Install the ½-inch x 6 ¼-inch U-bolt from inside the frame through the holes in the
sideplate above and below the frame, use a lock washer and nut on each end of the Ubolt. Repeat this procedure on the passenger side of the truck with the other sideplate.
(While installing the U-bolts around the frame use caution not to damage or pinch the
wiring harness or brake lines). Install the ¾-inch by 2 ½-inch bolt. Place a at washer
and frame insert on the 3/4” bolt and install the bolt from inside the frame through the
rear hole in the side plate. The 3/4” bolt fastens with a lock washer and nut. (The holes
in the frame and the sideplate are slotted and B&W provides an insert that converts the
slotted holes to a 3/4” round hole. When installed correctly the frame insert will seat rmly in
the slotted hole in the frame and the slotted hole in the sideplate). When completed, tighten
all the hardware in this order: 1. Tighten the center section bolts to the cross members to
80 ft pounds. 2. Make certain the hitch is square with the frame. 3. Tighten the ¾” side plate
bolts to 120 ft pounds. 4. Tighten the frame clamping U-bolts slowly, alternating between
the top and bottom legs of the U-bolt until equally tightened to 40 ft pounds. 5. Tighten the
three carriage bolts on each side to 60 ft pounds. 6. Tighten the side plate to the front and
rear cross members to 80 ft pounds.
Install the handle from underneath the truck by inserting it through the slot in the end of the center section
toward the driver’s side rear tire as shown. Attach the handle to the latch pin as shown with the handle on the
“cab side” of the square tab welded to the pin. The head of the bolt must be on the handle side, and the lock
nut must be on the tab side. The tab is welded to the pin in an offset position so that the handle will be lined
up over the center of the pin. If the handle is fastened to the other side of the tab, the handle will not function
properly. When installed
correctly the latch pin
may be disengaged
from the ball by pulling
on the handle from the
driver’s side wheel well
and rotating the handle
B&W Trailer Hitches
1216 HWY 224 / PO Box 186
Humboldt, KS 66748
NOTE: We recommend reading instructions before beginning the installation.
WARNING: The tow vehicle’s towing capacities should under NO circumstances be exceeded.
Model 1059R
Gooseneck Hitch Installation Instructions
Call or Email us for Installation Support
Chevy-GMC (1999-2007)
1/2 & 3/4 Ton, Short & Long Bed (Old Frame & Body Style)
Silverado & Sierra Series
Including Quad-Steer Models
(Includes Heavy Duty 1/2 ton & Light Duty 3/4 ton)
To install the safety chain brackets (8) it is necessary to drill
four 1/2” holes through the truck bed oor. Drill the holes from
beneath the truck, through the two holes located on each side
and closest to the round receiver tube in the center sec-
tion. This will locate the safety chain brackets (8) in the lowest
point of the oor corrugation. Drop a U-bolt through each pair
of holes from the topside of the truck bed oor. Place a spring
and lock nut on each of the four legs. Tighten the lock nuts
until ush with the bottom of the U-bolts.
Replace the exhaust hanger brackets and the spare tire if removed during step 2 of the installation.
Copyright 2012
B&W Custom Truck Beds, Inc.
1059R 10 31 2012
Parts List
1) Front Crossmember
2) Rear Crossmember
3) Center Section
4) Left Front Sideplate
5) Left Rear Sideplate
6) Right Front Sideplate
7) Right Rear Sideplate
8) Safety Chain U-Bolts
9) Latch Pin Handle
10) 2-5/16” Ball
11) 2- 4” x 6 13/64” U-Bolts
12) Springs
13) 1/2” Lock nut
Hardware Kit
11 - 1/2” x 1 1/2” bolts
2 - 3/4” x 2 1/2” bolts
2 - Side Plate Bushings
2 - 4”x 6 13/64” U-bolts
6 - 1/2” x 1” Carriage Bolts
17 - 1/2” at washers
4 - 3/4” at washers
21 - 1/2” lock washers
2 - 3/4” lock washers
15 - 1/2” nuts
2 - 3/4” nuts
1 - O-Ring
Safety Chain Kit
2 - 1/2” U-bolts
4 - 1/2” lock nuts
4 - Springs
1 - 3/8”x3/4” Bolt
1 - 3/8” Lock nut
An overhead-lifting device, such as chain falls, engine hoist, or cable come-a-long, can be used to lift the center section of the
hitch in place. Lower a loop of rope or chain through the 4” hole in the truck bed oor and attach it to the latch pin in the round
hitch receiver tube in the center section. Use the lifting device to raise the center section until the round hitch receiver tube that
protrudes from the center section ts in the 4” hole in the truck bed oor. Maintaining upward pressure may facilitate fastening the
crossmember to the center section, especially if the truck bed oor has been distorted downward from heavy use. If you use an
overhead-lifting device, it should be disconnected before squaring the center section across the frame, installing the sideplates and
torquing fasteners.
Most trucks have FUEL LINES and/or BRAKE LINES and/or ELECTRICAL WIRES located along the frame rails where B&W Turnoverball™ hitches install. Carefully examine the location of fuel lines, brake lines and electrical wires BEFORE INSTALLATION. Be certain
you will not damage fuel lines, brake lines or electrical wires when positioning hitch components, drilling holes and tightening fasteners. The fuel tank vent, located on top of the gas tank, can be easily damaged during the installation of the hitch components.
Care must be taken when positioning the front crossmember and center section components.
On Short bed trucks, BEFORE INSTALLING THIS HITCH, check for adequate turning clearance between the front of all
of your trailers and the truck cab.
DO NOT invert the ball in the socket when carrying heavy loads on 2 wheel drive trucks. The ball may hit the top of
the differential. Remove the ball from the socket before loading. A plug for the socket is available from B & W.
The heat shield under the bed oor must either be removed or a section cut out for
the hitch assembly to be installed.
A) Remove the heat shield from in front of the back crossmember.
B) Remove the heat shield from the back of the crossmember located near the
front of the wheel well.
To ease installation of the center section it is necessary to remove the lower exhaust
bracket. Simply pull the hanger rod out of the rubber bracket hole, a 6” to 8” wood
block can then be positioned between the exhaust pipe and frame of the truck. This
will increase your clearance between the top of the exhaust pipe and the bottom of
the truck bed oor. (Caution: Exhaust pipe may be hot).
Begin by verifying and measuring the correct hole location in the truck bed oor. Measure from the back end (tailgate
end) of the truck bed oor by hooking a tape measure over the back of the truck box and mark the oor at the correct
measurement. Next, center the location between the wheel wells. This will be the center point for the four inch hole.
This location is critical to the correct installation of this hitch, so measure, mark and saw carefully. If the truck has
a plastic bed liner, you may drill through both, but it is more difcult to accurately locate the midpoint between the
fender wheel wells, and to be sure that the bed liner does not move while sawing the hole. Make a 4 inch hole at this
location using a four inch hole saw, or by marking a 4 inch circle and cutting it out with a saber saw equipped with a
metal cutting blade.
TIP: B &W us es a 3/4 ”
pi e c e of plyw o o d as a
drilling guide to prevent
the hole saw from moving
while drilling the 4” hole
in the bed.
Install the two cross members. They will be installed by sliding them from inside the wheel well, above the tire, through
the gap between the bed and the truck’s frame and across until they span the frame
rails. The gap between the bed and frame is large enough to allow this, but the gap
is partially obstructed by a sheet metal ange (about 1” in height) that is hanging
down from the bottom of the truck bed oor. (See diagram and photos). A small notch
needs to be made in this ange on the passenger side of the truck. Locate the center
truck bed cross member. Measure over 2 1/2” from the front of the cross member
and make a mark. This will be the center point of the notch that is needed. Mark a
1” wide by 1/2” tall notch. Remove the metal of the marked area with sheet metal
shears. This will allow the front angle iron crossmember to be installed.
Truck Ball
Type Location
Long Bed 49 1/2”
Short Bed 44 1/4”
Place the 48” front cross member (1) between the truck frame and bed oor using the notch made in step four. Be sure the
holes in the cross member are facing to the rear of the truck. Slide the cross member across both frame rails. Using the
rubber O-ring provided, secure a 1/2” x 1 1/2” long bolt into the second hole in the cross member from the driver’s side.
Slide the crossmember forward to the front edge of the 4” hole in the bed. Next install the 46 1/2” rear cross member bar
(2) between the truck frame and bed oor. Rotate the rear cross member a quarter turn so the threaded holes are offset to the bottom of the
bar and slide back until
there is enough room for
the center section to be
placed between the two
cross members.
Beginning in 2004, a fuel valve mounted on the rear of the fuel tank on trucks equipped with gas engines, makes
it more difcult to install the Turnoverball™ center section. This fuel valve can be easily removed and replaced to
ease installation. Please follow the following instructions:
Step 1:
Locate the fuel valve.
Step 2:
Disengage the locking pin.
Step 5: Replace fuel valve to bracket on fuel tank.
Raise the center section (3) into position between the crossmembers and carefully move it above the fuel tank from
beneath the truck. The receiver socket must be positioned to the rear with the latch pin release arm on the driver’s
side. A lifting device, as described on Page 1 will help. The round hitch receiver that protrudes from the top of the
center section must t through the hole in the truck bed oor. Slide the front cross member back against the center
section so that the bolt installed previously in the front
cross member goes into the center section hole directly
across from it. Line up the rest of the holes and attach
the two members with 1/2” x 1 1/2” long bolts, lock
washers, and nuts. Insert 1/2” x 1 1/2” bolts, with at
and lock washer installed, through the rear leg of the
center section into the threaded holes of the rear crossmember and hand tighten.
Next install the sideplates. The driver’s sideplate is shown, with the bent ange to the front, and the large hole to the
rear. Attach the two pieces of the sideplate together with ½” carriage bolts. The carriage bolts should be inserted into
the square holes from the backside of the sideplates and fastened using a at washer, lock washer and nut on each
bolt. This can be completed before installation on the frame rail.
Do not tighten at this time. Attach the ange on the sideplate to
the front cross member using a ½ x 1 1/2 inch bolt, at washer,
lock washer and nut. Insert the bolt through the ange so that
the nut when tightened is on the front side of the cross member.
Next attach the rear bar to the sideplate ear threading a ½ inch
by 1 ½ inch bolt with at and lock washer installed into the bar.
Installation Note: 1999-2003 Light Duty
1/2 & 3/4 Ton Trucks
2004 Light Duty 3/4 Ton Trucks
Install the side plate on the Light Duty Trucks by utilizing the U-
bolt placement holes at the rear of the side plate. Front placement
holes are for Standard 1/2 Ton applications.
Step 3:
Slide fuel valve from
Step 4:
Install Turnoverball™
Center Section.