©2005 Cooper Bussmann
Columns 1 & 2
Motor horsepower ratings are listed in Column 1. Full load amps from Tables
430.247 through 430.250 are provided in Column 2.
Column 3
Various fuse types are listed in Column 3. The LPJ_SP is a 600Vac, 0 - 600 amp,
time-delay, Class J, “Low-Peak fuse, with a 300,000 amp interrupting rating. The
TCF is a 600Vac, 1 - 100 amp dual-element, time-delay, IP-20 finger-safe fuse with
Class J performance. The LP-CC is a 600Vac, 0 - 30 amp, time-delay, Class CC,
Low-Peak fuse with a 200,000 amp interrupting rating. The LPS-RK_SP and LPNRK_SP are 600 and 250Vac, 0 - 600 amp, time-delay, Class RK1, Low-Peak fuses
with interrupting ratings of 300,000 amps. FRS-R and FRN-R are 600 and 250Vac,
0 - 600 amp, time-delay, Class RK5, Fusetron Dual-Element fuses with interrupting
ratings of 200,000 amps. The KRP-C_SP is a 600Vac, 601 - 6000 amp, time-delay,
Class L, Low-Peak fuse, with a 300,000 amp AC interrupting rating. The DC listed
ratings for these fuses are:
LPJ 1 to 600SP 300Vdc LPN-RK 0 to 60SP 125Vdc
TCF 1 to 100 300Vdc LPN-RK 70 to 600SP 250Vdc
⁄2 to 2 8⁄10 300Vdc LPS-RK 0 to 600SP 300Vdc
LP-CC 3 to 15 150Vdc FRN-R 0 to 600 125Vdc
LP-CC 20 to 30 300Vdc FRS-R 0 to 600 300Vdc
Column 4 - Optimal Branch Circuit Protection
There are two distinct levels of protection philosophy provided in this Column. LPSRK_SP, LPN-RK_SP, FRS-R and FRN-R fuses are sized for motor running
“back-up” protection and provide superb short circuit protection at the same time.
LPJ_SP, TCF, and LP-CC fuses are sized a little larger but are even more current
limiting, providing an even greater degree of short circuit protection for the motor
All the fuses selected from this column provide short circuit and ground-fault protection for motor branch circuits (430.52), but typically are not the maximum
allowed. Fuses sized in accordance with Column 4 must be used in conjunction
with properly sized motor overload protection such as overload relays or solid state
motor controllers (430.32). This fuse sizing is normally large enough to allow the
overload protective device to operate on overloads without opening the fuse. Yet
for many cases, this fuse amp rating selection is smaller than the maximums
allowed per Columns 5 or 6 (430.52). In some cases, this smaller amp rating
selection may provide the benefits of a smaller size disconnect and better short circuit protection. If a motor has a long starting time, high starting current profile or is
cycled frequently, it may be necessary to use Column 5 or 6.
The LPS-RK_SP, LPN-RK_SP, FRS-R and FRN-R fuses sized per this column provide short circuit and ground-fault protection for motor branch circuits (430.52) as
discussed in the previous paragraph. In addition, these dual-element fuses exhibit
longer time-delay characteristics and can therefore be sized to provide back-up
motor overload protection. The fuse sizing in Column 4 for LPS-RK_SP, LPNRK_SP, FRS-R and FRN-R fuses provides a degree of motor and circuit overload
protection to back-up the normal motor overload protective device. Note: This level
of protection requires a well-designed, true dual-element fuse. The Fusetron
Fuses, FRS-R and FRN-R, and Low-Peak Fuses, LPS-RK_SP and LPN-RK_SP,
are the industry leading dual-element fuses with excellent over-load time-delay
characteristics and current-limiting short circuit ability. The Low-Peak Dual-Element
Fuses have better current-limiting ability than Fusetron Dual-Element Fuses.
The amp ratings in Column 4 are determined by using Column 2 motor ampacity
values and the following:
LPJ_SP & TCF: 150% or the next larger Cooper Bussmann amp rating if 150% does
not correspond to a Cooper Bussmann fuse amp rating.
LP-CC 1⁄2 to 15A: 200% (150% for DC) or the next larger Cooper Bussmann size if
200% (150% for DC) does not correspond to a Cooper Bussmann fuse amp
LP-CC 20 to 30A: 300% (150% for DC) or the next larger Cooper Bussmann size if
300% (150% for DC) does not correspond to a Cooper Bussmann fuse amp
LPS-RK_SP and LPN-RK_SP: 130% or the next larger Cooper Bussmann amp rat-
ing if 130% does not correspond to a Cooper Bussmann fuse amp rating.
FRS-R and FRN-R: 125% or the next larger Cooper Bussmann amp rating if 125%
does not correspond to a Cooper Bussmann fuse amp rating.
Column 5 - Branch Circuit Protection, Max. General
Fuses selected from this column are intended to provide short circuit and groundfault protection for motor branch circuits. Fuses sized in accordance with Column 5
must be used in conjunction with properly sized motor overload protection such as
overload relays or solid state motor controllers (430.32). Column 5 fuse sizing
provides the maximum NEC®Table 430.52 amp ratings for general purpose
applications. It takes into account 430.52(C)(1) Exception No. 1, which allows the
next standard amp rating fuse (per standard fuse amp ratings in 240.6) to be used
if the maximum percentage in Table 430.52 does not correspond to a standard fuse
amp rating. If this Column 5 fuse sizing does not allow the motor to start, then
Column 6 may provide a larger amp rating.
The amp ratings in Column 5 are deter-mined by using Column 2 motor ampacity
values and the following:
(150% for DC motors) or the next larger 240.6 standard fuse amp rating if 175%
(150% for DC motors) does not correspond to a standard fuse amp rating.
LP-CC: 300% (150% for DC motors) or the next larger 240.6 standard fuse amp
rating if 300% (150% for DC motors) does not correspond to a standard fuse amp
Sizes shown for the LP-CC can also be used for non-time delay fuses such as JKS,
Column 6 - Branch Circuit Protection, Max. Heavy Start
When the amp rating shown in Column 5 is not sufficient to start a motor, a larger
amp rating is often available by utilizing 430.52(C)(1) Exception No. 2. The amp
ratings in Column 6 are the larger of the amp rating allowed by 430.52(C)(1)
Exception No. 1, or 430.52(C)(1) Exception No. 2. These amp ratings will often be
required when acceleration times are greater than 5 seconds, when plugging or
jogging applications exist, or where there are high inrush currents (such as Design
E or energy efficient Design B motors). (In a few cases, the amp rating in Column 6
may be smaller than the maximum permitted due to the limitation of the fuse type,
such as LP-CC, Class CC fuses that are only available in ratings up to 30 amps. In
these cases, if the amp rating shown is not sufficient to start the motor, select a different family of fuses that meet the requirements.) The amp ratings in Column 6
are determined by using Column 2 motor ampacity values and the following:
LPJ_SP, TCF, LPS-RK_SP, LPN-RK_SP, FRS-R, and FRN-R: 225% or the next
smaller Cooper Bussmann amp rating if 225% does not correspond to a Cooper
Bussmann fuse amp rating.
LP-CC: 400% or the next smaller Cooper Bussmann amp rating if 400% does not cor-
respond to a Cooper Bussmann fuse amp rating.
KRP-C_SP: 300% or the next smaller Cooper Bussmann amp rating, if 300% does
not correspond to a Cooper Bussmann amp rating.
Sizes shown for the LP-CC can also be used for non-time delay fuses such as
Column 7
Horsepower-rated switch sizes given in Column 7 are based on 115% (430.110) of
Column 2. Switch sizes need to be increased when, because of starting requirements, the fuses are sized above the rating of the switch shown in this column.
Column 8
Sizes listed are for general-purpose magnetic controllers (single speed, fullvolt-age for limited plugging and jogging-duty) as shown in NEMA Standards
Publication ICS-2-2000.
Motor Circuit Protection Tables
NEC®Article 430 and Tables Explanation