The Matrix Switch is a high performance system used to switch audio/video
frequencies. It will cross switch multiple input/output audio/video signals through
independent Y/Pb/Pr component and audio input/output terminals. Each Y/Pb/Pr component
signal and audio signal is transmitted separately and switched separately, thereby minimizing
signal attenuation and ensuring high definition graphics and high fidelity audio signal output.
The primary use is; TV broadcasting projects, multi-media conference halls, large display
projects, TV teaching, and command control centers. It features power interruption
protection during power surge, LCD display, and synchronous and separate audio/video
switching functions. The RS-232 and RS-485 communication ports enable convenient
communication with remote control equipment. This manual describes the SW404HD and
SW8 0 8 H D models.
Matrix System Models
Technical Parameters
Model Video
Input Port
Output Port
SW404HD 4 4 4 4
SW808HD 8 8 8 8
Input Port
Output Port
√ √
√ √
Matrix System Packing
When unpacking, ensure the following items are found:
One SW XXX HD Matrix
One RS-232 cable
One power cable
One testing and application CD
One user manual
Two green terminals
Matrix Host Installation
The SW XXX HD Matrix should be placed on a sturdy desk or installed on a 19-in rack.
Page 2 Matrix Switching System—Instruction Manual
Matrix System Front/Rear Panels
Model SW404HD Front/Rear Panels
SW404HD Front Panel
Model SW808HD Front/Rear Panels
SW404HD Rear Pane l
Matrix Switching System—Instruction Manual Page 3
SW8 0 8 H D Front Panel
SW808HD Rear Pa nel
Matrix and Peripherals Connection
Matrix System Connections
Page 4 Matrix Switching System—Instruction Manual
Input/Output Jacks
Dependent on the matrix model installed, the video signal input/output jacks are arranged in
either 4 or 8 columns of RCA female connectors. The connector rows from top to bottom are:
Y video (green), Pb/Cb video (blue), Pr/Cr video (red), right audio signal ( red), and left audio
signal (white). The input and output jack channels are numbered from left to right as 1 to 8
(or 1 to 4). Refer to the drawing above for other types of co nn ecto rs. The model numbers of the
matrix systems describe the number of input/output connectors. Example: Model SW404HD
has 4 input sets and 4 output sets.
Connecting Audio/Video Cable
The matrix supports various AV video signal sources. Users can connect inputs and outputs to
different audio/visual equipment such as: CD/DVD players, graphics workstations and number
displays, projectors, video recorders, displays, multiplexers, and etc.
Audio/Video Ports
The RCA Jack used is a standardized audio/video connector. It uses coaxial signal connections
in the center conductor and the outer ring for grounding. It will transmit digital audio signals and
video signals.
Video I/O (3-RCA) Connectors
The Y/Pb/Pr connector is a high definition digital TV
connector (color contour Y/Pb/Pr) capable of
connecting with high definition digital set-top box,
satellite receiver and various high definition
monitors and TV equipment. There are separate
connectors for the Y, Pb, and Pr signals.
YPbPr-RCA Connecting Cables
Audio I/O (2-RCA) Connectors
Connection of the RCA audio cables is as shown below:
Normally RCA audio connectors are in pairs separately
indicated by red for the right audio channel (R for right)
and black or white for the left audio channel (L for left).
The RCA stereo cable is in one set for both left and ri ght
audio channels with each channel in one cab le .
Audio Connecting Cables
Matrix Switching System—Instruction Manual Page 5
Connection Method
The audio inputs and outputs can be separately connected to audio signal connectors of video
recorders and multiplexers.
Use the RCA cables for connecting AV equipment to the matrix. Connect the video and audio
connectors of the signal source equ ipment ou tput terminals to the same channel connector of
the matrix input terminals. Connect the output of the matrix switch to the input connectors of the
interfaced equipment.
NOTE: The colors at both ends of the various signal cables must correspond to each
other, otherwise loss of color reproduction or even no signal output could
Control Computer Connection
Use the RS-232 cable (supplied) to connect the computer serial port to the RS-232
communication port of the matrix host. The computer can then be used to control the
matrix after installation of application software.
Matrix Switch
Matrix and Computer Connection
Remote Control Methods and Settings
The matrix provides standard RS-232 and RS-485 serial communication ports. The matrix
switching operation may be controlled locally using the front panel keys or remotely
through the RS-232 or RS-485 serial communication.
Page 6 Matrix Switching System—Instruction Manual
RS-232 Communication Port Connection Methods
The RS-232 port is a 9-pin female connector. The pin functions are shown in the
following table and connections in the Illustrations below:
The RS-485 port will control more than one product. The RS-485 Port is shown below.
On/Off Switch Settings
A. DIP switch 8:(RS-232/RS-485 on/off)
ON:RS-232 enables single system or RS-485 serial master
OFF:RS-485 enables RS-485 serial slave B.
B. DIP switches 6 and 7 (RS-485 - terminator on/off)
ON enables Termin ator
OFF disables T erm ina to r
C. DIP switches 1 to 5 (ID address setting)
The ID address determines the position of a matrix within a system. When multiple Matrix
units are connected to one PC or when the Matrix units are serially connected, the ID
address deci d e s which Matrix i s c o n t r olled. T h e c hart below des c r i b e s the ID addresses.
ID Address Settings
ID Address
Software ID
(Hexadecimal )
ON/OFF Switch Settings
0 00 00000 off off off off off
1 01 00001 off off off off on
2 02 00010 off off off on off
3 03 00011 off off off on on
4 04 00100 off off on off off
5 05 00101 off off on off on
6 06 00110 off off on on off
7 07 00111 off off on on on
8 08 01000 off on off off off
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