar with Smart­Switch 1800 hardware, as well as the protocols (frame relay, IP, SNA, etc.) you will be using.
Terminology and Conventions
This typeface represents general text.
t ex t is da r k cya n in on-sc r een ve r sions of the manua l , and bl ac k in paper ver sions.)
In on-screen versions of the manual, items in blue are links to other places in the m anual.
This sym bol points to an informational note relati ng to the text, table, or figure that imm e di­ately precedes or follows it.
iv SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
This typeface r epresents ke yboar d input and vi deo output. (This
The following references to keyboard keys appear in the manual and/or on the screen:
If a statemen t ends with a reference to a key—for example, “....then press
part of the data to be enter ed. If a p eriod should be e nter ed, it will be show n as all other punctuation. When instructed to, for example, “press press
Screen Displays
Screen Displays are provided to show the general appearance of actual screens. They are only examples—the information shown is not always representative of an operational syst em.
This symbol and text identifies a cautionary note, the content of which is more crit ical to hee d t han an in for matio n a l not e.
is a reference to a key on your keyboard (where “N” is th e k ey).
means that you sh ould type in the info rmation , th en pr ess the
is similar to (e.g. , “type
means press (hit, strike) the k ey once. Pressing the
follo wed by one or two othe r ke y desi gnation s, must be struck simulta neousl y with the other
, except that the word “
n [ Ent er]
” follow s the infor ma tio n to be typ ed
[Ente r]
keys sh own.
, then
[A] comm a [B]
, not
[A], [B]
[E nter]
key afterwards is not necessary.
[Ente r].
”—the period is not
. The same applies to
from the Main Menu,” this means
vi SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01

Table of Contents

Section I Gett ing Started
C hapter 1 Produ ct Overv ie w
Hardware Overview ................................................................................. 1-3
Mo dels............................................................................................... 1-3
User Interfaces................................................................................... 1-3
Op erat o r Inter faces .... .... .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ..... 1- 3
C hapter 2 Get t ing Started
Qu ick S tart.... .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 2-1
Port Assignm ent Worksheet ..................................................................... 2-2
Loggin into the Main Menu...................................................................... 2-3
Reviewing Boot Messages................................................................. 2 -4
Mo ving Thr o ugh the Menus.............................................................. 2-5
Setting the Date and Time........................................................................ 2-8
Ch a ngi ng the Login Pa sswo rd.. .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... . 2-8
Stopping Operation................................................................................... 2 -9
Logging Out....................................................................................... 2 -9
Rebooting........................................................................................... 2-9
Shutting Down.. ................................................................................. 2 -9
What Next?............................................................................................... 2 -9
Section II Configuration
Chapter 3 Introduction to Database Configuration
Database Setup Recommendations .......................................................... 3-1
Configuration Examples........................................................................... 3-2
Serial Protocols over Frame R elay via Logical Ports........................ 3-2
Frame Relay PVC Passthrough.......................................................... 3-3
LLC2 PUs over Frame Relay to AS/400 ........................................... 3 -3
3x74s/SDLC ov er Frame Relay to SNA Host................................... 3-7
Producing a Configur ation Report ........................................................... 3-9
Where to Find Configuration Inform ation............................................. 3-10
Chapter 4 Configuring Node Defaults
Database and System Memory Values..................................................... 4-2
Node Defaults Parameters........................................................................ 4-3
Chapter 5 Loading Protocols C hapter 6 C on f igu ring Ph ysical Ports
Location s of Phy sical Ports...................................................................... 6-1
Configuring a Serial or Voice Port........................................................... 6-2
Database and System Memory Values .............................................. 6-3
Co nfig ur i ng the Port Param e ters.... ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ..... 6-3
Configuring a LAN Port........................................................................... 6-4
LAN Card Parameters........................................................................ 6-4
Chapter 7 Configuring Frame Relay
Introduction.............................................................................................. 7-1
DLCI Sharing..................................................................................... 7-1
Frame Relay Backup.......................................................................... 7-2
Required Co nfi gu ratio n....... ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... 7 -5
Configuring Band width Allocation Groups............................................. 7-6
Bandwidth All ocatio n Gro up Param et ers... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ... 7 -7
Configuration Example...................................................................... 7-8
Configuring Frame Relay Ports................................................................ 7-9
Reviewing DLCI Configuration (Figure 7-4, Item C)..................... 7-10
Configuring DLC I Parameters (Figure 7-4, Item D)....................... 7-12
View ing Le arne d DL CI s (Figu re 7-4, Ite m E)........... .... .... ........ .... . 7-13
Frame Relay Por t Parameters .......................................................... 7-14
Configuring Frame Relay PVCs Across the Node................................. 7-20
Frame Relay PVC Parameters......................................................... 7-21
Configuring Frame Relay Backup Grou ps............................................. 7-22
Bac kup Grou p Pa rameters... .... .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 7- 22
C ha pte r 8 C on f igu ri ng X .2 5
Introduction.............................................................................................. 8-1
Required Co nfi gu ratio n....... ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... 8 -2
Configuring a Phys ical X.25 Port............................................................ 8-2
Configuring Closed User Groups...................................................... 8-3
Configuring a Network Trun k........................................................... 8-4
Configuring a Dial Po rt..................................................................... 8-5
Physical X.25 Port Parameters .......................................................... 8-6
Configuring a Logical X.25 Port............................................................ 8-13
Logical Port Parameters................................................................... 8 -14
Configuring Subscriber IDs ................................................................... 8-21
Subscriber Addres sing..................................................................... 8 -22
Hunt Grou p Example....................................................................... 8-23
Subscriber Parameters...................................................................... 8-25
Configuring X.25 Address Translation Templates................................ 8 -27
Tran sl ati on Templa te P aram et ers.... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 8- 29
R eplacing Called/C a lling Address or User Data.... .... .... ........ .... ..... 8- 30
Replacing Pro tocol ID..................................................................... 8-31
R eplacing Fa cilitie s ......... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 8- 31
Translation Examples...................................................................... 8-31
Testing a Trans lation Template....................................................... 8 -32
Configuring X.25-to-X.25 PVCs ........................................................... 8-3 3
X.25 PVC Parameters...................................................................... 8-3 4
C ha pte r 9 C on f igu ri ng S NA
Introduction.............................................................................................. 9-1
Required Co nfi gu ratio n....... ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... 9 -3
Configuring an SNA Port......................................................................... 9-4
SNA Port Parameters......................................................................... 9-6
Configuring Subscriber Addresses......................................................... 9-14
Subscriber Parameters...................................................................... 9-15
Configuring a Hunt Group for SNA Subscribers............................. 9-1 6
Configuring an LLC2 Virtual LAN ID.................................................. 9-17
viii SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
Configuring LLC2 Hosts........................................................................ 9-18
LLC2 Host Parameters..................................................................... 9-21
Configuring LLC2 Interfaces................................................................. 9-26
LLC2 Interface Parameters.............................................................. 9-28
Chapter 10 Configuring BSC Interactive
Introduction............................................................................................ 10-1
Required Configuration ................................................................... 10-1
Configuring BSC In teractive Port Records............................................ 10-2
BSC Interactive Port Parameters..................................................... 10-4
Configuring Subscriber Addres ses......................................................... 10-8
Su bsc rib er Pa ram ete rs............ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ....... 10- 8
Configuring BSC In teractive Devices.................................................. 10-10
BSC Interactive Device Parameters............................................... 10-12
Chapter 11 Configuring BSC Batch
Introduction............................................................................................ 11-1
Required Configuration ................................................................... 11-1
Configuring BSC Batch Ports ................................................................ 11-2
BSC Batch Port Parameter s............................................................. 11-3
Configuring Subscriber Addres ses......................................................... 11-8
Su bsc rib er Pa ram ete rs............ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ....... 11- 9
C hapter 12 C on f igu ring As ync Port s
Introduction............................................................................................ 12-1
Required Configuration ................................................................... 12-1
Configuring Async PAD Profiles........................................................... 12-2
PAD Profile Parameters................................................................... 12-3
Configuring Async PAD Login Parameters ........................................... 12-7
Login Parameters ............................................................................. 12-7
Configuring Async Port Records ........................................................... 12-8
As y nc PAD Port Param e ters.. .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ ... 1 2- 9
Configuring Subscriber Addres ses....................................................... 12-15
Su bsc rib er Pa ram ete rs............ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ..... 12-1 6
Configuring Abbreviated Ad dresses .................................................... 12-17
Configuring Async PVCs..................................................................... 12-18
Async PVC Param eters.................................................................. 1 2-19
Chapter 13 Configuring Voice
Introduction............................................................................................ 13-1
Required Configuration ................................................................... 13-2
Voice Configuration Menu .............................................................. 13-2
Configuring Voice System-Level Param eters ........................................ 13-3
Reviewing and Configuring the Speed-Dial Map Table........................ 13-6
Speed-Dial Map Parameters ............................................................ 13-7
Configuring Voice Ports......................................................................... 13-8
Voice Port Parameters ..................................................................... 13-9
Reviewing and Configuring Voice Interfaces...................................... 13-16
Voice Interface Parameter s............................................................ 13-17
Chapter 14 Configuring IP Routing
Intr oduct io n.... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 14-1
IP Add ressing................................................................................... 14-1
Using the Node as an IP Gateway................................................... 1 4-2
Required Co nfi gu ratio n....... ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ..... 14 -3
Configuring IP Node Defaults................................................................ 14-3
IP No de Defau l ts Param et ers ... .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 14 -4
Conf igu ring I P Interfaces... .... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 14 -4
IP Interface Parameter s............ .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 14-7
Configuring Static IP Routes................................................................ 14-14
IP Routing Parameters................................................................... 14-15
C ha pte r 15 C on f igu ri ng IP X
Intr oduct io n.... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 15-1
Required Co nfi gu ratio n....... ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ..... 15 -1
Configuring IPX Node Defaults............................................................. 15-2
IPX Node Defa u lts Parameters.... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... . 15-2
C onfiguring IPX Filters.......... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... . 15-3
C onfiguring IP X Filter Definition s...... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 15 -3
C onfiguring IP X Filter Applic ation s. . ..... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 15 -8
IPX Filte r Applicatio ns Para meter s..... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . 15-9
Configuring IPX Interfaces.................................................................... 1 5-9
IPX Interface Parameters............................................................... 15-10
Parameter Description s .................................................................. 15-13
Configuring Static IPX Routes............................................................. 15-1 6
IPX RIP Static Route Parameters.................................................. 15-17
IPX SAP Static R oute P arameters................................................. 15-18
C ha pte r 16 C on f igu ri ng Br id ging
Intr oduct io n.... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 16-1
Required Co nfi gu ratio n....... ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ..... 16 -2
Conf igu ring Def aul t Nod e-W ide Br idg ing Param et ers . .... ........ .... ........ . 16 -3
Bridge Nod e Default Parameters..................................................... 16-4
C onfiguring Bridge F ilte rs......... .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 16-6
C onfiguring Filter Definiti ons..... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 16 -6
How Filter Masks Work .......... .... ........ .... ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ . 16-7
C onfiguring Bridge F ilte r Application s.. ....................................... 16-10
B ridge Filter Appli cation Par ameter s............................................ 16-1 1
Configuring Bridg e Ports..................................................................... 16-12
Bridge Port Parameters.................................................................. 16-13
C h a p t e r 17 C o nf i guring S NM P
Configuring SNMP S ystem Defaults..................................................... 1 7-1
Syst em Defau l ts Param et ers............ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 17-2
Configuring a C ommunity Table........................................................... 17-2
Comm un ity T able P aram et ers......... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 17-3
Conf igu ring T rap Routi n g.. .... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 17 -4
Trap Routing Parameters................................................................. 17-4
x SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
Section III Operation
C hapter 18 Introdu ct ion to Sy st em Operat io n C hapter 19 On-lin e Op erati on s
Remote Con trol ...................................................................................... 19-1
Remote Con trol from the SmartSwitch 1800.................................. 19-2
Remote Con trol from an Asy nc PAD Port...................................... 19-3
Transferring Files an d Upd ating Software ............................................. 19-4
Remote File Transfer....................................................................... 19-4
Remote Software Update................................................................. 19-5
Backing Up and Restoring Files............................................................. 19-6
Backing Up and Restoring a Database ............................................ 19-6
Copying a SmartSwitch 1 800 Director y to/from a PC .................... 19-7
Backing Up and Restoring Local Files............................................ 19-8
Enable/Disable Operations ................................................................... 19-11
Disabling and Enabling Ports ........................................................ 19-11
Quiescing and Unqu iescing Ports.................................................. 1 9-12
Disabling and Enabling SDLC PUs............................................... 1 9-13
Tests...................................................................................................... 19-14
IP Ping Connectivity Test.............................................................. 1 9-14
CSU/DSU Tes ts............................................................................. 19-15
Reloading Auxiliary Console Initialization.......................................... 19-15
Initiating Frame Rela y Backup Switch ove r/Switch back...................... 19-16
Chap t e r 2 0 S t at us Displays
Displaying Node Status.......................................................................... 20-1
Displaying Port Status............................................................................ 20-2
Displaying Virtual Connections............................................................. 20-3
Displaying Port Signals.......................................................................... 20-6
M on itorin g Traf fi c.... .... ........ .... .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ... 2 0- 7
Serial Ports....................................................................................... 20-7
Mo nitoring LAN Traffic................................................................ 20-17
Displaying Frame R elay Backup Status............................................... 20-19
Dis p la yin g SDL C PU St atus ........ ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . 20-2 0
Displaying Voice Interfaces................................................................. 20-21
Displaying LLC2 Session Status.......................................................... 20-22
Bridge Status Displays ......................................................................... 20-22
Bri d ge Port Sta tus.......... .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 20-2 2
Bri d ge Forwa rdin g Tab l e... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 20-2 4
IP Status Disp lays................................................................................. 20-25
IP Routing Table............................................................................ 2 0-25
ARP Table...................................................................................... 20-26
IP Interfaces................................................................................... 2 0-26
IPX Status Displays.............................................................................. 20-27
RIP Table....................................................................................... 2 0-27
SAP Table...................................................................................... 2 0-28
Chapter 21 Stat istics Displ ays
RLP Statistics......................................................................................... 21-1
Configuring RLP Statistics Thresholds........................................... 21-2
Port S ta t ist ics .. ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 21 -3
Configuring Port Statistics Thresholds............................................ 21-4
Frame-level Statistics............................................................................. 21-5
Frame Relay Uti lizati on Statistics.......................................................... 21-6
Voice S tat istic s....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 21 -7
Voice A ppl icat ion Sta tis t ics ............ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 21-7
Voice Co nne cti o n Stati st ics. ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 21 -8
Bridge Port Statistics.............................................................................. 21-9
LAN Interface Statistics Displays........................................................ 21-1 1
IP Statistics Displays............................................................................ 21-1 4
IP Statistics.................................................................................... 21-14
ICMP Statistics.............................................................................. 21-15
IP Interface Statistics..................................................................... 21-1 8
IPX Statistics Disp lays......................................................................... 21-19
Chapter 22 System Events
Conf igu rati o n ......... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 22 -1
Alarm Buffer .......................................................................................... 22-2
Event Generation.................................................................................... 22-3
Disp lay ing Ev ents.. .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . 22-3
Severity Levels for SNMP Trap Routing............................................... 22-4
Event Mes sages...................................................................................... 22-4
Section IV Appendices
Appendix A Async Terminal Operations
Command and Data Transfer Modes....................................................... A-1
Async Terminal Commands.................................................................... A-2
Placing a Call fro m an Async Term inal.................................................. A-2
Async PAD Serv ice Signals.................................................................... A-3
Error Codes Sen t to Async PAD Port ..................................................... A-5
Appendix B Cause and Diagnostic Codes
Cause Codes............................................................................................. B-1
Clearing Causes................................................................................. B- 1
Reset Caus es............ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ... B-2
Restart Causes.................................................................................... B-2
Diagno stic Codes...................................................................................... B-2
X.25 Codes........................................................................................ B-2
SNA Codes ........................................................................................ B-4
Cabletron -Specific Codes.................................................................. B-4
Appendix C Voice Configuration Reference Information
Voice P ort Oper at ion .. .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... C-1
Store and Forward Dialing....................................................................... C-1
Map Table Store and Forward Digits ................................................ C-2
User-Dialed Store and Forward Digits.............................................. C-3
Variable-Length Dialing .......................................................................... C-5
Using Wildcards in Speed-Dial Numbers................................................ C-8
xii SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
T ele phon y Inte rface...... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . C- 9
Telephone Interfaces...... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . C-9
PTT/Telco Connectors and Cabling................................................ C-12
E &M Wirin g.. .... .... ........ .... .... ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ... C-1 3
E &M Signa lin g Types... .... .... ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ... C-1 4
E&M Gro unding Considerations ..................................................... C-16
I nterface Conv ersions...................................................................... C-17
Ap plic a tio n Examp l es........ ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... C-1 7
Appendix D NetView Management
Local NetView Access............................................................................ D-2
Sup ported Commands ............................................................................. D-3
Display Com m ands........................................................................... D-3
Va ry Comm and s ........ ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... D- 4
M od ify Comm and s .... .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ D-4
Appendix E ASCII Character Table Appendix F Menu Structure Glossary Index

List of Figures

1-1 Network Example................................................................................. 1-1
2-1 Phy sical Port Locations ........................................................................ 2-2
2-2 Por t Status Display............................................................................... 2-3
2-3 Main Menu............................................................................................ 2-4
3-1 Configuration Example 1...................................................................... 3-2
3-2 Configuration Example 2...................................................................... 3-3
3-3 Configuration Example 3...................................................................... 3-3
3-4 Local SmartSwitch 1 800 in Configuration Examp le 3......................... 3-4
3-5 Remote SmartSwitch 1800 in Configuration Examp le 3 ..................... 3-5
3-6 Configuration Example 4...................................................................... 3-7
4-1 No de Defau lt s Co nf igu rati o n Scr een 1............ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 4-1
5-1 Protocol Configu ration Menu............................................................... 5-1
6-1 Phy sical Ports ........................................................................................ 6-1
6-2 Default Configuration Screen for New Por t ......................................... 6 -2
6-3 LAN Card Configuration Record ......................................................... 6 -4
7-1 Frame Relay Backup Exam ples............................................................ 7-3
7-2 Bandwidth Allocation Gro up Men u ..................................................... 7-7
7-3 Frame Relay Port Screen 1................................................................... 7-9
7-4 Frame Relay Port Screen 2 ................................................................. 7-10
7-5 DLCI Configu ration Review Screen.................................................. 7-10
7-6 Frame Relay DLCI Configu r ation Screen 1 ....................................... 7-12
7-7 Frame Relay DLCI Configu r ation Screen 2 ....................................... 7-13
7-8 Frame Relay PVC Configuration....................................................... 7-20
8-1 X.25 Port Screen 1................................................................................ 8-2
8-2 X.25 Port CUG Parameters .................................................................. 8-4
8-3 X.25 Port Tru nk Parameters ................................................................. 8-5
8-4 X.25 Dial P ort Parameters.................................................................... 8-6
8-5 Logical Port Screen 1......................................................................... 8-13
8-6 Typical SVC Subscriber Screen......................................................... 8 -21
8-7 W ildcard Addres sing Examp le........................................................... 8 -22
8-8 B ackup Using Add ress Translation.................................................... 8-27
8-9 Address Tran slation Temp lates Display............................................. 8-28
8-10 Address Tran slation Temp late Screen................................................ 8-2 9
8-11 Address Tran slation Test Screen........................................................ 8 -32
8-12 X.25-to -X.2 5 P VC Sc reen.. ........ .... .... ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ..... 8- 33
9-1 SDLC/LLC2 Ex amples......................................................................... 9-3
9-2 SNA Port Screen 1................................................................................ 9-4
9-3 SDLC PU Su bscriber Parameters Screen............................................. 9-5
9-4 Typical SVC Subscriber Screen......................................................... 9 -14
9-5 LLC2 Defau lt s Co nf igu rati on Scr een. .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 9- 18
9-6 LLC2 Originated Host Configuration Screen ..................................... 9-19
9-7 LLC2 Term inate d Hos t Co nf igu rati o n Scr een.. .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 9- 19
9-8 LLC2 Host Co nnections Screen......................................................... 9-20
9-9 LLC2 Inte rfaces Display.... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . 9- 26
9-10 Br idg e Por t/ LLC 2 Inte rface Re cor d, Ether net... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 9-27
9-11 B ridge Port/LLC2 Interface R ecord, Frame Relay............................. 9-2 7
10-1 B SC Interactive Por t Record.............................................................. 10-2
10-2 B SC Interactive Por t Record, Screen 3.............................................. 10-3
10-3 Ty pical SVC Subscriber Screen......................................................... 1 0-8
10-4 B SC Interactive Devices Screen....................................................... 10-1 1
11-1 BSC Bat ch Port Rec ord.. .... .... ........ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ..... 11 -2
11-2 B SC Batch Port Record, Screen 3...................................................... 11-3
11-3 Ty pical SVC Subscriber Screen......................................................... 1 1-8
12-1 As ync PAD Log in Parameters Screen................................................ 12-7
12-2 As ync PAD Port Screen ..................................................................... 12-8
12-3 Ty pical SVC Subscriber Screen....................................................... 12-15
12-4 As ync-to-X.25 PVC Record............................................................. 12-1 8
13-1 Voice Conf igu rat ion Me nu. .... .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 13-2
13-2 Voice System-Level Configuration Menu.......................................... 13-3
13-3 Speed-Dial Map Configuration Men u................................................ 13- 6
13-4 Voice Ports. .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ . 13-8
13-5 Voice Port Sc reen 1............ .... ........ .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 13-8
xiv SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
13-6 F ro nt Panel Switc hes............ .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 13-1 1
13-7 Voice Interface Configuration Menu . ............................................... 13-16
14-1 IP Node Defaults Menu ...................................................................... 14-3
14-2 IP Interface Record – Frame Relay Example..................................... 14-5
14-3 LAN IP In terface – Secondary Address Confi guration. ..................... 14-6
14-4 IP Routin g Reco rd ............ .... .... ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 14-1 4
15-1 IP X Node Defaults Menu ................................................................... 15-2
15-2 IPX SAP Filter Record ....................................................................... 15-4
15-3 Typical IPX Filter Applications Reco rd............................................. 15-8
15-4 IP X Interface Record Example........................................................... 15-9
15-5 IP X RIP Route Record...................................................................... 15-17
16-1 Bridge Node Defaults Co nfigu ration Screen...................................... 16-3
16-2 Bridge MAC Filter Configuratio n Scre e n. . ........................................ 16-7
16-3 Typical Bridge Filter Applications Record. ...................................... 16-11
16-4 Bridge P orts Display......................................................................... 16-12
16-5 B rid ge Port Reco rd Examp le............ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... . 16-1 3
17-1 S NMP Syst em D efau l ts Menu.......... ... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ... 17- 1
17-2 S NMP Comm un ity T able Me nu.......... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ ... 17- 3
17-3 SNMP Trap Routing Menu................................................................. 17-4
18-1 Main Menu .......................................................................................... 18-2
19-1 On-Line Port Operation s Men u ........................................................ 1 9-11
19-2 On-Line SDLC PU Operations Menu............................................... 1 9-13
19-3 IP Ping Connectivity Tes t Menu....................................................... 19-14
19-4 Ping Examp le.................................................................................... 1 9-15
20-1 Node Status Disp lay ........................................................................... 20-1
20-2 Por t Status Display............................................................................. 20-2
20-3 Virtual Connections Display o n Frame Relay Port ............................ 20-4
20-4 Virtual Connections Display o n Non -Frame R elay Port .................... 20-5
20-5 Por t Signals Display ........................................................................... 20-6
20-6 X.2 5 Line Monitor Display................................................................. 20-9
20-7 Frame Relay Line Monitor Display.................................................. 20-12
20-8 LAN Capture Status and Control Menu ........................................... 2 0-17
20-9 LAN Capture Display....................................................................... 2 0-18
20-10 SDLC PU Status Disp lay.................................................................. 20-20
20-11 Voice Interfaces Display................................................................... 20-21
20-12 Brid ge Port Stat u s Displa y.... .... .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 20 -22
20-13 Brid ge Forwardin g Table Dis play.... ... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... . 20-2 4
21-1 RLP Statistics Disp lay........................................................................ 21-1
21-2 RLP Statistics Configuration Menu.................................................... 21-2
21-3 Por t Statistics Display......................................................................... 21-3
21-4 Por t Statistics Configuration Men u .................................................... 21-4
21-5 Frame-level Statistics Display............................................................ 21-5
21-6 Fra me Relay Utilization Statistics Display........ ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 21 -6
21-7 Voice Connection Statistics Display .................................................. 21-7
21-8 Voice Connection Statistics Display .................................................. 21-8
21-9 B ridge Port Status Display................................................................. 21- 9
21-10 LAN Interface Statistics Display...................................................... 21-11
21-11 IP Statistics Display.......................................................................... 21-1 4
21-12 ICMP Statistics Display.................................................................... 21-15
21-13 IP Interface Statistics Display........................................................... 21-1 8
21-14 IPX Statistics Display....................................................................... 21-19
22-1 Ev ent Reporting Configuration Example ........................................... 22- 2
C-1 St ore and Forward Dialing Examp le 1................................................. C-2
C-2 St ore and Forward Dialing Examp le 2................................................. C-3
C-3 Variable-Length Dialing Example........................................................ C-6
C-4 Trunk and Station Connection.............................................................. C-9
C-5 In ter -PBX Trunking ............................................................................ C-10
C-6 AC15 Exa mple... .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . C- 11
C-7 R J45 Connector Pins.......................................................................... C-12
C-8 E&M Co nnections.............................................................................. C-14
C-9 E&M Signaling Types........................................................................ C-1 5

List of Tables

D-1 NetView Acces s Options Menu.......................................................... D-2
1-1 Models o f SmartSwitch 1800............................................................... 1-3
2-1 Port Assig nme nts.... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ... 2-2
2-2 Date and Time Pa ram ete rs...... .... .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ ... 2-8
3-1 MAC Address Co nversion.................................................................... 3-6
4-1 Node Defau lts Parameters.................................................................... 4-3
4-2 NetView Parameters............................................................................. 4-6
5-1 Proto col Para m eters.... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... ........ .... ... 5-2 |
6-1 LAN Card Parameters .......................................................................... 6-4
7-1 Ban dwid th Al locat io n Grou p Param et ers...... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... 7-7
7-2 Ban dwid th Al locat io n Exam ple ...... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ....... 7-8
7-3 Frame Relay Port Parameters............................................................. 7 -14
7-4 Frame Relay DLCI Parameters........................................................... 7-15
7-5 Frame Relay PVC Parameters............................................................ 7 -21
7-6 Frame Relay Backup Gro up Parameters............................................. 7-2 2
8-1 Physical X.25 Port Parameters............................................................. 8-6
xvi SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
8-2 Logi cal Port Parameters...................................................................... 8-14
8-3 Su bscri b er Pa rame ters.......... .... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ... 8-2 5
8-4 Translation Tem plate Parameters ....................................................... 8-29
8-5 X.2 5 PVC Parameters......................................................................... 8-34
9-1 SNA Port Parameters............................................................................ 9-6
9-2 SNA Po rt PU P aram et ers.. .... .... ........ ... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... . 9-7
9-3 SVC Subscriber Param eters................................................................ 9-15
9-4 LLC2 Host Parameters ....................................................................... 9-21
9-5 Bridge Port/LL C2 Interface Parameters............................................. 9-28
10-1 BSC Interactive Port Parameters........................................................ 10-4
10-2 BSC Interactive Port Subscriber Parameters ...................................... 10-5
10-3 SVC Subscriber Parameters................................................................ 10-8
10-4 Co ntrol and Dev ice Unit Add ressing................................................ 10-11
10-5 BSC Interactive Device Param eters.................................................. 1 0-12
11-1 BSC Batch Port Parameters ................................................................ 11-3
11-2 SVC Subscriber Parameters................................................................ 11-9
12-1 Async PAD Profile Parameters .......................................................... 12-3
12-2 A sy nc PAD Lo gin Param e ters.. .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ ... 12- 7
12-3 Async Port Param eters........................................................................ 12-9
12-4 SVC Subscriber Parameters.............................................................. 12-16
12-5 Async PVC Parameters ..................................................................... 12-19
13-1 Voice System- Level Parameters......................................................... 13-3
13-2 International Dialing Country Codes.................................................. 13-4
13-3 Speed-Dial Map Configuration Parameters........................................ 13-7
13-4 Voice Port Parameters ........................................................................ 13-9
13-5 E&M Sw itch Settings .. ..................................................................... 13-12
13-6 Voice Interface Configuration Parameters ....................................... 13-17
14-1 IP Node Defaults Parameters.............................................................. 14-4
14-2 Frame Relay IP Interface Parameters................................................. 14-7
14-3 X.25 IP Interface Parameters.............................................................. 14-8
14-4 Ethernet/Token Ring IP Interface Parameters.................................... 14-9
14-5 IP Routin g Pa ram et ers.. .... ........ .... ....... .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ . 14-1 5
15-1 IP X Node Defaults Parameters........................................................... 15-2
15-2 IPX RIP Filter Parame ters .................................................................. 15-5
15-3 IPX SAP Filter Param ete rs................................................................. 15-5
15-4 IP X Packet Filter Parameters.............................................................. 15-6
15-5 IPX RIP Router Filter Parameter s ...................................................... 15-7
15-6 IPX Filter A pplic a tions Param ete rs.................................................... 15-9
15-7 IP X Frame Relay Interface Parameters............................................ 1 5-10
15-8 IPX X.25 Interf ace Parameters......................................................... 15-11
15-9 IPX LAN In terface Parameters......................................................... 15-12
15-10 IPX RIP Static Route Parameters ..................................................... 15-17
15-11 IPX SAP Static Ro ute Parameters .................................................... 15-18
16-1 B ridge Node Default Parameters........................................................ 16-4
16-2 B ridge Gener ic Filte r Parameter s....... ........ ... .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ..... 16 -8
16-3 B ridge MA C Filter Parameters. . ..... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 16 -8
16-4 B ridge SAP Filte r P aram eters......... .... .... ....... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ..... 16 -9
16-5 B ridge Pr oto c ol Filter Param e ters. ..... ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ . 16 -9
16-6 B ridge Ne tBI OS Filte r Para meter s................................................... 16-1 0
16-7 B ridge Filter A pplic ations Param eters. . ........................................... 16-11
16-8 B ridge Port/LLC2 Interface Parameters........................................... 16-1 3
17-1 SNMP System Defaults Parameters................................................... 17-2
17-2 Comm un it y Ta ble Para m eter...... .... .... ........ ... ........ .... .... ........ .... ........ . 17-3
17-3 Trap Routing Parameters.................................................................... 17-4
19-1 Databas e File s. .... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ .... ... ........ .... ........ .... .... ........ . 19 -9
C-1 R J45 Cable Connection s..................................................................... C-12
C-2 E&M Wiring....................................................................................... C-13
xviii SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
Section I
Getting Started
Chapter 1
Product Overview
The SmartSwitch 1800 is a high-performanc e, multiprotoco l bra nch access device, providing the ability to transmit LAN data, legacy da ta (e.g., SDLC, bisync, async) , voice, and fax over a single frame re lay link. A powerful manag e ment capability allows allocation of frame relay bandwidth to ensure that each type of tr affic receives the necessary qua lity of service.
The SmartSwitch 1800 shares much functionality and compatibility with Cabletron’s FRX 4000, FRX6000, and the Frame Relay Module (FRM) for the Sma rtSwitch 9000.
A SmartSwitch 1800 with a video in terfac es features an intuitiv e , menu-based ma n­agemen t str ucture th at allows complete lo cal and remote co ntr ol of other Sma rtS witch 1800s, as well as other Cabletron frame relay access devices.
FRX6000 with monitor & printer
SmartSwitch 1800
Figure 1-1 Network Example
Frame Relay
SmartSwitch 1800
FR M i n
SmartSwitch 9000
So me typic al SmartSw itc h 1800 applicat ions are:
SDLC-to- LLC2 and LLC2 -to-QLL C conversion over f rame relay
SNA and TCP/IP LAN/WAN integration —w ith or without routers
B ank ing applicatio ns—LAN, SNA, TCP/IP, async
Traffic aggregation and concentration to public frame relay services
"Fr on t end" network to larger frame relay switche s
X.25-to-frame relay gateway applicatio ns
Transmis sion of voice and fax over existing frame relay links
The SmartSwitch 1 800 supports these routing and access protocols:
Frame Relay
As ync
Th e S mart Sw it ch 1800 support s these management functi ons:
Lo cal SNMP agen t, with Sets from network manager on some MIB varia bles
Manageable via Cabletron’s Spectrum® and SPEL
NetView Service Point function
C ontrol via local moni tor, remote SmartSw itch 1800/FRX/FRM, or local/ remote async terminal
File transfer, d atabase backup/restore, and software updates between devices
Lo cal conf iguratio n
Centralized alarm routing
Statistics displays
Line monitor
1-2 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01

Hardwar e Overvi ew

The SmartSwitch 1800 is available in several models , some of which support Voice and data transmission, and some of which are data-only. Table 1-1 lists the models that support Voice. At the time this User Guide went to press, model numbers had not been created for the data-only models.
Table 1-1 Voice Models of SmartSwitch 1800
Part Number Hardware Protocols
1W48-E-B 2 Voice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 Ethernet port Frame Relay, SDLC, IP , SNMP, Bridging, LLC2, Voice 1W48-E-SDLC 2 Voice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 Ethernet port Frame Relay, SDLC, IP , SNMP, Voice 1W48-E-IP 2 Voice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 Ethernet port Frame Relay, SDLC, IP , SNMP, Bridging, LLC2, Voice 1W48-E-SBR 2 Voice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 Ethernet port Frame Relay, SDLC, IP , SNMP, LLC2, RIP, IPX, V oice 1W48-E-MULT 2 Vo ice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 Ethernet port Frame Relay, X.25, SDLC, IP, SNMP, Bridging, LLC2,
RIP, IPX, Voice, BSC, Async, NVSP 1W48-T-B 2 Voice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 To ken Ring port Frame Relay, SDLC, IP, SNMP , Bridging, LLC2, Vo ice 1W48-T-SDLC 2 Vo ice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 To ken Ring port Frame Relay, SDLC, IP, SNMP, V oice 1W48-T-IP 2 Voice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 To ken Ring port Frame Relay, SDLC, IP, SNMP , Bridging, LLC2, Vo ice 1W48-T-SBR 2 Voice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 To ken Ring port Frame Relay, SDLC, IP, SNMP , LLC2, RIP, IPX, V oice 1W48-T-MUL T 2 Voice ports, 4 serial ports, 1 To ken Ring port Frame Relay, X.25, SDLC, IP, SNMP, Bridging, LLC2,
RIP, IPX, Voice, BSC, Async, NVSP
Eac h model of SmartSwitch 1800 includ es:
One V.35 DTE (male connector) cable f o r WAN port 2 or 3
(Voice models only) Two RJ-45 (14 feet, 8-wire, cross-pinned) cables for the Voice ports
Cabli ng for connection to ASCII terminal, modem, and /or PC
Installation and User Guides
Opt ions inclu de:
V.35 DCE, RS-232 DTE, RS-232 DCE, RS-449 DCE, RS-449 DTE cables
Integral CSU/DSU interf ace (rep laces one serial p ort)
Rackmount kit (19 in.)
Main tenan c e Guide
Product Overview 1-3
User Interfaces
A Smar tSw itc h 1800 contains fou r serial ports in the Voice/Data models and up to eight in the da ta-only models. Eac h s eria l port s upport s any of the protocols that are installed (see Tabl e 1-1), with the exception of Voice, whic h is supported on two Voice ports (and can be transported over an y serial port configured for f r ame relay). Each devi ce also includes one LA N port —Et hernet or Toke n Ring, depending on the model.
Operator Interfaces
After it has been installed and configured, a SmartSwitch 180 0 can functi on with no keyboard or video device. (Therefore, such devices are not standard equipment.) However, configuration , file copy (backup, restore, transfer, etc.), and monitoring operations require a key board and screen, in on e of several f orms.
The typical method of connectin g to a SmartSwitch 1800 is via an ASCII (VT100­type) terminal (configured for 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity), or a terminal emulat or on a PC running Procomm Pl us for Windows . Eac h SmartSw it ch 1800 is shipped with cabling to support connection to an ASC II terminal or a PC.
1-4 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01

Quick Start

Chapter 2
Getting Started
The S martS witch 1800 Ins tallation & Setup Guide (shipped with ea ch unit) describes the procedure for connecting to the SmartSwitch from a local or remote keyboard and video device. Once this has been done, the Smar tSwitch must b e customized for the devices to which it will connect , the traffic it will receive and transmit, and various operating parameters that can be set to your specific needs.
Much of the c onfiguratio n can be perf ormed from an existing central- site FRX6 000 via remote control of t he Sm artS w it c h 18 00 . A t a mi n im um, ho w ever, so m eo ne m us t config ure a remote cont rol ID and a physical port on each new SmartSwi tch 1800, to allow th e central- site FRX6000 to gain access to the SmartSwitch 18 00.
The basic steps you should tak e to get the Sm artSwitch up and running are:
1. Read the remainder of this ch apter, as it explains the user interface on a Smart­Switch 1800. This information will help you understand the menu operations that are necessary to configure the SmartSwit ch for your app lication.
2. R eview the default databa se parameter setti ng s, listed in tables throughou t Sectio n II. (A list of tables can be found in the T able of Conte nts.) Ma ny pa ram- eter s can be left at the default s etting s, but some must be rec onfigured to match your specific needs.
3. Fill in Ta bl e 2-2 (on page 2-3), to identify the physical interf ace, protocol, an d co nnected device on each physical port. You will need more information when configuring database reco rds, but these tables can be u sed as convenient refer­ences.
4. Log into the menu operations, if not already done. This is descr ibed in the Smart- Switch 1800 Installation & Setup Guide, as well as on p age 2-4.
5. Set the correct d ate and time, as described on page 2-9. Event (alarm) messages, repo rts, and some display s inclu de the current date and time as set in the Smart­Switch. They should be accurate, for proper network monitoring and man­agement.
6. Ch ange t h e login password, i f d e s ir ed. The defaul t p a ssw o rd is chan ge t his t o any pas swo rd of up to 14 chara cte rs, as de s cri bed on page 2-9.
7. Configure the necessar y database records: Node (Chapter 4), SNMP parameters (Ch apter 17) if SNMP manageme nt will be performed , protocols ( Cha pter 5), ne tw ork port s (frame relay – Chapter 7) or X.25 – Chapter 8), plus LAN inter- faces an d legacy access ports (miscellaneous chapt ers in S ection II) .
. Y ou can

P ort Assign men t Worksheet

The port options on Voice models of SmartSwitch 1800 differ from those on data-only models. Information on both is provided here, along with worksheets th at allow you to fill in pertinent information that you will use to configu re the software databa se. Naturally, you should fill in only the table tha t appl ies to your model type.
Optional CSU/DSU Port
Table 2-2 lists all possible physical ports on Voice models o f SmartSwitch 1800.
LAN Port
Figure 2-1 Physical Port Locations on Voice Model s
Console Port
Voice 2
Voice 1
Table 2-1 Por t Assignments for Voice Models
0 RS-232 1 2 3 4 n/a Voice 5 n/a Voice LAN n/a
Physical in terface, as d escribed below.
Port 0 is RS-232. Port 1 must be either RS-232 or DSU. Ports 2 and 3 are determined b y the att ached cable: V.3 5, RS-232, or RS-44 9.
Ports 4 and 5 are Voice. Each cable is physical DTE (male connector) or DCE (female connector). Add a T or C to the interface type to record this information. (This does not apply to a Voice, DSU, or LAN port.)
The protocols that can be assigned to ports depend on the model of SmartSwitch 1800 and the op tions that were purcha sed. All pos sible protocols are listed below:
Ports 0–3: Frame relay, X.2 5, SDLC, BSC Interactive, BSC Batch, Async. Ports 4, 5: Voice. LAN Port: IP, IPX, Bridge, LLC2.
Note that the LAN protocols (IP, IPX, Bridge, LLC2) are also assigned to physical frame relay ports via interface records that map the protocols to the physical ports.
Co nnec te d D ev ice
2-2 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
Ports 4–7 are on an optional expansion card
LAN Port
Console Port
F igur e 2-2 Physical Port Locat i ons on Data-Onl y M odels
Table 2-2 lists all possible physical ports on data-only mode ls of SmartSwitch 1 800.
Table 2-2 Port Assignments for Data-Onl y Models
Por t
0 RS-232 1 2 3
7 LAN n/a
Physical inte rface, as described below.
Port 0 is RS-232. Port 1 must be either RS-232 or DSU. Ports 2 and 3 are determined by the attached cable: V.35, RS-232, or RS-449. Ports 4–5 exist only if an optio nal e xpansio n card is in stalled, an d are determined by the
type of card: V.35, RS-232, or RS-422 (which supports RS-449 interfaces, and X.21 by
special order). Each cabl e is physical DTE (male connector) or DCE (female connector). Add a T or C to the interface type to record this information. (This does not apply to a DSU or LAN port.)
The protocols that c an be a ssig ned to ports depend on the model of S ma rtSw itch 180 0 and
the options that were purchased. All possible protocols are listed below:
Ports 0–7: Frame relay, X.25, SDLC, BSC Interactive, BSC Batch, Async. LAN Port: IP, IPX, Bridge, LLC2.
Note that the LAN protocols (IP, IPX, Bridge, LLC2) are also assigned to physical frame relay ports via interface records that map the protocols to the physical ports.
Only if the optional expansion card is installed.
Co nnecte d Devi ce
Getting Started 2-3

Lo ggin into th e Main Menu

Configuratio n (see Secti on II) and management (see Section III) operations are access ed via a menu structure, using a keyboard and video device. Once the Smar t­Switch has been configured and is operational, it does not need a keyboard and video device; however, they are necessary to get the unit up and running.
When running outs ide the menu operatio ns, a display will be similar to the following figure, and will show the curr e nt status of all ports on the node. (Th is display is described in detail on page 2-4.)
Port Status Display (Page 1)
P Type PPS Conn# State P Type PPS Conn # State
0 FRL 62 4 Operational 1 SNA 127 12 Operational 2 FRL 112 7 Operational 3 S NA 60 6 Operational 4 VCE 10 1 On_Hook 5 V CE 20 1 On_Hook 0 Ethernet
F1: Login
Node N ame=node_xyz
F igur e 2-3 Por t Status Di splay
No de Nam e
at the upper right identifies the device under control of the key­board and screen. I f the device is a directly connected SmartSwit ch 1800, the ID will be the
No de Na m e
conf igured in the Node Defaul ts file. (See Chapter 4.) If an operator takes remo te control (see pa ge 19 -1 ) o f an oth er Smar tSwitch 1800 or some oth er type of Cabletro n fra me rel ay access device,
No de Nam e
will become the
Remote Control ID
co nfigured i n Node Defaults on the controlled device. Any configuration or c ontrol operations will affect that device rather than the local one. If the c ontrolled device has a display screen, the message
w ill be displayed, where "n" is the
Under remote control. Keyboard blocked by
Remote Control ID
of t he c on -
trolling device.
After the operator presses
at the screen in Figure 2-3 and enters a pass word
(described on p a ge 2- 9 ), the Main Menu (Figure 2-4) will app ear.
2-4 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
Version "n.n.n"
A Configuration
B Operations
C Status Displays
D Events
E Statistics
F Reports
This is the starting point for all menu oper ation s. The organizatio n of the men us is sh own in Appendix F.
Reviewing Boot Messages
Node Name= node_xyzl
F igur e 2-4 Ma in Menu
As a SmartSwit ch 18 00 boots , screen i nfor mation (ass uming ther e is a s cree n) verif ies configuration file format and displays any e rrors. This data is displaye d only until the SmartSwitch software is running; however, it is save d in a file named BOOTRPT.TXT, and the operato r can later display it. This can be us ed as a tool to verify tha t startu p of the node proceeded without errors. If there is an err or reported, the data may aid in fixing the problem.
If the device is shut down, then rebooted, the existing BOOTRPT.TXT file will be renamed BOOTBAK.TXT, an d a new BOOTRPT . T XT will be created. BOOTRPT .TXT and BOOTBAK.TXT can be us ed as foll ows:
1. Display and review th e data fr om the “cur rent” boot of the device.
2. Address any reported problems.
3. Re-boot the device. (This copies the previous boot data to a backup file.)
4. Displa y th e new boot data, and compare it t o the previou s data. This will s how whether the problem was fixed. Also, a problem that occurred during the previous boo t-up will often be clear e d up by re-booting.
To display the data from the current boot-up, press
fr om the Main Menu). To display the data from the previou s boot-up (s aved in a
file called BOOTBAK .T XT), press
at th e Reports menu (or
at the Rep orts Men u (or
[F], [D]
from th e Main
Getting Started 2-5
Moving Thr ough the Me nus
To select a menu item, pres s the letter to the left of the item. To return to the next higher menu from a lower-level, press To move from operations under one Main Menu entry to operations under another
entry, you must return to the Main Menu. The easi est way is to press until the Main Menu is displ ayed.
Within the menu operations, there are two kinds of prompts:
Information prompts – respond by typing the requested information , then pressing
Yes/no prompts – respond by pressing
T hroughout this manual are tabl es of valid an d def ault values . To specif y a defau lt ( if one exists ), press
in response t o a prompt.
On-Line Help
when it is not required may cause the next
prompt to automatically select the default choice.
Mo s t s creen me nus display a prompt c al led
. Pressing prompt will usually display a list of options. To make a selection , pres s either the function key shown preceding the desired op tion or the character preceding the desired menu item. The list of options varies, depending on what menu is displayed; all the op tions are describ ed below. (Function key equivalents on an async terminal keypad are listed on pa ge 2-8 .)
F1: Select Another Record
Next Reco rd
—displays the first prompt that appeared on your screen after you
made your m enu sel ection, so you ca n s peci fy another rec ord .
F2: Next Record
Next Record
—refresh e s a display with updated information.
Remote Refresh
—display s the nex t sequen tial recor d on your screen for verif ication ,
modification, or dele tion .
Remote Refresh
—refreshes a remote display.
in re spo nse to this
F3: Exit menu
—returns you to t he previous m enu, saving any cha nge s you h ave made
Some menus ha ve t wo sets of v alue s:
C han ges will affect only the database, unless you press pressing
. (This will update the system memory .) Database and
System Memory
S ystem memory values are described on pa ge 4-2 for Node D efaults and page 6-3 for Ports.
2-6 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User G uide, Rev 01
+ 418 hidden pages