Bussmann GFA, GLN, GLX Data Sheet

PC Board Fuses GFA, GLN,
Sub-Miniature with Leads
and GLX
Form No. GFA, GLN, and GLX
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BIF Doc #2035
Rev. A
Catalog Symbol: GFA
Sub-Miniature with Axial Leads Non-Time-Delay
0.145∑ ≈ 0.300∑ (3.7mm ≈ 7.6mm)
Interrupting Rating: 50 AIC Agency Approvals:
U.L. Recognized, (0-5A) Guide JDYZ2, File 19180 CSA Certified, (0-5A) File 53787, Class 1425-01
Electrical Ratings (Catalog Symbol and Amperes) 125 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GFA-⁄Ω™ºº A Red Blk GFA-‹Ω¡º A Grn Grn GFA-⁄Ω¡ºº A Red Orn GFA-›Ω¡º A Blu Blu GFA-⁄Ω§¢ A Red Grn GFA-⁄Ω™ B Orn Grn GFA-⁄Ω∞º A Red Wht GFA-flΩ¡º B Orn Blu GFA-⁄Ω£™ A Red Brn GFA-‹Ω¢ B Orn Pur GFA-⁄Ω™º A Yel Yel GFA-1 B Yel Grn GFA-⁄Ω¡§ A Brn Brn GFA-1⁄Ω™ B Yel Pur GFA-⁄Ω¡º A Red Red GFA-2 B Grn Blu GFA-⁄Ω• A Orn Orn GFA-2⁄Ω™ B Grn Brn GFA-⁄fiΩ¡ºº B Red Yel GFA-3 B Blu Pur GFA-¤Ω¡º B Red Blu GFA-4 B Pur Brn GFA-⁄Ω¢ B Red Pur GFA-5 B Brn Blk
32 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GFA-7 A Pur Grn GFA-12 A Blk Blu GFA-8 A Grn Blk GFA-15 A Blk Pur GFA-10 A Yel Brn
General Information:
• Glass tube fuses for protection of subminiature devices.
• Tinned wire leads solder into circuit.
• Withstand high-shock and vibration.
• Color-coded for ampere rating.
• Axial leads (1⁄Ω™∑) can be fed through wire forming machine.
Test Specifications Wire Lead Size
Opening Time
Load “A” “B” No. Fuse
100% 4 hrs. (min.) 24 ⁄/™ºº to 5A 150% 10 sec. (max.) 18 6 to 12A 200% 10 sec. 16 15A
Carton Quantity and Weight
Ampere Carton
Ratings Qty. Lbs. Kg.
⁄Ω™ºº–15 100 0.171 52.6
*Weight per carton.
Catalog Symbol: GLN
Sub-Miniature with Radial Leads Non-Time-Delay
0.145∑ ≈ 0.300∑ (3.7mm ≈ 7.6mm) Interrupting Rating: 50 AIC
Electrical Ratings (Catalog Symbol and Amperes) 125 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GLN-⁄Ω¡ºº A Red Orn GLN-⁄Ω¡º A Red Red GLN-⁄Ω£™ A Red Brn GLN-‹Ω¡º A Grn Grn GLN-⁄Ω™º A Yel Yel GLN-›Ω¡º A Blu Blu GLN-⁄Ω¡§ A Brn Brn
32 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GLN-7 A Pur Grn GLN-10 A Yel Brn GLN-8 A Grn Blk
General Information:
• Glass tube fuses for protection of subminiature devices.
• Tinned radial leads spaced for easy assembly on printed circuit chassis.
• Withstand high-shock and vibration.
• Color-coded for ampere rating.
• Radial leads (1⁄Ω™∑) can be fed through wire forming machine.
Test Specifications Wire Lead Size
Opening Time
Load “A” “B” No. Fuse
110% 4 hrs. (min.) 24 ⁄Ω™ºº to 5A 150% *10 sec. (max.) 18 6A to 10A 200% *10 sec. — *Maximum time.
Carton Quantity and Weight
Ampere Carton
Ratings Qty. Lbs. Kg.
⁄Ω¡ºº–10 100 0.171 52.6 *Weight per carton.
PC Board Fuses GFA, GLN,
Sub-Miniature with Leads
and GLX
Form No. GFA, GLN, and GLX
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BIF Doc #2035
Rev. A
The only controlled copy of this BIF document is the electronic read-only version located on the Bussmann Network Drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Bussmann reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information con­tained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.
Catalog Symbol: GLX
Sub-Miniature with Radial Leads Non-Time-Delay
0.145∑ ≈ 0.300∑ (3.7mm ≈ 7.6mm) Interrupting Rating: 50 AIC
Electrical Ratings (Catalog Symbol and Amperes) 125 Volts AC
Amps Test Color Code Amps Test Color Code
Spec. (Opp. Ends) Spec. (Opp. Ends)
GLX-⁄Ω¢ B Red Pur GLX-2 B Grn Blu GLX-⁄Ω™ B Orn Grn GLX-3 B Blu Pur GLX-‹Ω¢ B Orn Pur GLX-4 B Pur Brn GLX-1 B Yel Grn GLX-5 B Brn Blk GLX-1⁄Ω™ B Yel Pur
General Information:
• Glass tube fuses for protection of subminiature devices.
• Tinned radial leads spaced for easy assembly on printed circuit chassis.
• Withstand high-shock and vibration.
• Color-coded for ampere rating.
• Radial leads (1
⁄Ω™∑) can be fed through wire forming machine.
Wire Lead Size
No. Fuse
24 ⁄Ω™ºº to 5A
Carton Quantity and Weight
Ampere Carton
Ratings Qty. Lbs. Kg.
⁄Ω¢–5 100 0.171 52.6 *Weight per carton.
Time-Current Characteristics–Total Clear