Time-Current Characteristics–Total Clear
Stud-Mounted Fuses ACK
Form No. ACK
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BIF Doc #1040
Catalog Symbol: ACK
Ampere Rating: 10 to 400 Amperes
Voltage Rating: 130 Volts DC or less
(10-100): 130 Vdc, (120-200): 72 Vdc,
(225-300): 48 Vdc
Agency Approvals:
U.L. Recognized (15-300A), Guide JFHR2, File E56412
Dimensions in Inches and (mm)
Symbol A B C D E F G
ACK 10–30
2.5∑ .375∑ .500∑ .250∑ .557∑ .588∑ .031∑
(63.5) (9.53) (12.70) (6.35) 14.15) (14.94) (0.79)
ACK 35–60
3.0∑ .470∑ .685∑ .344∑ .812∑ .860∑ .051∑
(76.20) (11.94) (17.40) (8.74) (20.63) (21.84) (1.30)
ACK 70–100
3.5∑ .547∑ .750∑ .312∑ 1.062∑ 1.125∑ .050∑
(88.90) (13.89) (19.05) (7.92) (26.98) (28.58) (1.27)
ACK 120–200
3.750∑ .750∑ .750∑ .375∑ 1.062∑ 1.15∑ .050∑
(95.25) (19.05) (19.05) (9.52) (26.98) (29.21) (1.27)
ACK 225–400
3.750∑ .610∑ .750∑ .312∑ 1.062∑ 1.125∑ .050∑
(95.25) (15.49) (19.05) (7.92) (1.062) (28.58) (1.27)
Note: 10-60 amp fuses use brass terminals and ferrules.
70-400 amp fuses use copper terminals and ferrules.
Catalog Block Catalog Block
Number Number Number Number
ACK 10-30 4228 ACK 120-200 3569
ACK 35-60 3411 ACK 225-400 3578
ACK 70-100 2322
Electrical Ratings (Catalog Symbol, Amperes and Voltage)
ACK-10 130V ACK-40 130V ACK-100 130V ACK-200 72V
ACK-15 130V ACK-50 130V ACK-120 72V ACK-225 80V
ACK-20 130V ACK-60 130V ACK-140 72V ACK-250 80V
ACK-25 130V ACK-70 130V ACK-150 72V ACK-300 80V
ACK-30 130V ACK-75 130V ACK-160 72V ACK-400 80V
ACK-35 130V ACK-80 130V ACK-175 72V — —
General Information:
• These fuses avoid needless openings from starting currents or
• A fuse link which operates only on very high overloads or
• Thermal cutout functions on low overloads – the thermal
cutout cannot operate quickly at any load, hence long timelag is obtained on high overloads of short duration.
• This long time-lag also makes it unnecessary to use extra
large size or over-size fuses.
Test Specifications
Fuse Load Opening Time
200% 100 Seconds*
ACK 300% 35 Seconds*
500% 13 Seconds*
Dimensional Data All other tolerances (± 0.005) mm
(± 0.13) inches
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bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Bussmann reserves the right, without
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of any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any
technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be
tested by the user in all possible applications.
CE logo denotes compliance with European Union Low Voltage Directive
(50-1000 Vac, 75-1500 Vdc). Refer to BIF document #8002 or contact
Bussmann Application Engineering at 314-527-1270 for more information.