N a t u r e v i e w
Lit#: 91-0027/03-01
Spot t i n g S c o p e
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ,
You have one of the lightest and most versatile
spotting/field telescop es in the w orld. The Nature v i e w
has a 60 mm. diameter objective le ns and has multicoated optics for an exce ptionally cle ar and crisp vie w.
The ex tra-long eye relief is easier to use, especially for
those who wear gla sses o r wi ll use the scope for long
periods of time .
F O C U S I N G :
The focusi ng system is easy and acc ur ate. Rotate
the Foc using Ring, until the image seems t o be in
shar p crisp focus. This is all there is to it. Th ere is no
need t o o vershoot or hunt for t he co rr ect f ocus. Once
the image appears s harp, stop focusing - the image is
in the best foc us with minim um eye strain.
Th e Nat urev iew comes wi th a zoom eyepiece which
gi ves a magnif ic at ion range of 15- 45 p ow er. To change
Magnification, grasp and rotate th e Power Chan ge
Ring. The magnific ation will be indicated on the scale
ne xt to the index dot. It may be necessary to re f o c u s
th e spo tting sc ope after changing magnificat ion.
T R I P O D A T T A C H M E N T :
To attach your Naturev iew spotting scope to the
tr ip od, simply tighten the hand attac hment screw on
th e tr ipod int o the inte gral Tri pod Mount hole on the
base of the scope.
Model: 78-1645
T E L E P H O T O G R A P H Y :
Fi rs t remove dust caps from the eyepi ec e and
obje ctive l ens. Then scre w the pho to adapter
tube on to the spotting scope eyepiece. Thre a d
the T-mount adapter on to the photo adapt er
tube. ( See y our de aler for the correct T- m o u n t . )
Attach the T-mount ad ap ter to the cam era like any
other camera lens, adjust to the de sired p ower
and rotate the focus ring un til th e imag e is cle ar.
You are now ready f or telephotography.
M A I N T E N A N C E :
You r Naturev iew doe s not re q u i r e a ny
ma intenance b eyond th e occasiona l cle aning.
With a cloth, brush off the outside of the s potting
scope to remo ve any dirt or du st. You can use a
mi ld ho us ehold cleaner - s p a r i n g l y - to re m o v e
any st ubborn dirt. Ke ep the optics cl ean; do not
al low du st or water to stay on t he outs ide of th e
ob j ecti ve l ens, the eye p iec e wind ow, o r t he
eyepiece lenses . Fol low the direc ti ons with the
Do no t dis asse mble the spotting scope.
Un aut horize d disass embl y not o nly void s the
wa rr an ty but may cause damage from th e la ck of
special t oo ls and t echniqu es.
Your spotting scope is warranted to be free of defects in materials and
workmanship for the lifetime of the original owner. The Lifetime Limited
Warranty is an expression of our confidence in the materials and mechanical
workmanship of our products and is your assurance of a lifetime of
dependable service. In the event of a defect under this warranty, we will, at
our option, repair or replace the product, provided that you return the
product postage prepaid. This warranty does not cover damages caused by
misuse or improper handling, installation or maintenance of the product.
Any return made under this warranty
must be accompanied by the items listed below:
1)A check in the amount of $10.00 to cover the cost of handling
2)Name and address for product return
3)An explanation of the defect
4)Product should be well packed in a sturdy outside shipping carton to
prevent damage in transit and return postage prepaid to the
address listed below:
IN U.S.A. Send To:
Bushnell Performance Optics
8500 Marshall Drive
Lenexa, Kansas 66214
For products purchased outside the United States and Canada please contact
your local dealer for applicable warranty information. This warranty gives you
specific legal rights. You may have other rights which vary from country
to country.
©2001 Bushnell Performance Optics
Bushnell Performance Optics
25A East Pearce Street, Unit 1
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 2M9