Bushnell 260401 User guide [ml]

Model: 260401
Magnification: 2.5 X Objective Size: 40 mm Vertical Resolution: 36 lines/mm Viewing Range* 4–600 ft. / 1.2-183 m Range of Built-In Infrared Illuminator Up to 90 yards Field of View: 94 feet at 100 yards / 31 meters at 100 meters Battery Type: AAA (2) Operating Time: Up to 70 hours without IR /20 hours with IR illuminator on Temperature Range: -22 to 104 º F / -30 to 40 º C Eyepiece Adjustment: +/- 4 diopter Length: 6.5 inches / 165 mm Width: 6.3 inches / 160 mm Height: 3.0 inches / 76 mm Weight: 28.0 oz / 794 g
* Maximum distance at which a human figure can be recognized under ideal viewing conditions; defined as clear conditions (no fog, dust, etc.) under the light of 1/4 moon.
Congratulations on the purchase of your Bushnell Night Vision Product. Bushnell Night Vision products are comprised of high quality
image intensifier tubes and optics. Bushnell Night Vision products amplify existing light, allowing you to see in dark conditions too dark for the naked eye.
Bushnell Night Vision products collect and amplify existing light through the objective lens, which is then focused on the image
intensifier. Inside the intensifier, a photocathode is “excited” by the light and converts the photon energy into electrons. These electrons accelerate across an electrostatic field inside the intensifier and strike a phosphor screen (like a green monochrome TV screen) which emits an image that you can see. It is the acceleration of electrons, which provides gain and enhances the image. This is a Generation I (analog) night vision device.
Your Night Vision device is ideal for a variety of professional and recreational uses including the following:
• Wildlife Observation
• Astronomy
• Boating / Marine Use
• Police / Law Enforcement
• Search and Rescue
• Security
• Property Management
CAUTION: As with any analog night vision device based on light intensifier tube technology, DO NOT REMOVE THE LENS CAPS AND
OPERATE THE DEVICE IN BRIGHT LIGHT (DAYLIGHT). Turning on the device's power with the lens covers removed in brightly lit environments (outdoors or indoors) can potentially damage your night vision unit, beyond repair if the light level is very high and/ or exposure time is extended. The objective lens caps have a pinhole opening to admit a small amount of light for testing purposes.
Installing Batteries
This device operates on two AAA batteries (alkaline or lithium). To install, rotate
the battery cover in a clockwise direction, to the "open" position as shown in the lower right photo. Insert the batteries into the battery compartment so that the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals of the batteries facing you match the markings above the OPEN arrow ("-" on left side, "+" on right side). Replace the battery cover carefully, rotating it counter-clockwise back to the closed position.
Use and Testing
Make sure the batteries have been installed according to the instructions above.
If you wish to test your night vision device in a lighted area, be sure the
objective lens caps are covering both objective lenses prior to pressing the “ON” button. The objective lens caps have a pinhole opening to admit a small
amount of light for testing purposes.
If testing or using the device in the dark, remove the objective lens caps and
activate the device by pushing the “ON” button. The power indicator LED above the battery cover will light.
To focus, select an object at the approximate distance for the area that you
intend to view. Adjust each eyepiece diopter setting until the image appears the sharpest for your eyesight. After your initial diopter setting, the front (objective) lenses are now utilized for focusing: adjust the front lenses clockwise when you need to focus on closer objects, counter clockwise for more distant objects. If you are unable to focus on very close objects, the eyepieces may then be used as well for fine adjustments only.
Power Indicator
Battery Cover
Closed Position
Battery Cover
Open Position
Using the Infrared Illuminator
Your Night Vision device offers a Built-In Infrared Illuminator. This allows you to see in complete darkness where no ambient
light source, such as moonlight, is available. If the subject is to be viewed in a completely dark area, activate the infrared illuminator by pressing the IR button. In brighter areas turn off the IR illuminator by pressing it again to maximise battery life.
CAUTION: This device can be used in extreme cold weather. However, when the unit is brought back into a warm environment, you
must wait approximately 5 hours to allow it to adjust to the change in temperature before using the unit again. If this is not done, damage could occur due to condensation that may have accumulated on the internal circuitry of the unit.
Spots In The Image
You may see spots in the image. These vary from device to device and are very small cosmetic blemishes inside the intensifier tubes. These are normal for "Gen 1" analog technology Night Vision devices and are NOT a defect.
Device will not turn on.
Check that the batteries are installed properly. Replace the batteries with new ones. Check the battery contacts to ensure they are
clean and free of corrosion. If the power indicator LED is lit, make sure the objective covers are removed before viewing in dark conditions.
Image is not focused.
Adjust the Eyepiece diopter rings for your vision. Use the Objective Lens focusing controls to adjust for subjects at different distances.
If still no improvement, clean the lenses; they may be foggy or dusty.
Visibility decreases or disappears.
Bright light sources such as headlights may cause visibility to degrade or disappear completely. Turn the Power OFF and turn
the binocular away from the light source. The unit will restore itself in 1 or 2 minutes. Conditions such as fog or extremely dark environments will decrease visibility.
Image flashes.
The image may flash when used in a bright environment. It may also flash during the first few seconds of use in dark environments.
Your Bushnell Night Vision device was designed to provide many years of reliable service. To ensure that you get the most enjoyment out of your Night Vision device, always obey the following warning and precautions:
• Do not point this device toward any light source greater than 1 lux such as car headlights, for an extended period of time.
• This device utilizes an internal flash protection system which minimizes potential damage, but long-term exposure to bright lights can damage the unit. Any such damage may void your warranty.
• This device was designed to be self-contained. Do not open the body of the device or otherwise attempt to service this device.
• Always store the device in a dry, well-ventilated room.
• Remove the batteries if the device is to be stored for longer than 2 months.
• Keep the device away from any heating and air conditioning vents or other heating devices, direct sunlight, and moisture.
• Avoid dropping or otherwise shocking the unit. Although designed for rugged outdoor use, this device incorporates a sophisticated optical system, which could be damaged in extreme cases of misuse.
• The device is weather-resistant, not waterproof, and should never be submerged or subjected to a direct stream of water.
• Clean the optical lenses with professional lens cleaning supplies.
• Clean the exterior of the device with a soft clean cloth.
Class 1 LED product per IEC 60825-1/nov 1993, appendix EN 60825-1A11/oct1996
Your Bushnell
product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for one year after the date of
purchase. In the event of a defect under this warranty, we will, at our option, repair or replace the product, provided that you return the product postage prepaid. This warranty does not cover damages caused by misuse, improper handling, installation, or maintenance provided by someone other than a Bushnell Authorized Service Department.
Any return made under this warranty must be accompanied by the items listed below:
1) A check/money order in the amount of $10.00 to cover the cost of postage and handling
2) Name and address for product return
3) An explanation of the defect
4) Proof of Date Purchased
5) Product should be well packed in a sturdy outside shipping carton, to prevent damage in transit, with return postage prepaid to the address listed below:
IN U.S.A. Send To: IN CANADA Send To:
Bushnell Outdoor Products Bushnell Outdoor Products Attn.: Repairs Attn.: Repairs 9200 Cody 140 Great Gulf Drive, Unit # B Overland Park, Kansas 66214 Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5W5
For products purchased outside the United States or Canada please contact your local dealer for applicable warranty
information. In Europe you may also contact Bushnell at: Bushnell Germany GmbH
European Service Centre Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 80 D-50827 Köln GERMANY Tél: +49 221 995568-0 Fax: +49 221 995568-20
This warranty gives you specific legal rights.
You may have other rights which vary from country to country.
©2014 Bushnell Outdoor Products
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded interface cable must be used with the equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules.
Specications and designs are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
Disposal of Electric and Electronic Equipment
(Applicable in the EU and other European countries with separate collection systems)
This equipment contains electric and/or electronic parts and must therefore not be disposed of as normal household waste. Instead, it should be disposed at the respective collection points for recycling provided by the communities. For you, this is free of charge. If the equipment contains exchangeable (rechargeable) batteries, these too must be removed before and, if necessary, in turn be disposed of according to the relevant regulations (see also the respective comments in this unit’s instructions). Further information about the subject is available at your community administration, your local waste collection company, or in the store where you purchased this equipment.
Grossissement : 2,5 X Taille d'objectif : 40 mm Résolution verticale : 36 lignes/mm Portée d'observation* 1,2-183 m/4-600 pi Portée de l'illuminateur infrarouge intégré Jusqu'à 82,3 m (90 yards) Champ de vision : 31 mètres à 100 mètres/94 pieds à 100 yards Type de pile : AAA (2) Durée de fonctionnement : Jusqu'à 70 heures sans IR/20 heures avec illuminateur IR Plage de température : -30 à 40 ºC/-22 à 104 ºF Réglage de l'oculaire : dioptrique +/- 4 Longueur : 165 mm/6,5 po Largeur : 160 mm/6,3 po Hauteur : 76 mm/3 po Poids : 794 g/28 oz
* Distance maximum à laquelle une silhouette humaine peut être reconnue dans des conditions d'observation idéales, c'est-à-dire dégagées (sans
brouillard ni poussière ou autre), sous un quart de lune.
Merci d'avoir acheté ce produit de vision nocturne Bushnell. Les produits de vision nocturne Bushnell sont constitués d'optiques et
de tubes intensificateurs qui fournissent des images de grande qualité. Les produits de vision nocturne Bushnell amplifient la lumière existante et vous permettent ainsi de voir dans des conditions trop obscures pour une vision à l'œil nu.
Les produits de vision nocturne captent et amplifient la lumière existante par le biais de la lentille d'un objectif. La lumière est ensuite
dirigée vers l'intensificateur d'image. À l'intérieur de l'intensificateur, une photocathode est « excitée » par la lumière et convertit l'énergie des photons en électrons. Ces électrons sont accélérés dans un champ électrostatique à l'intérieur de l'intensificateur et viennent frapper un écran luminescent (semblable à un écran de télévision monochrome vert) qui produit une image visible. C'est l'accélération des électrons qui assure l'amplification et l'amélioration de l'image. Il s'agit d'un dispositif de vision nocturne (analogique) de génération I.
Votre dispositif de vision nocturne est idéal pour différents usages professionnels et récréatifs, y compris ce qui suit :
• Observation de la faune
• Astronomie
• Utilisation maritime/en bateau
• Police/application de la loi
• Recherches et sauvetage
• Sécurité
• Gestion de propriété
ATTENTION: comme pour tous les dispositifs de vision nocturne analogiques dotés de la technologie de tube intensificateur de lumière,
N'UTILISEZ PAS CE DISPOSITIF EN PLEINE LUMIÈRE (LUMIÈRE DU JOUR) SANS LES CAPUCHONS DE LENTILLE. L'allumage de l'appareil avec les capuchons de lentille enlevés dans des environnements bien éclairés (extérieurs ou intérieurs) risque d'endommager votre dispositif de vision nocturne, sans possibilité de réparation si le niveau de luminosité est très élevé et/ou si le temps d'exposition est long. Les capuchons de lentille des objectifs sont dotés d'une très petite ouverture qui laisse passer une petite quantité de lumière de manière à pouvoir effectuer des tests.
Témoin d'alimentation
Installation des piles
Ce dispositif fonctionne avec deux piles AAA (alcaline ou lithium). Pour les placer, tournez le
couvercle de compartiment des piles dans le sens horaire, vers la position « ouverte » comme illustré dans la photo en bas à droite. Placez les piles dans le compartiment des piles de sorte que les bornes positives (+) et négatives (-) des piles face à vous correspondent aux indications au-dessus de la flèche OPEN (ouverture) (« - » à gauche, « + » à droite). Remettez soigneusement le couvercle de compartiment des piles, tournez-le dans le sens antihoraire pour le replacer en position fermée.
Utilisation et test
Vérifiez que les piles sont installées conformément aux instructions ci-dessus.
Si vous souhaitez tester votre dispositif de vision nocturne dans une zone éclairée, assurez-
vous que les capuchons de lentille des objectifs couvrent les lentilles des deux objectifs avant d'appuyer sur le bouton « ON » (marche). Les capuchons de lentille des objectifs sont dotés
d'une très petite ouverture qui laisse passer une petite quantité de lumière de manière à pouvoir effectuer des tests.
Pour tester ou utiliser l'instrument dans l'obscurité, retirez les capuchons de lentille des objectifs
et activez l'appareil en appuyant sur le bouton « ON » (marche). La DEL témoin d'alimentation au-dessus du couvercle de compartiment des piles s'allume (photo en haut à droite).
Pour faire la mise au point, choisissez un objet à une distance correspondant approximativement
à celle de la zone que vous avez l'intention de regarder. Ajustez le réglage dioptrique de chaque oculaire jusqu'à ce que l'image soit la plus nette possible pour votre vue. Après le réglage dioptrique initial, utilisez les lentilles (des objectifs) à l'avant pour la mise au point : ajustez les lentilles à l'avant dans le sens horaire lorsque vous devez faire la mise au point sur des objets plus près, dans le sens antihoraire pour les objets plus distants. Si vous n'arrivez pas à faire la mise au point sur des objets très proches, les oculaires peuvent alors être utilisés pour des ajustements précis uniquement.
Position fermée du
couvercle de compar-
timent des piles
Position ouverte du
couvercle de compar-
timent des piles
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